Chapter 215 Are You Sick

This is Ye Fan’s assessment of Lin Feihang’s attitude, from an absolutely objective perspective!

Such Lin Feihang made Ye Fan not have any desire for him to do anything!


Ye Fan breathed out gently, which made Ye Fan feel that the depression of these days, after today’s showdown, made himself a lot easier.

Ye Fan lowered his eyes, and said in a hoarse voice: “Since you still love her, don’t do anything to sorry her.”

Then Ye Fan turned around and left.

In this conversation, there was no half-point result.

But whether it was for Lin Feihang or Ye Fan, this time, there was a certain degree of progress.

This negotiation gave them a deeper understanding of each other.

Ye Fan didn’t give Lin Feihang another chance to speak, he turned around and left.

Lin Feihang looked at Ye Fan’s gradually leaving figure, and couldn’t help but feel a little excitement in his heart, but still kept that trace of puzzled expression on his face.

At this moment, Lin Feihang had discovered a fact with hindsight.

The original self is really capable of acting!

Sure enough, do otaku all have such a hidden talent?

It’s really great!

This time, it was tantamount to the last short-lived victory in the confrontation between himself and Ye Fan!

Although this victory is irrelevant, Rome was not built in a day. Lin Feihang knew that as long as he did his job well, the future would not be a problem for him!

When is the injustice reported? Why just stare at my grass!

Next, it’s time to see Lu Xuanying.

Out of the warehouse, he turned into the employee elevator on one side, and Lin Feihang pushed down the forty-seventh floor.

Lin Feihang also felt a lot of relaxation at this time, took a leisurely step, and came to Lu Xuanying’s office in this way.


Looking at the door of Lu Xuanying’s office, after Lin Feihang hesitated, Lin Feihang still did not choose to knock on the door this time, but just shook the handle and pushed in!

They are all their own, and if they keep knocking on the door, they will be out of sight!

Who is with Lu Xuanying?

Lu Xuanying was looking up at this moment, drinking juice.

Immediately after hearing the door opening, Lu Xuanying quickly put down the cup in her hand, looking at Lin Feihang with her cold eyes as if she were about to pierce a person’s heart.

Lin Feihang looked at Lu Xuanying with almost murderous eyes, and quickly closed the door, apologized with a little guilty expression in his expression: “Sorry, I accidentally forgot it again. This is really my great sin, but I believe it. Our lovely and charming Xiao Yingying would never care about this, right?”

Lin Feihang’s exaggerated expressions instantly spread into Lu Xuanying’s ears, only making her feel uncomfortable. All of a sudden, she got goose bumps, and Lu Xuanying even got her breathing disordered!

Lu Xuanying cursed directly: “Lin Feihang, are you sick?”

Is this guy really taking the wrong medicine?

How to talk so numb!

Are you sick?

Lin Feihang rushed forward and touched Lu Xuanying’s forehead before she could react. Then she stepped back and touched her own. In an instant, she was a little confused and said: “No illness, we both have the same temperature. , How could I get sick?”

“Otherwise, would you touch me too?” Lin Feihang leaned to Lu Xuanying’s side with a smile on her face.


Lu Xuanying was stunned by Lin Feihang’s presumptuous movements.

Lu Xuanying didn’t know why Lin Feihang today had the courage of the bear heart and leopard or something. Not only did he become frivolous in the language, but even his actions became so bold!

Could it be that Lin Feihang really regarded himself as a vegetarian?

Lu Xuanying instantly pulled her face down, and put down the pen in her hand. Lu Xuanying said coldly, “Lin Feihang, although our relationship has improved a lot, it doesn’t mean…”

After Lin Feihang heard this, he waved his hand and interrupted: “Okay, okay, okay.”

Lin Feihang hurriedly moved a stool and sat down opposite Lu Xuanying’s desk, and then hurriedly said, “Sorry, I was wrong. I will never do this again, okay?”

Such smooth words came out of Lin Feihang’s mouth, and for an instant it made Lu Xuanying not know what to say.

Lu Xuanying looked at Lin Feihang’s attitude of admitting mistakes so well, she herself couldn’t get angry even if she wanted to be angry!

As the saying goes, don’t hit the smiley people with your hands.

That’s how Lin Feihang is at this time!

What a bastard! !

Lu Xuanying scolded Lin Feihang viciously in her heart.

At the moment, Lu Xuanying lifted the slightly messy hair on her forehead back. Lu Xuanying was trying her best to restrain her emotions. Her tone was a little cold and said: “Mr. Lin, we are just ordinary friends now. Please pay attention to you. Your words, and your body language, are you okay?”

Lin Feihang couldn’t help but curled his lips. The babes spoke in a set way, and some body language came out, and it was not serious when they heard it.

Lin Feihang said lightly: “Okay, I get it.”

Lin Feihang originally came here with an extremely longing heart, but was diminished by Lu Xuanying’s cold reaction in an instant.

This girl really has no sentiment.

Lin Feihang didn’t have any interest in taking the initiative to talk at this time. Instead, he turned on his phone and browsed today’s news.

Lv Xuanying also stopped talking to Lin Feihang immediately, and immediately lowered her head to concentrate on office work, but the corner of her eye still took a peek at Lin Feihang.

Seeing Lin Feihang at this time, he looked unsmiling, as if he was really angry.

Seeing Lin Feihang’s appearance, Lu Xuanying was in a moment of hesitation.

Isn’t it, what I just said was too heavy?

Make him a little emotional?

Lin Feihang looks like that just now, although it seems a bit uncomfortable, but he doesn’t seem to be malicious to himself, right…

It’s just that it’s very numbing, making myself a little uncomfortable, not to mention the fact that my ears are still hot now!

This bastard must have been irritated last night. He became so uncharacteristic in the morning and sprayed on perfume for an unprecedented time. He was really narcissistic!

Obviously it was the mistake that the guy made first, and he even made him seem aggrieved.

Look, pretend to be pitiful!

Forget it.

Seeing that he took the initiative to find himself in the morning, he didn’t care about him.

Who made this lady have a lot of it!

After a thought struggle, Lu Xuanying made a decision.

Lu Xuanying turned the file directly to the left, and she said inadvertently: “Lin Feihang, do you want me to give you a suggestion?”

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