Chapter 314 An accident happened to Lu Yingyi

After thinking about it, Li Yunlong suddenly raised his head, but at this moment Li Yunlong did not immediately agree to Zheng Junren, instead he said with a little doubt: “Since Zheng Shao, you can handle this whole thing almost by yourself, but Why does Zheng Shao still need me?”

Zheng Junren rolled his eyes with a look of hatred for iron and steel, and said, “Brother Li, you don’t understand this? I need you, it must be to divide this cake! Once the Lin Group collapses, At that time, I don’t know how many people want to benefit from it and want to get a share of it. Although my Zheng family is big, but the evil tiger can’t beat the wolves, I will need your help from Brother Li at that time! ”

“Besides, my family now has a tighter control over me. If I can’t handle this trivial matter anymore, I will have to make a big joke, and I will be punished after I go back. Maybe even this little Jingjiang city will not be able to get out in the future!”

“So, when the time comes, on the bright side, I will ask Brother Li to pretend to be the leader of the confrontation, and I can do my best in the dark!”

After talking for so long, Zheng Junren finally revealed his true purpose!

It is to use Li Yunlong’s hand to explore Lin Feihang’s fiction!

In this way, even if he loses, he can quickly and safely return to his Jingjiang City, and everything Li Yunlong has done has nothing to do with him!

If you win, so much better!

Li Yunlong was caught by his Young Master Zheng. There are still many bodyguards around him protecting him. Even if his bodyguards are not strong enough, as long as they are rich, who can’t be invited?

At that time, will Li Yunlong be alive or dead, will he still be determined by himself?

I still want the Lin Group and the big beauty Lu Xuanying, I think you are thinking about fart!

Lv Xuanying, this beauty can only be enjoyed by Zheng Junren!

Zheng Junren looked at Li Yunlong with a smile for an instant, but he kept cursing in his heart.

Li Yunlong also looked at Zheng Junren with a look of hesitation, and laughed in his heart that Zheng Junren was still too young.

After a while, the two of them looked at each other and smiled, and the wine glasses touched each other lightly, and they drank it all in one go!

Where can I find a friend in the end of the world!

After drinking for three rounds, when Zheng Junren was already drunk, Li Yunlong’s eyes motioned to the escort lady on Zheng Junren’s side.

The beautiful accompaniment lady instantly understood, she immediately hooked Zheng Junren’s neck with her tender white arms, lowered her head, and asked Jiao Didi: “Zheng Shao, I think you have almost drunk too, or let’s do it now. Go back and rest?”

Zheng Junren smirked, and took the escort lady into his arms, his hands began to be irregular, and he breathed heavily: “Go back to rest? Where do you want to go back to rest? I think it’s good to rest here!”

“Oh, Master Zheng, you are so bad, there are still people here…”

The escort girl gave Zheng Junren a small hammer in the chest, but he leaned closer.

Li Yunlong and Ah San behind him looked at each other, their eyes were clear, and they both sneered at each other.

At the same time, Lin Feihang was still racing on the road.

Suddenly, she received an unexpected call from Lu Xuanying.

“Where are you?”

Lin Feihang was stunned, and said to his heart that it hadn’t been long since he first came out, and nothing else happened.

Could it be said that Lu Xuanying reacted after she left?

Shouldn’t it? Can Lu Xuanying have this brain?

Lin Feihang said immediately: “I just left, what’s the matter, baby?”

“My brother has an accident, come to Donghai Dragon Palace Hotel right away!”

After Lu Xuanying finished speaking in a hurry, she hung up the phone.

And at this time, Lin Feihang suddenly remembered what he had forgotten, and that was the plot.

These days, Lin Feihang did not follow the normal plot, making Lin Feihang instantly forget that he was in a world of novels.

This world is too similar to the world he originally lived in, so Lin Feihang quickly adapted to his rich second-generation living environment.

But the plot is still in progress, and this time the plot is that there is a problem with Lu Yingyi’s hotel.

According to the original plot, it must have been Ye Fan’s rescue, but now Ye Fan has been lost by himself, and that’s the only thing he can do. Thinking of this, Lin Feihang couldn’t help but start eager to try.

Run straight all the way, directly to the East China Sea Dragon Palace Hotel Lu Yingyi.

When she came here, Lu Xuanying had already been waiting here, and Lu Yingyi gave a wry smile and said everything.

In fact, Lin Feihang didn’t care what Lu Yingyi said, after all, he was a villain with a God’s perspective.

Lu Yingyi immediately received another urging call from his subordinates.

At the moment, Lu Yingyi said helplessly: “Sister, brother-in-law, you really can’t help with this matter. I’ll go up and see it myself.”

Lin Feihang smiled faintly: “Since all are here, let’s go and have a look.”

Lin Feihang directly stood up, gathered his clothes, and put one hand in his pocket.

Lu Xuanying also stood up and tidied Lin Feihang’s neckline, holding Lin Feihang’s arms a little unaccustomed to.

Lu Yingyi saw everything in his eyes, and he had no doubt now that this Lin Feihang was the man his old sister liked, and he didn’t adulterate anything.

He really didn’t expect that Lin Feihang really chased his old sister into his hands, which made himself quite happy.

In this way, the car does not have to be returned if it is rash.

Yes, I definitely can’t pay it back. Whoever asks his brother-in-law to make his diamond number directly into gold is regarded as a compensation.

But this is not the main thing. The main thing now is that my casino has been smashed by someone. I have already lost tens of millions. If I lose, I am afraid that my hotel will lose. .

A few people went out directly, and more than a dozen bodyguards followed behind them, all walking towards the stairs.

In Jiangbei City, Longgong Hotel may not be the largest in North China in terms of scale, but it must be the highest grade.

The whole building has a total of eleven floors. The height is not too high, but the floor space is huge.

The usable area of ​​each floor is also extremely huge.

The first and second floors of the East China Sea Dragon Palace Hotel are normal hotels, the third floor belongs to KTV, and the fourth to seventh floors are sauna clubs.

The eighth floor is the area for employees to rest and eat.

On the ninth floor, the tenth floor is the casino and supporting luxurious presidential suites, and the eleventh floor on the top floor is the core area.

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