Chapter 440 Miss Miss has lost her temper

Wu Bingyu was taken aback for a moment.

Lu Xuanying actually called her “ice rain”.

Moreover, Lu Xuanying still talked to herself in this tone… She understood in an instant.

These two high IQ women have never communicated before, but they are really high IQ!

“What are you talking nonsense?”

Wu Bingyu turned his head and glanced at his own bodyguard, his face was a little unpleasant for an instant: “Is it your turn to intervene in the matter between me and my father?”

“This is just when Hyunying invited me to come out, chat or talk or something, then abduct it? When you talk, can you think about it first? Can you not offend people to the Wu family?”

All the bodyguards were stunned by Wu Bingyu.

Wu Bingyu did not say too much, and Wu Bingyu would not train people like Lu Xuanying, but Wu Bingyu is usually very good to everyone. She never talks hard to the people around her, even in order not to make it difficult for her bodyguards. Always give way.

Because Wu Bingyu has always been like this before, and has always been approachable, and the Wu family bodyguards feel the same for her.

So at this moment, even if Wu Bingyu’s tone was not very angry, he still gave them a feeling of: “Miss, I’m losing my temper”!

Lu Xuanying got angry first. Wu Bingyu showed up and lost his temper at them again.

Is this really a misunderstanding?

Gao Pengcheng’s face was ugly and said: “Miss, we are not… the master let us…”

Bodyguard Gao Pengcheng tried to explain.

In the Wu family, it is really a serious matter to make Wu Bingyu angry, because Wu Bingyu rarely gets angry, so when he gets angry, this matter will be a big trouble!

Wu Bingyu said coldly: “This is my father’s and me. Do you want you to be troublesome here? Isn’t he what he said? Must he say something right?”

Wu Bingyu didn’t let Gao Pengcheng finish speaking, so he just went back.

A dozen of Wu’s bodyguards were all shocked when they saw this situation, and even said that they did not dare to look at Wu Bingyu.

The better-tempered people really are, the more scary they will be once they become popular!

However, Wu Bingyu’s current anger, although seven points were pretended, but three points were true!

Because Wu Bingyu’s father, Wu Zhonghao’s control over her, could not be as strict as a person can control her.

It was this group of bodyguards who followed Wu Bingyu’s father to help Wu Zhonghao.

As long as there is something a little bit bigger, they will confide in the news.

Today’s Wu Bingyu is let go, she really is, wants to get angry!

At a distant intersection, a convoy was quickly approaching Lin Feihang’s villa. There were seven or eight all-black Mercedes-Benzs.

Soon they entered the parking lot. Lin Feihang noticed it first, and then turned his head and looked over.

Because he had been watching too, Lu Ruobing noticed it quickly, and quickly followed Lin Feihang’s gaze!

The others noticed and followed.

This is the Wu family’s motorcade. It’s Wu Zhonghao here!

Wu Zhonghao always pays attention to great pomp, of course, this time is no exception.

The moment Wu Bingyu saw the convoy approaching, the angry momentum on Wu Bingyu’s body disappeared all of a sudden.

Even now Wu Bingyu’s eyes were a little uneasy, and he subconsciously glanced at Lin Feihang.

Lin Feihang seemed to feel Wu Bingyu’s gaze, then turned his head and glanced at Wu Bingyu. He blinked at the moment, gave Wu Bingyu a “relaxed” look, and smiled.

Looking at Lin Feihang’s smile, Wu Bingyu was indeed relieved.

However, as the team quickly approached, Wu Bingyu’s heart was still a little nervous!

She was a kind of fear of her father, which was developed since childhood.

Wu Bingyu is like the little elephant in a fairy tale. She has been tied up by a rope since she was a child. The little elephant grows up day by day and becomes an elephant, but the rope is still the original rope. Now that she can do it well as long as she exerts force. She broke free, but she didn’t dare to think she couldn’t, couldn’t do it.

Wu Bingyu really had a problem in his heart, and this kind of problem was caused by her father alone!

Although Wu Bingyu’s mother didn’t say so much and hoped that her children would be happy, it was Wu Zhonghao who was in charge of the Wu family, and she did not dare to say anything!

Everyone saw the Wu family’s motorcade coming over.

You can also guess who the person in the car is. The Wu family knows it, but Lu Xuanying can guess it!

Lu Xuanying couldn’t help taking a deep breath, adjusting her emotions right now.

Lu Xuanying knew that it was easy for herself to be confused by a few bodyguards, but Wu Zhonghao was very difficult to deal with. At least, it should be his father to deal with Wu Zhonghao, not himself!

And Lu Xuanying had to help Lin Feihang and Wu Bingyu completely cover up the truth of this matter.

Lu Xuanying even felt that she was a bit “cheap”.

Not only did she have to cover up this matter, even in the future, she would have to cover Lin Feihang and Wu Bingyu.

It’s okay for two people to go on a private date without being discovered. If they are discovered, Lu Xuanying will have to jump out and help cover it again.

It’s really exhausting.

But Lu Xuanying really, there is no way!

If she didn’t do it, it would be simply discouraged, and Lin Feihang’s affairs with Wu Bingyu would not be able to hide.

Lin Feihang suddenly touched Lu Xuanying, tilted his head and whispered to Lu Xuanying.

Just listen to Lin Feihang whispering: “Wu Bingyu’s bag…”

Lu Xuanying didn’t listen to Lin Feihang’s words, she subconsciously turned her head to look at Wu Bingyu!

Lu Xuanying noticed that Wu Bingyu had been carrying a small white paper bag with the words “Renhe Pharmacy” on it.

This was the medicine Wu Bingyu bought, but she didn’t know if she was too nervous or what happened. Wu Bingyu not only took the medicine out of the pharmacy, but also didn’t put it in the bag.

Just keep it in your hand!

It’s like not feeling it.

When a person is too focused on something and feels upset, when thinking, it is very likely to subconsciously ignore what is in his hand!

Although, because Wu Bingyu went to buy “special medicines”, and the pharmacy gave them a confidential bag very intimately. But when Wu Zhonghao comes over, he will definitely let him notice. Then he will ask Wu Bingyu what he is holding, and will order Wu Bingyu to let her take it!

This is not good.

In this matter, Wu Zhonghao must not be allowed to see what medicine is inside.

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