Chapter 406: It is impossible to apologize

Li Yunlong smiled bitterly, and then said, “No matter how deep this Lin Feihang dog B hides, he can’t be a master, right?”

Right now Li Yunlong shook his head again, no longer entangled in this matter, and then said to Asan: “Forget it, I’d better call Ye Fan over and ask.”

“This is a mess.”

Li Yunlong murmured again, feeling that his head was about to explode!

Li Yunlong patted his temple again, and directly dialed Ye Fan’s call.


Ye Fan sat down on the sofa, raised his legs, and looked at Li Yunlong with an unhappy expression. He didn’t treat Li Yunlong as the same thing. He said in a cold tone, “What are you looking for me for?”


Seeing that Ye Fan was so disrespectful to Li Yunlong, Ah San was very angry and wanted to scold Ye Fan directly.

“Asan.” Li Yunlong patted the back of Asan’s hand immediately, beckoning him not to be impulsive, and then he said: “Isn’t it time to put a cigarette on Brother Ye.”

Li Yunlong waved his hand to stop Ah San, then looked at Ye Fan with a somewhat complicated expression, poured a glass of wine for Ye Fan, and then smiled faintly: “Brother Ye, please.”


Ye Fan finally took a deep puff of the cigarette that Asan lighted himself. Ye Fan didn’t drink, but asked directly: “If you have something to say, hurry up.”

As Li Yunlong’s partner, Ye Fan will not give Li Yunlong face.

After all, he is not Li Yunlong’s subordinate. As the protagonist, he can do whatever he wants, so why bother to care about Li Yunlong’s feelings.

Li Yunlong looked straight into Ye Fan’s eyes and then said: “Brother Ye doesn’t know, have you heard that Wang Jixiang is dead.”

Ye Fan was a little surprised, then hesitated for a while and said, “Wang Jixiang?”

Ye Fan thought about it, it seemed that he didn’t know this person at all.

Right now, Ye Fan sneered directly: “What kind of thing is he, what does it have to do with me?”

Ye Fan had forgotten Wang Jixiang a long time ago.

Although he beat Wang Jixiang in the Wujia Manor in the afternoon, with Ye Fan’s character, he would not care about such a small role.

Li Yunlong immediately said: “Brother Ye, you are really a nobleman, how forgetful you are.”

Li Yunlong smiled bitterly: “You just beat him up in Wu’s Manor this afternoon, don’t you remember him now?”

When Ye Fan heard Li Yunlong’s words, he immediately reacted and suddenly realized: “I remember.”

“He is the mentally retarded person who strikes up a conversation with Bing Rain?”

Ye Fan smiled, and then said: “If you die, you will die. What does this have to do with me?”

Ye Fan was even more unforgiving and said: “It’s really good to die, which is the bad breath of which angel sister gave me.”

“If it weren’t because he was yours, I would have killed him a long time ago.”

“Why make him wait until now!”

Can’t breathe out Lin Feihang, Ye Fan can’t breathe out a little Wang Jixiang?

It’s better if you die, it’s a hundred, it’s very happy.

When Ah San heard Ye Fan’s words, he became angry instantly, and said coldly, “I think you are crazy!”

Ah San stared at Ye Fan angrily, and shouted coldly: “Do you know that Jiangbei City is rumoring that you killed Wang Jixiang?”

“If it weren’t for our boss to suppress you, you don’t know how many families hate you, how many people are targeted!”

Ah San couldn’t bear Ye Fan’s arrogance. He thought that Ye Fan’s life-threatening manner would harm him sooner or later, and would also involve his boss.

Ye Fan couldn’t help but raised his brows, and then smiled faintly: “I killed Wang Jixiang?”

“This is funny.”

Ye Fan sneered and waved his hand, disapprovingly said: “I just kicked him. Isn’t Wang Jixiang a piece of paper?”

Li Yunlong quickly said: “But Wang Jixiang is indeed dead. Before he died, he only had conflicts with you. Even if we believed you, but from this point of view, they would not believe you. All the evidence points to you. you.”

Li Yunlong helped his right eye, his right eyelid jumped, and he felt this was a bad omen.

A very bad premonition lingered in his heart, and then he said: “In short, if you can’t cleanse this matter, you still have to think of a solution.”

Ye Fan directly refused, “I don’t need to wash it either.”

“It’s just a bunch of trash families. It’s anxious. I killed them all.”

There was a fierce light flashing in Ye Fan’s eyes. At this moment, because of Lin Feihang, he became a little out of mind and his spirit was very unstable.

Li Yunlong immediately said slowly: “I think you’d better explain it.”

Li Yunlong smiled bitterly again, and then said: “I think this incident should be Lin Feihang’s conspiracy, you cooperate and explain to me, and then apologize to the Wang family.”

“I can suppress this matter, and then we all share the same hatred and resolve Lin Feihang. Isn’t this a joy for everyone?”

Li Yunlong said step by step: “The most important thing now is to destroy Lin Feihang.”

Although Li Yunlong didn’t know whether this matter had anything to do with Lin Feihang, Li Yunlong couldn’t manage that much.

It doesn’t matter whether it is related or not.

Anyway, as long as there is something bad, it is Lin Feihang’s conspiracy!

Directly towards Lin Feihang’s handsome pot!

Ye Fan immediately sneered and said, “Are you asking me to apologize?

Ye Fan didn’t get angry but laughed instead. He looked at Li Yunlong coldly, and then said in a very blunt tone: “Are you dreaming?”

Li Yunlong’s expression changed immediately, and he quickly said, “If you don’t apologize, you won’t be able to wash away your suspicion in this matter.”

Li Yunlong’s face was solemn, and then he said, “I have a bad feeling that Lin Feihang is likely to take action recently.”

“What can he do?”

Ye Fan sneered, and said indifferently: “If you are in a hurry, I will kill him.”

Then Ye Fan changed his voice and said: “Also, it is impossible to apologize! It is impossible for me to apologize to others in my life!”

Ye Fan immediately got up, waved his hand with a sneer, and said domineeringly: “I’m Ye Fan’s life.”

“Why explain to them!?”

“You!” Li Yunlong couldn’t help but his mouth twitched fiercely when he heard Ye Fan’s second second.

Is there a bubble on Ye Fan’s head?

I’m going to be fucking drunk!

My dear mother, why do you have such a trick?

This is simply killing one’s own life.

Li Yunlong is angry right now, nor is he not angry.

Li Yunlong had no choice but to endure his emotions, and immediately explained painfully, “Ye Fan, you have to know that Wang Jixiang is my person, and the Wang family is also a vassal of our Li family.”

“If you don’t clear the suspicion, I won’t be able to support you on the bright side and help you kill Lin Feihang. Do you understand?”

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