Chapter 236: Rejected

The next day, early in the morning, Lin Feihang got up refreshed and walked directly into the garage.

The sky blue Ferrari can be said to be extremely cool, and the streamlined new shape of the sports car is very attractive.

The dog system also rewarded Lin Feihang with an 8888 license plate number.

Lin Feihang curled his lips and said secretly: “This dog system is rare and generous once.”

Lin Feihang got into Ferrari’s cab and put Tang Bohu’s original “Autumn Fragrance Picture” in the co-pilot position. I couldn’t help but exclaimed: “This license plate number, this seat, is really a good horse with a good saddle! The 600 points are not white, it’s great value for money!”

“Boom boom.”

When the accelerator was stepped on, Ferrari let out a cracking roar, and Lin Feihang drove out of the villa area directly.

“I’m going, this car is so cool?”

“Is this Ferrari?”

“I’m a good boy, which Ferrari model is this? Why haven’t I seen it before?”

When Lin Feihang was waiting for the traffic lights, many drivers who were also waiting for the traffic lights opened the windows and looked at Lin Feihang’s sky blue Ferrari in surprise.

“This is a Ferrari 2020 limited edition.”

An urban elite driving a BMW three-series looked at Lin Feihang’s car very enviously, and said with enthusiasm: “This car costs at least 30 million yuan, and it is priceless in the market.”

“He can buy an ordinary car worth 100,000 yuan with just one tire.”

“Look at my BMW again.” The elite looked at Lin Feihang’s license plate and said with a wry smile: “No one’s license plate is valuable yet.”

The elite gave a wry smile, saying that he was struggling for a lifetime, and he probably couldn’t afford a car wheel. This is the gap!

Why is the gap between people so big!

When everyone heard this, they suddenly exclaimed: “I’ll go.”

“It’s so proud.”

Everyone in the car was even more surprised.

Just as Lin Feihang was waiting for the traffic lights, the window of a Volkswagen car next to the Ferrari slowly fell. A young beauty with a bow in the passenger seat smiled and winked at Lin Feihang, looking a little charming. Facing Lin Feihang shyly said: “Handsome guy, get to know?”

Lin Feihang frowned and didn’t speak, but the woman still didn’t give up and said, “Handsome guy, do you have a girlfriend?”

Lin Feihang said lightly: “Yes.”

Lin Feihang glanced at this beautiful woman who was dressed in a cropped navel and was very sexy.

He could tell at a glance that this beauty should be on the night market.

Because she has a strong perfume smell.

The woman smiled faintly: “It’s okay.”

“Handsome guy, do you mind having an extra girlfriend? I don’t mind being a little one.”

When Lin Feihang heard this, he gave a wry smile and said, “I’m not interested.”

The green light is on.

“Boom boom, boom boom.”

Lin Feihang stepped on the accelerator and Ferrari left.

What’s going on with people nowadays, it’s crazy. Is this the treatment of the rich?

He used to take another look at the beauties who would be despised, but now he took the initiative to strike up a conversation with him. He knew that just now he just nodded his head and he would be able to overthrow this beauty tonight.

But Lin Feihang was not interested in her.

Lin Feihang never lacks women.

At this moment, in front of the Jiangbei Restaurant where Lu’s birthday banquet was held.

A young man dressed in ordinary clothes, but with sharp eyebrows and a gray cloth bag under his arm, hurried over on a shared bicycle.

After placing the bicycle in the parking space, he walked towards the Jiangbei Restaurant.

This young man is no one else, it is Ye Fan!

Originally Huang Laoba wanted to drive a Mercedes-Benz to send Ye Fan to the birthday banquet of Mr. Lu, but Ye Fan deliberately rejected Huang Laoba’s proposal because he knew that Mr. Lu liked simplicity.

It was a person who came here on a shared bicycle.

Ye Fan knows that Mr. Lu, who has experienced that special age when he can’t eat enough to eat, hates the extravagance and waste of young people the most.

When Ye Fan was about to enter, he was suddenly stopped by the receptionist: “Stop.”

“Today, this place is reserved, and outsiders are not allowed to enter.”

The two reception staff guarding the entrance of the restaurant, after a glance at Ye Fan, who was wearing ordinary clothes and came here on a shared bicycle, they unceremoniously turned Ye Fan away.

They naturally didn’t think that Ye Fan’s hanging silk was actually qualified to participate in the birthday banquet of Mr. Lu.

After all, the people invited to the birthday banquet today are all elites who are either rich or noble, and they are all first-class figures in the upper class of Jiangbei City!

These people, even the most ordinary, their cheapest cars are BMW, Mercedes-Benz and Audi with hundreds of thousands.

But Ye Fan came here on a shared bicycle?

Wearing a motorcycle helmet?

Where did this soil bun come from!

A receptionist said coldly: “Move your bicycle aside.”

The receptionist glanced at Ye Fan with extreme disdain, and said in disgust, “Wait when you bump into that rich car, can you afford it?”

Another male receptionist also looked contemptuously at Ye Fan and said, “That is, your kid’s salary for a year is probably not enough to buy a car wheel, so let’s buy a screw!”

“Haha!” The two receptionists began to laugh.

Such people really look down upon them.

Ye Fan glanced at the two male receptionists indifferently, and then said coldly: “I’m here to attend Father Lu’s birthday banquet, please don’t look down upon others.”

At this moment, if it weren’t for the Lu family’s birthday banquet, the two of them would dare to talk to him like this. According to his temper, he would have drawn big-eared melon seeds on the faces of these two male receptionists and taught them how to behave. .

“Just you, are you still attending Lu’s birthday banquet?”

“Haha! Your kid doesn’t have a fever, right?”

A male receptionist smiled contemptuously, and then said: “What are you kidding about? Are you sleepwalking? You are a poor B, are you eligible to participate in the Lu family birthday banquet?”

“I think you just want to go in and eat and drink! I guess you have never eaten such a good thing in your life!”

“I see, maybe I want to get in and steal something.”

Another male receptionist looked at Ye Fan very vigilantly, and whispered: “Hey, you kid can’t go, if you don’t, I’ll call the security guard!”

“I am indeed here to attend the birthday banquet, please let me in. If the time is delayed, you can’t afford it.” Ye Fan endured his displeasure and said with extreme restraint.

“It’s hilarious.”

The male receptionist sneered, stretched out his hand to Ye Fan, and then said: “Since you said you are coming to the birthday banquet, then you can bring the invitation card.”

Ye Fan said coldly: “Then why didn’t the people who went in earlier asked for an invitation?”

“Hehe, you’re blind, the man in front is the elder of the Wu family, and the Lu and Wu family have a good relationship, do you still need any invitations?”

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