Chapter 243: Eliminate this link

At this time, Lu Shouchun slowly walked to the rostrum and greeted everyone.

Then a middle-aged man walked out with a birthday gift and said, “Brother Lu, this is the birthday gift I prepared for the old man.”

Just looking at the middle-aged man holding a gift box in his hand, it looks like a gift box, you can know that the items inside are of great value.

This is not an ordinary gift, but also an opportunity to make good friends with the Lu family.

Next, it is naturally the link where everyone presents gifts.

Lin Feihang knows this very well,

Lin Feihang turned his gaze to Ye Fan, but saw Ye Fan send a provocative look at Lin Feihang.

Could it be that Ye Fan really made the limelight this time?

No, there must be a way. Seeing that the second person is about to start offering gifts, Lin Feihang’s eyes lit up for an instant, and he suddenly thought of a way to stop Ye Fan from pretending to be forced!

“Wait a moment!”

Lin Feihang called out directly, and everyone was stunned.

Originally, the first middle-aged man immediately delivered his gift to Lu Shouchun’s hands. Lin Feihang’s voice directly destroyed his chance of flattering Lu’s family. In an instant, his expression was a little uncomfortable, and his tone of voice was a little bit more unpleasant. Patiently said: “Lin Shao, what do you mean?”

He was only a second-rate clan, so he didn’t dare to say anything about Lin Feihang, a first-rate clan in the north of the Yangtze River.

Lu Shouchun was also a little suspicious, and asked, “Xiao Hang, do you have any questions?”

He has a good impression of Lin Feihang, otherwise, he would not give Lin Feihang the opportunity to explain when Lin Feihang interrupted the gift. If it were someone else, he would have directly called the security guard out.

Lin Feihang looked at Ye Fan and said with a faint smile: “Uncle Lu, everyone here today is here to attend Grandpa Lu’s birthday. There are also many elders, and there are many peers like me.”

“But the old saying is good. As the saying goes, the friendship between gentlemen is as pale as water, and there are thousands of miles to send goose feathers, courtesy is less affectionate.”

“So, those who come are all friends and relatives who have made good friends with the Lu family. The value of gifts is actually not so important at this time!”

“The most important thing is everyone’s intention to pray for Grandpa Lu’s birthday. As long as everyone arrives, it is actually the best blessing to the Lu family and Grandpa Lu.”

After hearing this, everyone said it was a response, and everyone felt that there was some truth to Lin Feihang’s words.

Upon seeing this, Lin Feihang smiled and said, “Actually, Grandpa Lu always pays his birthday celebrations every year. I want to change this situation this year. I just need to skip this link. You only need to give the gifts to the people of the Lu family. .”

“After all, the gifts that everyone gives are different, and the value is also different. If you roll the name, there will always be a little embarrassment. Whoever sends the more and the less is actually just because of the heart. It is inevitable that they want to do it because of the roll. Comparing, this is not good.”

Lin Feihang looked at the people around him, and then asked, “Do you think my method is okay?”

Quite a few, people who originally wanted to rely on this link to increase their relationship with the Lu family were a little unhappy in an instant. They just curled their lips and vented their dissatisfaction and said, “What the hell is Lin Feihang doing?”

But after all, there are only a small number of people who can give big-price gifts. Many people from second-rate and even third-rate families instantly understood what Lin Feihang meant. They couldn’t help but brighten up and exclaimed, “Lin Shao is really kind in doing things. His gifts are definitely valuable things, and the gifts everyone sends are definitely not as good as his. What he means is that he doesn’t want everyone to be embarrassed.”

“Isn’t it? Lin Shao is really a good man. The things about Lin Shao circulating on the Internet seem to be false. It seems that the rumors are not credible.”

But some people sneered and said, “Hehe, everyone knows the value of his gift without a rollover, but no one knows what our gift is. This Lin Feihang is just deliberate, just to highlight himself.”

“It’s really shameful!”

Many guests talked about this.

There are those who support, and there are those who oppose it.

Some of the Lin family’s followers, as well as guests who have a friendly relationship with the Lin family, or who brought gifts that are not very expensive, have a good impression of Lin Feihang.

Because Lin Feihang did so, it was tantamount to helping them.

Some guests who were friendly to the Lu family, and those who had bought a precious birthday gift and were going to make a name for Mr. Lu’s happiness, looked unkind and stared at Lin Feihang very angrily.

Because Lin Feihang ruined their good deeds!

Lu Shouchun also looked at Lin Feihang suspiciously, not understanding why Lin Feihang came out unexpectedly.

In fact, this has nothing to do with Lin Feihang. Lin Feihang does not need to do anything extra.

But Lin Feihang did just that.

Lin Feihang also heard the discussion from everyone, but he still laughed without saying a word.


Lu Shouchun coughed directly, and the scene became quiet for an instant.

Although Lu Shouchun didn’t know why Lin Feihang came here, but he had a good impression of Lin Feihang and felt that what Lin Feihang said was reasonable.

If you don’t roll your name now, you can avoid the embarrassment of some shy guests in your pocket.

And whoever has the heart and who is not, the Lu family can also have a spectrum in their minds after the fact, when they re-statistics.

The Lu family will not owe any favors from any family.

Therefore, whether it is roll-call or not roll-call, there is no loss to the Lu family, it is just a little increase in the follow-up links.

The Lu family has always been the family motto of loyalty and justice. Compared with showing off, the Lu family really prefers to be low-key.

This is also the reason why the Lu family can be passed down for hundreds of years.

The four major families in Jiangbei City were both beautiful and dying. They had all changed several batches. The Lin Family and Wu Family were both newly promoted families that hadn’t been many years old. However, the Lu family and the Zhou family have been passed on for hundreds of years.

Part of the reason for this is that the Lu family has always been sufficiently low-key!

No one has offended anyone, and he hasn’t gotten too close to anyone. It can be said that the Lu Family relied on their own development to get to where they are today!

Lu Shouchun said in a slow voice at the moment: “Then according to Xiaohang’s words, please give us the birthday gifts to our family members, and cancel the roll call.”

Looking at the people, Lu Shouchun smiled and said: “Everyone’s wishes, my Lu family will remember this. On behalf of the Lu family, I, Lu Shouchun, hope that everyone can rest assured!”

Lu Shouchun’s meaning is obvious, that is, if you want to favor the Lu family, our Lu family has counted them. Don’t worry, your gifts will not be for nothing.

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