Chapter 402: Staring at Ye Fan

Wang Jixiang directly spoke outrageously, without a heart of gratitude at all.

In the eyes of everyone, Wang Jixiang was like a dog biting Lu Dongbin, not knowing good people!

Right now, Wang Jixiang didn’t care about this matter anymore. The deeper the discussion about this matter, the less face he would lose.

Instead, Wang Jixiang changed his voice and directly asked, “Where is that kid just now?”

Someone said: “It’s already gone.”

When Wang Jixiang heard this, he was struggling to get up and said to his dog legs: “Hurry up and help me up, I’m going to see Shao Li.”

“Laozi must kill him.”

Wang Jixiang, who had never been so wronged, left with a group of elders and young ladies.

Wang Jixiang took his dog legs and left directly.

But there was a young man who couldn’t help but hesitated. Then when he was the last one left, the young man apologized and thanked Lin Feihang on his own initiative: “Lin Shao, Wang Shaoqu was actually angry, and it was only for a while. Impulse.”

“I’m really sorry.”

Lin Feihang didn’t expect that there was such a reasonable young man in Wang Jixiang’s team, he couldn’t help but was taken aback, then he recovered, and quickly smiled: “It’s nothing.”

Lin Feihang smiled and nodded slightly to the young man.

He remembered the face of this young man.

Although he doesn’t know his specific name, Lin Feihang will find out.

After the young master left, Wu Bingyu immediately walked up, thanking Lin Feihang from the bottom of his heart: “This time, it is really thanks to you.”

Wu Bingyu handed Lin Feihang a tissue to wipe off his sweat.

Compared to the impulsive and reckless Ye Fan at this moment, Lin Feihang, who can support the overall situation and control the audience, is more valued by herself.

Lin Feihang slowly shook his head, and said indifferently: “It’s nothing.”

“I am the one who disrupted your birthday party. I’m really embarrassed.”

Lin Feihang looked at Wu Bingyu with a wry smile and said.

Wu Bingyu said, “How can you blame this?”

Wu Bingyu bit her lip slightly, and then said again: “Actually, this is nothing. I am not interested in this kind of banquet.”

Lin Feihang even directly interrupted: “Me too.”

Lin Feihang looked at Wu Bingyu’s astonishment, and then explained: “Actually, this is because of identity. Even if you are not interested, you have to do it and participate.”

“It’s really involuntary.”

Wu Bingyu agreed with Lin Feihang’s words, then nodded, and replied, “Yes.”

Because they shared the same ideas with Lin Feihang, Wu Bingyu could not help but feel that his relationship with Lin Feihang was much closer in an instant.

Seeing the current situation, all the elders and young ladies knew that this birthday party would not be held anymore, and they all began to say goodbye to Wu Bingyu one after another.

Naturally, what happened in the banquet hall quickly reached Wu Zhonghao’s ears.


A servant walked directly to Wu Bingyu’s side, and immediately said respectfully: “Master, please go to his study.”


Wu Bingyu nodded slightly, she seemed to know what her father was looking for.

Wu Bingyu looked at Lin Feihang, and then smiled: “Then I’ll be out of company for a while.”

Lin Feihang nodded immediately, and replied: “Okay, you should be busy first.”

“Then I will leave.”

After this time, Wu Bingyu seemed to be much more gentle with Lin Feihang at this time, which made it difficult for Lin Feihang to adapt for a while.

But Wu Bingyu has always been tough to send Lin Feihang out of the manor.

Sitting in the co-driver of his car, Lin Feihang growled even more angrily: “Ye Fan, you really are an old birthday star who eats arsenic, and you want to die.”

A sneer flashed across Lin Feihang’s mouth, and he said in his heart: “This time I passed you this time, and it can be said that I completely renounced Wu Bingyu’s path.”

“Now your favorability with Wu Bingyu should be reduced to zero, right?”

“Maybe it’s still negative.”

Lin Feihang took a deep breath, his eyes were full of solemnity, and he thought nonchalantly: “Next, the most important thing is to find a chance to overthrow Wu Bingyu…”

Lin Feihang patted his temples, feeling that this matter was a bit too difficult.

Lin Feihang even cheered himself up: “This opportunity is hard to find!”

“However, for things that are difficult to handle, I, Lin Feihang, will also create opportunities to face difficulties.”

“Ye Fan now has a contradiction with Wu Bingyu. As long as I seize this opportunity, I can definitely take advantage of it.”

Lin Feihang’s eyes were shining, and he already had his own thoughts in his heart: “You must never give Ye Fan a chance to relax. Once Ye Fan has time to relax, as the son of luck, he may have What a special chance.”

“At that time, his good fortune is overwhelming, and it is directly based on a few words that he will settle his suspicions with Wu Bingyu.”

“Then my current efforts are all in vain?”

Lin Feihang’s mind was running swiftly, thinking what kind of excuse he should find directly, not to make Wu Bingyu feel that he had any purpose, but to have a close contact with Wu Bingyu.

And Ma Bo, who was driving at the moment, could also see the emotional changes in Lin Feihang’s complexion in the reverse mirror, which was extremely rich.

Right now, Ma Bo couldn’t help but ask: “Boss, are you okay?”

“Oh… it’s okay, it’s okay!” Lin Feihang came back to his senses.

Immediately, Lin Feihang asked again: “What happened to the little boys I asked you to train recently?”

Ma Bo said with some bragging rights at the moment: “These guys, these guys are honest recently. They have improved a lot from when I first came here, but they are just average!”

There was a hint of bragging in Ma Bo’s tone. When Lin Feihang knew that Ma Bo could say a general, it showed that these people were already very mature, mainly because Ma Bo’s requirements were too high.

At the moment, Lin Feihang said directly: “Lao Ma, you send a few people to me. Recently, you will stare at this Ye Fan for me.”

Lin Feihang looked a little stern and said: “Remember, don’t do it, just stare him to death secretly.”

“Where he went, who he met, and wherever he was, he had to keep an eye on me.”

“If he finds out, then immediately withdraw, and then another group of people will be watching.”

Looking at Ma Bo, Lin Feihang warned with some uneasiness: “You must remember not to have any direct conflict with him.”

“You can’t beat him.”

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