Chapter 465 Is the moon round tonight?

In Lin Feihang’s heart, there has always been a gentle flame, and the owner of this flame, her name is Lu Xuanying.

Lin Feihang really loves Lu Xuanying.

Because of love, so he is willing.

This is a kind of uncontrollable emotion, just as we are human beings, we are in this life, when there are a few wonderful and colorful moments.

If everything is based on rationality, even considering interests, considering what I have done to you, what have you done to me?

What is the meaning of this feeling? How is this different from a machine?

Lu Xuanying wants to go slower, so she accompanies her to go slower.

She wanted to walk faster, so she ran by her side.

She was tired, Lin Feihang would not hesitate to pull her to sit on the side, enjoying the surrounding scenery together, and taking a rest.

Lin Feihang in the previous life is such a person. Even if he crosses now, he is still himself in the final analysis. He is not Lin Feihang, he is such a person. He still likes a simple life. After sunny days, he likes to go out for a walk together, on rainy days. When, sleep at home.

If you insist on giving Lin Feihang a definition, then he is an otaku, a very simple and thorough otaku.

Lin Feihang is such a person. He has been lonely, he has been lost, and he has cried secretly in the lonely night, but he always says to himself: “I like my cowardice. I like the pain and embarrassment. I like the summer light, the breath of the wind, and the cicada’s cries. I like these, I like them so much.”

How unromantic is this world in the end, so that affection can be regarded as a dog lick.

Love is a beautiful word in itself.

If there is no love around Lu Xuanying, her world will have no color.

So Lin Feihang is the color that appears in her life, all the colors.

Lin Feihang couldn’t confirm how much Lv Xuanying liked herself, the system’s favorability did not seem to be so decisive to Lv Xuanying.

And Lu Xuanying also didn’t know how much Lin Feihang loved herself.

Their hearts are approaching each other, but they are cautious and ignorant.

This kind of approaching slowly, carefully touching each other’s thoughts, and even being happy for a long time because of the other’s words, is the original appearance of love in itself.

Yes, falling in love is so romantic.

Lin Feihang also believes consistently that only this kind of love is true love.

Just like what Lu Xuanying said when Lin Feihang confessed to Lu Xuanying that day.

“You ask me where is the most beautiful in the world,

The answer is by your side. ”

Fish is wild

This is what I want to say to you.

The time between the two of them is always so short. When the two of them returned home, Lin Feihang took a shower first!

In about thirty minutes, Lin Feihang, who had just taken a shower, walked downstairs in a bathrobe and saw Lu Xuanying and Wu Bingyu both sitting on the sofa in the living room on the first floor.

Lin Feihang took a shower when he came, and was really about to go to bed, but the two women kept chatting. Even now, they were not ready to go to bed.

Of course the two have to talk. At least it had to be right to the script, saying that Lu Xuanying wanted to enlighten Wu Bingyu, and that it was the result of taking a rest in Wu’s cafe, and finally came to Lu Xuanying’s house.

What happened in the middle, what Lu Xuanying said, the two must be right. When Wu Bingyu returns tomorrow, Wu Zhonghao must ask.

In fact, this problem is not big.

As long as Wu Bingyu has been with Lu Xuanying, this problem is not big.

Lin Feihang walked into the living room and asked directly, “What are you talking about? Why don’t you wash and sleep?”

Lin Feihang smiled and asked Wu Bingyu, “Tomorrow you are going back to face your father, are you ready?”

At this moment, both women felt it, and Lin Feihang changed the subject directly.

They also understood that if Lin Feihang didn’t want to talk about it, it must be impossible to ask.

Wu Bingyu said immediately: “I’m ready!” Wu Bingyu nodded immediately, speaking very firmly.

This tone is a little bit of cheering for myself.

Lin Feihang nodded and smiled: “That’s good. I believe you.”

Lin Feihang nodded and smiled. The three of them chatted casually about what they didn’t get, mainly around how Wu Bingyu should deal with going home tomorrow.

Lu Xuanying glanced at the time, and then said: “Ms. Wu, it’s too early. Or you can choose a bath first. Go to my room. All the toiletries and spare toothbrushes are in the drawer under the sink.”

Wu Bingyu turned his head and said politely, “No trouble, Miss Lu, you should wash it first, I’m not in a hurry.”

Lu Xuanying said: “Don’t be like this, you don’t have to be too obedient to your upbringing rules in my house, just relax! You are a guest, you go first.”

Seeing that Lu Xuanying had said so, Wu Bingyu was not polite at the moment, and immediately said: “Then…then it is better to be respectful than to obey, and it will cause Miss Lu to trouble.”

Wu Bingyu stood up as he spoke.

Lin Feihang and Lu Xuanying both turned their heads and watched Wu Bingyu slowly go up the stairs until there was a slight door opening and closing sound on the second floor of the villa.

Lin Feihang looked at Lu Xuanying and smiled and asked, “Why do you leave her?”

Lin Feihang could feel it, Lu Xuanying just deliberately took Wu Bingyu away.

Lu Xuanying stood up right now and waved to Lin Feihang, “Come on! Come with me!”

Lu Xuanying walked to the huge French windows in the living room of the villa.

Lin Feihang got up and followed her to the window. Lu Xuanying suddenly opened the curtains and pointed to the moon in the sky outside the window and said, “Is the moon round tonight?”

“Huh?” Lin Feihang couldn’t help but was taken aback, what the hell? what does this mean? Look at the moon?

Before Lin Feihang could react, Lu Xuanying turned to look at Lin Feihang. With both arms directly on Lin Feihang’s neck, he directly kissed Lin Feihang’s mouth, and immediately after his feet were off the ground, he directly wrapped Lin Feihang’s waist and kissed Lin Feihang’s body.


Lu Xuanying not only took the initiative to kiss him again, but also went overboard with her legs crossed by Lin Feihang’s waist. Although she is tall, she is thin, so Lin Feihang does not feel heavy, and Lu Xuanying is a one-piece dresser. Professional attire, a beautiful woman with a strong personality, such an initiative and sudden embrace, it really…is very sensible to do so!

Lin Feihang almost misunderstood Lu Xuanying’s purpose!

He thought that Lu Xuanying did this deliberately, in order to make her head hot suddenly, and something happened with Lu Xuanying to make Wu Bingyu angry.

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