Chapter 443: Tit against each other

Lu Xuanying sneered in her heart when she heard this!

Is this Wu Bingyu stupid?

Lin Feihang is my boyfriend. Isn’t it normal for me to like my boyfriend?

You still know that you are a junior!

Lu Xuanying said coldly: “Miss Wu, you have too many questions!”

Lu Xuanying turned her head, her tone suddenly became heavier. After speaking, Lu Xuanying looked at the road ahead, her tone relaxed a lot, and she said, “I advise you to study me less, or talk about you. You have to figure out what you are now Situation. You don’t want to see Lin Feihang again in the future, do you?”

When Wu Bingyu heard this, he immediately said, “Oh, yes, yes, yes… or to be honest!”

The atmosphere at the moment is very subtle.

The two people have the meaning of tit-for-tat again!

Moreover, both of them used to have a relationship with Lin Feihang to stir each other’s emotions!

Lu Xuanying asked: “Let’s talk about it, what’s the matter with Lin Feihang? How did he take you away from home”

Wu Bingyu slowly said: “Actually, there is nothing. We have known each other a long time ago. Then we went to the stadium to meet at the Black Ice Gore. In fact, some of what he said was quite right. My father…”

Wu Bingyu recounted the situation roughly. But Wu Bingyu concealed a lot of important information and details, and how he knew Lin Feihang was blurred. Because she not only wanted to hide that she was an affair, but also to hide her mother’s arrangement for her blind date with Lin Feihang!

If this matter was let his father know, it would be very serious!

Wu Bingyu only said that the reason why she would follow Lin Feihang and run away from home was completely attributed to Lin Feihang’s persuasion to her and her own awakening. Her father was really too strict with her, so she had to resist!

After Lu Xuanying listened, she felt wrong!

It’s that simple?

Wu Bingyu is mentally retarded, right?

Will you be persuaded by a man who hasn’t known him for long to follow him?

Still just be his woman?

Wash his clothes and cook for him?

Wu Bingyu is certainly not mentally retarded.

There must be something in it, which was deliberately concealed by Wu Bingyu, and Lu Xuanying did not ask the real reason for this part of the situation!

Because at present, these are not important, what is important is how to deal with Wu Zhonghao!

Lu Xuanying understood the priorities, so in the next period of time, Lu Xuanying asked Wu Bingyu a lot about the relationship between her and her father!

About twenty minutes later.

Wu’s Tea House, in the private room on the top floor.

This is the Wu family’s industry in Jiangbei City. The Wu family is in some jewelry business, but in Jiangbei City, there are also some other industries.

This private room is very large and has a lot of furnishings. Not only can you drink tea and talk, but you can also take a break!

It’s like a big hotel suite.

There are only four people in the room. Wu Zhonghao, Wu Bingyu, Lu Xuanying, and Lin Feihang.

Wu Zhonghao held the tea cup elegantly, and asked in a pretentious manner: “Xiaoying, I don’t know you, can you explain to me why you are with my daughter? Don’t you think, if you don’t say hello, just Is it very rude to ask your boyfriend to take my daughter away forcibly?”

“Xiao Hang, I don’t know if your behavior violates the law. Maybe I should consult my lawyer.”

After asking, Wu Zhonghao also glanced at Lin Feihang.

Wu Zhonghao was in trouble directly!

This is just the beginning. Lin Feihang is the point!

Even more ruthless Wu Zhonghao hasn’t asked yet, it was Wu Zhonghao who asked Lin Feihang to take Wu Bingyu away by Lu Xuanying.

Wu Zhonghao felt that it should be right, otherwise he couldn’t explain Lu Xuanying’s current attitude, so he asked directly.

“Uncle Wu, first I want to correct this statement of yours.”

Lu Xuanying, who was sitting across from Wu Zhonghao, said calmly: “First of all, my boyfriend, Lin Feihang, chairman of the Lin Group, didn’t forcefully take your daughter away. Ms. Bing Yu and I have already agreed to meet. But because of my temporary affairs, So please ask my boyfriend to find your daughter.”

Sitting on the side sofa, Wu Bingyu immediately agreed: “Yes! I have an appointment with Miss Xuanying.”

Wu Zhonghao immediately glanced at Wu Bingyu, staring at him.

Wu Bingyu suddenly became a little wilted, it looked a little unnatural, and he didn’t dare to speak anymore, and quickly lowered his head.

Wu Zhonghao then smiled and asked, “Oh, is it?”

Wu Zhonghao looked at Lu Xuanying again and said, “Then how did I hear that Xiaohang was forcibly pulling my daughter away?”

Lu Xuanying now looked solemnly and said: “Uncle Wu, your daughter is not a doll. If she is really forced, won’t she call someone?”

Wu Zhonghao said coldly: “But it may be that my daughter was deceived by rhetoric. She was sold and paid for the money.”

Wu Zhonghao glanced at Lin Feihang again. It was self-evident who he was talking about!

But Lin Feihang still didn’t speak, and he nodded slightly to Wu Zhonghao, and continued to drink tea!

In this situation, it is not time to speak for yourself!

Lu Xuanying raised her brows and said immediately: “Your daughter is twenty-five years old. It’s not an unseen little girl, Uncle Wu, do you think it’s possible? Will she be deceived?”

Wu Zhonghao immediately shook his head and said, “My daughter is too kind.”

Wu Zhonghao and Lu Xuanying looked at each other.

The two said that there was no irritation in their words, but they faced each other without saying a few words.

Wu Zhonghao didn’t ask Wu Bingyu what was going on. She didn’t even let Wu Bingyu speak, because Wu Zhonghao knew that her daughter had already “rebelled” the party state!

The daughter will not speak to herself anymore.

And Wu Zhonghao would not blame his daughter in front of outsiders!

Otherwise, it was his daughter Wu Bingyu’s fault.

Who else can I blame?

Wu Zhonghao can’t find fault anymore, and it’s hard to ask some questions.

Lu Xuanying suddenly jumped off the topic and asked Wu Zhonghao directly: “Uncle Wu, you don’t want to know, why I asked your daughter to meet?”

Wu Zhonghao smiled faintly: “Think, Xiaoying, tell me, uncle listen!”

Wu Zhonghao gestured to Lu Xuanying with the teacup hand. After speaking, Wu Zhonghao took a sip of tea, looking at Lu Xuanying without a trace of anger.

“Actually…” Lu Xuanying paused, and then continued: “The matter of your Wu family has nothing to do with me. I didn’t want to mix things up, but Ms. Bing Yu told me more than once in private. She said that she envied me very much. She wanted to be a person like me, a woman who can not lose to others, can decide her own life, and can succeed in her career like a man.”

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