Chapter 271: I really can’t move you

Moreover, he is still running the live broadcast now. Now Lin Xiaowei dare not click to start the live broadcast. Although his fans now like to watch the scene of stubbing their feet, but now they dare not read the comments, my heart can’t stand it. Ah, who knows what to say!

Lin Feihang’s face was not very good either, he looked a little aggrieved, and Lin Xiaowei’s face was even more depressed.

In the morning, he was full of ambitious slogans, and he was going to be the king, but I didn’t expect that in the end he would lose three games in a row, and every one would be a crushing failure…

The little boss glanced at Lin Feihang, and finally couldn’t help taking off his headphones, then took out his napkin and wiped the sweat on his forehead fiercely.

Playing games with Lin Shao is really tiring!

Obviously, the little boss has fallen to five platinum stars, and he really can’t lose. If he loses again, he will be gold.

This is what I took time to call up day and night.

The little boss held back the speechlessness in his heart, and then said: “Shao Lin, or you should play with the support later, the play support is a little more meaty and stable.”

Lin Feihang was too pitted, he was…not pitted out of the four of them…

Lin Feihang nodded directly and said, “Well, good.”

Lin Feihang is a classic case of people like League Heroes who play badly, but are very obsessed with this game.

At the moment, the five people adjusted their plans and proceeded to the next round.

However, destiny seems to have never been on their side. No matter how they adjust the lineup, choose the hero, or change the system, they will not be able to change the outcome of failure…

Your own heroes are constantly giving heads away, the enemy is constantly getting fattered, your own surrendering constantly, your own crystals are constantly exploding in place, constantly prompting the victory point to land, and the rank drops…

In the past, the obsession of a few people wanted to break away from their own ranks and move up one step, even if it was a star, but now everyone’s obsession has changed from the upper stage at the time to just one win, as long as it is a win. Just a handful.

“I want to win anyway!” After the voice of failure came again, Lin Xiaowei lowered himself on the table, his voice revealing endless despair…

“Don’t play, don’t play… I’ll go back and see if the boys have been well trained.” Ma Bo, who wanted to go to the master, did not expect to drop directly from Diamond One to Diamond Three. This is simply It made Ma Bo a little bit eager to cry…

They used to play often, but at least they have lost and won, but now they keep losing!

They collapsed a bit in an instant, and even directly chose not to play, even if the boss was angry, they couldn’t play.

“Stop playing?” Lin Feihang watched as Ma Bo and Adao directly turned off the game, while Lin Xiaowei and the little boss also casually watched the TV series.

Lin Feihang understood their meaning in an instant, but he still looked at Ma Bo unwillingly and asked.

Ma Bo shook his head again and again, refusing helplessly: “I can’t afford to play, I can’t carry it, I really can’t carry it.”

“Can’t bring it?”

“Yeah, boss, I think you should play with man-machine, I think man-machine is suitable for you…”

Ma Bo hesitated again and again, finally turned his head to look at Lin Feihang and said.

In fact, he really can’t bear to attack Lin Feihang’s enthusiasm, otherwise, if he wonders about the league’s ranking, he will lose a sinkhole!


Lin Feihang’s face turned black and speechless for an instant, and when he looked at the other three people, he also looked at him with certainty. He was a little helpless in an instant.

Is your technology really rotten out of Xiang, too rotten to break through the sky?

Lin Xiaowei sighed and shook his head, turned off the game, and was about to turn off the live broadcast in an instant, suddenly stared at the live broadcast room with wide eyes.


10w+ online audience?

Already broke through a million of caution?

Piercing arrows, crowns, and the latest special effects in the love universe, finally waiting for you… all of them are just like no money, swish upwards.

He found that he had only a live broadcast room where tens of thousands of people followed him. At first, he said what he became a star, when he would release a new song, and so on. To support himself, who would have thought that the style of painting has changed now? It turned out that the densely packed one didn’t finish reading, and the other popped out.

“Haha, rewarding the anchor, Lin Shao is too funny, other anchors we are watching technology, but looking at Lin Shao, we are watching how fancy he is.”

“Haha, the bloody policewoman was killed by a Q by the stone man, haha, am I stupid?”

“The other party’s ADC replenishes 100 soldiers, and the chairman replenishes 40 soldiers. This f*ck is a stream of consciousness replenishment!”

“The flash hits the wall, and the whole round is flash hits the wall, Lin Shao, you and the alliance wall have grudges, are you too hungry? Don’t think of the sun wall like this!”

“Shao Lin’s skills are worse than mine, but Shao Lin is so handsome! Shao Lin, I want to give you a monkey!”

“Haha, I’m so happy, I can’t stand it, anchor, you just change the name of the live broadcast room and change it to my boss’s daily cheating ranking! Reward the anchor, continue, the anchor, why do you turn off the game, grass! ”

“Yeah, what do you do when you close the game, continue!”


“I just want to see Lin Shao’s various fancy mistakes. I am so happy to die. Play the game quickly. I will reward a hundred sets of crowns!”

“Lin Xiaowei, hurry up and continue to the next game. I want to see how Lin Shao makes his teammates cry, and how to help his teammates quit internet addiction.”

After seeing these comments, Lin Xiaowei was excited!

f*ck, this is the rhythm of the fire!

Lin Feihang, who was sitting next to him, felt that although Ma Bo was right, he hadn’t played League Heroes for a while, and he didn’t feel much. How about practicing a few man-machines first? By the way, abuse the human machine to find a sense of existence…

Just when Lin Feihang was about to turn on the man-machine, Lin Xiaowei suddenly looked at Lin Feihang with bright eyes.

Lin Xiaowei smirked: “Boss…”


Hearing this sound, Lin Feihang shuddered, feeling that the sound had a tendency to be gay, and quickly hid.

Lin Xiaowei said embarrassingly: “Should we stop playing a few ranks!”

Lin Feihang looked at Lin Xiaowei with some doubts, and asked, “Didn’t you say you can’t afford it? Don’t you play with me?”

Lin Xiaowei boarded the game with a brilliant smile, invited Lin Feihang, and quickly said: “I suddenly changed my mind. I think you practiced. Everyone should be on the number as soon as possible. It’s a rare day to rest.”

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