Chapter 501 Sister, have you heard of it?

“Jingle Bell……”

At this time Wu Bingyu’s cell phone rang.

Liu Dewang and Wu Bingyu looked at the mobile phones placed on the table at the same time.

Immediately afterwards, Liu Dewang stood up with his hands supported, then walked out slowly, and said: “You father and daughter have a good chat.”

Liu Dewang left the meeting room.

Wu Bingyu picked up the phone and looked at it for a full ten seconds. This was the connection and put it in his ear, and said, “Dad!”

“Bing rain” Wu Zhonghao paused after speaking. He had a lot of things to say in his heart, and they were already ready, but after the phone call, he didn’t want to talk so much, and all turned into a sigh: “Bing Yu, you have grown up! You are the pride of our Wu family, and father is proud of you! Let’s do it! The Wu Group will rely on you in the future!”


Wu Bingyu almost couldn’t hold back when he heard this, Wu Bingyu was covering her mouth hurriedly, and she almost cried at this moment!

Her father did not blame her.

Wu Zhonghao immediately said again: “I’ll go back the day after tomorrow, when the time comes. Let’s have a good chat with the father and daughter.”

“Good dad, actually dad, I…”

Wu Zhonghao interrupted Wu Bingyu’s words directly and said earnestly: “No need to explain, I understand… Go and see your mother. She is sad. Coax her! So let’s go back and talk about other things.”

Wu Bingyu nodded immediately and said, “Okay, Dad. Don’t forget to take your medicine on time, Dad…”

After the father and daughter said a few more words, they hung up!

When Wu Bingyu walked out of the meeting room. There was no one else in the corridor, only Liu Dewang and Mrs. Wu were standing at the end of the corridor and talking. Liu Dewang looked back at the sound of high heels and said something to Mrs. Wu.

When Wu Bingyu walked over, Liu Dewang had already taken the nearest elevator downstairs.

“Mom!” Wu Bingyu yelled in the past.

“I’m not your mother” Madam Wu was still angry, and opened her mouth to reply.

“Mom, are you crying?”

Wu Bingyu asked again.

“I didn’t!” Madam Wu said with a tear in the corner of her eyes, and then she wanted to leave, but Wu Bingyu blocked her and did not let Madam Wu go.

Mrs. Wu frowned and said, “You get out of the way!”

Wu Bingyu quickly said, “Mom, don’t do this!”

Mrs. Wu was a little excited: “How am I? You are so good, I can’t control you anymore, can’t I just leave it alone? You let me go!”

Wu Bingyu said again: “Mom! We are a family, what are you doing? Don’t…”

Madam Wu interrupted Wu Bingyu’s words even more, saying, “Do you still know that we are a family? Do you still know that I am your mother?”

Mrs. Wu became more and more excited: “Then why do you treat me like this? Why? Why do you treat me like this?”

Wu Bingyu hugged his mother directly, Madam Wu leaned on Wu Bingyu’s shoulder, and she didn’t even get stretched, holding Wu Bingyu and crying. While crying, I asked why he was doing this to her.

This is the first time in her life that Mrs. Wu cried in her daughter’s arms.

Wu Bingyu opened the mouth and said: “Mom, we will be fine in the future, we will be fine…”

Wu Bingyu hugged his mother in a low voice comforting, his eyes flushed.


Wu Bingyu knew that with the help of that man, she had completely won!

And shortly after the end of the board meeting, Wu Bingyu’s powerful seizure of power within the Wu Group caused a sensation in the entire Jiangbei City business circle!

The more important the person is, the earlier you will know the news!

This meeting is not a secret meeting either. There is nothing to hide!

There are more than 30 people participating in the meeting, including the role of assistant secretary, and each of them has their own network of relationships and interests.

And this is a major event that can be described as “turned upside down” for the Wu Group.


So it spread quickly!

Not only because Wu Bingyu broke the obedient image of being well-behaved and sensible all the time, it only played a role in boosting the gossip. More importantly, Wu was one of the four major family businesses in Jiangbei City.

The network of interests rooted in Jiangbei City, radiating across the country, and its own connection is extremely huge!

And at this moment, Lu Shi Group, in the office of the president!

Lu Xuanying is typing on the keyboard, working attentively, and is preparing to send internal emails to the entire company.

Jingle Bell!

The phone rang.

She couldn’t help but stopped her hands, then picked up her mobile phone to take a look, and immediately answered the channel: “Yingyi, what’s the matter?”

“Sister, have you heard?”

The tone of Lu Yingyi’s speech at this moment is a bit weird, and there is even a little inexplicable excitement, wanting to share the feeling of Tai Gu!

When Lu Xuanying heard this, she couldn’t help but frowned, and then asked, “What did you hear?”

When her younger brother Lu Yingyi said, “Have you heard that sister?”, Lv Xuanying was stunned by the lack of beginnings and ends.

Lu Yingyi asked a little surprised: “Sister, don’t you know?”

This time it was Lu Yingyi’s turn to wonder.

Lu Xuanying was even more confused and asked: “What? I know what you are talking about? How do I know?”

Lu Xuanying was taken aback again.

“Wu Bingyu! Miss Wu Family!” Lu Yingyi repeated, and then asked Lu Xuanying: “Didn’t she stay with you yesterday? She went to live at your house. Haven’t you been close to her recently? Haven’t heard of it?”

Lu Yingyi knew that Wu Bingyu lived in Lu Xuanying’s house yesterday.

Of course Lu Xuanying told him.

Recently, Lu Yingyi has to solve the big troubles on her side, so she calls her sister Lu Xuanying almost every noon!

Today too.

During the call at noon today, Lu Yingyi asked Lu Xuanying again if he had any misunderstandings with the Wu family, and whether he should come forward.

He knew what happened at Lin Feihang’s door yesterday.

There were too many people coming and going in the parking lot, especially after Mrs. Wu arrived.

A total of dozens of bodyguards were present on both sides, completely blocking the parking lot.

It won’t work if you don’t want to cause onlookers!

And these more than a dozen scenes, one by one, wearing black suits and black sunglasses, look like black. I want someone to join in the fun to see what’s going on!

And among the onlookers, there is the younger brother of Lu Yingyi’s younger brother!

A little bastard! Lu Yingyi’s people are not said to be scattered throughout Jiangbei City, but they can be regarded as Internet cafes with a certain amount of information!

Of course, not everything is reported to him!

Yesterday it was because Lu Xuanying was present to reveal her identity. The gangster she saw knew that she was the older sister of “Gongzi Lu”, so she reported it to each other, so Lu Yingyi knew about it.

However, Lu Yingyi heard that after Mrs. Wu came, he shook hands with his sister and spoke kindly, so he did not call her sister to ask about the situation.

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