Chapter 399 I didn’t fool you

Seeing that Ye Fan couldn’t take out the present for a long time, he couldn’t even name a Zichouyinmao.

Many young and old ladies looked at Ye Fan with disdain, and even treated Ye Fan with blank eyes.

This time, Ye Fan’s face was extremely red.

“I…” Ye Fan didn’t know what to say!


Ye Fan clenched his fists and stared at Lin Feihang with great anger. All of this was naturally caused by Lin Feihang, and his resentment towards Lin Feihang increased a bit.

Ye Fan really regrets it now. The protagonist is a face-saving person. Facing the humiliation of everyone, he can’t bring out gifts. This makes him know that he is at a loss, and he can’t get angry. He can’t wait to find someone directly. Drill into the seam.

If Ye Fan knew something like this would happen, he would just borrow money and give Wu Bingyu a prepared gift.

But now, it’s too late.

Lin Feihang took out a black panther bracelet worth 80 million yuan, and his gift was worth less than 10,000 yuan.

He just took it out now, that’s shameful enough!

The key is that he can’t get it.

“Ye Fan.”

Liu Xueyun looked at this appearance on the court, instantly a little anxious, and quickly winked at Ye Fan.

But Ye Fan was unmoved.

Everything is a foregone conclusion, and now that it is taken out, it will make everyone laugh again, laugh twice, it is better to laugh only once!

Wu Bingyu looked at the situation that could not end, and said directly: “Okay, let’s stop here.”

“I toast you all for this glass of wine, thank you all for coming to my birthday party and giving me gifts.”

“Thank you again, everyone.”

Wu Bingyu raised his wine glass and took the initiative to help Ye Fan.

After hearing Wu Bingyu’s words, the elders and young ladies naturally wouldn’t target Ye Fan again.

Because everyone has lost interest in Ye Fan, who is picking and searching.

“Miss Wu, it’s actually not that Ye Fan didn’t prepare gifts.”

“It’s just that his recent economic situation is not very good.”

Liu Xueyun, who was obsessed with Ye Fan, was anxious to explain to Wu Bingyu for Ye Fan.

Liu Xueyun said with some embarrassment: “There are some things that you don’t know, and I don’t know how to tell you.”

“Anyway, Ye Fan’s recent economy is indeed very tight.”

“He prepared a gift for you, but it was a little cheaper, so he was not as embarrassed to take it out.”

Liu Xueyun looked at Wu Bingyu and said apologetically, “Miss Wu, please don’t make Ye Fan angry.”

Wu Bingyu looked at the way Liu Xueyun was explaining on the side, and couldn’t help but feel a little puzzled.

Although she could see that Liu Xueyun and Ye Fan are familiar with each other, as the personal assistant of Chairman Lu Jialu, did she explain to herself directly for an outsider?

This feels a little weird.

Right now, Wu Bingyu said lightly: “I won’t be angry with him.”

Then, Wu Bingyu shook his head again and interjected: “Actually, it’s nothing.”

After Wu Bingyu finished speaking, he immediately glanced at Ye Fan who was looking at him. Wu Bingyu smiled politely.

Liu Xueyun looked at this smile, and her heart beat fiercely.

She was not afraid of Wu Bingyu being angry, but she was afraid that Wu Bingyu would not be angry, especially still laughing.

This smile has also been seen on his own President Lu.

This laugh contains a lot of content.

This smile represented that Ye Fan was already equivalent to a stranger in Wu Bingyu’s heart.

This smile is just a very polite manner.

Sometimes when a woman is angry with you, don’t think she is making troubles unreasonably.

Because what’s more terrifying is that no matter what you are doing in the future, she will no longer be angry with you!

This is the most terrible.

In fact, neither Ye Fan nor Liu Xueyun noticed, but the deepest part of Wu Bingyu’s eyes flashed disappointment.

I also had a good impression of Ye Fan, but Ye Fan’s behavior made himself more and more disappointed.

Ye Fan didn’t understand himself.

Ye Fan felt vanity for himself.

And is Wu Bingyu the kind of woman who dislikes the poor and loves the rich?

Lin Feihang gave herself 80 million black and white fingers, she was happy.

But what makes me happy is not the money, but the heart. After all, this panther bracelet is hard to get.

Ye Fan didn’t need to be embarrassed or embarrassed just now.

This gift is for myself, not for others.

Those young and old attending the banquet, eldest ladies, can they look down on them or look down on them, what can be done?

As long as Ye Fan left his mind.

Even if it is a bouquet woven with street wildflowers, she will also like it very much.

But unfortunately, Ye Fan didn’t understand her!

At this moment, Ye Fan said directly to Wu Bingyu: “Bingyu, I will tell you something.”

Ye Fan did not realize the seriousness of the problem at this moment.

He didn’t realize what Wu Bingyu thought of him.

Ye Fan stepped up to Wu Bingyu’s side and looked at Wu Bingyu with a serious expression.

Ye Fan really couldn’t watch Wu Bingyu fall into Lin Feihang’s claws, and now he must give Wu Bingyu some precautions.


“you say?”

Wu Bingyu frowned slightly and looked at Ye Fan suspiciously.

This section seems to have known each other before. It seems that Ye Fan said that to himself at the birthday banquet of Mr. Lu, so now do you want to say something?

What to say?

Although Wu Bingyu now has no feeling for Ye Fan at all, after all, her father Wu Zhonghao attaches great importance to Ye Fan.

Therefore, Wu Bingyu is going to give Ye Fan some face.

Ye Fan said directly to Wu Bingyu: “Bingyu, you must not be fooled, you must be prepared now.”

“Lin Feihang, this guy is really a scumbag. He gave you a black panther bracelet. He must have been conspiring, and he is still uneasy and kind.”

“If you think about it now, Jiangbei City has long been going to talk about it, saying that he is already with Lu Xuanying of the Lu family, but now he is giving you a black panther bracelet. What do you mean by him?”

“Lin Feihang is a scumbag who wants to step on two boats.”

Ye Fan thought he was right, thinking that he had already grasped the key, and the current Ye Fan smiled and said to Wu Bingyu: “Bingyu, you can’t be fooled by him! He…”

Wu Bingyu interrupted Ye Fan’s words directly, and said coldly: “Are you finished?”

Wu Bingyu, who had a natural complexion, became very ugly after Ye Fan said these words.

Wu Bingyu looked at Ye Fan with a cold expression: “I see.”

Ye Fan looked at Wu Bingyu and listened to what he said, but he didn’t believe his appearance, but had a good impression of Lin Feihang. He was instantly anxious.

Ye Fan even said quickly: “Bing Yu, I really didn’t fool you.”

“This is real.”

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