Chapter 306 Who is Lu Menghan?

The woman on one side looked at this action of the two, and plunged into her heart like a sharp knife.

She endured the pain in her heart, and then left.

For her, the so-called love was just seen, but she hadn’t started yet, it was already over because of the girl who had just walked out.

Lin Feihang didn’t care so much. In his eyes, Sun Xinyue was the only one.

Lin Feihang was extremely happy to be able to see Sun Xinyue again and to have something to happen to her again.

Lin Feihang sternly said, pretending to be very serious, “Isn’t it said that girls should be more reserved? How can you be so proactive?”

Sun Xinyue shrank her head to Lin Feihang’s chest like a little cat, looked up at him, but quickly lowered her head and took Lin Feihang’s hand and hurriedly lowered her head to leave.

Sun Xinyue immediately said: “Hurry up, there is someone here!”

The shyness of being late the next second, coupled with Lin Feihang’s ridicule, instantly made the girl’s face blush.

It’s more like being a guilty conscience, afraid of being discovered by others, and leaving this place quickly.

Lin Feihang smiled and let Sun Xinyue take her.

Sun Xinyue took Lin Feihang for a long time until there were no people on the road. Sun Xinyue patted her chest and breathed a sigh of relief. She was panting and said, “I was a little emotional just now, so I didn’t control it for a while.”

With that said, Sun Xinyue lightly hammered Lin Feihang’s chest with some blame, bit her lip, and slowly said, “Why don’t you tell me before you come, I don’t have any makeup today.”

Lin Feihang pursed his mouth and said with a smile: “What makeup is still on, I just like the way you look upright, so great!”

“Really?” Sun Xinyue asked with a tilted head looking at Lin Feihang.


Lin Feihang scratched her nose with a look of doting over.

The two of them walked on a trail in the park, where there are fewer people and the light is dim. It is a good place for couples to date and do bad things.

Lin Feihang asked, “Your legs are already healed, are there any discomforts?”

Sun Xinyue shook her head, looked at Lin Feihang with gratitude, and said, “No, sometimes I really thought it was a dream. If I didn’t meet Big Brother Lin, I’m afraid I won’t be able to stand up in my life. , I’m very satisfied now like this.”

Lin Feihang’s faith moved and turned to look at Sun Xinyue.

Just look at her crystal clear lips on the dim alley, which has a charm!

So Lin Feihang couldn’t help but lowered his head.

Two minutes later, the two people walked past the pavilion and continued to walk. Lin Feihang was relaxed and happy, while Sun Xinyue’s face was slightly red, and she secretly tidied the pink bra.

Don’t ask what bra is, feel for yourself.

They walked casually, like the most ordinary lovers.

Perhaps it was because Lin Feihang’s actions just now were too dishonest, or perhaps because the relationship between the two is getting closer and closer.

Sun Xinyue stood on her tiptoe even more in joy, and quickly pecked Lin Feihang’s cheek.

Sun Xinyue’s dark eyes were like stars in the night sky, and the pear vortex rising from the corner of her mouth was like the clear spring water.

Sun Xinyue looked at Lin Feihang’s handsome face and couldn’t help but smile: “Brother, you are so kind!”

Lin Feihang smirked, pointed to his left cheek, and said with a smirk: “I’m so good, so let’s kiss again on the left.”

Sun Xinyue hesitated, but still mustered up the courage, stood on tiptoe and kissed Lin Feihang’s left.

Today’s date between Lin Feihang and Sun Xinyue is almost a whole day of playing, amusement park, KFC, everything Lin Feihang is satisfied with Sun Xinyue.

Soon it was getting late, but the two seemed to have a sharp heart, and they did not go home as usual.

Everything seems so natural at this moment.

Tonight, Lin Feihang got his wish and could enjoy the beautiful scenery.

And this fascinating scenery can only be explored by Lin Feihang himself.

To Sun Xinyue, to Lin Feihang, everything tonight is unforgettable.

“Ah, you pressed my hair.”

When she woke up the next day, Sun Xinyue gave a painful cry and gently pushed Lin Feihang down.

Lin Feihang also woke up leisurely at this time, looking at the girl in front of him, the girl’s face was still a little pale at this moment, and Lin Feihang asked in a low voice: “Is your body okay?”

Sun Xinyue smiled lightly, and hurriedly covered her mouth, and then said: “It’s okay, I am in good health. I used to work alone.”


Lin Feihang nodded suddenly, with an unkind smile on the corners of his mouth, holding Sun Xinyue tighter, and repeatedly confirming: “Are you really good?”

Sun Xinyue held the quilt with her fingers tightly, and her body couldn’t help but shrank back, her face warned and said: “You…what are you doing?”

Lin Feihang laughed loudly, then touched Sun Xinyue’s head and said with a smile: “Haha, nothing else, the little girl’s thoughts should be purer, don’t think too much.”

Lin Feihang laughed again, then got up first and started cooking.

Today’s Lin Feihang prepares for a couple world of two people.

In Lin Feihang’s vision, today I will be with Sun Xinyue all day, so I have to get bored.

However, just as he had just finished cooking, Lin Feihang accidentally received a call.

I heard a cold voice on the phone saying: “What are you doing?”

These words immediately let Lin Feihang from the soothing and happy atmosphere, quickly dropped to the freezing point.

Looks like a big problem!

This is a call from Lu Xuanying.

Lin Feihang was a little guilty, and instinctively glanced at Sun Xinyue who was eating breakfast.

Lin Feihang pondered for a moment, then smiled slowly: “I just woke up and had breakfast, what’s wrong?”

Lu Xuanying did not hesitate in her words, she directly questioned: “Who is Lu Menghan?”

Lin Feihang was stunned for an instant.


Lu Xuanying, how did she know Lu Menghan?

According to the current plot, according to all the arrangements that I have received, everything should be under my control. At this time, the two people should not know each other!

Lin Feihang’s face turned pale when he brushed it. He knew that for the world’s number one heroine, Lu Xuanying, she particularly hated her own man, and she didn’t like disloyal people.

If I didn’t have a reasonable explanation this time, then my good life with Lu Xuanying would have expired.

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