Chapter 256 We can be friends

If he didn’t hold back just now and acted directly on Lin Feihang, he was confident that he could kill Lin Feihang on the spot, and he could directly Tao Yaoyao, but afterwards he would be wanted by the Jiangbei City Bureau nationwide.

At that time, he was desperate, but he was arrested and killed.

Although he is strong, his power is not good.

Before he had enough power to suppress the consequences of beheading Lin Feihang.

Now there are Beidou or something, and with the Lin Family’s power, it must have given oneself nowhere to hide.

So, now I must hold back and not be able to do it!

Unless he is not going to stay in Jiangbei City anymore.

This way, you can kill Lin Feihang and then escape from Jiangbei City, but I haven’t figured out where to escape.

But this is only the worst step, but it is clearly not there yet.

Although he had already lost Huang Laoba and the Wu family, he still had the final support. The biggest trump card was Wu Bingyu.

Ye Fan glanced at Lin Feihang with a cold expression, and said coldly: “Lin Feihang, this is all you forced me!”

Immediately, Ye Fan took a deep breath, looked at Wu Bingyu on the side, and slowly said, “Bingyu, can we say a few words alone?”


Is it Bingyu? Ye Fan’s name is really disgusting, am I familiar with you?

Wu Bingyu glanced at Lin Feihang and Zhou Junyi, and hesitated.

Wu Bingyu no longer has any good feelings for Ye Fan, but instead feels that Ye Fan’s character is very poor.

“Bing Yu, go and chat with Ye Fan.”

Although he knew that Ye Fan didn’t have much hope, Mr. Wu still chose to help Ye Fan, but he also sighed weakly. It seemed that there was no hope anymore. Xiao Fan really lost this time.

Wu Bingyu bit his lip, then said slowly, “All right.”

Elder Wu said so, and Wu Bingyu naturally couldn’t refuse. She nodded slightly, and accepted Ye Fan’s invitation.

Seeing Wu Bingyu and Ye Fan go to the corner, the person involved is no longer there, and everyone immediately becomes active.

In an instant, a large group of single women from the first-, second-, and third-rate families ran directly to Lin Feihang’s side, and a small star flashed in his eyes and said, “Lin Shao, you are great.”

Even Lu Xuanying was also out of curiosity. Surrounded by Ye Yun, she looked at Lin Feihang as if she had discovered a new world, and asked, “When did you learn the Guqin?”

At this moment, a group of big guys also began to watch Lin Feihang again.

I heard Lu Shouchun say to his father with some admiration: “Father, this Xiaohang is really hidden. It simply gave us too many surprises.”

Mr. Lu, who was sitting next to Mr. Wu, looked at his son with a smile, and said in agreement: “Yes, Xiao Hang, the child is not only deep enough in the city, but also good at Guqin.”

“Lin Guohua really raised a good son.”

Lu Shouchun was very optimistic about Lin Feihang, and said with emotion.

Especially Lin Feihang was dazzled, and the method of playing Ye Fan between his palms made him obsessed.

When he was at Lin Feihang’s age, he didn’t have such a means and city mansion!

And who is Ye Fan, can anyone play with it?

But this time Ye Fan suffered a big loss, enough to show Lin Feihang’s excellence.

“Ha ha.”

“The tiger father has no dogs!”

Many people began to respond.

But no one saw that the look of Old Man Wu and Wu Zhonghao at this moment was unnatural.

Lu Shouchun was very satisfied with everyone’s response, and nodded with a smile.

What he did was to build momentum for Lin Feihang.

Because he likes Lin Feihang very much.

son in law!

At this moment, Ye Fan looked at Wu Bingyu in front of him, took a deep breath, and said with reason and emotion: “Bingyu, there is one thing, I must tell you.”

Ye Fan stared at Wu Bingyu closely, frowning slightly and said, “Actually, I want to pursue you because of Grandpa Wu’s matchmaking.”

“Grandpa Wu and my master are good friends. I can’t help but give face to his match.”

“If you have any opinion on me, it doesn’t matter, I can give up.”

Ye Fan pretended to be relaxed and smiled: “After all, we are not familiar with it either.”

Ye Fan knew that at this moment his hope of chasing Wu Bingyu was very slim. It can be said that in a short period of time, he could not make Wu Bingyu’s favorability increase.

Since there is no hope, he might as well just be a gentleman and just give up. This way he can still appear to be very free and easy, and may make up for the loss of goodwill.

But Ye Fan, as the protagonist, would not simply give up.

In the protagonist’s dictionary, he never gave up this word!

But at the same time he was about to give up Wu Bingyu, he came up with a good idea. He had to give Lin Feihang some eye drops to make Lin Feihang show his feet better.

If he can’t get Wu Bingyu, then he won’t let Lin Feihang get Wu Bingyu!

Wu Bingyu looked at Ye Fan and didn’t know why. For a while, she felt that Ye Fan was so gentle, and it seemed that Ye Fan was not so rampant.

Wu Bingyu, who originally didn’t want to talk to Ye Fan, nodded so badly, and said, “Well, we can actually be friends.”

Seeing Ye Fan chose to give up, Wu Bingyu smiled back to Ye Fan.

After all, Ye Fan is the protagonist of this world, so when Ye Fan was extremely frank, Wu Bingyu didn’t feel so disgusted with Ye Fan.

She thought about it carefully, it seemed that what Ye Fan said was the same thing, and it was not Ye Fan’s fault alone.

She couldn’t simply blame Ye Fan.

Under the persecution of Mr. Wu, she was forced to contact Ye Fan, a person who had never met. Didn’t Ye Fan also meet with her under the persecution of his master and Elder Wu?

Thinking this way, in fact, she and Ye Fan seem to be victims.

The experiences of the two are so similar.

At this moment, Wu Bingyu unexpectedly had an impulse, wanting to tell Ye Fan that in fact, you still have a chance, but in the end this impulse was firmly suppressed in his heart.

It can’t be said yet. If you look at Ye Fan’s performance, what else will happen by then is still unclear!


Ye Fan nodded, and then smiled at Wu Bingyu. In fact, he didn’t take Wu Bingyu’s words to heart.

To be friends? Isn’t this the equivalent of sending a good person card?

If you broke up, can you still be friends?

Can you become a friend if you fail to pursue it?

This is not nonsense, then what is nonsense!

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