Four hundred and ninety first chapter you say something brothers

Zhongda Hai is no offspring, no one can no offspring to inherit the family business. Zhongda Hai deep down that there is a tradition of thought,

Therefore, women on their own children recover this thing, not just emotional problems!

Lin flight then said: “bell man, if you really harsh choice, to face down, so that we ……”

Lin began to say the flight plan with Zhongda Hai.

The plan is not complicated. But we must pay attention to details, but where there are any flaws that will make this program a total failure.

This is according to Zhanghui Zhu Lin and Zhang Xiaoming flight of personality characteristics, with targeted!

Of course, the flight will not tell Zhongda Hai Lin himself was once seen this section of the story, how to understand their behavior. We should know how to do!

This is absolutely not necessary, he said plans. Zhongda Hai will listen!

Because Zhongda Hai now is really no other way!

Serving. Have a meal. This meal from less than three points before the official start to eat, has been eating o’clock Thursday afternoon, all is not over yet, mainly because the forest is in flight on account of a number of issues of detail to Zhongtai Hai,

Flight Zhongda Hai Lin told repeatedly that he needed Zhongda Hai temporarily change your own original character, was so Zhongda Hai acting.

The Zhongda Hai are not an actor! So must let him keep in mind. Let him understand smashed no chance to play, he can barely play well.

“Jingle Bell……”

Just when the meal is about to finish, the forest is a flight cell phone rang suddenly.

Lin flight pick up the phone to see. Is not a stored number. This number is played before the flight forest, take the initiative about the man!

Says good rain in cherry coffee shop to meet, but they waited almost a point of time of flight of the forest, the forest has yet to flight!

Lin flight picked it up.


Other noise muffled asked: “not to?”

Direct flight Lin faint replied: “What you did to me anxious, waiting for you, right now, I?!”

After being heard soup Zhongda Hai Lin flight, then looked up and shoved the phone to see the twinkling of an eye flight forest.

Zhongda Hai could feel, at the moment I’m feeling very strange flight of speaking. Although little contact Zhongda Hai Lin flight, but he knows I’m a flight is calm temper, and very few people are so to speak.

The other side suddenly anxious, direct mouth scolded: “? What are you especially what it means.”

It’s actually because they were holding the handle forest flight, so just met, the results of Lin flight also this attitude, made him feel really bad mood!

Heard the man then said: “I warn you I do not care who you are, if you Ganshua me ……!”

Lin flight did not want to hear these silly threats directly is interrupted retorted: “The? What are you threatening me ah” Looking at the flight of Zhongda Hai Lin is suddenly a frown!

It was the threat of forest brothers?

The other side suddenly silent, and now he did not know who it is, he must come and steady, so he really can not put words to die!

Direct flight Lin said: “Let you wait just wait.”

Lin Feihang said another word and hung up.

Lin Feihang put the phone on the table, and Lin Feihang looked at Zhong Dahai again, showing a habitual natural smile without speaking.

Zhong Dahai asked hurriedly, “Brother, is someone trouble you? He dare to threaten you?”

Zhong Dahai’s face was screened, and then he said again: “Who is it? Tell your brother, this kid is so tired and crooked!”

Lin Feihang said in a relaxed tone: “Brother Zhong, it’s not a big deal, just ask someone to talk about something. The other party is a little anxious now.” The more relaxed Lin Feihang said, the more Zhong Dahai felt that something was wrong.

This dare to threaten people. How can it be so easy?

Zhong Dahai suddenly remembered. When I called Yolin Feihang before. Lin Feihang had said that he had something to do, so he would not eat food. Lin Feihang came here because of his own words.

Zhong Dahai immediately asked if he had delayed Lin Feihang.

At the moment, Zhong Dahai said in a quaint atmosphere: “Brother, just say if you have something to do, don’t hide and tuck, we are all our own.”

“It’s okay, just a little thing.”

As Lin Feihang said, he changed his voice again: “Let’s not talk about this for now, Brother Zhong will still talk about your business…I can’t do this one by one, don’t worry, I can handle it.”

The more Lin Feihang said so, the more Zhong Dahai felt that this matter was not small.

Lin Feihang took the initiative again: “By the way, Brother Zhong, you can call to ask if everything is ready.”

Lin Feihang directly changed the topic, but the more Lin Feihang was like this, the more Zhong Dahai felt that Lin Feihang was deliberately changing the topic.

Zhong Dahai quickly said: “Ah! Yes, let me ask!”

Zhong Dahai answered and picked up the phone. He used “props” to recover the women and children.

Not only clothes, but also some things that most people can’t get them all at once, but it’s not difficult to get them.

With Zhong Dahai’s contacts, he can basically get it done with a single phone call, including some people who need to use it, he can get it done quickly!

4:30 in the afternoon. Lin Feihang and Zhong Dahai left the Taishan Tower together after eating.

After that, Lin Feihang also accompanied Zhong Dahai to make a haircut, and then went to his house together again.

After preparing for a while, this was the official departure, and it took another half an hour to go back and forth.

Five o’clock in the afternoon! Zhuoyue Road, Fenghuo District, Jinxiu Dongcheng Community.

This is a very nice high-end community, all high-rise buildings with large gardens in the community. The community is very new and the facilities are very good. It is a house that Zhang Xiaoming bought with a loan after working for several years.

This is the current address of Zhang Huizhu’s family. The detailed address is No. 2 Building, Phase 1, Splendid East City, Unit 1, 903!

Before going upstairs, Zhong Dahai made a special trip to the property. It took more than ten minutes to come out. The security in this community is very good!

You have to swipe your card to go upstairs. Magnetic cards can only be swiped on a fixed floor. Only the public card of the property can be swiped. Press any floor.

Zhong Dahai came here several times before, the first time he was looking for the property first, and he asked the security to help with the card.

When the security guard saw Zhong Dahai’s clothes and bodyguards, he knew that Zhong Dahai could not be a bad person. He also heard Zhong Dahai say that he was looking for his ex-wife and son. Just swipe the card.

After that, because of the trouble, the security guards did not dare to brush it. Zhong Dahai always went up the stairs every time!

This time I also took the stairs upstairs, and I was alone!

Of course, Zhong Dahai doesn’t exercise much. In addition, he is a little too old. He is over fifty. After walking up to the ninth floor, he felt a little panting. He stood in the corridor and looked back and forth. , Just walked to the door.

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