Chapter 259 Cooperation (add one more chapter)

Li Yunlong also felt Ye Fan’s killing intent. He immediately waved his hand, smiled and walked to Ye Fan’s side, patted Ye Fan’s shoulder, and said, “Haha, Ye’s brother, don’t be impulsive, I’m really There is no malice, I have already said it before, and I don’t mean to laugh at you.”

“It’s just that Lin Feihang is an old and cunning man.”

“Brother Ye, if you want to kill him, I’m afraid it won’t be that easy.”

“I mean the same as when I first saw you. You and I cooperate. This is the best and the most effective way to kill Lin Feihang.”

Ye Fan immediately sneered: “Kill Lin Feihang? Are you afraid that I will kill you first?”

Ye Fan’s eyes directly swept across several good bodyguards behind Li Yunlong. For a moment, Ye Fan sneered with disdain: “Do you think you can protect you with all these wastes? In my eyes, these It’s just rubbish, it’s all rubbish!”

“You are too f*ck crazy!”

“Boy, you’re fucking looking for death, right?”

Ah San and a few bodyguards behind Li Yunlong clenched their fists with an angry expression and stared at Ye Fan fiercely.

If they didn’t have Li Yunlong’s order, even if they were pointed at their noses and scolded their mother, they would not do anything.

This is the fucking professionalism!

Li Yunlong waved his hand at the moment, signaled Ah San and a few bodyguards to calm down, and then calmed the crowd: “Everyone, stay calm.”

Li Yunlong was actually very upset about Ye Fan’s arrogant attitude. No one would dare to talk to him like that, Ye Fan was the first one to win over.

But Li Yunlong also knew that Ye Fan had arrogant capital, and he really didn’t scare himself. With the strength of Ye Fan’s fighting master, Ah San and a few bodyguards behind him are really not Ye Fan’s opponents.

Once Ye Fan started, the bodyguards behind him might have been dead before they figured out what was going on, and he was indeed bound to die.

However, Li Yunlong is not worried about his life.

It is not that Li Yunlong is not afraid of death, but that Li Yunlong knows that he will not die.

Li Yunlong smiled, then sat on a chair, knocked on Erlang’s legs, looked at Ye Fan, and slowly said: “Brother Ye, there is always interest between us, and there is no hatred, so you and I are friends. , We have a common enemy.”

“So you don’t have to kill me.”

“We cooperate and kill Lin Feihang together. This is the best result.”

Li Yunlong then pretended to smile and said with ease: “Brother Ye, I came to discuss cooperation with you with full sincerity. You won’t refuse me twice in succession, do you?”

Li Yunlong spoke again: “And I didn’t mean to come here to taunt you, run you, and laugh at you. Li Yunlong is not like that.”

“I have always been enthusiastic and loyal. I have always liked to be anxious about what a friend is anxious, and what is difficult for a friend, and I don’t think my friend is in trouble.”

“So I will never do anything that goes to the ground.”

Li Yunlong looked at Ye Fan with a vow, and smiled: “So now you are in trouble, Brother Ye, and I feel your anger, Brother Ye, very much.”

“Now I am willing to help you brother Ye, directly to help you kill the treacherous villain Lin Feihang.”

“What do you think of this?”

Li Yunlong looked at Ye Fan and didn’t say anything. He looked at Ye Fan’s expression, and then said: “Brother Ye, I really embrace the sincere heart and the blood that wants to kill Lin Feihang to talk to you about cooperation. Yes, and there is no other meaning to mock you.”

“My mind can be learned from heaven and earth, and the sun and moon can be revealed. Now I, Li Yunlong, swear to heaven!”

Li Yunlong directly raised three fingers to express that he can swear!

Ye Fan looked at Li Yunlong with a gloomy expression, and in his heart he wanted to come to see if he should rely on Li Yunlong now.

Right now, Ye Fan sneered harshly and hoarsely: “Even if you didn’t mean to mock me. Then why should I believe you, and why should I believe you!?”

“Where is your Young Master Li worthy of my believing?”

Ye Fan grinned and said confidently: “Furthermore, taking a step back ten thousand steps, Lin Feihang is like an ant to me. It depends on whether I kill or not. Of course, the consequences are different. , But if I don’t care about the consequences, I don’t need you to help me kill Lin Feihang.”

“Why do you owe so much? It’s obvious to you everywhere!”

With that said, Ye Fan waved his arm directly!



Ye Fan slapped again and easily smashed a table.

But not a wooden table, but an iron table!

Ye Fan held the palm of his hand and looked at Li Yunlong, and said coldly: “My palm, twenty years of skill, can anyone of you be able to stop it?”

Ye Fan scanned the crowd for a week, and his voice was even colder: “Lin Feihang, can he resist my attack?”

“He is not my one-one enemy.”

“So, I don’t need you to come over to comfort me pretendingly, and I don’t need to cooperate with you.”

Ye Fan grinned, revealing an extremely powerful self-belief: “As long as I am alone, I can kill Lin Feihang.”


Ye Fan waved his hand to the frog on the side, and wanted to take the frog away.

In fact, don’t look at Li Yunlong’s saying that he was looking for Ye Fan to cooperate, but the meaning of it is already obvious, that is, he wants to recruit Ye Fan to be a younger brother.

As the son of luck, Ye Fan, as the protagonist, would he be a subordinate to others?

Seeing that Ye Fan was about to leave, Li Yunlong hurriedly said, “Brother Ye, behind Lin Feihang is the Lin family, the first-class upper class society in Jiangbei City. But at this moment, you are nothing more than yourself.”

Li Yunlong watched Ye Fan’s body stop, and immediately said: “I, Li Yunlong, admit that your strength is much higher than Lin Feihang. I even admire you. But if you dare to kill Lin Feihang, I believe you. It’s okay, but then you won’t have a good end, and you won’t be able to stay in Jiangbei City any longer. You should be the most clear on this point whether I’m correct.”

When Ye Fan heard this this time, he didn’t pause, but walked quickly towards the door.

Li Yunlong looked at Ye Fan’s back, not in a hurry, and even more slowly said: “And I have a way to kill Lin Feihang. I can also guarantee your safety!”

After saying this, Li Yunlong stood with his arms folded, watching Ye Fan walking to the door of the nightclub from the back.

Li Yunlong believed that Ye Fan would cooperate with him.

Because Ye Fan only had a chance to destroy Lin Feihang if he cooperated with him!

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