Chapter 463: My Secretary

The bodyguard sent Wu Bingyu back, and Lin Feihang and Lu Xuanying came to the big picture club!

This is the place where Lu Xuanying attended the dinner at night. Lin Feihang first let Lu Xuanying go in first, and he smoked a cigarette outside!

If Lin Feihang didn’t guess wrong, there might be a conflicting plot today.

Lin Feihang didn’t know how many times he had read this novel. The female president had negotiated in the past, and was forced to punish himself by drinking and punishing himself with power. Legs…

Although everything seems to be going well for Lu Xuanying now, Lin Feihang still has a little bit of her own thoughts in her heart.

After smoking a cigarette, Lin Feihang immediately entered the big picture club.

With so many dazzling identities, even though Lin Feihang changed his outfit, Lin Feihang would never even be unable to enter a high-end clubhouse.

Walked into the banquet hall on the second floor and came to the door of Supreme Box No. 888. Lin Feihang thought for a while, didn’t knock on the door, but chose to open the door directly.

Lin Feihang even began to predict that there was a young boy in Jiangbei City or another place sitting inside, facing his beautiful wife with unpredictable intentions.

But when Lin Feihang walked in, he was stunned. The happy scene inside made Lin Feihang think that he was in the wrong place.

And her own Lu Xuanying was sitting above the main seat of the banquet hall. Although she was silent, a discerning person knew who was in charge at a glance.

Seeing this, Lin Feihang was a little confused.

Ah this…

Isn’t a cigarette smoked for nothing?

Is this forbidden me to put a cup?

This is not right!

What am I doing here? ?

Suddenly, Lin Feihang had the idea of ​​returning to Lu Xuanying’s home to do exercises with Wu Bingyu.

Just when Lin Feihang was stunned, Lu Xuanying in the main position couldn’t help but flash her beautiful eyes, and then she said: “Lin Feihang, why aren’t you coming in?”

Lin Feihang responded right now: “Oh, okay, okay.”

Lin Feihang touched his head, then walked in very low-key and came to Lu Xuanying’s side.

Just listen to Lu Xuanying’s introduction: “This is my secretary, named Lin Feihang, who is also a native of Jiangbei City.”

A lady looked at Lin Feihang’s handsome face, her eyes lit up, and she smiled and said, “Yes, Mr. Lu’s secretary-general is quite handsome, and she looks like someone who knows how to do things.”

The mature lady spoke slowly, and her eyes flowed when she looked at Lin Feihang, which had a different meaning.

“Mr. Lu, I wish our business talks a success tonight, and I will give Mr. Lu a cup first.”

There was a handsome man in his early thirties, combing his head, very handsome and politely smiling at Lu Xuanying.

His name is Li Guanghui, and he has a luxury goods company worth hundreds of millions of dollars. At his age, it is already a ceiling for ordinary people.

The other four people sat on one side and talked in pairs. To them, a small secretary was nothing but handsome, and it was of little value. It was not enough to deserve their attention. Let alone what it was to say hello.

The higher you climb, the better you can understand the gap between classes.

This is the psychology of capitalists!

Lu Xuanying raised the wine glass with her right hand and sipped her head up, but because Lu Xuanying raised her head, her neck was directly exposed as white as a swan.

Li Guanghui couldn’t help but his eyes lit up when he saw this scene. He wanted to see it very much, but he had to pretend to be a gentleman. In this way, he glanced vaguely.

A glamorous female president with a successful career like Lu Xuanying, who is unparalleled in her beauty, undoubtedly captured Li Guanghui’s heart in the first place.

Spring is here!

But compared with Lu Xuanying, Li Guanghui’s assets of hundreds of millions of dollars seem so insignificant.

But Li Guanghui thinks he is handsome!

What’s more, if it wasn’t because he had these assets, how could he enter this 888 box and even toast Lu Xuanying?

This is his capital!

These are all opportunities on the road in life, the difference lies in whether anyone can seize it!

Catch Jackie Chan, you can’t catch adults!

Li Guanghui began to short-circuit his brain. He felt that as long as he liked it, he wanted to pursue it, especially Lu Xuanying, who was like a queen in the air.

As long as he catches up with Lu Xuanying, he won’t have to work hard for the rest of his life.

As for Lin Feihang, the secretary of President Lu who walked in rashly, Li Guanghui was naturally hostile.

Because I used to follow the line of appearance, but now suddenly there is a person who completely defeated him in appearance. Isn’t this just comparing yourself? If this is not angry, who is angry!

Of course, this kind of anger is also angry in the heart, and it cannot be expressed on the surface, otherwise, it will be too much of one’s worth.

A boss of hundreds of millions of dollars, he shouldn’t think that the secretary-general is good-looking, just turn his face!

This seems to be stingy!

On the contrary, Li Guanghui must be polite and show his approachable gentleman demeanor.

Yes, Li Guanghui froze again before the gentleman got up.

Because Lin Feihang, President Lu’s secretary, was very unrepresentative, a little unreasonable, and suddenly he hugged Lu Xuanying’s waist.

In an instant, everyone was stunned.

Yes, it’s so grandiose, Lin Feihang naturally put on Lu Xuanying’s waist.

This scene not only stunned everyone present, but also stunned Lu Xuanying.

Lu Xuanying didn’t expect that Lin Feihang would directly act on herself!

This Lin Feihang is so bold!

What did you do today, don’t you know? Do you dare to hug me?

Who gave you the courage?

Apart from acting in public places, Lu Xuanying and Lin Feihang have never voluntarily made any intimate actions in public, let alone now in front of these partners, Lu Xuanying has not only become stiff, but even subconsciously. I want to push Lin Feihang away!

But when Lu Xuanying’s thoughts appeared in her mind, Lu Xuanying’s deep hesitation came again.

If you push Lin Feihang away like this, will it hurt Lin Feihang’s heart?

Although this will make Lin Feihang’s lie as his secretary self-defeating, it will allow these people to speculate in private, and even spread some unfavorable rumors…

But the two are now in a romantic relationship. If they can’t even hug each other, do they seem to have not fulfilled their duties as a girlfriend?

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