The 410th chapter is not seen in a day like three autumns

Wu Bingyu hurriedly put on her straight white shoes, glanced at the blood stains on the sheets with a somewhat complicated expression, then looked at Lin Feihang again, and warned: “You don’t want to send me or go out with me.”

“What happened last night…”

Lin Feihang was a little embarrassed and began to ask weakly.

Wu Bingyu directly opened the mouth and said, “We didn’t have anything to happen last night, and you shouldn’t talk about it to the outside world.”

Wu Bingyu bit her vermilion lips lightly, her expression was a little more complicated, as if she had made up her mind, she said, “You have your life, and I have my life.”

“Don’t disturb each other, this is the best result.”

“Ice rain…”

Lin Feihang stood up directly, wanting to say something.

After all, Wu Bingyu, who once dared to love and hate, was so entangled now that Lin Feihang couldn’t help but feel a little sad in his heart.

Just listen to Wu Bingyu opening his mouth: “I don’t want to be a junior who destroys other people’s feelings.”

Wu Bingyu bit her lips tightly, looked at Lin Feihang with a complicated expression, and slowly said, “I know that it will be a matter of time before the Lin family and Lu family have decided on their in-laws.”

“But last night…”

Lin Feihang can speak cleverly, but now he doesn’t know how to say it for a while.

Wu Bingyu spoke directly: “Thank you last night.”

Wu Bingyu took a step and wanted to leave, but after taking a step, she turned her head and plunged directly into Lin Feihang’s arms, thanking her from the bottom of her heart: “Thank you.”

“Ice rain!”

Wu Bingyu ignored Lin Feihang’s call and walked out of the room directly.

Wu Bingyu did not regret it, nor did she regret it, or her future self will give her a suitable reason, but now…

Lin Feihang smiled bitterly and shook his head.

Lin Feihang patted his head right now, and immediately thought that he hadn’t seen Lu Xuanying for two days, so he missed it strangely.

At the moment, after washing Lin Feihang, he put on his clothes and walked out of the hotel in the contemptuous eyes of the receptionist.

Yesterday the two little beauties suspected that Lin Feihang was not good, and felt that Lin Feihang was not hard.

But today’s two little beauties felt that Lin Feihang was the kind of beast that was ruthless when it was done.

Otherwise, why did Lin Feihang let Wu Bingyu limping away instead of sending Wu Bingyu away?

Change to be a normal, a responsible man.

In this case, it should be very warm, hold your own woman, and leave with her!

Lin Feihang looked at the gaze of the lady at the front desk, and could not help but cursed in his heart: “Is it possible that the words scumbag are already written on my face?”

Lin Feihang glanced back at the two receptionists, winking at the two of them.

The two little beauties hurriedly lowered their heads, not daring to look at Lin Feihang.

Although they were mumbling that Lin Feihang was a scumbag, they also knew that Lin Feihang who could afford to live in a five-star hotel senior suite was not someone they could afford.

This senior suite is worth fifty thousand one nights, which is worth the average person’s income for one year!

Moreover, Lin Feihang’s appearance is still very handsome. Although they are scolding Lin Feihang as a scumbag in their hearts, they don’t mind being scummed by Lin Feihang!

In the car, Lin Feihang began to criticize himself a little, and began to wonder if he had a tendency to be abused. Wu Bingyu was also with him. Although he knew that making a laugh with Wu Bingyu would cause discomfort to this female Tyrannosaurus, he would beat herself, but she was Like to laugh with Wu Bingyu.

It’s the same with Lu Xuanying.

Lu Xuanying is always cold and indifferent to herself, but it’s okay to be with her. If the two are not together, and there is no such an iceberg as Lu Xuanying around, she will be uncomfortable.

Lin Feihang returned home first, and then changed his clothes. The previous clothes can no longer be worn. It is very likely that Wu Bingyu’s hair will be left behind, and Lv Xuanying can’t let Lu Xuanying catch her.

Men are all about being careful.

Lin Feihang has already kept this sentence in his heart.

Lin Feihang thought for a while and decided to exercise himself. Instead of riding a bicycle, he found a permanent bicycle with the atmosphere of the 1980s!

Permanent bicycles are still permanent!

This car is not only able to travel, but also exercise, how good!

Lin Feihang directly rode his bicycle, swiftly driving, almost riding on two hot wheels, and directly rushed to the Lu’s Group.

Locked his old bicycle, the security guard at the door saw Lin Feihang, who was riding a bicycle in sportswear, coming in, but he still didn’t dare to stop him.

It’s just that the eyes are filled with consternation!

It’s not that the security guards didn’t look at people’s faces, but that they recognized Lin Feihang and knew that this person was the owner of another building.

Lin Feihang had been accustomed to the dazzling gazes around him. Walking directly through the crowd, Lin Feihang took a bag of breakfast and walked into the elevator.

Then, Lin Feihang happened to see Lu Xuanying who had just gotten into the elevator.

Lin Feihang was taken aback, his eyes lit up, and he didn’t expect that President Lu, who was so devoted to his career, would also be late!

But this is not the point, the point is!

Good guy, Lu Xuanying turned out to be wearing makeup!

That’s right, today’s Lu Xuanying put on a light makeup, making her already fascinating face even more exaggerated.

The skin is more white and tender, and it can even drip out, as if it has been applied with special beauty effects.

And Lu Xuanying’s clothes have become more intimate, even in the fall, she still wears a dark blue one-piece dress, showing her hot body vividly.

How could this woman be so good-looking, Lin Feihang’s eyes fell all of a sudden, unable to extricate herself from it!

Lin Feihang couldn’t help but grinned, and ran over.

Maybe this is the power of love.

Lin Feihang directly got on the elevator and greeted Lu Xuanying: “Dear Xiaoying, good morning, eh eh eh, why are you pushing me??”

Lin Feihang was pushed out of the elevator directly, and the elevator door closed mercilessly in an instant.

Lin Feihang thought that even if he couldn’t come to a romantic kiss like Ouyang Feng’s tongue, he would at least have a warm hug, right?

After all, one day is like three autumns, this is already six autumns!

However, the result was unexpected, this woman’s face became cold when she saw her, and she actually pushed herself out mercilessly!

? ? ?

This made Lin Feihang directly unable to touch his head.

I haven’t done anything wrong in the past two days. Why is this woman so moody? ?

Have a grudge?

Do you still remember the thing that made her kneel down in the first place?

Shouldn’t it?

This is not willing to bet and lose!

What the hell is this for?

At this moment, Lin Feihang is a little messy in front of the elevator!

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