I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 962 The shadow enters Su Li and kills his son in the cage

Yun Mingxuan's shadow stared at Su Li for a long time.

Su Li did not avoid her deep and complex beautiful eyes.

After a long time, Yun Mingxuan nodded gently and said: It is indeed... not worthy... isn't it?

Su Li was silent for a while, then said: So, is this the only part of the message you left behind now? When and where should we go together? And when we go together, how do we make an agreement?

Hearing this, Yun Mingxuan paused slightly.

Immediately, she sighed softly and said: Whether there has been an agreement or not, it all depends on your thoughts. Things like this should be in harmony.

Su Li said: There is a clear understanding between the two minds.

Yun Mingxuan said: That's right, I have a clear mind and a clear mind, but I don't have the wings of a colorful phoenix.

Su Li said softly: In Zhuang Zhou's dream of butterflies, is there a saying that butterflies dream of Zhuang Zhou? Emperor Wang has transformed into a cocoon, will he break out of the cocoon and become a butterfly? Does this have anything to do with Zhuang Zhou's dream of butterflies?

Hearing this, Yun Mingxuan pondered for a while and then said, Are you still questioning me?

Su Li said: I just thought about Wangdi's results, but I also want to know the series of causes and effects that correspond to him... Such causes and effects are a bit heavy, so that I can't deal with many things at the moment, nor can I understand them clearly.

Yun Mingxuan said: You need to deal with it when you can't cope with it. You need to figure it out only when you can't figure it out. This in itself is a way of seeking Tao and deciphering cause and effect, and it is also a path of cultivation.

All of our existence is on this path.

One day, if you can handle everything and understand everything, then the true path has come to an end, or has come to an end.

Su Li said: Can't it mean that we have reached the stage of transcendence and have been completely enlightened and reached perfection?

Yun Mingxuan smiled bitterly and said: For now, is there still perfection in this world?

Su Li said: Maybe this world doesn't have it, but I always believe that it will.

Yun Mingxuan laughed, shook his head, and said: Su Renhuang, actually you don't need to test anything. The clone I left behind doesn't know any cause and effect. It only retains basic intelligence and part of it. Information as communication and delivery.

So your temptation is of no use.

Su Li was noncommittal.

Yun Mingxuan said again: Well, my time is limited after all, and I have already passed on the relevant information. I have completed the corresponding cause and effect task, and it is time to disappear.

Su Li said: You haven't answered me yet, when and where should we go together.

Hearing this, Yun Mingxuan said, You will know soon.

Su Li said: Isn't it possible to know this in advance?

Yun Mingxuan thought for a while and then said: The realm of life elves.

When Su Li heard this, his eyes narrowed slightly again: The realm of life elves? Does it really exist in the Bone Burial Ground?

Yun Mingxuan nodded slightly. She seemed to want to say something more, but after thinking about it, she chose to give up.

Then, her figure gradually disappeared.

Dissipates quickly.

As the saying goes, more words lead to mistakes. In fact, the message Yun Mingxuan delivered was still beyond the standard.


Su Li actually already had many answers in his heart.

With his current ability, once some questions have answers, the cause and effect can be locked in many aspects.

With the many abilities of Three Thousand Dao, Su Li has always been very confident in this regard.

Nowadays, many of these causes and effects have been presented in the fantasy world of the past, so even if many of the things he has experienced have now been disrupted into a chaotic puzzle, Su Li is not completely ignorant.

Not to mention, he has experienced all the causes and effects in the past with extremely real experience!

Now, Yun Mingxuan's mention of these things has actually already been in Su Li's judgment. The reason why Su Li thinks this is a big deal is because the other party still brought it up openly.

Whether it is cause or effect, whether it is a cage or a killing situation or a sincere relationship, when this matter is brought up openly, it means that some underlying cause and effect has been directly revealed and put directly in the face. Come up.

This is a good thing and a bad thing.

The good thing is that if Su Li succeeds in breaking this part of cause and effect, or in other words, if he makes this part of cause and effect perfect in this special 'bone burial ground', then he will be completely victorious, and then the ultimate transformation of the system is just around the corner.

At the same time, after the biggest flaws are eliminated, the system may undergo powerful and unknown changes.

At the same time, whether it is light blue or the mysterious existence above light blue, it will further transform and improve.

There may even be a special extreme evolution of the system!

But if it fails, the result will also be very dangerous. The system itself will not be much damaged, but it will definitely lose some of its foundation. This is inevitable.

At the same time, Su Li's ability to control the system will be reduced.

Not only that, the system anti-virus process will also be forcibly interrupted, and some peripheral permissions will be lost. The result of the system will be to split into a subsystem, and in this system, 'Su Wangchen' will control the permissions, and even Various treasures can be refreshed through this 'system'!

Among these treasures, the 'Moonlight Treasure Box' must also be included.

This is not surprising.

In other words, this incident is consistent with a series of experiences in the fantasy world.

In other words, how did 'Su Wangchen' lose the system in the past? Now if everything is reversed, how will he get the system.

And this 'Su Wangchen' obviously cannot be the current Su Wangchen, but Hu Chenyi or Emperor Wang.

No matter which one it is, this is obviously not the result Su Li wants to see.

Su Li's thoughts appeared from the Huangji Jingshi Book and then quickly disappeared.

After the system turns off anti-virus, it does not mean that the capabilities contained in the system disappear.

In other words, system anti-virus is the core lock, but most of the series of abilities, such as Su Li's abilities on the system panel, can still be used.

For example, Su Li's own strength, as well as the three thousand avenues that Su Li acquired, as well as the special killing path that he acquired, etc., can all be used.

Among them, including the system's sign-in function and several other basic functions, are currently unavailable.

But in addition, Su Li's own realm of fairyland can be used.

Su Li's enlightenment background, life wisdom enlightenment level, etc. are also consistent with the eighteenth level, and are currently in a very delicate state of balance.

The three thousand spells he possesses, as well as the reincarnation vision of the Hundred Tribulations Cave Underworld that he has awakened, can still be used.

The details of the subsequent three thousand spells this time are also at one-tenth of the level of entering the palace and entering the room, which is very balanced.

In addition, the red ring talent he possesses, the prehistoric dojo he possesses, the special items he possesses, the system's special abilities and the system's special magical powers, the system's chaos creation talent, and the system's ultimate skills can all be used.

The only things that cannot be used are system sign-in and a few system functions.

For Su Li, aside from using the system's functions, his current impact is not too great.

He himself has now grown into the true Human Emperor of Su, a Human Emperor recognized by thousands of hearts, by countless people in the Chinese ancestral land, and by countless creatures in the Luoshu River Tu world!

He is no longer an ant and can no longer be manipulated by him!

Now, after Su Li meditated on the Emperor's Classics and used the Eye of Hundred Calamities to combine with the Emperor's Classics ability to calculate many answers, his mood gradually calmed down.

Then, he took the first step into this special 'bone burial ground'.

Before Feng Yao becomes the Prince of Heaven's banquet, that is, in the three days time gap, he must deal with all the cause and effect.


Su Li breathed out a breath, and at this time, he couldn't help but look into the distance.

The wind and sand in the burial ground are still hazy, the sky is still filled with yellow sand, and the sky is dark.

But the breath of this world is older and thicker, drier and more desolate.

After Su Li's figure took one step forward, he had completely walked out of the small area where the flower that Yun Mingxuan had led was located.

After leaving this area, Su Li sighed silently.

What was his agreement with Yun Mingxuan?

It's The mountain flowers are gone and the child cries, and the flames of love tell the sorrow of death. I offer sacrifices to the heart of heaven and the dark moon, and follow you to ask about the dreamy rain stream!

It's a pity that this shadow Yun Mingxuan doesn't know about such an agreement?

Whether it was before or now, I am afraid that everyone originally thought this sentence was an ordinary poem, but they had no idea that it was an agreement.

Before this, even Su Li himself had never really regarded this poem as a promise.

But now, he clearly knows that this is an agreement.

At that time, Yun Mingxuan only told Su Li the answer to this poem.

Now, Yun Mingxuan's 'shadow clone' didn't even mention this poem.

Either there is a big problem with Yun Mingxuan's shadow identity, or Yun Mingxuan did it on purpose!

Why on purpose?

That's because the message itself conveyed by Yun Mingxuan was intended to make Su Li hear something different from it.

In other words, if you understand it according to this logic.

Then, the cause and effect of 'killing a son' to achieve enlightenment will definitely be on his head, Su Li.

If the mentioned ‘Wangdi’ is not worthy, then ‘Su Li’ must be unworthy!

If Emperor Wang is replaced by Su Li, then who is Sha Zi?

Who is his Su Li's son?

Does Su Li have a son?


Who is this son?

It's Maura!

Maura was taken away by the goddess of time and arranged.

But here is precisely the gap in time, where the Goddess of Time is powerless!

As a result... it is naturally self-evident what the next series of terrifying causes and effects will be.

Ambush, murderous intention, hunting trap, hostile forces, interception...

This is probably what I will encounter on my next trip.

And among the enemies or friends, one of the beings who will be killed by me must be my child Mora.

And Mora’s greatest wish was to kill the Human Emperor...

It's really a well-designed situation where father and son can kill each other!

But if I don't kill me, then the other party may send out real killers to hunt me!

This scene is almost exactly the same as the previous cause and effect of Feng Ziqing, Feng Qingxue and others! The people around me or myself change their identities through soul-washing reincarnation to hunt me. If I keep holding on, I will be waiting to be killed. Harvest is hunted.

If I kill myself, I will kill the people closest to me!

This vicious method has been used again!

And this time, if I can't use the system's secret ability, the only thing I can use is the Eye of the Hundred Calamities Cave!

In this way, some clues will emerge about the ability of the Heavenly Meridian Eye of Listening, and the reality will be revealed.

This scene is obviously getting more and more disgusting.

This method has been used once, twice, and again and again, but there is still no good way to crack it.

Su Li was thoughtful, but then his thoughts quickly dissipated.

He has figured out many causes and consequences and answers in the Huangji Jingshi, and now these judgments are also answers formed after countless 'derivations'.

This may not necessarily be the case, but you will know if you see what happens next.

As soon as Su Li had a thought, the Xuanyuan Sword had appeared and immediately landed at his feet.

Su Li stepped on the flying sword, and his figure traveled through the void like lightning.

At this time, two shadows suddenly appeared in the yellow sand in the distance.

Two shadows stood quietly in the void, looking down at the world below like two terrifying gods.

At that moment, the world seemed to suddenly become quiet.

Even the rolling and turbulent yellow sand became somewhat frozen, and then immediately became clear.

All the yellow sand collapsed in an instant and disappeared invisible.

The burial place filled with yellow sand suddenly became extremely clear, as clean and transparent as the sky after the rain.

In the clean and transparent sky, the two shadows quickly solidified and turned into two familiar figures.

One figure is Yun Mingxuan.

A figure is Su Li!

At this time, when Su Li was flying with his sword and looking over, that Yun Mingxuanquan suddenly said: It's time for me to leave!

As he said that, Mingxuan sighed softly and said: The mountain flowers are gone and the children are crying, and the love flames are saddened by reincarnation. I offer sacrifices to the heart of the sky and the dark moon, and follow you to ask about Meng Yuxi.

The condensed Su Li was suddenly stunned for a while, and said: Several times I sit under the flowers and play the flute, and the silver-colored red wall looks into the distance. It seems that these stars are not last night, for whom is the wind dew standing in the middle of the night?

The lingering thoughts are exhausted and the remaining cocoons are drawn, and the heartache is peeled off. It was March or May of 1935, but the glass of wine still lingered.

Na Yun Mingxuan smiled and said: It's good, but...as I said again, be careful of shadows.

Na Suli said: I know, I know that it is just a part of destruction. Such an existence must have some reservations, and it will not put all the cause and effect in one place.

That Su Li said, after seeing that Yun Mingxuan had disappeared, he suddenly turned around and gave a weird smile to Su Li who was flying with his sword.


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