Chapter 429 I will scramble another egg

At that time, he made a bet with Lin Feihang, and Lin Feihang said he would not make himself jealous!

At that time, I hadn’t figured it out yet, would I be a jealous woman?

But now it seems that he is really a jealous woman!

And it’s a big vinegar jar of vinegar!

In that case, Lin Feihang made it clear that he had set himself up!

It is estimated that it is for today’s affairs.

This Damn it’s Lin Feihang is really a good arrangement!

However, how angry Lu Xuanying was, because of this gambling restriction, she couldn’t get angry in an instant!

It’s as if the billion-dollar cannon of the second battalion commander was sent out directly, but it turned out to be a fucking dud!

The county seat was not attacked, and Xiuqin’s wish of “Lao Li fired at me” did not come true either!

Lin Feihang looked at Lu Xuanying’s bulging appearance, then pretended not to see it, and smiled: “Come on…what do you think of me? My face is blooming again?”

Lin Feihang smiled and directly invited Lu Xuanying in.

Lin Feihang took slippers to Lu Xuanying again.

Carrying her bag, Lu Xuanying kicked off her high heels, and then stepped on slippers, while her eyes were still looking around. She had already known Lu Yingyi’s place, layout, and environment. She had seen it all. There is no need to look at anything more.

The reason she looked around was not to visit, but to find someone!

The villa at this moment is also full of the breath of life.

Although Lin Feihang only took some clothes and daily necessities from his own home, his servants would also have everything else they needed! .

And there is no need to clean up by yourself. Someone will take care of it.

When Lu Xuanying entered the door, she could already smell the fragrance of the food.

It’s not time to cook, and I don’t know who came from outside the window.

Lu Xuanying even heard a “buzzing” sound.

Right now, Lu Xuanying was walking into the living room.

When Lu Xuanying looked around, she quickly noticed.

The door of the toilet is open, and it is the washing machine inside, which is turning at the moment.

I don’t know why Lin Feihang is still in the mood to wash clothes at this time.

At that moment, Lu Xuanying walked back to the coffee table in the living room. This was when she turned her head and asked, “Where is she?”

Lin Feihang immediately raised his hand for a sign, but did not speak, and Lin Feihang pointed to the kitchen.

at this time.

I heard Wu Bingyu’s voice resounding: “Husband, is Miss Lu here?”

At this moment, Wu Bingyu stepped back in the kitchen, then turned sideways, turned his head and looked out!

At this moment, Wu Bingyu’s vision just allowed her to see Lu Xuanying, and Lu Xuanying could also see her.

Wu Bingyu smiled and said hello: “Miss Lu, it’s really been a long time since I saw you.” Wu Bingyu’s voice was soft and polite.

People who didn’t know thought the two were friends and looked familiar, but Lin Feihang knew that these were just superficial.

The Wu family and the Lu family have been fighting secretly for many years!

Lu Xuanying saw Wu Bingyu busy in the kitchen, she was stunned for an instant, and she even stammered: “Miss Wu…Yeah…well…it’s been a long time.”

Lu Xuanying was so shocked!

Because Wu Bingyu is now tying her hair, wearing sleeves, wearing an apron, holding a soup spoon in her hand, and she looks like a young woman at home is cooking.


Wu Bingyu is cooking!

There is a strong sense of disobedience that explodes!

Wu Bingyu has always been so glamorous and beautiful.

Wu Bingyu is a daughter with a net worth of tens of billions!

She is a stunning beauty in the world!

She is far-sighted and not playful!

Wu Bingyu is cooking now? And she still cooks for Lin Feihang?

Wu Bingyu can still cook? !

This made Lu Xuanying stunned, she even forgot that she came here to make trouble!


Wu Bingyu really knows how to cook.

When at home, Wu Bingyu’s parents didn’t let Wu Bingyu do it or let her learn, saying they were afraid of hurting her hand.

But Wu Bingyu studied cooking with the nanny who took care of her during the years when she was studying abroad.

In fact, Lin Feihang did not squeeze Wu Bingyu like Huang Shiren.

Lin Feihang didn’t want Wu Bingyu to cook for herself.

But this is Wu Bingyu’s initiative.

Wu Bingyu first said that he was hungry.

Lin Feihang said that when Lu Xuanying came, she would go out to eat together, and then Wu Bingyu said that she would cook and she would cook.

He also said to entertain Lu Xuanying well, just a state of directly substituting herself as a hostess.

Lin Feihang didn’t care.

I agreed now.

Before Lu Xuanying came, Lin Feihang went downstairs to buy vegetables. The vegetable market was also very close. It was only ten minutes away, and he was back in no time.

And Wu Bingyu was not only about cooking and washing clothes, but also what she asked to do on her own initiative.

It was Lin Feihang who washed some of the clothes that had been randomly littered at home, but they were not very clean, but Wu Bingyu asked to wash them, as well as the sheets just after the war.

Lin Feihang understands Wu Bingyu’s mentality. Wu Bingyu just wants to try it, be a normal person, and live an ordinary life.

Wu Bingyu smiled at Lin Feihang at the moment: “Husband, let’s talk first, the soup is almost ready, I will scramble the eggs again, we will be able to eat in a while!”

As Wu Bingyu said, she retracted into the kitchen and continued to work in the kitchen.

Wu Bingyu still looked excited.

Lu Xuanying still looked dazed at the moment.

After Wu Bingyu said it for a while, she slowly turned her head to look at Lin Feihang. When looking at Lin Feihang, Lin Feihang could feel that Lu Xuanying’s neck was very stiff!

Lu Xuanying’s state was as if she had been upper body by a ghost, her eyes gradually staring at the size of a light bulb, looking at Lin Feihang.

Then, Lu Xuanying immediately reacted and slammed Lin Feihang, then took two steps to the side and asked in a low voice, “What’s the situation?”

Lu Xuanying’s voice is very urgent!

At this moment, Lu Xuanying was not asking Lin Feihang about looking for Wu Bingyu with her back, but what the situation is now!

Lu Xuanying feels like she is crazy!

Because this is weird!

There is a weird atmosphere everywhere inside and out!

For example, when she talked to Wu Bingyu, the last thing she said was that Wu Bingyu denied calling Lin Feihang’s husband, and she also reluctantly pretended to believe it.

Then, Lu Xuanying planned to come over and see what was going on!

But when Lu Xuanying came, Wu Bingyu called Lin Feihang’s husband in front of her, and she looked super natural, and even greeted herself very affectionately?

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