I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 974 Nami’s true body replaces Qinglan

Su Yan's voice was resounding and extremely firm.

The tone of his conversation with Hua Qiudao seemed to have already been extremely sure of the cause and effect of his future.

In this situation, Su Li saw everything in his eyes.

However, Su Li did not pay attention to the words of the phantom Su Yan, but instead began to think seriously.

The information conveyed by Su Yan was no longer important. It all happened in the past. It was just a projection like a magnetic field, which was reflected in the Soul-Eating Pearl.

Moreover, the Tao that Su Yan wanted to pass on was actually passed on to him secretly by Hua Qiu Tao.

The so-called weapon refining methods, etc., haven't these methods been passed down long ago?

There are three methods of refining weapons...

Among them, the ordinary methods of forging are not mentioned.

The second method is the blood sacrifice method, and the third method is the most superior method, which is the method of divine refining.

That method of divine refining...

Those Hua Qiudao passed down to Su Li when he first came into contact with him.

During this period, the system also ‘distributed’ rewards in the form of rewards.

Therefore, the inheritance Su Li obtained did not come from Hua Qiudao or Su Yan, but from the system.

In other words, the system first accepted this 'inheritance', and then rewarded him with Su Li after making appropriate corrections.

In other words, if there is a cage in this inheritance, then the system will be the first to be hit, not Su Li...

The system did a lot of things like this invisibly, like a virus-blocking mask or protective clothing, which protected against various viruses from the outside, and then passed the purest air to Su Li. .

Su Li was thinking about this issue at this time.

From this, we can judge that the system has really paid a lot silently.

On this point, Su Li also discovered more and more traces as he gradually came into contact with the system.

The system is not heartless, but very affectionate.

In other words, the system is an extremely hard-working and uncomplaining existence, paying all the details to the extreme every moment.

It was only now, when facing the many causes and effects in the Soul-Eating Orb, that Su Li gradually understood that many times, he could suddenly know the answer, suddenly be able to avoid all kinds of dangers, or in other words, be extremely safe after all kinds of unscrupulous actions. That's because there's a system secretly doing everything right.

Just like an ordinary man, when he is tired, there is a lounge chair or bed next to him to rest.

If you want to smoke, there are cigarettes in the drawer next to you.

When I was thirsty, I stretched out my hand, and there was already brewed tea at a suitable temperature or prepared pure water, mineral water, etc. beside me.

If you are hungry, there are meals that suit your tastes that are ready.

When you are tired outside, your home is always clean and tidy when you come home...


Thoughts were swirling in Su Li's mind.

Am I really single in the city? Am I single or am I really widowed?

Su Li unlocked the fifth flashing picture, and in the picture, a series of extremely warm pictures appeared inexplicably.

But you can never see her in that picture.

It's like, it's nothingness.

Su Li closed his eyes and opened them again.

He even gave up many causes and effects and gave up thinking about the system for this reason.

Finally, in the depths of memory, at the edge of the forbidden zone of lost memories, in the depths of the vast white mist, Su Li saw a woman in a white gauze skirt, her body torn to pieces in the white mist.

It was a brief scene.

That scene made Su Li's heart twitch, and an indescribable feeling arose spontaneously.

Then, hot blood flowed all over his body, and his head was even hotter. It was as if all the blood vessels in his head were broken, and the hot blood burned his brain and even his soul.

Su Li was stunned for a moment, and his eyes gradually became clear.

Perhaps the biggest regret in this world will always be...

When you understand, you can no longer make up for it.

The moon in the sea has tears...the sun in Lantian is warm and the jade is like smoke...

These two sentences are not about Emperor Wang, right...

Is this my own experience?

Su Li was stunned for a long time, and then he felt a little inexplicably lonely, or rather lost.

In such a loss, Su Li let out a long sigh, and then forcibly obliterated the conversation between Hua Qiudao and Su Yan that appeared in the soul-devouring bead with a true force.


In the world where the Soul-Eating Orb is located, the world seems to have collapsed. Terrible thunder and lightning ravaged the world, and then a giant palm holding the sky directly crushed down into the void.

At this time, Hua Qiudao showed a look of horror.

Instead, Su Yan looked at the giant palm holding the sky, with a look of surprise on his face.

Across time...

Has it really taken this step across time?

Su Yan murmured, and then he closed his eyes with great relief and clasped his hands together, forming a very ethereal state.


The giant palm took the shot, and that area of ​​void was directly annihilated and turned into a white light.

After the endless thunder exploded, the void fell into a state of calm.

At this time, the white light flickering in the Soul-Eating Bead also dimmed, and the Soul-Eating Bead returned to normal at this time.

Qing Nami's eyes showed an extremely shocked look, as if she was completely unable to determine who the person in front of her was.

I am Su Li, Su means Su who is recovering, and Li means Li who is sad and happy, let's get to know each other.

Su Li said and looked at Qing Nami.

Qing Nami showed a bit of surprise.

Su Li added: It's rare that you have washed your soul and become such a being, but I don't want to kill you now. This has something to do with Yanyan.

What else did Qing Nami want to say? Su Li's eyes locked directly on Qing Nami, and then Juehun Ancient Forbidden City combined with the Eye of Hundred Tribulations Cave to directly generate a ray of blue light.


Qing Nami's eyebrows were instantly pierced by such a ray of green light. Her whole body was shaken so much that her soul almost exploded. After being pierced by a ray of green light between her eyebrows, she was nailed to the void.

Like a female corpse hanging on a cliff, Qing Nami couldn't struggle, but her expression was extremely horrified.

Why are you... so strong!

Qing Nami couldn't struggle, but she still showed an extremely incredible expression.

Since you are playing with the timeline, then I am in the future and you are in the past. The level of advancement and ability evolution from the future is far beyond what you can imagine.

If you understand what timeline is, you will naturally understand how to strengthen yourself.

After you understand your rules, you can also experience my rules.

Su Li said calmly.

Qing Nami is obviously a little difficult to understand.

But Su Li didn't expect her to understand. Instead, he sighed softly and said, I actually don't want to break up. I just didn't expect that this time, it would be you.

Qing Nami looked extremely puzzled: What are you talking about... are you Su Li? Who is Su Li... and who? I have never heard of it... and what on earth do you... want to do? , please... just say it directly.

Qing Nami really knew nothing.

In other words, she knows nothing about her own origin and origin.

Su Li sighed: Your Mantis clan's ability originated from the captured Qi Yunmeng, but it was regressed according to the rules of the timeline, so I didn't see it at first.

And your realm ability comes from the immortality ability of the elves. It is not true immortality, or it is impure immortality.

So, once here I will kill you...

This gives you a chance to merge with me.

In other words, you are just a pawn inside.

Do you want to be the pawn?

Su Li spoke softly, but his tone was very direct.

Chess piece? Su Li...Su Shenzi...the emperor's son...should be the emperor's son, right? What on earth are you talking about?

Qing Nami wasn't pretending, she still didn't understand if it was true.

Su Li did not respond. Instead, he condensed the Great Reincarnation Technique and directly combined it with the Great Time Technique to reverse the momentary law of time.

In that instant, Qing Nami suddenly transformed from a praying mantis into a piece of origin, and in the distortion of the origin, she transformed into an elven woman like a dragonfly or butterfly!

This, this, this

Suddenly recovering from the blue light penetration, Qing Nami was suddenly very strange. At the same time, a strange memory covered and merged her original memory like a flood of beasts.

The next moment, Qing Nami's expression became extremely exciting.

Then, Qing Nami's face showed an extremely surprised look.

After a while, she returned to normal, and then a look of relief and sadness appeared on her beautiful face.

It turns out to be the Su Renhuang, Nami... is polite.

Qing Nami spoke softly, her temperament, vitality and blood aura, and even the origin of life aura, had completely changed.

In fact, even the people closest to Qing Nami were standing in front of her and could not recognize that this was the Qing Nami from before!

Are you still 'Nami'? Goddess Yamina, it's been a long time.

Su Li said softly.

Qing Nami... who is now Yamina smiled bitterly and said: Actually, it didn't take long. Huang Yuqian, as you know, there is some cause and effect...

Yamina didn't fully tell what happened to some parts of the cause and effect.

However, in fact, when it comes to this step, everyone who understands it understands it.

Su Li said: I didn't expect that when we meet now, we will meet in a place like this.

Yamina said: Thank you to Emperor Su for not killing. If Emperor Su kills Qing Nami here, then the birth of the life elf will be successful.

Su Li said: Yes, then Emperor Wang will have the life origin elf, and he can implement the plan of the Extreme Dao.

Yamina did not speak, but fell silent.

Su Li asked again: Do you know all the cause and effect now?

Yamina said: The specifics are very limited, but it is certain to target you. Now that you have seen through all this, you have even released me, which indicates that I have lost this step.

Su Li said: You are just a chess piece after all.

Yamina said: No one in this world is willing to be a pawn. I live not only for myself, but also for all the people in the entire life elf realm.

Su Li said: Has the ancient tree of life withered?

When Yamina heard this, her delicate body suddenly trembled, and then she suddenly raised her head and looked at Su Li: You, you actually... actually know it?!

Su Li said: Since you know that I am Su Renhuang, you should have heard of my other title.

Yamina's breath was stagnant: God's fortune?

Su Li nodded lightly.

Yamina's face suddenly became unnatural: Whoever you use this ability on will be so unlucky that you fall into the abyss and cannot extricate yourself, so this has become a taboo.

Su Li: ...

Su Li said: This is a bit heartbreaking. It's not who I use it on, but who wants me to use it or needs me to use it.

Yamina looked a little unnatural and said: Did you use this ability to figure out my affairs? If so, I hope... I beg you not to use this ability on me again, okay?

When Su Li heard this, his expression stiffened slightly, and then he shook his head and said, I have never used this ability on you.

Yamina said suspiciously: Then how do you know this...

Su Li said: The secret of time, the law of time, the secret of time axis, the rules of time axis.

Yamina was silent for a long time after hearing this.

She seemed to be having a difficult thought, or in other words, she was having an extremely difficult battle between heaven and man in her heart.

After a while, Yamina said: Su Renhuang, since you didn't kill Qing Nami, it means you still have a purpose.

Su Li shook his head and said: If you don't have an intuitive purpose, if you have a purpose, you will lose. If you stand on a wall, you will be strong if you have no desires. I just have no desires.

Hearing this, Yamina lamented: After all, it was the Soviet Emperor who had the upper hand. From this point of view, Qing Nami lost unjustly. Since having no desire means being strong, then why did you snatch the Soul-Eating Pearl?

Su Li said: Don't use the word 'rob' to refer to the Soul-Eating Pearl, I don't even like the name 'Soul-Eating Pearl'.

I prefer to call this bead the ‘window to the soul’, because the eyes are the windows to the soul.

And this bead... I would like to call it the most beautiful 'source of hope' in the world.

Because, they are the eyes of a beauty worthy of my lifelong and even lifetime love.

She has sacrificed so much for me.

I don’t know exactly how much, but I know that everything around me is all given by her.

But I didn't know how to cherish it at all. Instead, I ate away at her flesh and blood step by step with one cup of 'green tea' after another.

Su Li said, then looked at Yamina calmly, and said: Let's go, the Life Elf Realm should not be extinct, and the Life Elf Realm should not disappear from this world. In this timeline, I will help You resurrected the Ancient Tree of Life.”

Yamina trembled when she heard this, her face turned pale, and she said, What you said is true. Didn't you say you have no purpose?

Su Li said: Before this, there was no purpose, but now, after seeing the 'Source of Hope', there is a purpose. For her, the Life Elf Realm should not be extinct.

Because her roots are here.

Yamina said: She...who is she? Immortal Light Blue?

Su Li did not respond, but murmured: The woman who used to protect Su Wangchen was dead, and was eventually resurrected in the realm of life elves for some reasons, so there was some information that reminded me at that time.

At that time, the meaning presented by certain information was Yamina.

During these endless years, I always thought that Yamina was the enemy.

Even the previous series of performances of Qing Nami were extremely dark and vicious snakes, scorpions and poisonous women.


Now it seems that this is just an appearance.

Su Li said, stretched out his hand towards Yamina, and said: Let's cooperate together.

Yamina stared at Su Li intently with her beautiful eyes, and did not reach out for a long time.

But soon, two lines of tears flowed inexplicably from her clear and bright eyes.

Except for Su Li, no one knew why she cried.

After a while, Yamina stopped crying, and all the auras of the mantis family on her body had undergone very distorted changes, as if things must be reversed at the extreme.

When she originally transformed into Yamina, she had already undergone an extreme transformation.

But this time, after she transformed again, her whole image appeared extremely cold and beautiful, and at the same time, she was filled with wisps of light blue light, a divinity that was quite similar to the immortal light blue. glow.

When Su Li saw this scene, his face became a little more relieved.

Qing Nami... using the ancient rune language formed by the ancient emperor's pattern to read it out loud, it is 'light blue'.

And the name of 'Yamina', 'Yamina', when read out in the ancient imperial pattern language, is 'Namiyo'.

This is actually a kind of conformity and even the prototype of top cause and effect.

And it is very likely to succeed. In fact, it was almost successful in the fantasy world.

But it shouldn’t be!

Once you go against the cause and effect of Immortal Light Blue, your end will be extremely miserable, and even the entire realm of life elves will be completely extinct!

In that case, the babies... the elves would have no home.

Su Li's tone was rather sad.

Chapter 974 Nami’s true body replaces Qinglan

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