The 432nd chapter is full of gunpowder

Wu Bingyu looked at Lu Xuanying’s appearance, thinking that Lu Xuanying was angry, and then said: “Miss Lu. Don’t be angry.”

Wu Bingyu was immediately probing her hand, patted the back of Lu Xuanying’s hand, and then smiled: “Miss Lu, don’t worry, I really won’t say it. Even if you have some intimate actions in public, I don’t mind. …”

“But you should also understand my husband, right?”

Wu Bingyu’s logic is very clear. And it’s very bold.

What I mean by this means that although Lin Feihang is Lu Xuanying’s apparently, but secretly, it is still Wu Bingyu’s.

This made Lu Xuanying listen, but she felt very uncomfortable.

She felt that Wu Bingyu was demonstrating to herself, and she was just one bite of “my husband”!

Lu Xuanying originally wanted to break up with Lin Feihang directly, but she didn’t know why. Hearing the three “My Husband” sounded a bit harsh 1

Are you so brazen now as a junior?

It’s like I’m a junior!

Lu Xuanying is still enduring. It can be said that Lu Xuanying’s ninja skills are quite good.

Lu Xuanying took a deep breath and said lightly: “I’m fine, it’s okay.”

After Lu Xuanying said this, she regretted a little 1

Can this be okay?

It’s like after I was put on a green hat, I still want to say to the two people, “You continue, just as if I didn’t see it?” !

Lu Xuanying smiled at Wu Bingyu, her smile unnaturally.

However, at that time, Wu Bingyu turned his attention to Lin Feihang again, and Lu Xuanying instantly reduced her smile.

Wu Bingyu picked up some vegetables and said with a smile: “My husband eats this…”

“Husband, try this…”

Wu Bingyu looked at Lin Feihang’s bowl and couldn’t put it down. This was what turned his head contented and looked at Lu Xuanying and said, “Miss Lu. Are you busy with work lately?”

“Miss Lu, your skin is really good. What skin care products do you usually use?”

Wu Bingyu began to dominate the topic at the dinner table.

Before Wu Bingyu could not say so much at the dinner table.

There are also rules for large families to eat.

No words to sleep, no words to eat!

Therefore, Wu Bingyu is really going to be suffocated.

Therefore, Wu Bingyu talks a lot today.

Wu Bingyu is not stupid and sweet, her language ability is particularly strong, and the logic is extremely clear, so that even Lv Xuanying, it is difficult for Wu Bingyu’s mouth to tell!

I can’t ask anything special at all!

Wu Bingyu ate a little more for this meal than usual.

She had eaten a bowl of rice unknowingly, and went to serve another half.

And ate it all.

This is the first time she has eaten a full meal!

The family’s upbringing does not allow Wu Bingyu to eat too fast or eat too right, and everything she does today is a long-term suppression and a forced rebound.

Although Wu Bingyu had finished eating, he was still “feeding” Lin Feihang.

“Husband, eat prawns, you can eat more!”

Wu Bingyu directly peeled the prawns and put them in the Lin Feihang bowl again and again, giving people a very greasy feeling!

Lu Xuanying looked at it, and it could be said that her heart became more irritable.

Lu Xuanying suddenly put down her chopsticks and raised her hand to support her forehead.

At this moment, Lu Xuanying had an impulse in her heart.

I don’t know why I am like this!

After a few seconds, Lu Xuanying calmed down, and then reached out to catch the shrimp, quickly took off the shrimp head and peeled the shrimp shell!

“My husband here.”

Wu Bingyu put another peeled shrimp in Lin Feihang’s bowl.

“Here you are, eat shrimp.”

Immediately afterwards, another hand came over and put the peeled shrimp in Lin Feihang’s bowl.

This is of course Lu Xuanying!

Wu Bingyu couldn’t help but was taken aback, then suddenly turned his head to look at Lu Xuanying.

The gas ammonia in the room suddenly became weird.

And Lu Xuanying also began to regret it.

After putting the shrimp in Lin Feihang’s bowl, Lu Xuanying regretted it all at once!

Lu Xuanying can fully think of the consequences of doing this by herself.

Lu Xuanying started to feel that she was a little bit unlike herself.

Going to please a man too much, go to demonstrate to another woman?

Of course, Lu Xuanying is not afraid of Wu Bingyu, but she also understands that if she does this, Lin Feihang is afraid that she will have any thoughts about herself. Maybe later she will find a chance to ask if she is jealous, and may even be ridiculed by Lin Feihang.

Lu Xuanying would never do anything to cater to men on the initiative and become a woman who succumbed to men!

Lu Xuanying only thought of this, but she never thought that she is the original partner. Isn’t it normal for her to do this to her boyfriend?

Wu Bingyu saw Lu Xuanying’s action, and then suddenly turned his head to look at Lu Xuanying.

Lu Xuanying couldn’t help but paused, and then smiled at Lin Feihang: “You eat, eat more.”

While speaking, Lu Xuanying picked up the chopsticks and another piece of white chicken, then put it in Wu Bingyu’s bowl.

Lu Xuanying smiled and said, “Miss Wu, you eat too.”

Lu Xuanying smiled at Wu Bingyu naturally, and then gestured to the table again, and smiled: “This dish is still delicious. If you leave it, it’s wasted. You all eat more. I’m full. ”

Lu Xuanying felt that she had done something wrong, so she quickly made a recovery.

Will give Lin Feihang one person to “pick vegetables”, and become a two people picking food for Lin Feihang and Wu Bingyu.

This strange atmosphere was suddenly alleviated.

Wu Bingyu also froze for a while, and then he seemed to understand something, and then asked: “Miss Lu is full? Don’t eat more?”

Lu Xuanying quickly said: “I’m full! Thank you for the hospitality. You can eat.”

Lu Xuanying and Wu Bingyu looked at each other, and smiled after speaking.

Wu Bingyu then seemed to point to something, and said: “It’s a treat with a thick tea and a light meal.”

Wu Bingyu looked at Lu Xuanying with a smile, and then said: “Originally, my husband said that after Miss Lu came, we would go out to eat together. Go to the restaurant, but I think, since they are all at home, I’ll just do it. The highest etiquette for receiving guests is the family banquet. You are a guest, and this is the first time we have met in this capacity, so, Ms. Lu, you can be satisfied.”

After listening to Wu Bingyu’s words, Lu Xuanying’s temper that she had held back in her heart became violent.

Because Lu Xuanying already felt that the smell of gunpowder on the dinner table was too strong.

Lin Feihang was still immersed in eating, he had already guessed this kind of scene.

These two women are undoubtedly the gas tanks to be blown up. Now they are fire. As long as they talk, they will definitely blow up, so not speaking is the best choice!

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