Chapter 390: Give you a surprise

Lu Xuanying couldn’t help but wondered: “Husband?”

Lu Xuanying’s surprised expression was strange for a moment. She didn’t know what Lu Xuanying was thinking of, and then she smiled and said: “Miss Liang has misunderstood. We are not married yet. We are currently in love. It is a relationship between boy and girl friends. .”

Liang Jingru couldn’t help but smiled apologetically, and then apologized: “Ah…that’s really sorry, sorry, I’m really sorry, Mr. Lu.”

Liang Jingru began to apologize, knowing that he had misunderstood.

Lu Xuanying then slowly laughed and said: “That’s okay, our relationship is actually very stable, and marriage is actually a matter of time.”

Lu Xuanying asked again: “By the way, I haven’t asked Ms. Liang, how did you meet my family?”

Lin Feihang said yesterday that he didn’t know Liang Jingru.

But now Lu Xuanying feels that Lin Feihang is lying!

If you don’t know Liang Jingru, how can you find talent in a day and a half? And I found it from abroad. I didn’t know the one I found for a day and a half. Is that a god?

Lu Xuanying didn’t just think that Lin Feihang was lying.

Moreover, Lin Feihang absolutely gave himself a set, so that he could make this bet with him.

If you bet, you will bet. Lu Xuanying will actually recognize it if she loses. She is a person who says one is one and two is two. It is also worthwhile for her company.

Lu Xuanying would not feel jealous about being jealous.

But the bet was once raised once, and if you lose, you have to kneel down to admit your mistake.

Therefore, if Lu Xuanying wanted to cover Liang Jingru now, if it could be proved that Lin Feihang was lying, that would be fine.

At that time, he would definitely have to question Lin Feihang face to face, directly overturning this bet.

In fact, this is not Lv Xuanying’s shame, Lv Xuanying just doesn’t want to kneel for Lin Feihang.

If he really wanted to kneel down for Lin Feihang, it would be really shameful.

Think about it, they are a bit scary.

Lu Xuanying is not the kind of person who will fall back on accounts. She just thinks that Lin Feihang must have lied to herself, so she must understand this matter.

Liang Jingru was puzzled: “We…we don’t know each other at all!”

Lu Xuanying felt wrong in an instant, and her face became unsightly. She directly asked in confusion, “I don’t know? Didn’t he let you come?”

Liang Jingru hesitated for a while, thought about it, and then said, “That’s it! In fact, I was my godfather who asked me to come. My godfather and Mr. Lu, your boyfriend are brothers, your boyfriend. My friend found my godfather. My godfather asked me to come.”

Liang Jingru smiled.

Liang Jingru was raised by Jiang Handong and then held up.

But the difference in age and Liang Jingru’s body in the entertainment industry, it is definitely not good to have that kind of scandal.

So Liang Jingru would only say that Jiang Handong is her godfather.

Although Liang Jingru didn’t say who her godfather was, Lu Xuanying thought of it right away and knew who it was.

Lu Xuanying immediately asked, “Your godfather is Boss Jiang?”

Of course, Lu Xuanying knew of Jiang Handong’s existence.

Lu Xuanying also knew about the relationship between Jiang Handong and Liang Jingru, and knew that Jiang Handong was Liang Jingru’s funder.

Moreover, this kind of thing is not a secret at all for a powerful person, and it is not even a big secret in the entertainment industry.

Few stars are absolutely clean in the entertainment industry.

Clean people often fail to get red.

Behind so many stars, there are secrets of their own.

It is impossible for Jiang Handong to hold people in hiding. Jiang Handong has never done things so unreasonable.

Liang Jingru nodded, did not hide it, and said, “Yes, that’s right, it’s him.”,

Lu Xuanying couldn’t help but frowned slightly. Lin Feihang actually knew Jiang Handong? And also brother? Is the relationship so strong?

When did this happen?

Why didn’t I know there was such a person!

Lu Xuanying and Jiang Handong have never been in contact, but Lu Xuanying knows this person, the second son of the Jiang family of the Hongyun Group.

Jiang Xiongxin’s youngest son, because he failed in the family fight, left the family and came to Jiangbei City!

In Lu Xuanying’s cognition, Jiang Handong is a very, very low-key rich man, and he rarely communicates with others.

It can be said that Jiang Handong is not very easy to contact. Whoever wants to take the initiative to contact Jiang Handong will usually arouse Jiang Handong’s suspicion.

Lu Xuanying had heard some details in the discussions between her uncles.

I heard that Jiang Handong was once calculated by his elder brother and almost died. So I have lived very carefully these years!

Liang Jingru saw that Lu Xuanying looked something wrong and didn’t know what was going on, so she took the initiative to ask: “Your boyfriend, Mr. Lu, is Lin?”

Liang Jingru didn’t know Lin Feihang’s full name, but he knew the last name, because Jiang Handong mentioned the term “Brother Lin” when talking to her.

Liang Jingru didn’t know Lin Feihang’s full name, and if he knew it, Liang Jingru would also be shocked.

You can’t guess who the other party is just by hearing the last name.

“Yes!” Lu Xuanying nodded.

“That’s right.” When Liang Jingru heard this, she immediately smiled and said: “I feel that you don’t seem to know how your boyfriend found me. If I were to make a guess, it might be Mr. Lin. I want to give you a surprise for Mr. Lu!”

Lu Xuanying also borrowed Po to go down the donkey and said, “Haha, I guess so. He is also interested.”

Lu Xuanying also laughed.

That’s how it is said. But Lu Xuanying has no surprises in her heart?


This is indeed a surprise, to be precise, it has also become a fright!

Lu Xuanying felt like she was scratching her heart, and she even said she wanted to see Lin Feihang very much!

Then he pinched Lin Feihang’s neck fiercely and asked, “What’s the matter? Ah! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

For nearly an hour, Lu Xuanying stopped talking, and Lu Xuanying must have asked Lin Feihang afterwards.

It’s still important to get things right now!

Lu Xuanying introduced to Liang Jingru the situation of her subsidiary, Quanying Yimei.

And about her new product launch, and Lu Xuanying also asked Liang Jingru about the schedule.

Lu Xuanying also said that if the follow-up propaganda conflicts with Liang Jingru’s schedule, Quanying Yimei can also adjust.

But Lu Xuanying did not expect that Liang Jingru agreed to everything.

There is no need for Lu Xuanying to be embarrassed. She doesn’t need to change the schedule, and she will fully cooperate.

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