Chapter 200 It’s Not My Problem

“Isn’t the effect just good? Why did it happen suddenly?”

“This is absolutely impossible!”

“No, Brother Ye will never lie to me!”

Lin Xiaowei squatted on the ground holding his head and said to himself.

When passers-by saw Lin Xiaowei’s appearance, they thought he was a lunatic, who was far away from him.

Lin Xiaowei didn’t believe Ye Fan would lie to him, so he decided to go back and ask Ye Fan in person.

“Absolutely impossible, I believe Brother Ye will never lie to me.”

Lin Xiaowei comforted himself in his heart.

Lin Xiaowei calmed down and hurriedly picked up the newly bought medicine on the ground and rushed to the hospital.

And at the same time. In the ambulance, the emergency doctor is giving Lin Xiaowei’s father CPR. Ye Fan, who was sitting next to him, kept his head down, still immersed in a dazed expression.

Ye Fan was a little too dumbfounded. There was absolutely nothing wrong with his injection technique, but he really didn’t know why this happened suddenly.

Ye Fan believes in himself, and he can be sure that the needle he pierced is absolutely correct.

“But where did this problem go wrong?”

This made Ye Fan puzzled.

And on the other side. Lin Feihang has received the news that Lin Xiaowei’s father was rushed to the hospital.

After receiving the call, Lin Feihang couldn’t help but turn up the corner of his mouth, and said, “It’s a good job, and you will be rewarded when things are successful. Give them more chicken legs.”

After finishing speaking, Lin Feihang hung up the phone directly, and Lin Feihang directly followed Sun Xinyue after bidding farewell and left.

Lin Feihang came to the corridor and smiled faintly: “Then, it’s time for me to play.”

Lin Feihang directly dialed the phone number of the little secretary Liu Xinya.

“Mr. Lin.”

Lin Feihang directly opened the mouth and said: “Prepare, I will let the private hospital of the Lin family in Fenglong District immediately let them vacate the best VIP ward, so that the best doctors and nurses are on standby at any time. I am going to pass now.”

After Liu Xinya heard this, although she was puzzled, she immediately said, “Okay, President Lin, I will make arrangements now.”

Of course, Lin Feihang will not make the low-level mistake of meeting Ye Fan with the hostess again. This private hospital already has Sun Xinyue, so Ye Fan can’t be here, otherwise the meeting may cause trouble.

Lin Xiaowei finally rushed to the hospital.

Outside the door of the emergency room, Lin Xiaowei’s mother was already in a hurry, while Ye Fan sat next to him, silent for a while. At this moment, he was still thinking about what went wrong.

As soon as Lin Xiaowei saw the two of them, he asked directly: “Mom, Brother Ye, what is going on, wasn’t it okay when I left?”

Lin Xiaowei’s mother directly took Lin Xiaowei to the side and looked at Ye Fan with an angry look, as if she had found the backbone at this moment, and quickly said: “Xiaowei, you are here at last. Your child is easy to believe in others. What do you call him Brother Ye? Mom tells you, this kid is a liar, don’t believe him, he is going to kill your dad!”

Ye Fan just glanced at Lin Xiaowei’s mother and didn’t speak.

What else did you say when you were at a loss?

Lin Xiaowei smiled apologetically at Ye Fan, and then comforted his mother: “Mom, don’t worry, Dad will be fine. I also believe that Ye Ge wouldn’t do that. Let’s see what the doctor says. .”

Lin Xiaowei comforted his mother for a while.

After that, Lin Xiaowei called Ye Fan aside.

Lin Xiaowei frowned and asked, “Brother Ye, what happened?”

Ye Fan sighed helplessly, lowered his head, and said in a hoarse voice: “This…to be honest, I don’t know now. When something happened, your mother would not let me approach your dad, but I can promise. There is absolutely no problem with my needle. I will not lie to you, let alone hurt uncle. What good is it for me, I killed someone, am I not paying for my life?”

Ye Fan smiled bitterly.

Lin Xiaowei nodded, he thought so, if Ye Fan really wanted to harm his dad, what was his purpose?

There is no reason at all!

After a while. The door of the emergency room opened and the doctor walked out.

Lin Xiaowei and Ye Fan rushed over immediately.

Lin Xiaowei quickly asked, “Doctor, how is my dad now?”

The doctor took off his mask with a solemn expression and a serious face: “The patient is in a very serious condition and his life is in critical condition. Our hospital can do nothing. It is recommended to go to a high-level hospital immediately.”

After the doctor finished speaking, he sighed and turned and left.

Lin Xiaowei’s mother was sluggish instantly after hearing this.

“How could this be? I’m a genius doctor?”

Ye Fan didn’t believe this news was true at all.

Ye Fan directly rushed up and grabbed the doctor, and said angrily: “Doctor, please be clear, what’s the matter with the patient?”

Ye Fan urgently needs an explanation. He needs to let Lin Xiaowei and the others know that Lin Xiaowei’s father’s illness has nothing to do with him.

The doctor had no choice but to stop, turning back and sighing: “The patient suffered sudden acute heart failure due to acupuncture and moxibustion. Our hospital has limited equipment and limited capabilities. I don’t know the specifics in a short period of time, but I know that the patient is in urgent need of emergency treatment. , I don’t want to waste the patient’s time, you should hurry up and transfer to the hospital.”

Ye Fan looked dumbfounded when he heard the doctor’s words. Why is it so serious? Is it because of your own acupuncture? Shouldn’t it?

Lin Xiaowei immediately asked his mother: “Mom, has my dad ever had any heart problems?”

Lin Xiaowei’s mother shook her head quickly and said, “No, he rarely checks. Occasionally, the doctor only says that his blood pressure is a little bit high. In addition, he has always had a good mentality and has never had any major problems.”

After hearing what his mother said, Lin Xiaowei was puzzled. He looked at Ye Fan, he was thinking, is it really because of Ye Fan?

Suddenly, at this moment, a nurse walked out and asked, “Is it a family member of the patient? The patient is in critical condition. I suggest you transfer to the hospital immediately.”

Lin Xiaowei came back to his senses, and first transferred his dad to the hospital. But here comes the question again, where should he turn his dad? Lin Xiaowei had to go through the formalities while looking for the doctor and asked the doctor for his opinion.

The doctor said solemnly: “The patient’s situation is now more critical than you think. We only temporarily stabilized his life. Your time is running out. I think the general top three hospitals may not work. Now in the nearest hospital, Perhaps only the private hospitals of the Lin Group have this capability, so I suggest that you better go there and try it right away.”

After hearing the words of the private hospital of the Lin Group, Lin Xiaowei was stunned on the spot.

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