I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 942: The throne is lost and Jiang Luan disappears

For Su Wangchen, his experience in the world of A Chinese Girl has actually ended long ago.

After all, he had already died in it, and the previous losses were very huge.

Now, after leaving Hangu Pass, Su Wangchen first appeared in the Tomb of the Great Emperor area on the edge of the Netherworld Sea.

At this time, Su Wangchen's mood was extremely complicated when he looked at the Emperor's Tomb in the distance.

As for the announcement from all the worlds, Su Wangchen actually knew about it at this time, but whether it was announced or not did not have much impact on Su Wangchen.

Those announcements appeared, but they appeared 'virtually' before, which is almost the same as real, but the future has not happened yet.

It belonged to Su Li, but it was hard to say whether there would be similar announcements next.

Su Wangchen's attitude towards this matter is somewhat complicated...

However, he already knew that Su Li would handle these matters well, but there was another very important thing he had to do at the moment.

Feng Yao has indeed become a new generation of the Emperor's Prince, so he is no longer the Emperor's Prince.

Su Wangchen actually didn't care about this.

However, now that he is no longer the Emperor's Prince, what will happen next? What will happen to Jiang Luan's attitude?

This is the human heart. Even now, Su Wangchen does not dare to really torture the human heart.

It wasn't that Jiang Luan was suspicious, but that the six lightning-like pure bamboo projections that appeared in the darkness made Su Wangchen feel very heavy.

Some things he didn't want to believe or face had finally happened.

Su Wangchen stood on the Nether Sea for a long time, and then he gathered the Shura Hell Scythe in his hand and took a silent look.

A cold light flashed on the Asura Hell Scythe, as if it was ready for bloody killings and battles.

I'm no longer the emperor, so I don't have the protection of the mysterious immortal light blue. So, some clowns are starting to prepare to harvest me?

Su Wangchen muttered to himself, and after a while, he silently took back the Asura Hell Scythe, and then his figure moved, turning into nether particles and rising directly into the sky.

This time, his Eight-Nine Mysterious Techniques have undergone a great transformation, reaching the extremely powerful Gong Shen Creation level. It is self-evident how powerful this level of Eight-Nine Mysterious Techniques is. .

Therefore, at this time, Su Wangchen's combat power was already extremely high.


The next moment, Su Wangchen's figure passed through the huge void of the Netherworld Sea and appeared above the Tomb of the Great Emperor.

At this time, the tomb of the Great Emperor was already covered with a sea of ​​Emperor Blood Flowers, and a patch of bright red azaleas looked particularly beautiful.

But when you look at it in the void, this huge sea of ​​Emperor Blood Flowers is like a huge wreath. In the center of the wreath is the face of a beautiful woman.

This face is not very clear. After all, it is a face made of flowers, so it looks very blurry!

But this is indeed a face, an extremely beautiful face.

In other words, this is more like a beautiful face, a piece of skin peeled off from a beautiful woman's face, draped over this area of ​​the Emperor's Blood Flower Sea, forming a layer of coverage.

The so-called beauty of the Emperor's Blood Flower Sea is actually just the beauty of this face.

Su Wangchen's Eight-nine Mysterious Techniques has undergone a great transformation. Therefore, his own ability to deduce the secrets has also developed in a different direction. Because the secrets are all the way, they belong to a special existence. Even if Su Wangchen is Su After being separated from the clone, his deduction ability and secret ability are actually of the same lineage, and are a different branch of development.

In this aspect, Su Wangchen has never shown it, but he actually knows it very well.

At this time, he was standing in the void, using a method similar to the mind's eye and the secret of heaven.

If Hu Chen develops in the direction of the heart's eye, and Su Li develops in the direction of Tianji, then what Su Wangchen develops is another independent direction of Tianji in the middle area.

This kind of direction is not harsh or demanding for Su Wangchen, but the effect is very good.

He also followed the path of wantonness and unbridled indulgence. Naturally, there was a 'pull' effect in this, partly because of Jiang Luan's guidance, and partly because Su Wangchen himself had such a tendency.

Otherwise, with his will, he would not actually be able to take this path.

But no one knows this, not even himself, who actually ‘doesn’t know’.

I knew it in my heart, but I didn't show it at all.

Standing in the void at this time, he could see such a face clearly, and even recognized that this face belonged to 'Yun Qinhong', but he still did not have any changes in emotion or mentality.

Is this what is called 'face'?

A flash of lightning flashed in Su Wangchen's heart, as if he vaguely understood the internal structure of the Emperor's Blood Flower Sea.

However, after this thought appeared, the balance between heaven's secrets and the mind's eyes was overshadowed, and such thoughts were extinguished in an instant.

Therefore, Su Wangchen seemed to be admiring the beauty of the Emperor's Blood Flower Sea and reminiscing about a series of things that happened in the Emperor's Blood Flower Sea.

After a while, Su Wangchen's figure gradually disappeared and disappeared directly from this place.

This is the ground-spanning golden light in the Eight-Nine Mysterious Techniques. After the Eight-Nine Mysterious Techniques reach an unfathomable level, Su Wangchen's body-spanning golden light will naturally become more powerful and invincible.

As a result, he traveled through the world and became even more elusive.

With such a movement technique, if you want to target his existence, you have to carefully consider it.

After Su Wangchen left, in the huge sea of ​​emperor blood flowers, two rays of blood suddenly appeared between the eyes of the mysterious face.

In the bloody light, there was a vague figure and a mysterious voice suddenly appeared.

This sound is like a special Taoist rhyme flickering, but there is no real substantive sound presentation. Even if Su Wangchen is still here, it is impossible to hear what this sound is.

Not to mention, Su Wangchen is not here at this time.

Did he notice something?

A mysterious, ancient man's voice suddenly spoke.

So what if you can detect it, so what if you can't detect it? It's just an abandoned son. Now that his testing mission has ended, the detected effects are in line with expectations, and it has almost grown enough to be harvested.

A woman's voice responded coldly.

Is it harvesting? Has a decision been made?

the man asked.

Well, a decision has been made. There is already a perfect arrangement over there. No matter what the development direction is, it has been...

How has everything been?

At this time, the voice had no answer.

Because the sea of ​​flowers was inexplicably blown by the wind, forming a wave of flowers, so that the beautiful face seemed to be distorted, so that paragraph was covered in this way.

After the breeze blew by, and the sea of ​​flowers was fragrant, the face seemed to begin to fade away.

Soon, the sea of ​​flowers returned to normal.

At this time, another woman appeared quietly above the void in the sea of ​​flowers. This woman was not a real existence, but was in a special state of 'nothingness'.

After the woman in this nihilistic state appeared, she only glanced at her and then quickly disappeared again.

Then, this phantom appeared again in the higher and more unpredictable void. This time it was still in a state of nothingness, but there was a real existence beside her.

This being was dressed in a white gauze skirt, and his temperament was exceptionally cold, extraordinary, and otherworldly.

Why are you still worried? Why do you still pay attention to the situation here? In fact, I think there are some things that he will solve properly.

The woman in white gauze pondered for a moment and then said something.

This sentence is very soft, but there is no concealment method, so it is easy to hear.

However, the area where the two of them were located would not convey any information.

The invisible woman hesitated for a moment, then sighed softly and said: Actually, I have some regrets that I haven't finished it yet, and I am a little unwilling to do so, but I don't want to...

As the woman spoke, she smiled bitterly and said, After all, I, Yun Mingxuan, still can't let go.

The woman in white gauze skirt said: If you can't let go, you shouldn't interfere at this time, otherwise it will only make things more out of control. After all, the changes in fate are wonderful, aren't they?

Yun Mingxuan sighed: Yu Ning, I am indeed not as calm as you. This time is actually a good opportunity.

The woman in white gauze skirt is Jiang Yuning.

After hearing the words, she was silent for a while, and then said softly: It's not that I'm calm, but similar things have happened many times, and you should believe him more. Not to mention, this time, It may not be that simple.”

Yun Mingxuan said: Yes, it is not that simple, because it has deviated from some trajectories, but because of this, it is actually more dangerous. Moreover, there are really not many opportunities left.

Jiang Yuning shook her head: It's not that serious, because there have been changes in the branch series. I don't know the specifics, but I have such a feeling and induction. You know, once I have such a feeling and induction, then Proof that everything is never the end.”

Yun Mingxuan was silent for a while and then said: Okay, then I will believe you again this time. I hope

Jiang Yuning said: You don't have to believe it. I'm not too sure about this this time. I just mentioned my situation. Don't put all your bets on me. After all, up to now, I haven't Find Yuwei.”

Yun Mingxuan said: I can help you find her.

Jiang Yuning was startled, then seemed to think of something, then shook her head and said, Forget it, there's no need to look for it.

Yun Mingxuan said: I know that in fact you are probably close to the answer, but you gave up. So, I am willing to believe you again. If this time... if there is really no chance, then just treat everything as before. Just forget about all the benefits and just pretend that you didn’t get any benefits, so it won’t be too much of a loss.

Of course, if this can't be offset, then just think of it as the last big gamble.

Jiang Yuning said: So, you did that?

Yun Mingxuan said: Yes, do you think he can discover and crack it?

Jiang Yuning pondered for a while, then shook her head and said, I don't know if I can still see through Su Li, but after this change of cause and effect, in fact, Su Wangchen... I can no longer see through.

Yun Mingxuan pursed her lips, her eyes a little complicated.

This time she was silent for a long time without speaking.

Su Wangchen's figure passed through the Netherworld Sea and appeared at the end of the Netherworld Sea.

Then, he passed through the waterspout and came to the Canggu Stone Stele area in the Blazing Wasteland.

Along the way, he did not encounter an ancestral dragon ship or a ghost ship, nor did he encounter any monks who had been trained in the tomb of the Great Emperor, nor did he encounter any black dragons intercepting and killing him, nor did he encounter any dangers.

It was as if the whole world had become silent and very mysterious.

After arriving at the Blazing Wasteland, Su Wangchen looked thoughtfully at the burning flames of the Blazing Wasteland and the large amount of yellow sand that had accumulated inexplicably on the ground.

Afterwards, he quickly passed through the Blazing Wasteland and appeared in a wasteland outside the Wasteland.

After arriving here, Xuanjishi's communication was no longer affected.

Su Wangchen's mood was a little complicated, but he still chose to summon him.

The person who sent the message was naturally Jiang Luan.

And where is Jiang Luan at this time?

Su Wangchen didn't know.

He already knew all the cause and effect of what happened this time, but whether Jiang Luan knew it or not, Su Wangchen couldn't be sure.

In addition, although Jiang Luan was rescued by Su Li, Su Wangchen didn't know whether it had any impact.

After the Xuanji Stone was activated, Su Wangchen's message was quickly connected.

However, what was projected by the Xuanji Stone was not Jiang Luan, but Kong Yunxi, the existence that Jiang Luan had previously loyal to.

Kong Yunxi is the top princess of the Immortal Phoenix and Peacock lineage.

At this time, Kong Yunxi was covered in five-color divine light, and his whole body seemed like a real phoenix and peacock descending, full of energy and majestic momentum.

Dressed in colorful neon feathers, she looks unparalleled and stunning, like a truly peerless fairy coming to earth.

In normal times, Su Wangchen would have looked at such a woman a few more times and feasted his eyes on her first.

As for whether others care or not, Su Wangchen doesn't care. He always just wants to be happy with himself.

At this time, Kong Yunxi stood in the sky and looked at Su Wangchen quietly.

Su Wangchen looked at Kong Yunxi with calm eyes.

The two looked at each other for about ten seconds.

For existences like Su Wangchen and Kong Yunxi, ten seconds is actually a very long time.

What do you want to say?

Su Wangchen said calmly.

Kong Yunxi said calmly: You are no longer the Emperor's Prince.

Su Wangchen asked: What then?

Kong Yunxi said: The position of the Heavenly Prince is not important. What is important is the meaning of this position, as well as the destiny and destiny it represents. This position is actually very important, and the meaning it represents is also very extraordinary.

Su Wangchen said: So?

Kong Yunxi said: Jiang Luan has been with me for a long time, and now he has fully grown up. He has also experienced peerless nirvana, and has activated the ultimate foundation of Nine Phoenix Nirvana. He is about to rise completely.

Su Wangchen said: Is it because of Su Li's help that she achieved nirvana and achieved immortality?

Kong Yunxi said: Yes, although it happened in the world of A Chinese Girl, it was real and not imaginary, so the ability has naturally grown.

Su Wangchen said: If you have anything to say, let her come out and say it.

Kong Yunxi said: What she means is actually what I mean, or in other words, she no longer wants to come out.

Su Wangchen said: If she was snobbish, she wouldn't have given so much before. What do you want to do? Or is it to stage some ridiculous cause and effect?

Kong Yunxi said lightly: She is indeed not snobbish, but she has also revived a little memory, and these memories are related to some heartless people. Now that we already know the results and the future tragedy, there are some things that we don't need to hold on to anymore. Yes, isn't it?

Su Wangchen said: Let her come out.

Kong Yunxi did not speak, but shook her head and said: Sorry, she won't come out, and this time is the last contact. This has nothing to do with your own opportunities and abilities, it is only related to fate.

Jiang Luan can only belong to the Emperor.

If you are the prince of heaven, then Jiang Luan is yours.

If you are not, then Jiang Luan can only belong to the Emperor.

Su Wangchen suddenly said: Are you qualified to say such a thing?

When Kong Yunxi heard this, her beautiful eyes narrowed slightly, as if murderous intent was gathering for a moment.

But she soon restrained herself: Compared with Su Li, you are nothing. Choosing you is not even as good as choosing Su Li. Moreover, your ability is very thorough this time, isn't it?

So, where is your so-called SSS-level evaluation?

What's your assessment?

Can it reach level A?

Su Wangchen didn't take these words seriously at all. Instead, there was a hint of thoughtfulness in his eyes: Jiang Luan was imprisoned by you? Okay, what do you want to stop? Or maybe she betrayed me. You don’t want to see me, right? Or is it about those bamboos?”

When Kong Yunxi heard this, a strange look appeared on her beautiful face, as if she was really surprised as to why Su Wangchen knew about the 'Six Pure Bamboos'.

However, she still did not respond to the question, but avoided talking about it, saying: No need to pester her anymore, it's pointless, and you didn't take her seriously at all. Isn't it good to get together and relax now? ?”

Su Wangchen said: In that case, then I can only call the Peacock King to come out and deal with it.

When Kong Yunxi heard this, her heart trembled, and she finally couldn't hide the trace of panic on her pretty face.

However, she still sneered and said, Can you shout out the Peacock King if you want to?

Su Wangchen said calmly: Really? Then I just don't believe it. The Peacock King will come out and talk about it!

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