Chapter 240 What are they curious about me

Zhou Junyi knows this car very well, and even speaks eloquently: “The world-famous Prince William, the crown prince of the East and the West, have bought this car.”

“In the world, that is, the young patriarchs of the world’s top families, some princes of chiefs, and some crown princes of the continent who have the qualifications to buy this car.”

“In China, only the elders and youngsters of the families in Beijing have this qualification.”

“But I don’t understand. Lin Feihang, as the Lin family elder, my brother tried his best to buy this car even with more money.” Zhou Junyi said suspiciously in his beautiful eyes: “But what did he do? I bought it?”

Wu Bingyu, who has always been disinterested in sports cars, was interested in this car at this moment. After hearing Zhou Junyi’s introduction, he couldn’t help exclaiming: “This car is so big?”

By the way, she was also curious about the owner Lin Feihang.

This Damn it guy, he didn’t expect a car to make so much attention to it!

Wu Bingyu didn’t understand how Lin Feihang managed to buy a car that Zhou Junyi and her brother couldn’t buy.

It stands to reason that the four major families exist at the same level. There is no one who is strong and who is weak. They are basically the same strength, but why can Lin Feihang buy things that Zhou’s family can’t buy?

Isn’t Lin Feihang only the chairman of the Lin Group?

Wu Bingyu is also very curious about this.

Lin Feihang, who was receiving compliments from several family members in the banquet hall,

Lin Feihang looked at Wu Bingyu and Zhou Junyi walking down the stairs.

It happened that the two women were also looking at him.


So across the crowd, Lin Feihang smiled and nodded slightly to Wu Bingyu and Zhou Junyi.

“What are they curious about me?” Lin Feihang was a little suspicious

“According to the plot, she is devoted to Ye Fan with Wu Bingyu.”

“Somewhat interesting.”

Lin Feihang’s gaze shifted from Wu Bingyu and Zhou Junyi, who were walking towards Mr. Lu, to Ye Fan, who was sitting in the corner of the venue and savouring his food.

This kind of upper-class banquets basically adopt the method of self-service food and seating.

Because Ye Fan was dressed shabbyly and was not well-known in the upper class of Jiangbei City, after entering the banquet hall, no one paid him any attention.

Ye Fan could only sit in a corner of the banquet hall at the moment, and he was eating silently alone, looking a little pitiful.

“Master, I will chase him away?”

Noting the look in Lin Feihang’s eyes, Ah Dao immediately got up, trying to make a rough look at Ye Fan.

“Brother Dao, I’ll go with you.”

“Dare to mess with Brother Lin, really looking for a fight.”

Several second-rate youngsters around Lin Feihang got up one after another, filled with righteous indignation, they all wanted to go and attack Ye Fan with A Dao, attack Ye Fan ruthlessly, and drive Ye Fan out of the venue.

They are all the second-rate and third-rate families of the Lin family’s vassals.

Their family has always looked at the horse head of the Lin family only, and their father only looked at the horse head of Lin Guohua, so when they came here, they naturally also showed their courtesy to Lin Feihang.

Only Lin Feihang was looking ahead.


“Get me all back!”

Lin Feihang glared at Ah Dao, who was looking for trouble. This Dao was not going to vent his anger, but to find him trouble.

In the past, he could only brush up on Ye Fan’s reputation and become Ye Fan’s stepping stone!

A Dao said with some righteous indignation: “Master, this dog has targeted you over and over again. This time I came to Lu’s birthday banquet with the intention of snatching Miss Lu with you.”

A Dao deserves to be Lin Feihang’s good dogleg, the more he speaks, the more angry he gets, and he clenches his fists and said: “This Ye Fan is simply against you on purpose.”

“I will lead someone to chase him away, and see how he snatches Miss Lu with you!”

Lin Feihang looked at Ah Dao helplessly, and said lightly: “First, do you think you are his opponent, start your hand, and you will leave him?”

“Secondly, he is a guest invited by Elder Lu himself.”

“If you target him now, isn’t it the same as slapping Lu in the face?”


A Dao’s face became stiff, and he scratched his head in embarrassment. He didn’t know how to answer Lin Feihang.

If you really want to do it, he will only be abused by Ye Fan.

Ah Dao really didn’t think of this.

Lin Feihang gave Adao a blank look, and then said: “So you sit down for me.”

This Adao is indeed very loyal to himself and is an excellent dogleg.

“Then Brother Lin, we can only watch him arrogantly and watch him snatch Miss Lu with you, but can’t do anything to him?”

A Dao became more and more angry, took a sip of his drink, and asked directly.

Lin Feihang smiled faintly: “Of course not.”

“You don’t care about this, I have my own way to deal with him.”

Lin Feihang’s eyes rolled when he looked at Ye Fan who was feasting on a big flower.

He knew that just because he broke Ye Fan’s plan B just now, no one took care of him after Ye Fan entered the banquet hall.

Now, isn’t this another good opportunity?

Lin Feihang looked at his doglegs and said lightly: “Sit down and don’t move.”

Lin Feihang smiled and got up.

“Brother Lin, what are you going to do?” Adao asked Lin Feihang subconsciously.

“That’s how you want to follow me?” Lin Feihang gave Adao a helpless look, then reprimanded: “Just stay with me, and when I need you, I will naturally call you.”

After all, Lin Feihang walked directly to the opposite of Ye Fan.

Lin Feihang looked at Ye Fan and slowly said, “Brother Ye, come and have a drink together?”

Seeing Lin Feihang, Ye Fan instantly gritted his teeth with bloodshot eyes: “Lin Feihang!”

Seeing Lin Feihang, who deliberately came to dangle in front of him and spoiled his good deeds over and over again, Ye Fan clenched his fists and trembled in anger. I really want to blow Lin Feihang’s dog’s head with a punch!

Lin Feihang looked at Ye Fan who was extremely angry, but he was confident, and did not put Ye Fan in his eyes. Lin Feihang slowly shook his head and said, “You can’t do it.”

“This is the birthday banquet of the Lu family. Two-thirds of the upper class elites in Jiangbei City are present.”

Lin Feihang slowly said: “If you do something to me now, you will not only slap the Lu family in the face, but also ruin your reputation.”

Lin Feihang looked at Ye Fan and smiled: “So, do you still want to do it to me?”


With his fist clenched, Ye Fan took a deep breath and suppressed the anger in his heart. Ye Fan looked at Lin Feihang viciously, and said coldly: “You and I have nothing to talk about.”

“If you want to use a trick, just do it, and I will follow.”

“I, Ye Fan, are still afraid that you won’t succeed!”

Lin Feihang smiled and looked at Ye Fan, and then he said: “Haha, refreshing, I do have a surprise for you after a while, but not now. I hope you will like the surprise this time.”

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