Chapter 207 New Job

Lin Feihang smiled faintly: “You are welcome, since you are now a member of our company, then I allow your dad to go to our Lin’s Group Hospital for treatment, so that the operation success rate will be higher.”

Lin Xiaowei was even more grateful: “Thank you Mr. Lin, my dad is now in the Lin Group hospital.”

Lin Feihang nodded and said: “That’s fine, then I will let the hospital arrange the best treatment for you, the best doctor, and it will be your benefit to join the Lin Group.”

With that, Lin Feihang picked up the phone and sent a message.

Immediately, Lin Feihang said: “Well, if you are willing to sign this ten-year contract, I will make an exception to apply for a special medicine from the family for you. I don’t know if you are willing to use your five-year freedom for your dad’s future. How about ten years or even decades of health?”

“You should know that the various functions of your father’s body are already in decline, and even if the operation is done, it is estimated that it will not be in good condition. You know that I have started to enter the pharmaceutical industry recently, so I have We have developed a special medicine for the human body, but we have not yet released it. If you wish, your father will be the first person to use this special medicine.”

Lin Xiaowei blurted out without hesitation: “I am willing!”

Lin Xiaowei saw that Lin Feihang was so blunt, plus he was soft-hearted and filial, he had no second choice. Lin Xiaowei picked up the contract, but he suddenly hesitated. He suddenly realized that he could no longer trust others casually.

Lin Xiaowei raised his head, looked at Lin Feihang very sincerely, and said, “I hope President Lin will do what he says.”

Lin Feihang nodded and said, “This is natural, and I can guarantee that when you go back from here, maybe your dad has already gone home.”

Lin Xiaowei still didn’t sign immediately. With Ye Fan’s affair this time, he could no longer trust others casually. He suddenly began to wonder if Lin Feihang really had this kind of medicine?

Lin Feihang looked at Lin Xiaowei’s appearance and began to smile: “It seems you don’t believe me, then you can just wait here for a while. I have asked the hospital to give your dad the medicine.”

After Lin Xiaowei heard this, he felt a little embarrassed, but he still insisted.

Gradually passed over time.

About 5 minutes later. Lin Xiaowei’s phone rang,

It was my father’s call.

Lin Xiaowei’s father said in a loud voice: “Xiaowei, I’m fine, I don’t have to have surgery, and you don’t need to raise money anymore. Go home early. Your mother and I will go home soon.”

After Lin Xiaowei heard what his father said, he was almost speechless. This is simply too exaggerated.

Lin Xiaowei hurriedly calmed down and said quickly: “Okay, Dad, then you and my mother will go home first, and I will go home in a while.”

Lin Xiaowei hung up and signed the contract without saying anything.

Lin Xiaowei quickly stood up, bowed deeply to Lin Feihang, very grateful, and said, “Thank you, President Lin!”

Lin Feihang smiled faintly: “You’re welcome, since the contract has been signed, you can go back first. In addition, you are now an artist of the company, the company will arrange a place for you, and someone will contact you later.”

Lin Xiaowei nodded quickly and said, “Okay, then President Lin…I’ll leave first.”

Lin Feihang nodded. Coming out of Mengdie Music Media Co., Ltd., Lin Xiaowei has a dreamlike feeling. In just a few days, his life has undergone earth-shaking changes. Thinking about it now, Lin Feihang didn’t seem to be as unbearable as he had previously imagined.

On the contrary, Lin Xiaowei suddenly felt that Lin Feihang was very good, upright and attractive. Not only the commander of the leader, but also his words and deeds always reveal the charm of a mature male. The most important thing is that he feels that Lin Feihang does not have any conspiracy against him like Ye Fan said. In other words, Lin Feihang does not have that kind of idea about him. If there is a conspiracy, he may just want to sign him to his company.

Lin Xiaowei thought of this, Lin Xiaowei felt that Lin Feihang really had a foresight.

Watching Lin Xiaowei leave, Lin Feihang’s head sounded a systematic reminder: “Although the host temporarily disrupted Lin Xiaowei’s development and damaged the relationship with Ye Fan, their future still has unlimited possibilities.”

Lin Feihang smiled and said: “I understand, you have to make them completely defiant.”

the next day. Lin Xiaowei received a call. The company arranged for him a new apartment and told him to move.

Lin Xiaowei was very happy, and immediately returned to the previous rental house, packed his things and checked out.

He was packing things up, Ye Fan next door heard the sound and opened the door and walked out.

After Ye Fan got off work at noon, he wanted to go to the hospital to see Lin Xiaowei. He didn’t expect to hear the sound from Lin Xiaowei’s room while he was cleaning up.

Ye Fan hurriedly walked out. After seeing Lin Xiaowei, he asked, “Xiaowei, are you back?”

Lin Xiaowei smiled and said, “Brother Ye, you are here, I thought you went to work, so I didn’t look for you.”

Ye Fan looked at Lin Xiaowei packing things up, and asked with some doubts: “What are you?”

Lin Xiaowei said, “I have checked out, and I am going to move.”

move Place? Hearing this word, Ye Fan couldn’t help but hesitated.

Ye Fan asked quickly, “Is my uncle in urgent need of money?”

Lin Xiaowei shook his head and said, “No, I am moving away. Oh, yes, Brother Ye, this is the bank card you gave me last time. I don’t use the money in it. You can take a look.”

After Lin Xiaowei received the appearance fee advanced by Lin Feihang, and his father didn’t need money anymore, he was not short of money now, and there was a little more.

Ye Fan looked at the card that Lin Xiaowei handed over. The look on his face became more solemn. He didn’t answer it. Instead, he asked: “Xiaowei, don’t be like this. Think of it as the head office I borrowed from you.”

Lin Xiaowei opened the mouth and said: “Brother Ye, you have misunderstood. My dad has recovered and was discharged from the hospital. I don’t need the money anymore. Just take it back. I know you just got a job. It’s not easy to save this amount of money.”

Ye Fan was dull for a long time. He thought his ears had misheard.

How can it be said that if you are cured, you will be cured, and you don’t need money anymore? Is this meeting a genius doctor?

Could it be that your own is downhill very much?

This is impossible. Master still has several small widow patients. How can he be willing to leave the mountain?

Ye Fan immediately asked: “Xiaowei, what are you talking about?”

Lin Xiaowei spoke directly: “Brother Ye, I’m telling the truth, you can take this card back.”

Seeing that Ye Fan didn’t accept it, Lin Xiaowei had to squeeze it into his hand and continue to pack his own things.

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