Chapter 351 Exclusive Title

Looking at Han Xiaobing, Lin Feihang couldn’t help but touched his nose, and said helplessly: “You are fine with those gangsters, and you are like this to me.”

“Do you know? A lot of your details are not detailed enough, ruining a lot of my tenderness.”

Han Xiaobing stared, she wondered if it was Lin Feihang? Why is it exceptionally cheap today!

Right now, Han Xiaobing scolded: “You shut up! What are you doing here?”

Speaking of this place is very remote, it is an old alley, it belongs to the place where the outside population and nine people gather, because the rent here is very cheap, and the law and order is also very chaotic.

As for Lin Feihang’s dignity and dignity, logically speaking, he shouldn’t be in this place.

Lin Feihang smiled at the moment, and then he said nonsense: “I’m too boring to go to work these days, so I just go out and stroll around, why can’t this work? You have to take care of this too?”

Han Xiaobing snorted directly, and Tsundere said incomparably, “Huh, the pig will take care of you.”

Lin Feihang was silent at the moment, and being with this gas tank really tested his endurance. If an average man could not stand Han Xiaobing’s drinking and drinking like this.

That is to say, only this outstanding young man of three good things can endure it.

At the moment Lin Feihang’s eyes rolled again. Looking at Han Xiaobing’s good figure, Lin Feihang thought to himself that if he could play basketball and exercise with him, it would be almost the same.

The two people haven’t been in touch for a while since the last time, and they finally met outside. If Han Xiaobing was left like this, it would be a pity whether Lin Feihang would not say, Han Xiaobing, this woman would definitely be sad anyway.

Don’t look at Han Xiaobing’s cursing, and being able to peep at himself every day, he must like him in his heart!

It is also impossible for the system’s favorability attribute panel to be faked.

So Lin Feihang cleared his throat, laughed dryly, and said, “What about you? Why don’t you sit in the office and run to this place?”

Han Xiaobing didn’t squint, and then said lightly: “Recently, underwear thieves appeared here. Many women’s underwear was stolen, which caused panic among the local people.”

“As the captain of the city bureau, I must protect the safety of one party and be responsible for coming over and bringing him to justice!”

After speaking, Han Xiaobing clenched his fists, and turned out to glance at Lin Feihang suspiciously, and then began to doubt: “You are so suspicious to appear here by chance!”

Lin Feihang’s face turned dark, and for a moment he was a little speechless: “Do you think I look like a woman? What kind of underwear did I steal…”

Han Xiaobing was stunned for a moment, and felt that what Lin Feihang said also made sense.

Lin Feihang does not quite fit this strange identity. It’s just that Damn it’s Lin Feihang’s answer is so unpleasant? ?

What is no lack of women? Means he often plays with women?

“Hehe, you really are there!”

Lin Feihang was a little confused, and didn’t understand where he had provoke this woman again.

Following Han Xiaobing, the two of them sat in a box in a restaurant with decent decoration.

In Han Xiaobing’s words, this is called working all morning. It just happens to be a little tired, so I plan to eat something casually.

After eating steak spaghetti worth tens of yuan, Lin Feihang finally felt the life of an otaku before crossing.

I used to eat by myself. Now I was eating by two people, and there was a very beautiful woman with a hot body sitting opposite.

The premise is, if Han Xiaobing doesn’t speak. In fact, everything is pretty good. The main thing is to have a figure and a face, and Han Xiaobing, who has practiced martial arts, can also unlock any posture.

The family background is also a nobleman in Shangjing, far beyond the scope of Jiangbei City…

If you get into this girl, even an ordinary person will rise up, let alone oneself.

Han Xiaobing is fine with everything, but her mouth cannot speak, and what she said is really stinky.

What a pity.

Lin Feihang’s eyes ran randomly on Han Xiaobing’s body, and he couldn’t help but feel a little regretful in his heart.

While Lin Feihang was intently admiring Han Xiaobing’s omelette pasta, Han Xiaobing looked at Lin Feihang’s expression, and instantly seemed to have realized something. His face instantly became ruddy, and he asked, “Asshole, where are you looking? ”

Lin Feihang has long been accustomed to seeing things, and now smiled: “Xiao Xiaobing, the weather has begun to cool down now, and you still have short-sleeved T-shirts every day. I don’t know if you are wearing a thin, thin T-shirt like this. Is it easy to make people unable to concentrate on eating?”

When Han Xiaobing heard Lin Feihang’s swear words, an expression of disgust appeared on his face for an instant, and said coldly: “I warn you, if you call me Xiao Xiaobing again, I will beat you!”

While talking, Han Xiaobing raised the neckline of his clothes to prevent Lin Feihang from having any chance.

At this moment, Han Xiaobing didn’t understand, how could such a proud and cold woman like Lu Xuanying be with a pervert like Lin Feihang!

You see that the pervert’s eyes are treacherous, and she glances at her body all day long, I believe Lu Xuanying must have suffered from this Damn it’s pervert too!

Lin Feihang blinked and said with a smirk: “How nice is Xiao Xiaobing, not only expresses intimacy, but not too close, and this is only your exclusive title! No one else can have it!”


Strong words!

Why is this man so cheap!

Han Xiaobing already said that Lin Feihang could not stand her, and she couldn’t stand the disgusting name Xiao Xiaobing!

At the moment, Han Xiaobing directly hammered the table hard, scolding Lin Feihang with his eyes, and shouted: “You eat your meal!”

At this moment, Han Xiaobing had used his actual actions to show Lin Feihang that this was a woman with violent tendencies.

Lin Feihang nodded faintly at the moment, and did not correct Han Xiaobing’s speech disorder.

Seeing Han Xiaobing’s pretended serious look, Lin Feihang somehow wanted to tease her.

Only by being infinitely close to death can we understand the true meaning of life.

And I am not afraid of death!

After a while, Lin Feihang said again: “May I ask you something?”

Han Xiaobing looked up at Lin Feihang and looked at Lin Feihang with a serious face, thinking that he was going to ask about his case. Now Han Xiaobing said coldly: “Say!”

Seeing that Han Xiaobing had fallen into his trap, Lin Feihang smirked and said, “Are you d or f? I didn’t look very carefully just now…”

“Asshole!” Han Xiaobing’s face burst into red, and she shouted angrily in an instant.

This bastard really didn’t have any good intentions.

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