I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 944 Cut off the shackles and make an appointment with Su Ye

When this source of hope appeared, Jiang Luan was indeed shocked and moved.

But now she has almost reached the level of immortality. At least, she has touched the threshold of immortality, so she is very good at hiding herself.

At this time, Jiang Luan even blamed Su Wangchen for being too much like Meng Lang!

Just because, once such cause and effect appears, it is very likely to bring about devastating catastrophe.

But Su Wangchen still appeared in front of her.

At this moment, Jiang Luan was indeed surprised, moved, and a little self-blame because of the weakness of this relationship.

This weakness comes from her own assumptions and low self-esteem.

It was also a kind of contempt for Su Wangchen's feelings.

Before this, although Jiang Luan knew that Su Wangchen actually cared about her, he didn't think she was really important...

But this time, after experiencing some of the cause and effect of the Emperor's Blood Flower Sea, and seeing some of the cause and effect of Wangdi, coupled with Wangdi Su Wangchen's vicious methods, Jiang Luan no longer had any feelings for such a relationship. information.

In fact, because of Emperor Wang's ruthlessness and because of Emperor Wang's identity as 'Su Wangchen', the misunderstanding that Jiang Luan was really feeling a little cold was not strictly a misunderstanding.

Participating in such an experience, the Su Wangchen in it must actually be Su Wangchen, and although she did not remember Su Wangchen, she fell in love with Su Li at the beginning. This is one aspect of her emotional shallowness. Present.

Later, Su Wangchen never remembered her, which was also the case...

As for Emperor Wang Su Wangchen's ruthlessness, it was like a catalyst, directly causing cracks in this relationship.

After coming out, Jiang Luan was actually very sorry and a little bit embarrassed when all his memories came back to life.

In the end, she gave too much, but she also completely diluted her feelings because of such sacrifice.

Furthermore, the stronger you are, the more indifferent you will become to the seven emotions and six desires. This is not just her, but the world itself.

Therefore, the more powerful a being is, the more indifferent and ruthless most of them are.

Jiang Luan stepped into semi-immortality in one step, and after peering into the threshold of near-immortality, many emotional causes and effects that seemed extremely important to her before were no longer important now.

It was also the reason why she decided to leave Su Wangchen.

When I left Su Wangchen, I actually hoped that Su Wangchen could rise again, break all ties and grow up again.

At this time, Jiang Luan had actually thought that after Su Wangchen lost his status as the Emperor's Prince, if she left, she would most likely be misunderstood and misunderstood as someone who clings to power.

But now, she still didn't explain anything in this regard, but still made such a choice.

It was also when she made this choice that she felt a little relieved. At the same time, she also thought of Kong Yunxi, whom she had always been loyal to.

It was at this moment that Kong Yunxi took the initiative to get in touch...

After that, everything happened like this.

As for the causal pull involved...

Jiang Luanqi also had some answers in her mind, but she didn't think about it deeply now.

Because these things are very complex.

At the moment, Su Wangchen boldly presented a message about a special source of hope, which made Jiang Luan feel a little uneasy.

Jiang Luan immediately glanced at Su Wangchen, with a look of deep worry in his beautiful eyes.

Su Wangchen smiled brightly and quickly returned to normal.

Jiang Luan took a deep breath, silently walked to Su Wangchen's side, then turned around and looked at Kong Yunxi.

Kong Yunxi's expression was a bit more complicated, but at this time, Kong Yunxi was not the same Kong Yunxi as before. Although her expression was complicated, she was obviously relieved. It seemed that this result was what she wanted to see the most?

The emotions in this scene showed a bit, it was very real and real, and it actually made Su Wangchen look at Kong Yunxi more.

Kong Lindao put his hands behind his back and silently watched this scene happen before he nodded slightly and said, Su Wangchen, this cause and effect ends here.

Su Wangchen nodded and said: Well, that's it. After all, this result is quite satisfactory to me, but it does bother the Peacock King.

The Peacock King did not care, but said: Here, I can take a step back appropriately. This is because of the cause and effect of the Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra, but you have to be more careful outside. This time, Yun Xi's plan is actually It is very important, but if you interrupt it directly, your next journey will not be easy.

Su Wangchen smiled and said, I know this, but it doesn't matter. Since I have made such a choice, I have already considered some things.

While talking, Su Wangchen stretched out his hand. Seeing this, Jiang Luan immediately reached out and took Su Wangchen's hand.

At that moment, after the two of them held their hands together, Jiang Luan's heart suddenly became peaceful.

It was as if, after holding Su Wangchen's hand, he held her whole world.

When Maurya saw this scene, he nodded slightly and said, It seems that you have truly reached consummation. This is a good thing.

Su Wangchen said: Peacock King, can you contact Su Ye here?

When the Mauryan King heard this, his pupils shrank slightly and he hesitated.

Su Wangchen said: In exchange, I will give Kong Yunxi a little help.

Hearing this, the Maurya King narrowed his eyes slightly and said, Yes, you are really good. You actually found a way to solve the problem.

Su Wangchen didn't speak.

Jiang Luan was somewhat unable to understand what the two of them were talking about.

The Peacock King added: I will help you contact him, but whether he sees you or not is not my decision.

Su Wangchen nodded and said, This is natural.

The Peacock King took a deep look at Su Wangchen and then closed his eyes.

The next moment, extremely brilliant five-color divine light escaped from his body in all directions.

The gathering of these divine lights is very gorgeous and very magical.

And in this divine light, a message was quickly transmitted with a special frequency.

After a moment, this divine light suddenly shook, causing huge ripples.

After the ripples collapsed, all the divine light seemed to be frozen, and then immediately shook and shattered.

However, Maurya's face looked a little more soothing.

Obviously, this has been contacted.

The only person in this world who knows that I can contact Su Ye is you. And after this incident, neither Yun Xi nor Jiang Luan will remember what happened here.

The Peacock King suddenly spoke.

As he spoke, Su Wangchen had already discovered that the cause and effect of this scene seemed to form a reincarnation channel, covering him and the Peacock King.

He was clearly holding Jiang Luan's hand, but Jiang Luan seemed to be separated.

In other words, time seemed to have frozen at this moment. Outside, he was still holding Jiang Luan, and time did not continue to pass forward.

But in this passage that was like a reincarnation passage, he was communicating with the Maurya King.

Su Wangchen was not surprised by this scene. Considering that the Peacock King was a special existence that was stronger than the ten kings, it was quite normal to have such a method.

You know, this is the real boss who takes the lead in real-time updates!

It was him who went crazy with real-time updates and brought down the Ji family.

Su Wangchen was actually very clear about this aspect.

At this time, the Maurya King clearly manifested the realm of the extreme realm and the ability to control laws.

Why did he do this?

He did this naturally because he also discovered a very important problem. Su Wangchen was powerful and terrifying.

What's even more frightening is that Su Wangchen's destiny is now perfect, which means...

Once something goes wrong with Emperor Wang, it is very likely that all the cause and effect of Emperor Wang will not fall on another person, but on the Su Wangchen in front of him.

In other words, Emperor Wang will definitely seize the body and target this Su Wangchen!

Because the world of A Chinese Story has been integrated into reality and become a part of reality.

The Emperor's Blood Flower Sea has also manifested itself in reality, and a corresponding space has been condensed in the Netherworld Sea area!

Therefore, the Peacock King actually did not want to be an enemy of Su Wangchen at this time.

And this time, why did Six Pure Bamboo take action?

Because the six pure bamboos and the existence behind them are also preparing to disturb Su Wangchen's heart by controlling Jiang Luan, paving the way for Emperor Wang's cause and effect.

Only by letting Su Wangchen betray all relatives and let him reach the end of the road can we be safer.

At this time, Su Wangchen nodded and said: It's okay. Even if they remember it, it won't actually have any impact. Isn't it Wangdi? You are all afraid of him, but I am not afraid. As for the confidence and background in this , I won’t say much more.”

Su Wangchen's tone was very calm.

This kind of calmness gave Maurya great confidence.

The Peacock King nodded and said: The feeling you give me now is indeed very strong and terrifying. In some aspects, it is even much scarier than the 'Suren Emperor'.

The same is true. This time I agreed to many harsh conditions.

Of course, I also hope to form a good relationship.

Su Wangchen said: I admit that your Prajnaparamita Heart Sutra has merit.

After hearing this, the Maurya King couldn't help but reveal a relieved smile on his face, and his whole body became visibly relaxed.

Su Wangchen smiled and said: Actually, you don't need my approval at all, but I still agree with you. This is actually not just my idea, but also the Su Renhuang's idea.

The Peacock King said: Okay, you are really... impressive. It seems that this time, they are all wrong.

Su Wangchen said: It doesn't matter. If this were not the case, it would be difficult for me to abandon the constraint of the Emperor, wouldn't it?

The Peacock King smiled and said: In that case, how do you want to do it?

Su Wangchen said: After recognizing you, you can just do what you want in your heart. In fact, the so-called 'giving' always relies on sincerity and does not care about other people's approval.

The Peacock King said: Even so, the Tao belongs to you, not to this world. There is no such way of 'giving' in this world, but there is one in Su Renhuang.

But the path I follow is still the path of this world, and the foundation is also the foundation of this world, so the two parties are actually not compatible.

Without recognition, everything I have is groundless, and you were hostile to him before, so it's not convenient for me to help you.

But now I understand something about the members of the Prehistoric Royal Clan, no matter how hostile they are, they must be the most united when dealing with the outside world.

Su Wangchen smiled and did not answer.

At this time, the Mauryan King said again: I have contacted Su Ye and passed on the general information. Su Ye has also responded and will wait for you at the same place.

Su Wangchen asked: The old place?

The Mauryan King said: Yes, the old place, he said you will definitely know where that place is. If you don't know, then naturally there is no need to meet him.

Su Wangchen nodded and said, I know where that place is.

Su Wangchen said, and with a movement of his figure, he left such a special realm of laws.

The next moment, he seemed to have not moved at all, holding Jiang Luan's hand from virtuality to substance.

Jiang Luan also noticed it at this time, and his beautiful eyes couldn't help but look at Su Wangchen.

Su Wangchen responded with a gentle smile before looking at Kong Yunxi.

Kong Yunxi's pretty face turned slightly red at this time, and she seemed a little embarrassed.

Su Wangchen directly gathered the mysterious Shura Soul-Slaying Way, and then used Eight-Nine Mysterious Techniques to directly simulate the Asura Soul-Slaying Way to operate.


In an instant, Su Wangchen developed a special secret and the Shura Soul-Slaying Way and suddenly slashed towards Kong Yunxi's head.


At that moment, it seemed as if an invisible chain of order was suddenly cut into pieces.

When the Mauryan King saw this scene, his pupils couldn't help but shrink again, and there was a bit of horror in his eyes.

This is……

A fateful means of cutting?

A common method of smashing the timeline?

What method is this?

This is an arbitrary and self-contained method. It cuts off part of Kong Yunxi's secret and part of her destiny. She has been controlled by six pure bamboos for a long time, forming a trace of shackles and order of fate. And my method is to directly cut off this shackles and order.

After Su Wangchen took action, he seemed extremely relaxed and spoke extremely casually.

However, sweat quickly broke out on his forehead, and his overall complexion became obviously not very good.

However, this situation only changed for a moment, and it soon returned to normal.

But both Kong Yunxi and the Peacock King knew that Su Wangchen's move seemed simple, but in fact the effort was extremely astonishing.

Cutting off the cause and effect of fate is similar to the special ability of the Three Thousand Avenues, but both Peacock King and Kong Yunxi can tell that this is by no means the ability of the Three Thousand Avenues.

The same is true, such an ability appears more powerful and terrifying, and the loss is naturally very alarming.

The Peacock King took a deep look at Su Wangchen and said, I originally thought that this compromise was an opportunity, but I didn't expect that fulfillment is an opportunity.

If there had been no compromise, I'm afraid we would have started fighting by now, right?

Su Wangchen smiled but said nothing.

If there is no compromise, it is hard to say whether Maurya is dead at this time, but Maurya is definitely dead.

Su Wangchen was not absolutely sure of suppressing the Peacock King, but he was absolutely sure of killing Kong Yunxi.

And what kind of existence is Kong Yunxi to the Peacock King?

That is definitely the sister who cares and cares the most.

Such a weight would probably never be lower than Jiang Luan's weight in Su Wangchen's heart!

The Peacock King said: This time, I owe you a share of karma. But don't worry, I will keep it in mind and repay you in the future.

Maurya's tone was very firm.

Su Wangchen said: You also helped me a lot, so we don't owe each other anything.

The Peacock King shook his head and said: A helping hand is a helping hand, and a debt is a debt. If we don't owe each other, we will eventually forget each other, right?

When Su Wangchen heard this, he couldn't help laughing and said, I never imagined that you are such a Peacock King.

The Peacock King also laughed.

Then, the Peacock King couldn't help but look at Kong Yunxi and said softly: Why don't you thank Su... Well, Brother Su.

When Kong Yunxi heard this, her pretty face turned red, and she immediately bowed and said respectfully, Thank you, Brother Su, for repaying evil with kindness.

Su Wangchen smiled and said: Actually, you are also a victim. Let's forget about this matter. In the final analysis, you should thank your brother Maurya. If he hadn't been giving alms and following the path of asking one's heart, then this time it wouldn't be like this. The result.

Kong Yunxi pursed her lips, deeply convinced.

If it were before, even if she was not controlled and pulled, she would never think that Su Wangchen had such ability.

But now, she knew very well that Su Wangchen's method of cutting off the shackles of her fate was enough to make her invincible.

Such means...

He is worthy of being the once invincible Emperor.

And now, Kong Yunxi knew deeply that Su Wangchen had the special ability to borrow some of Emperor Wang's abilities.

And how powerful Emperor Wang is...

This is definitely a very scary existence.

At this time, after realizing some causes and effects, Kong Yunxi realized how terrible the dangers brought by being dragged into such cause and effects were.

Therefore, Kong Yunxi bowed again.

This time, Su Wangchen responded politely.

After returning the gift, Su Wangchen glanced at the Peacock King and said, Brother Kong, Jiang Luan and I will leave first.

The Mauryan King cupped his fists and said, The mountains are high and the rivers are long. See you soon.

Su Wangchen said: See you later.

Afterwards, Su Wangchen took Jiang Luan out of such a domain. Even though the Peacock King did not open the domain blockade at this time, Su Wangchen still walked out easily.

What method is this?

This is a method of ‘external and internal talent’.

Su Wangchen was extremely proficient in such methods at this time.

This method not only came from Su Li, but also from Emperor Wang.

It also comes from the special mutation level harvest of Su Wangchen's Eight-Nine Mysterious Techniques this time.

At this time, Su Wangchen meditated on the dojo Wangchenhuan in his mind, and responded to Su Li: Su Li, I have done what you asked. Su Ye promised to meet me at the old place.

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