Chapter 363 Thunder rolling in the sky

Hearing these words, Jiang Handong suddenly felt a deep sense of identity.


The song “Girl in the Flower House” last night is definitely not something ordinary people can write casually.

It is not something a businessman with a copper smell can write!

Lin Feihang, how rich his inner world is!

On the surface, it is not shocked, but in the heart it is already stormy.

But no matter what, Lin Feihang was still able to remain calm on the surface, just trying his best to pursue his own affairs.

Climb a mountain, sing a song, love someone…

Jiang Handong nodded towards Liu Xinya, smiled slowly: “Thank you!”

“Although I did not see Mr. Lin Feihang today, I am very happy in my heart. Because of you, I have a clearer understanding of him, thank you!”

Liu Xinya looked flattered when Jiang Handong thanked herself. It seems that big stars are not that easy to get along with.

But at the same time, Liu Xinya finally couldn’t help her doubts, and asked, “Mr. Jiang Handong, can I take the liberty to ask you a question?”

Jiang Handong nodded, and said: “Huh? Could you please tell me.”

Liu Xinya was a little embarrassed and said, “That’s… why did you come to our President Lin? I have not been embarrassed to ask…”

At this point, Liu Xinya looked a little ashamed.

Jiang Handong smiled, and then said faintly: “It’s mine. I didn’t tell you clearly from the beginning.”

Jiang Handong slowly said: “That’s right, Mr. Lin Feihang, that is, you Lin, sang a very nice song at my concert last night, and that song was created by himself, so… …I want to see him, can you understand?”

Liu Xinya nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, and said quickly: “I understand, understand!”

This is a star, no matter what it is, it is understandable!

President Lin is so amazing, he sang a song and attracted Jiang Handong!

For a time, Liu Xinya couldn’t help thinking in her heart.

Jiang Handong immediately smiled and said, “Thank you, if there is nothing wrong, I will leave first.”

Liu Xinya came back to her senses and said hurriedly: “Hey, I’ll give you our personal call, Mr. Lin, I believe he won’t be angry!”

Jiang Handong’s eyes lit up in an instant, and he was even more pleasantly surprised: “That’s really thank you so much!”

Liu Xinya also said politely: “No, no, can you sign me and take a photo later?”

Jiang Handong nodded and said, “Of course…”

At the same time, Lin Feihang also woke up leisurely in the wonderful morning.

It was Lin Feihang’s lifelong dream before he went to sleep until he woke up naturally, counting money and getting cramps. It can also be said that this is the dream of all the people.

But now, Lin Feihang can easily achieve this dream.

And beside him, there is a girl who loves him deeply.

Lin Feihang did not get up, but turned his head sideways and kissed the forehead of Sun Xinyue next to him.

Of course there is no tone.

As a strong man in this world who was about to use his true energy at will, it couldn’t be easier for Lin Feihang to brush his teeth with his awesome true energy.

This is also the basic professional qualities of a master.

It can be imagined that if the two factions are fighting, both sides will suffer both losses. In the end, the leader has no choice but to directly shout: “Please ancestors out of the mountain!”

The ancestors of both sides went out with each other.

Just watching the cave burst open with a “bang”, an ancestor with a fairy wind and bones flew slowly from the sky, like a god.

All the disciples and grandchildren on the ground all bowed down, their eyes filled with enthusiasm and admiration for the ancestor.

The ancestor directly raised his hands to the sky, began to make gong, and said: “The sky is rolling!”

But in the end, because I had been in retreat for hundreds of years, and because I didn’t brush my teeth, when I spoke, it was because of a greenish breath, which directly caused my fellow sect to faint.

It’s an embarrassing thing to hurt the enemy first, and just speak like a nuclear bomb.

Lin Feihang immediately got up, walked slowly through the corridor of his home, and came to the balcony. Looking at the flowers and trees in the yard below, and the pastoral scenery outside the yard, he felt a moment of leisure.

The sun is just right, and the time is good.

Everything is so without any sense of disobedience.

It’s already autumn now, and it’s almost winter now.

The sun was no longer hot, and the breeze tiptoed over the top of the tree, staining a few leaves, and then flew across the valley in a cluster to leave.

Lin Feihang slowly lit a cigarette.

What happened last night needn’t be repeated too much.

Lin Feihang has used his most proficient technique to convince Sun Xinyue to beg for mercy.

Now, Lin Feihang wakes up early and smokes on the balcony, but Sun Xinyue is still sleeping in bed. It is clear to everyone who wins and who wins.

Sure enough, in this respect, I still have no rivals.

Lin Feihang took another deep cigarette, thinking a little lonely in his heart.

After a while, after smoking a cigarette, Sun Xinyue who was sleeping on the bed was already awake.

Sun Xinyue walked behind Lin Feihang and directly wrapped her slender arms around Lin Feihang’s neck.

Sun Xinyue smiled and said hello: “Brother, good morning.”

Lin Feihang turned around, looking at Sun Xinyue’s youthful face, he couldn’t help but smile: “Why don’t you continue to sleep?”

Sun Xinyue smiled and said, “I have to go back to my flower shop that I run. My flower shop is very popular these days.”

Thinking about the business of the flower shop, Lin Feihang hesitated a little, and then he said: “If you have time that day, you should apply to a driving school as soon as possible. After you get your driver’s license, you will be able to drive in the future, which may be much more convenient. ”

Sun Xinyue pursed her lips and smiled, and nodded her head in a good manner: “Okay, I’ll listen to you.”

The feelings between the two people are heating up step by step along with time.

Sun Xinyue also faced the identity gap between herself and Lin Feihang, and she loved Lin Feihang unreservedly.

Lin Feihang took Sun Xinyue over and held it in his arms.

There are birds calling around and there is a breeze.

Lin Feihang felt that such a life was very satisfying.

I can enjoy life by myself, and I can only be with my beloved woman every day, but not now.

There is a further journey waiting for me.

Lin Feihang just enjoys this moment of tenderness, and Lin Feihang has no desires at this moment.

Sun Xinyue also squinted and hid in Lin Feihang’s arms very contentedly, as well as a kitten.

A figure in the distance is slowly approaching.

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