I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 969: Fighting in the Sand Tower, Purple Air Channel

However, when Su Li's thoughts like this appeared, he couldn't help but feel awe-inspiring. As a bystander, bystanders should know better.

Not to mention that he is in a state similar to that of Tianmai Shenyin, so he should naturally be more calm.

But at this time, he was actually a little ready to make a move. This was obviously because he was involved in the play because of watching it, and thus almost had a corresponding causal impact.

Good guy, it's just like the original Three Emperors War! It really has unparalleled traction.

If this scene comes to pass, wouldn't it mean that there is such a causal connection between the past and the future? At that point in time when the Three Emperors' War occurred, the corresponding Three Emperors' War would be doomed to fail!

Su Li immediately calmed down. At this time, the silent Yuqing clone in his body had already actively 'awakened', and then he was in a state of calm and calm.

This scene was now very natural and smooth for Su Li to do.

But if it weren't for his own ability of the Great Cause and Effect Technique and the Great Destiny Technique, I'm afraid he would still be hit this time!

Obviously, this layout and the life-and-death battle itself are by no means an ordinary layout, and its influence is extremely astonishing!

This is also the case. The war between the Three Emperors had such horrific consequences and was almost a complete success!

The nature of this method is almost exactly the same as the layout of my previous Three Emperors War!

Is this the plan of Emperor Wang? If so, if he planned it like this, once I am pulled, wouldn't it be that the cause and effect of the 'Three Emperors' War' will be captured by him? Originally, I was perfect and even flawless. A certain part of the past will be contaminated with huge flaws and loopholes...

Could this loophole be caused by the series of changes in Hu Chen's mind during the Three Emperors' War?

At this moment, Su Li had many thoughts in his mind.

But soon, these many thoughts immediately dissipated.

No matter whether the next existence is life or death, Su Li is no longer prepared to interfere. He is ready to continue eating.

Therefore, under Su Li's attention, Qing Nami's aura suddenly deepened at an extremely fast speed.

Subsequently, her strength was also in a state of crazy explosion. In an instant, her abilities immediately reached a kind of extreme transformation like emerging from a cocoon and turning into a butterfly, and she entered a certain peak state in an instant.

At this time, Su Gucheng's expression suddenly changed drastically.

At this time, he also became more solemn.

However, the battle between the two sides actually did not have much suspense. Even Su Gucheng's methods were indeed very good, and he even planted soul poison. Unfortunately, Qing Nami had already obtained the method to solve the terrifying soul poison. At the same time, he also has powerful refining ability, which can directly refine the weird soul poison.

When this scene happened, Su Gucheng's face suddenly turned dark, heavy, and fearful.

I don't know Nami, I am willing to surrender.

At this time, Su Gucheng seemed to realize something, and Su Gucheng suddenly screamed and said.

However, Qing Nami didn't hold back at all, and directly used her devastating double swords to strike at the center of Su Gucheng's eyebrows.

Su Gucheng's eyes were extremely desperate, but also extremely hysterical.

Just when Qing Nami's killing swords were about to strangle Su Gucheng's eyebrows, Su Gucheng suddenly burst out with a killing sword originating from the immortal soul.

That sword pierced the sky, illuminating the sun, moon and stars in an instant, manifesting the ultimate dharma of heaven and earth.

The look of begging for mercy on his face had long since disappeared, replaced by an extremely cruel and ferocious expression.

It was as if he had already been planning such a one-hit killing method.

However, after seeing this move, the woman just sneered and said: You have used this method once, don't you remember? You thought it was very hidden, you thought you killed the enemy, you used it It’s really too naive to not spread the word about his methods.”

While speaking, the woman's figure suddenly turned into thousands of afterimages, and was directly penetrated by the killing sword intent, but she did not suffer any harm.

This time, Su Gucheng was really moved, with a look of extreme panic on his face.

At this moment, Qing Nami suddenly burst out with even more terrifying murderous intent, directly destroying everything. A terrifying soul-eating power turned into a poisonous scorpion-like stinger, carrying a pair of swords that could destroy all things. The killing power struck Su Gucheng between the eyebrows.


Su Gucheng screamed miserably, and the Immortal Soul immediately encountered a devastating impact, and was immediately torn into pieces. His head was directly broken from it, and the terrifying power of the Soul was directly killed and scattered in all directions.

The brutality of this blow made Su Li extremely moved.

With this blow, Qing Nami gathered her huge mantis fangs and swept towards Su Gucheng. Then, just like she had devoured Su Mingcheng before, she directly devoured Su Gucheng bit by bit.

And she devours and absorbs it extremely quickly.

But after more than ten breaths, Qing Nami refined Su Gucheng, and her strength increased by leaps and bounds.

To be honest, I have been reading books recently to catch up on updates, switch sources, read aloud with many sounds, and it can be used on both Android and Apple. 】

This scene is really terrible.

In particular, this devouring growth rate is so amazing.

If there is any way to grow quickly in this world, then Devouring Refining will definitely become the best among them!

Even real-time updates are not as fast and direct as this!

Su Li pondered this moment. Although Su Mingcheng and Su Gucheng were dead, this Qing Nami had far exceeded the strength when Su Gucheng and Su Mingcheng existed.

This importance is no longer one plus one equals two.

In other words, Qing Nami at this time is the complete combination of the previous Qing Nami and Su Gucheng and Su Mingcheng, and is by no means their combined enemy.

Its growth and transformation are too brutal and terrifying, and its improvement in strength is too terrifying!

Su Li saw Qing Nami getting stronger with his own eyes, and felt a lot more fear in his heart.

At this time, Qing Nami looked thoughtfully in all directions, apparently worried that there was something hiding in secret, or waiting for the arrival of 'Su Li'.

She may not have a pulling mission and doesn't know what her purpose is, but she will definitely have an 'thought' in the dark, that is, someone will pass by.

After Qing Nami sensed everything, she found nothing unusual, and then she stood up with some relief.

Then, she looked at the mysterious ancient rune array in the distance, with a look of thought in her eyes.

Then, she looked around in all directions before lowering her head again. Her pretty face now showed an extremely solemn and solemn alert state!

Come out, you've been hiding for so long and you've watched the show from beginning to end!

Why hide? I've already sensed it, come out!

What? Could it be that you still don't dare to show up now, because you are still afraid of me, a woman who has been severely injured and whose strength has been severely damaged?

Haha, it seems that you are really used to hiding your head and showing your tail! Anyway, if you don't show up, I will not continue to crack the ancient formation.

Want to reap the benefits and seize the fruits of victory? You have no sincerity at all. You really don't deserve it!

Qing Nami scolded in a cold voice.

She didn't look around. In fact, the direction of her scolding was exactly the area to the left of Su Li, which was almost equivalent to talking nonsense into the air.

Although Qing Nami tried her best not to aim in a certain direction, she revealed the fact that she didn't know.

However, Su Li still made a very clear judgment. What did Qing Nami discover?

Found a chicken!

She found nothing!

The reason why she is like this is just that she is pretending to be real and pretending to be real. She is just deliberately cheating and deliberately trying to scare the snake!

In fact, she couldn't sense any other life around her at all!

Likewise, Su Li didn't pay any attention to the woman scolding or talking to herself.

If he fell for such a trick, it would be a joke.

At this time, after Namei Qing said these words coldly, she was still paying attention to her surroundings with great solemnity and caution. After she still didn't notice anything abnormal, she couldn't help but feel relieved and obviously began to relax. Take a breath.

Afterwards, the woman couldn't help but vomited blood again. It seemed that the situation was really serious. However, in Su Li's view, this behavior was actually still fake.

If there is really an enemy who discovers this scene and thinks that he can take advantage of it or even come forward to rob him, then he has really fallen into the plan of this female Qing Nami!

This Qing Nami is still testing at this moment, as if she is fighting the air.

Still not coming out? Then, I will not continue to activate this ancient inheritance formation, and at the same time I will quietly recover from my injuries! Now that you appear, you still have some advantages, and we can still discuss the conditions. But once I recover After that, you won’t have any advantage!”

Qing Nami spoke again.

However, after she said this, she also used her greatest ability to sense the surroundings, but still found nothing and did not sense any abnormalities.

Therefore, the woman finally breathed a sigh of relief. After sitting down, she began to concentrate and hold her breath, and began to practice and recover.

At this time, she really started to recover from her injuries as she said, but this was still all false.

This method may seem good, but it is still far from enough to deceive Su Li, who now possesses the Eye of the Hundred-Calamity Cave.

However, Su Li didn't reveal why this happened?

Because their understanding of Su Li was stuck in the past.

Stay in the state of the 'fourteenth level of life wisdom and enlightenment'.

In addition, Su Li almost failed in the Zhenxu world and was harvested all the time. No one seems to think that Su Li is really strong.

As for why he was so strong in his previous experience of Zhenxu, in their opinion, this is because Su Li formed the Ancestral Dragon inheritance through meditation, which fits the characteristics of the Ancestral Dragon Demon, plus Su Wangchen's secret help. , In fact, it is impossible for Emperor Wang not to know.

Likewise, Su Li's own cause and effect was not taken seriously.

Not to mention, there are actually no big flaws in anything about Qing Nami.

Su Li saw all this clearly, and Qing Nami was actually not injured from the beginning to the end.

At this time, it appeared that the injury had not recovered, but had worsened a bit.

And if it hadn't been for the Eye of Hundred Calamities, which had already seen through all of this, to be honest, anyone else would have been deceived by such appearances.

After all, Qing Nami’s healing was indeed real, and she did not hesitate to injure herself, playing a very good trick!

From this point of view, her performance alone is indeed perfect. Not everyone has Su Li's Eye of Hundred Tribulations and the powerful guardian of Three Thousand Avenues.

Su Li watched quietly. At this time, after healing, Qing Nami's condition finally improved slightly. After she vomited a few more mouthfuls of blood, she silently began to decipher the ancient secrets on the sand tower platform. Formation pattern.

When deciphering such formation patterns, Qing Nami secretly left a special killing rune from time to time and quietly penetrated it into the formation.

Tsk, tsk, tsk, you are still manipulating the formation and hiding murderous intentions. You are really being cautious.

It must be that they had a premonition that I was coming, so all the killing arrangements were arranged. Even if I don't come by then, the effect of this killing array can still be used without any harm.

Su Li completely saw this in his eyes, but he still did not appear.

He is waiting.

Before, there was a scene that did not appear in Zhenxu's realization, and that was the appearance of the Soul-Eating Pearl.

Su Li had already come into contact with what the Soul-Eating Pearl was before. At that time, it was still the cause and effect of the ancient city of worshiping the sky.

As for the Ancient City of Sacrifice to Heaven, today's Bone Burial Sand Tower is actually the same in some respects.

Sure enough, after a period of time, Qing Nami's injury had completely stabilized. Even though she was pretending, there was still no reaction or movement from all directions during the operations of Zhong Shenxiu. Naturally, she couldn't show off either. .

And healing is healing after all. As an immortal-level existence, it is truly immortal. No matter how serious the injury is, it will recover quickly as the healing begins.

Therefore, after Qing Nami recovered to a certain extent from her injuries, she began to continue breaking the mysterious ancient runes in the ancient sand tower formation.

But this time, her cracking process was very smooth. Even though she secretly arranged many killing runes to form a secret killing intention, Su Li still didn't care.

Moreover, her cracking was indeed serious. With Su Li's proficiency in runes, he had a very intuitive judgment on this.

Soon, an incomparably unique whirlpool door appeared. What appeared in the whirlpool were wisps of blue-purple aura like the three pure purple gases. This aura was pleasing to the eye and extremely pleasant.

And within such a purple aura, there is obviously a very mysterious and very special space!

Is that the Hangu Pass Dojo? The area within my system space???

When Su Li saw this scene, his expression froze.

At that moment, his eyes couldn't help but the pupils shrank sharply.



Chapter 969 Fighting in the sand tower, purple air channel

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