Chapter 264 is in danger

After Lin Feihang heard this, his eyes lit up in an instant. Lin Feihang didn’t even think about it, but his voice suddenly became louder, and he said, “Go straight to the ninth floor!”

Only if you are strong can you better protect yourself!

Lin Feihang saw his points decrease at the speed of the naked eye, and gritted his teeth: “It’s good value for money, I don’t believe that there is no effect after more than a thousand points are smashed!”

The system replied: “Okay, host.”

Just after Lin Feihang heard the system’s response, he felt his body stiff for an instant, becoming unable to move, and immediately after that, he felt a warm current flowing directly from his body, directly on his Tianling cover.

In an instant, Lin Feihang felt that his body began to become extremely light, as if he could fly like a goshawk and soar into the sky with just a little effort.

Before I waited for a moment, a feeling of divine enlightenment spread directly into my body.

At this moment, Lin Feihang even felt that the time and space in this second seemed to be stretched into a lot. It seems that a long time has passed since this second!

When Lin Feihang found out, he knew that it was time to freeze!

Thinking that Lin Feihang glanced at the watch on his wrist, the second hand did not move for a long time.

It’s not that there is no electricity without a watch, but that my watch is mechanical and doesn’t need electricity at all.

Lin Feihang felt a powerful sensation in his body, and along with the bouts of pain, Lin Feihang felt that time and space seemed to be out of order.

Could it be that this is the “time still” that I saw in the banana video before!

Sure enough, the spells of those Japanese melons were passed down from the country in the hot summer.

This thought of Lin Feihang flashed away, and Lin Feihang suddenly returned from this bizarre state. At this moment, his body seemed to lighten a lot!

Lin Feihang immediately looked at his palm, and Lin Feihang smiled slightly.

Sure enough, the feeling of being powerful is so comfortable, and it also makes people feel great confidence!

Walking slowly, Lin Feihang tried his best to familiarize himself with his body.

Lin Feihang clenched his fist slightly, and whispered in a low voice: “This…is this powerful power?”

Lin Feihang noticed that the physical stamina on his attribute panel had also changed.

It used to be 98, but now it has become 110.

It seems that this exercise can increase one’s physical stamina, which is still a good thing!

After Lin Feihang grasped this sudden power, he felt that he was a lot stronger, and then he asked: “System, how do I compare to the genius doctor Ye Fan?”

The system sneered faintly, and said very calmly: “Ye Fan is strong, the host may not be able to push him when he runs with his shoes!”

Hearing this, Lin Feihang sighed instantly.

The road ahead is far away, comrades still need to work hard!

Just as Lin Feihang was about to experiment, how powerful his punch was now, suddenly, a huge sense of crisis enveloped his heart.

Not good, it’s dangerous!

Unexpectedly, this awesome technique is still very useful, just for a moment, you can make yourself feel the existence of danger.

Lin Feihang was taken aback by the sudden danger, and he didn’t even want to turn around as if he ran past the door.

But how could the other party make Lin Feihang wishful, and even punch Lin Feihang in the face with a reaction speed far exceeding Lin Feihang’s!


Lin Feihang’s left eye socket suddenly became red and swollen!

Lin Feihang’s body was directly staggered, and he was paralyzed on the ground in an instant.

This person’s speed is so fast. Besides, how did this person enter his room? You have to know that there are still a few patrolmen watching outside!

Is it Fang Mingjing’s killer?

Lin Feihang’s heart trembled, and he stood up suddenly, before he could react, he was punched in the right eye socket with a “bang!”

Damn it, don’t hit people in the face, you are willing to hit me with such a handsome face? Are you jealous of my beauty?

This is simply the enemy of life and death!

Lin Feihang was furious in an instant, and the rage directly turned himself into a first-level protected animal in the summer.

The other party seemed to have no intention of killing, but he didn’t intend to make Lin Feihang feel better. He kicked Lin Feihang directly, and Lin Feihang flew directly upside down, directly hitting the wall of his room.

The decoration of Lin Feihang’s villa is almost soft, and this foot exerts great force, but when it hits the softly treaded wall, it does not make much noise.


The intense pain made Lin Feihang sober in an instant, at least Lin Feihang’s head was sober now.

He has read novels, he is from the perspective of God, so he knows that no one in the whole city is his opponent, of course he excluded the sudden appearance of Ma Bo and the protagonist Ye Fan!

And the attack of the incoming person is extremely powerful, extremely fast, obviously not what he can attack at this stage, and this person has no intention of killing himself!

It’s like a cat catching a mouse, playing a game with myself.

Lin Feihang can be sure that this person is not Ma Bo, Ma Bo has muscles all over his body, and his head is inconsistent with this person.

Then there is only one possibility, and that is Ye Fan.

Lin Feihang had thought about this time that he slapped Ye Fan himself. Ye Fan might not give up, but Lin Feihang did not expect that this day would come so soon!

Fortunately, because Ye Fan’s offensive was fierce and extremely fast, he was beaten before he could react in a hurry.

This is also a blessing in the misfortune, letting myself hide from Ye Fan the true strength that I just improved!

But this face really hurts!

Ye Fan of Damn it, I really have you!

Lin Feihang was lying on the ground at this moment, so pain that he couldn’t open his eyes at all.

At this moment, Ye Fan only felt that the line of sight in front of him was blurred, and a short figure slowly walked in front of him.

It’s just that this person crouched down with a slightly hoarse voice, and said lightly to himself. “Do you know why I beat you?”

The person in front of him, no matter in body shape or voice, had nothing to do with Ye Fan, but Lin Feihang didn’t waver at all in his conclusion!

This is not Ye Fan’s words, he is eating two tons of shit!

Now is the time for acting.

Lin Feihang clutched his chest, coughed dryly, pretending to be extremely injured, and said weakly, “I don’t know, who are you?”

The short and thin man laughed grimly, and then he said: “It doesn’t matter who I am, it’s because you like someone you shouldn’t like!”

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