Chapter 288 because of simplicity

Lin Feihang’s mind was jingling nonstop at this moment.

“Ding, the system reminds that Lu Xuanying’s favorability towards the host increases by 10, congratulations to the host for earning 100 points.”

“Ding, the system reminds that Lu Xuanying has a current favorability rating of 320 for the host, and Lu Xuanying has a soft spot for the host!”

“Ding, the system reminded that Wu Bingyu’s favorability towards the host increased by 8. Congratulations to the host for earning 80 points.”

“Ding, the system reminds that Wu Bingyu’s current favorability for the host is 230, and Wu Bingyu has feelings for the host!”

Seeing this, Lin Feihang finally understood one thing.

Lu Xuanying’s personality is really cold, even if she has a God’s perspective and a plug-in, it is still difficult to walk into her heart. Although Wu Bingyu looked fierce, just like a tigress, his heart was far simpler than Lu Xuanying, and he was more emotional.

One is really cold, the other is fake cold!

Interacting with Lu Xuanying for such a long time is better than meeting Wu Bingyu, who has only met three times in person.

This made Lin Feihang a little bit eager to cry, and Lin Feihang no longer thinks about it now. Just go to bed and supplement sleep is the most important thing. Staying up late will lead to sudden death!

At the same time, Lu Xuanying had already finished washing.

At this moment, Lu Xuanying was half lying on the bed, and the cool breeze of summer night through the screen windows, accompanied by a little grasshopper’s call, made people feel a rare sense of purity.

Lu Xuanying looked at the book on the bedside table next to her, staring at it for a long time, and then sighed, then she turned to her mobile phone, unlocked her face, flipped the page, and then clicked on the APP program.

Accompanied by a cry: “timi!”

In an instant, Lu Xuanying seemed even more exciting.

Lin Feihang was right. The King of Glory who doesn’t let go of his voice has no soul!

“Welcome to the King of Glory!”

Lu Xuanying has been playing this game for several days, and she even spares a certain amount of time to play this game every day.

Among them, there are some factors that have been imperceptibly brainwashed because Lin Feihang has been talking in his ears.

But Lu Xuanying is a rational person. Even if she had been brainwashed to play this game before, she would never have kept Lu Xuanying without the truly unique and charming charm of this game.

Lu Xuanying really thinks this game is quite fun, it can relieve stress and relax the mood.

Of course, she is not a gaming idiot.

A joke, as a business genius, how could she lose her hand in a simple game since she was the first to be the first woman in the world?

That is, when I was just familiar with the game a few days ago, it was a bit of a pitfall. In the last period of time, a great god was directly put on the platinum second rank. Then, when he went online today, I saw that the great god has already He is the best player and has not been online for a long time.

This is what makes Lu Xuanying a little envious, and she will definitely become the champion!

Although Lu Xuanying didn’t play for a long time, her natal hero Xiao Luban was not yet a record of 100 games.

This also means that except for the first few skilled matches, her subsequent rankings are basically winning.

As Lu Xuanying’s rank gradually increased, Lu Xuanying also felt that the enemy was getting stronger and stronger, and that the difficulty of the game was getting more and more difficult.

At this moment, Lu Xuanying is concentrating, frowning slightly, and her fingers are constantly sliding on the screen.

This round was a bit headwind. She was caught twice by Damn it’s Blue Spirit King, and with the support of a team battle, she died once and became 0-3-0.

In the chat box, the teammates appeared from time to time such as “Zhonglu fw”, “Zhonglu is nt” and other words.

Lu Xuanying can’t understand what fw and nt mean.

She didn’t have the habit of typing and chatting with teammates in the game. Sometimes, she would automatically block this information. After all, when she was just playing, her body was sprayed out of her body, so at the moment, Lu Xuanying didn’t care about them either.

Lu Xuanying secretly cheered herself up: “No matter what, I must win this round! I will rise to Platinum 1!”

In the middle of the night, who would have thought that a female president who is usually extremely cold and glamorous and beautiful will become an internet addicted girl in the middle of the night?

The initiator of all this was caused by Lin Feihang’s inadvertent guidance and brainwashing.

Even Lin Feihang, who has a God’s perspective, doesn’t know that Lu Xuanying has already started to play the game!

And I played several games with Lu Xuanying.

As the saying goes, close to Zhu is red, close to ink is black.

Fish look for fish, shrimp look for shrimp, frog looks for toad!

This fully demonstrates how great the impact of environment and population factors on education is!

Early the next morning, Lin Feihang rushed to the Lu Group.

When he reached the gate, Lin Feihang took a look at the gate, but he didn’t find Ye Fan at work.

This made Lin Feihang feel special. Since Ye Fan beat himself up last time, this Ye Fan seems to have died in a special way. Is it true that his conscience discovered that he felt that urban life was not suitable for him and went back to the mountain? Still holding a big move?

No, it’s not safe, let Adao and the others look it up.

Immediately, Lin Feihang came directly to the door of Lu Xuanying’s office.

At this moment, it was like Lin Feihang’s own office, opening the door proficiently.

Seeing that Lu Xuanying was holding a spoon, she was meticulously feeding her breakfast.

Looking at Lu Xuanying’s appearance, Lin Feihang couldn’t help but curl his lips.

This woman is really cold, and she doesn’t even look humane at all when she eats.

Just like she is a robot, eating is equivalent to charging herself, so that all the systems of her body will operate normally.

“Hey! What are you drinking? Get me some, and I will try it too.” Lin Feihang happily walked in, picked up the packaging on the side of the table and looked at it. It was a list of English packaging instructions.

Lin Feihang knows English, he then frowned and said, “Meal replacement powder? Why did you start drinking this stuff? Even if this stuff costs a lot of money and has some nutrition, it is different from normal meals.”

Lin Feihang was holding the packaging bag and said with some worry.

This is my own wife, but she can’t ruin her body.

The body is the capital of everything!

Lu Xuanying’s eyes didn’t even look at Lin Feihang, but said faintly, “Because it’s simple.”

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