I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 878: Against Zhenxu, the Law of Time

Su Li was stunned for a moment, but the figure still manifested the Red Soul Body Technique to distort the moment.

Therefore, he avoided the critical impact and at the same time held Feng Qingxue, who flew out with blood all over his body, in his arms.

It was like a scene of a hero saving a beauty in a bloody TV series - Su Li simply turned around a few times in cooperation to show his free and uninhibited aura.

It's a pity that during this process, Feng Qingxue's face was covered with blood, and her head was half-pierced - instead of staring into Su Li's deep abyss with her beautiful and affectionate eyes.

Otherwise, it would be love at first sight.

But at the moment, Feng Qingxue really fell in love at first sight - her heart was invaded by a sword.

The power of the sword contains the aura and will of Taichu's Taoism, which is like the lonely sword intention. It is the true artistic conception of the sword!

Not only Feng Qingxue couldn't block such a sword, even Su Li...should also be unable to block it at this time.

Why should it be?

Because if Su Li shows his true strength, a single glance can kill the sword spirit - after all, he once understood the sword spirit and evolved the sword spirit into the Baiyu Demon God's Yaoguang Bow.

This bow is a sure kill.

But this method was useless to Su Li!

If he can't show his trump card, what trump card will he use? Will he be beaten up after using it?

It feels good even if you don't use it, but you won't feel good after using it. It would be honest to anyone else.

At this time, Su Li was still a little dissatisfied with such a 'crude' sword intent - it has been developed for so long and has been updated so much, and that's it?

He also cut off all the time to create a secret world alone, and evolved a false level like the 'Great Thousand Worlds'!

That's it, you still want to cheat?

This method should be Li Juan's 'True Illusion Realm', right?

Su Li vaguely felt that the normal secret world could not reach this level, but if it was the kind of world that Li Juan had used before, which was similar to Su Li's 'True Void Realization', then it would really have this ability.

If combined with Zhenxu Tianjin's ability to pull others into the 'True Void Illusion Realm' to experience it - this is a solid foundation.

Really are!

I go!

I discovered it!

I seem to be a bit of a jerk.

Su Li felt a little satisfied - then, he silently restrained the aura of Three Thousand Avenues.

As for... Feng Qingxue in her arms, Su Li could only pay a moment of silence.

Good guy, in order to deceive his background, Zhou Cangyu and Zhou Cangzhou... this is obviously brothers fighting each other, and it is also the cause and effect of twin brothers. They are really fighting each other between life and death.

This is indeed true, and the murderous intent is real.

Once it is penetrated, it seems to be completely penetrated.

But if it is a real illusion, then add a layer of time fault...

Mom sells batches and is not a bunch of things. How many layers have been put into this?

Moreover, the secret world itself where Jiuyuan Dongxu is located is also real.

True and false, true and false, false and true...

It’s really just crazy!

Su Renhuang...


While Su Li was thinking in his mind, suddenly Feng Qingxue hugged Su Li fiercely and twisted his body.


The next moment, an unknown sword intent fiercely penetrated Feng Qingxue's back, and then directly penetrated her back.

Then, the sword intent penetrated Feng Qingxue's chest, and also penetrated part of Su Li's body.

In this way, this sword intent penetrated Su Li and Feng Qingxue face to face.

The energy and blood in Su Li's body shook slightly, and he dispersed the sword intent. At the same time, he silently opened a certain distance and put Feng Qingxue down again to straighten him up.

During this process, Su Li also saw some scenery of Feng Qingxue in the broken gauze skirt.

Su Li was also a little speechless.

However, Feng Qingxue reacted quickly and immediately returned to normal with a blushing face.

She concealed her embarrassment and looked to the other side with a solemn expression.

At this time, Zhou Cangzhou had already penetrated Zhou Cangyu's head with one blow, and even shattered Zhou Cangyu's soul with one blow.

The moment Zhou Cangyu's immortal heritage evolved, Zhou Cangzhou suddenly manifested the divine light of polar magnetism, manifested the magnetic killing field, locked onto Zhou Cangyu and then violently destroyed it.

At that moment, Zhou Cangzhou's energy and blood burst out, burning like a blazing flame, and he was actually forcibly refining Zhou Cangyu to death!

Yes, Zhou Cangyu is dead!

Shocking enough, right? !

It is indeed shocking enough!

The key is that this scene happened extremely quickly.

Su Li and Feng Qingxue had just had some strange contact on this side, but the battle on the other side was already over.

Although Su Li didn't waste more than a breath, Zhou Cangzhou's attacks were extremely fierce and decisive, his methods were also unusually attitude, and his attacks were all about killing swords!

This method is just like Hua Taichu's sword-controlling skills, which is obviously very difficult to deal with!

This almost gave Su Li a kind of knowledge - Hua Taichu's sword-controlling skills are so deadly that he can even kill immortals!

But after seeing this scene, Su Li was even more sure that it was a fake - because the basic sword intention of sword control had been cracked, and the head was refined into a magic weapon, which contained magic weapon level defense power to block it.

Su Li had experienced this personally - after these idiots tested him and found out that he didn't know the cause and effect of the 'realization of truth', they actually used this to act.

But similarly, if Su Li can see that this is false, the other party will also deduce it in reverse to make sure that he knows many causes and effects in the 'Luoxia World' or the 'Shushan Perfect World', so he will very dangerous.

So this time, temptations of all kinds are present almost all the time, almost everywhere.

This is extremely brutal and difficult to deal with.

If it were not for the Three Thousand Avenues and the Chaos Destiny Sutra, and if it was not now completely immune to any cause and effect, then Su Li would not have any confidence this time and would definitely lose.

Because it is impossible for a person to have no flaws exposed at all.

The longer time passes, the easier it is for many details to be exposed.

But it's different now. Now that he has such ability, Su Li can deal with it as if he doesn't know anything at all, and there won't be any problems.

If there are really detailed problems, they can be solved through the Three Thousand Avenues and a series of causes and effects in the Chaos Destiny Sutra.

Therefore, Su Li was extremely confident.

Zhou Cangyu! I said, next time we meet, let's see who suppresses whom! Are you worthy of expelling me from the Zhou family? You are not worthy! You are a bastard like that, and you still want to be that little bastard's licking dog, you It is simply ruining the family tradition and a shame to my great Zhou family!

From now on, I, Zhou Cangzhou, as the head of the Zhou family, will completely remove you from the family tree!

Zhou Cangzhou smiled ferociously and beat Zhou Cangyu, whose eyes were full of unwillingness, to death.

Because Zhou Cangyu also didn't know the cause and effect of this secret world, he could only be extremely unwilling.

This is not entirely an act, because Zhou Cangyu actually doesn't know everything here - it's just that he vaguely knows that he needs to respond to the disaster and play death.

But I never thought about real death.

However, he also has a certain belief that he will not truly die.

Therefore, he showed absolute righteousness!

Forgetting your ancestors by reading the classics - you will not get good results! You are the... traitor of the Da Zhou family! Our Da Zhou family is devoted to the light, which is the true source of hope...

Zhou Cangyu adhered to the attitude of whole body is upright and who is not afraid of being shattered into pieces, but who wants to leave his innocence in the world, transformed into a body of awe-inspiring light, and carried on such refining.

This scene only lasted for a ten thousandth of an instant, and he was beaten to death.

As for whether it was real death or fake death, Su Li couldn't tell - but for this actor, Su Li had to give him 101 points, because an extra point would allow him to be proud!

Because the acting is so real!

In other words, this is no longer staged, but actually happened.

Just like the War of Three Emperors - if it is performed, it is still easy to have problems, and it is difficult to perfectly present the near-death state.

But this scene is different. It is almost a real evolution and development of reality.

It seems that they are telling the truth because they don't want to expose many similar methods, and at the same time they want to obtain more information.

Maybe after this Zhenxu, there will be a similar ability to 'file copy'? Is that so?

It would be fine if that's not the case. If so, will it mean that after the 'file copy' is made, it will have the same abilities as me?

Damn it, this is not how my clone was created, right?

After the files are copied, then they are copied again?

Does the other party really have such an ability? Does this condense the experience in this secret world and refine the 'virtual self' into the 'real self', so that a replica appears?

Su Li pondered.

At this time, under normal circumstances, it would be more stable if there is a system to make a judgment, but at this time, the system cannot be used to make a judgment.

But Su Li knew that with his current ability, if such an idea were presented in the Chaos Destiny Sutra, it would basically be gone.

Their ability may not be 'file copying', but 'refining the virtual to restore reality'.

But the 'file copy' ability in my Zhenxu Realization is actually a real practice of practicing the virtual reality. It is the real thing that the Zhenxu Realization realizes. However, in reality, it can copy real people in reality. This is not refining the virtual world. Really?

So the capabilities of the previous system...are all overdrafting the capabilities of my current system??? It can't be considered an overdraft, it's just a 'mapping' effect?

After all - the fantasy world that once existed has completely disappeared.

The last bit of cause and effect has been repaired.

Su Li vaguely grasped the key to this.

At the same time, because he had completed such thinking in the Chaos Destiny Sutra, Su Li felt that he seemed to have gradually grasped the deeper meaning of the 'True Void Heavenly Forbidden'.

If this continues, won't he be able to comprehend the 'True Void Heavenly Forbidden' in the cave world where the 'Lost Soul Valley' is located?

That obviously doesn't work!

Su Li silently sensed his own abilities, and then silently presented some basic and scummy abilities to the surface.

Then there are abilities such as mysticism, channeling, and the secret of heaven.

In this way, even if it is 'refined to a true state', the 'Su Li' that emerges from the refining process will only know the basic scum abilities, as well as some corresponding basic Feng Shui abilities.

As for mystical skills, they are unique and may not be replicable.

Even if it is reproduced, it cannot be studied thoroughly.

After thorough research, there is no way to learn because of its uniqueness.

As for the rest of the skills, apart from Xuan Shu, they are just scum.

After such a slight tug, Su Li put back his distracting thoughts and looked at the overpass in the distance with some uncertainty.

At this time, Feng Qingxue also recovered a lot. She immediately came to Su Li and protected Su Li by her side.

Suren Emperor, be careful of his assassination methods.

Feng Qingxue's tone was solemn.

Su Li said with a solemn expression: That Clan Leader Zhou Cangyu...

Feng Qingxue's tone was a little lonely: It's... it's hopeless.

Su Li was a little disappointed and said: As expected, I will cause trouble wherever I go - let alone Divine Lord Feng Ziqing and Divine Lady Fengyunyan before, but now as soon as I got close to you and Clan Leader Zhou Cangyu, one of you was seriously injured and the other was dead. wore……

Su Li said, feeling a little depressed, and said: It seems that my power of luck has probably been sucked out and harvested, otherwise I wouldn't be so unlucky.

Feng Qingxue thought: When Zhou Cangyu came in before, he obviously encountered something, and judging from the 'bad luck' aura contained in his body, it was probably the bad luck that was rejected and contaminated on you.

This bad luck is obviously Feng Ziqing's bad luck, but it really has nothing to do with you.

Feng Qingxue thought so, but of course she would not tell the truth, but just comforted softly: Su Renhuang doesn't need to think too much. All this is actually because Zhou Cangzhou knew some of our purposes this week, so he secretly set a trap for us. Cage, it can only be said that we were careless because of our impatience.

Su Li sighed: But if it weren't for the cause and effect that I brought out, how could such a hopeful person encounter such misfortune?

Su Li was a little sad, and even looked a bit heartbroken and guilty.

Feng Qingxue felt funny in her heart, but she would not reveal the truth of all this.

She showed the same melancholy: Now is not the time for us to be sad. Zhou Cangzhou is really ambitious this time. We have to take action to suppress it. We cannot let it grow like this.

Otherwise, it will be even more impossible to deal with when it fully grows.

Su Li muttered: We should deal with him, but his methods are invincible... I can't beat him.

Feng Qingxue said: Your magic weapon is very powerful.

Su Li said: Let's do this. I'll authorize you to use the magic weapon, so you can deal with him. Even if I burn the power of blood and the talent of the extreme, I won't be able to defeat him.

With my current ability, once I use it with all my strength, I'm afraid that the source of the Yuan Magnetic Force won't be able to protect me from Dao injuries.

Feng Qingxue hesitated for a moment and said, It should be stable for about three days, right?

Su Li shook his head and said: I don't know, it's just a feeling - I still feel like I can't be protected. When I came in before, I had a vague sense of ominous premonition.

It's not very strong, but it feels like it has something to do with time, as if time... has sped up.

So if we use three days to determine Tao damage, I'm afraid something will happen.

Su Li pondered and then spoke.

Feng Qingxue said: Then let me give it a try.

Feng Qingxue said, and then added: I like to use swords, so let's borrow the Xuanyuan Sword.

Su Li said: Okay.

Feng Qingxue said, taking out her own sword - a sword named 'Silver Snow Sword'.

This sword is as white as jade, extremely pure.

This is my sword. I named her 'Xiao Xue' and her name is 'Silver Snow Sword'.

Feng Qingxue spoke softly and handed the sword in her hand to Su Li.

At the same time, she also opened the authorization. In this way, Su Li was equivalent to temporarily exchanging use with her.

Su Li took the Silver Snow Sword, but he didn't have a clear feeling about it.

This may be the Qingshuang Sword, or maybe it is not.

Whether it was true or not, Su Li would not delve into it further.

This is Xuanyuan Sword.

Su Li took out the Xuanyuan Sword and handed it over, and then said: The weapon spirit is 'Xuan'. He is taciturn and likes to kill.

Feng Qingxue took the Xuanyuan Sword, and after sensing it for a while, she couldn't help but look shocked and said: This magic weapon also contains a killing method?

Su Li said: Yes, it contains the ultimate kill - Tian Xie Po Tian Ji Mie Dao, is a first-class source-eater. When this move is used, in my case, the source of Yuan Magnetic is probably going to be destroyed. Part of it was taken away. In this way...can you understand it?

Feng Qingxue said: I understand, but I have no influence on this aspect.

Su Li said: That's why I think it's appropriate for you to respond, not because I don't want to take action.

Feng Qingxue said: Of course I can understand this.

While speaking, Su Li had already carefully looked at the 'Silver Snow Sword'.

This sword feels very gentle and delicate, with a hint of nobility and unruly aura.

Overall, she looks like a very arrogant little girl, but exudes a hint of maturity.

Xiao Xue?

Su Li tried to call out from his heart.

As a result, the sword ignored Su Li and seemed to be a little contemptuous?

Or maybe it wasn't contempt, but just that Su Li was too weak and unwilling to respond to Su Li's call.

Be careful?

Su Li called again with a bit of a smile.

Who are you being careful about? I am only being used by you temporarily, and I will not be used by you forever. You are so shameless.

At this time, the Silver Snow Sword responded with a slightly childish but arrogant voice.

Su Li said: Okay, then it's Xiaoxue.

Su Li responded and casually communicated with Xiaoxue, the weapon spirit of Silver Snow Sword, for a while.

This weapon spirit was very arrogant at first, but was soon fooled by Su Li's few words, like a little girl who was very ignorant and easy to deceive.

Su Li, on the other hand, is that kind of bad uncle.

Feng Qingxue paid attention silently, and then her pretty face became unnatural for a moment - does this guy like little girls?

Is this hobby too perverted?

However, Feng Qingxue didn't show it. After holding the Xuanyuan Sword, she immediately rushed towards Zhou Cangzhou with high spirits.

At this time, Zhou Cangzhou had completely refined Zhou Cangyu to death - poor Zhou Cangyu died after being touched by the soul hair. It is not known whether he can rest in peace after his death.

After Zhou Cangyu's immortal origin was killed, Zhou Cangzhou completely absorbed and refined it.

Because they are twin brothers with the same origin, this is almost equivalent to most of Zhou Cangyu's strength falling into Zhou Cangzhou's hands, and being successfully absorbed and refined in a very short period of time.

Therefore, Zhou Cangzhou's aura became particularly powerful.

act recklessly!

Seeing that he did not take the initiative to attack, Feng Qingxue took the initiative to attack. Zhou Cangzhou's face suddenly darkened, and his ferocious aura suddenly became violent.

He scolded in a cold voice, his eyes fierce and sinister.

You don't know whether to live or die!

Feng Qingxue responded coldly, and in an instant activated her own magnetic source, burned it like a sacrifice, and drove it into the Xuanyuan Sword.

call out--


The next moment, the Tianxie Breaking Heaven and Nirvana Dao, which was burned by Feng Qingxue's power containing the origin of the Yuan Magnetic Aurora, penetrated the void with one blow and destroyed the Dao marks.


The terrifying power penetrated all traces and directly killed Zhou Cangzhou at once.

Not to mention Feng Qingxue was stunned by this blow, and even Zhou Cangzhou almost peeed in shock.

Because he didn't even react.

Not only was he unable to react, this strike against Tian Xie, which shattered the path of annihilation, contained the terrifying power of annihilation.

This power of annihilation is exactly the nemesis of the power of immortality, completely defeated!

Not to mention Wan Ke, the murderous intention derived from the origin of Yuan Magnetic seems to carry the mysterious Taoist aura of judgment of fate and annihilation of cause and effect.

Under this blow...

Feng Qingxue was stunned.

In fact, she just made a tentative move and then showed that she was very desperate.

It was indeed a sacrifice of a mass of magnetic energy, but how much was the sacrifice?

If calculated based on the immortal origin, it would be less than a thousand copies!

That's it……

As a result, under this attack, Zhou Cangzhou was as weak as an ant.


Zhou Cangzhou's eyebrows were pierced, and his entire soul was punched out. Not to mention being directly annihilated, a large amount of the power of Yuan Magnet and the origin of Yuan Magnet he derived were also swallowed up by the 'Xuan' in the Xuanyuan Sword, as if he was the real one. 'Drink blood' sword-like.

Zhou Cangzhou was so frightened that he lost his mind. The particles of the endless light source turned into auroras and scattered in all directions, flying into the distance like streams of light.

The next moment, he regrouped thousands of feet away, with a very ugly expression on his face.

However, after re-condensing, more than 70% of his foundation has been lost, as if it has been permanently weakened.

Feng Qingxue was stunned, but instead of drawing her sword, she gathered all her fighting power and struck out a devastating Zhenxu killing path.

As soon as the decisive blow was delivered this time, Zhou Cangzhou roared furiously and punched out fiercely.


The void exploded, Feng Qingxue's body couldn't help but shook again, and then the divine body exploded directly.

The impact of destruction was beyond her ability to withstand.

Su Li raised his hand to evolve the Hope Soul Poison Feather Clothes, and at the same time turned it into a stream of light that enveloped Feng Qingxue to prevent her from getting too glamorous.

After all, Zhou Cangzhou was not a good person.

Of course - this was done considering that Feng Qingxue might be a friendly force.

If not, Su Li wishes she could be more prestigious.

I have to say that the wind and snow are also white and heavy.

And it seems that Qi Dabai is also extremely perfect.

So what should be maintained should still be maintained.

Su Li's actions made Feng Qingxue blush again, but she quickly returned to normal.

At this time, the Xuanyuan Sword in her hand took the initiative to fly out, and she took the initiative to kill Tianxie.

After the blow, Zhou Cangzhou's face changed wildly and he ran away without saying a word.

And there are several lights and shadows as soon as you run.


Inexplicably, Feng Qingxue vomited a large mouthful of blood again, as if half of her original magnetism had been burned away.

Suddenly she understood why Su Li didn't use the Xuanyuan Sword. How could he be such a big player?

You won’t give up until you eat it all!


Among the several rays of light and shadow in flight, one was directly locked by the Xuanyuan Sword.

Xuanyuan Sword seemed to have transformed into Xuan's sword soul, directly piercing the back of the afterimage's head in one fell swoop and nailing it to the void.

On the other side, several afterimages also screamed, and then turned into more dazzling light sources and flew into the distance.

Zhou Cangzhou is crippled. I'm afraid not even 10% of his origin is gone. He has fallen to the quasi-immortal level and is completely crippled.

After a while, Feng Qingxue suddenly said sadly.

Su Li thought thoughtfully and said: It should be... it is almost useless. My magic weapon Xuanyuan Sword is a top-notch spiritual treasure after all.

Feng Qingxue said: That's not the reason, but - this is not a prehistoric mythical world, nor can it fully interpret the prehistoric royal family's orthodoxy, so although the magic weapon's effect will not be affected, it will not be very powerful.

Su Li said: But aren't you using this magic weapon? It's your power. Using your power to destroy him, wouldn't killing him be like killing a chicken and a dog? It's just like me. I have the same realm. Holding the Xuanyuan Sword, he slashed with his eyes closed.

But if I don't have weapons...ahem, I'm actually very strong.

Su Li seemed to feel that he was exposed, so he immediately covered it up.

Your magic weapon is indeed powerful, but it consumes a lot of energy, and it's also very picky. It doesn't absorb even top-level energy. I just tried the Immortal Origin, and it actually didn't like it!

Feng Qingxue was quite shocked and speechless when she said this.

This is the truth.

This Xuanyuan Sword really does not eat the source of immortality, but the source of creation!

The key is - the origin of immortality can be snatched, the origin of creation... This thing is almost non-renewable and can only become less and less...

Su Li sighed: So I usually just use it basically, or I usually don't take action, and I just hit hard with it, because I can't bear such a loss! And I haven't accumulated resources many times just to be able to destroy magic weapon?

But many resources will become ineffective in my hands, which makes me cry just talking about them.

Feng Qingxue said: But fortunately it is your magic weapon, otherwise Zhou Cangzhou would refine Clan Chief Zhou Cangyu this time, and we would not be opponents at all.

Su Li said: It's a pity that I didn't hack him to death - if I were you, I would burn all the sources of magnetism, or at least 90% of them. I would probably make his immortality completely rotten with one sword. It's a pity that this opportunity was wasted.

Feng Qingxue said: I just didn't expect this sword to be so strong... then the rest of your magic weapons shouldn't...

Su Li said: It's all like this, especially the magic whip that devours the origin of the soul. Do you want to try it too?

Su Li said and took out the magic whip.

Isn’t it ‘Refining the virtual becomes true’?

The stronger the magic weapon you take out, the more resources you have in your pocket will be burned.

Who knows this better than Su Li?

Su Li even had the idea to summon the 'Ancient City of Sacrifice to Heaven' to watch the immortal world.

It's a pity that he can't remember the ancient city of Tianji for the time being.

But just because he can't remember, doesn't mean he can't cause trouble!

Su Li still knows how to draw karma.

After all, with the Great Cause and Effect Technique and three thousand avenues within me, how can we draw the cause and effect to be the most defiant and not expose ourselves?

Isn’t the previous ‘Ancient City of Sacrifice to Heaven’ a living example?

Isn’t Lin Xueyao’s ‘soul within a soul’ a living example?

Since there is some real cause and effect here, it must be able to lead to some terrible cause and effect in reality.

Because the Valley of Souls in this place of ‘Nine Source Cave Void’ is real in itself, but it’s just a trap of truth and emptiness.

Since this place is indeed, as Fu Yunling said, full of all kinds of fatal dangers - you want to trick the truth, right? Then prepare for the cause and effect that I will turn this place upside down!

This is Su Li's method.

As for why Xuanyuan Sword is so powerful?

Nonsense, it contains the Chaos Destiny Sutra and the Three Thousand Avenues, how can it not be awesome?

And if this magic weapon is to be 'copied', it is really impossible to copy it.

Because this magic weapon is the Xuanyuan Sword, a first-class spiritual treasure, how can it be 'copied'?

While he was deep in thought, Su Li also directly activated the 'God Beating Whip'. Suddenly, the God Beating Whip emitted a mysterious glow.

The glow was so powerful that there was even a faint aura like a quasi-sage or even a holy way manifested in it.

Stop, stop, stop -

Feng Qingxue's face turned pale and she immediately stopped her.

If we don't stop it, Bengbu will really be trapped.

This Su Renhuang likes to show off so much!

Forget about manifesting Fu Xi Qin and Qi Ling before, after all, I can still cope with it.

However, there have been some abnormalities in the manifestation of Xuanyuan Sword and its weapon spirit 'Xuan'.

Are you still manifesting the ‘divine whip’ now?

Please be human!

I will be beaten to death!

Feng Qingxue almost cried.

However, she could only say helplessly: This magic weapon is too powerful. This is Jiuyuan Cave's Xuluohun Valley. It's too dangerous. It's better not to be too ostentatious.

Su Li said: There is no need to show off. After all, I still have ten or eight innate spiritual treasures that have not yet been manifested. By the way, do you want the Pangu axe, the Sky-shattering bow, the sun-shooting arrow, the creation pen, the Book of the Other Shore and other magical treasures? Do you know everything?

Since this place is so dangerous, I think these magic weapons can be authorized for you to use first.

You test the power first.

When we encounter danger, we don’t need to give others a chance, we can just kill them with one strike!

Well, these magic weapons of mine all contain special killing methods, such as the Pangu Ax, which is also the Pangu Opening Sky Axe, which contains the ultimate murderous intention - Panhuang's killing method of life and death. If he kills with one blow, it will create the world. .

You know that Pangu created the world, right?

When an ax comes out, it can cut down the whole world.

Of course, I can't develop such a foundation, but you definitely can!

After all, you are already at the quasi-immortal level. In my heart, you are the absolute top powerhouse, the ultimate powerhouse, the pinnacle powerhouse!

Su Li said, feeling a little more confident.

I...I am already vomiting blood, Su Renhuang.

Feng Qingxue almost cried - can she be a rug?

Is it free to burn my origin like this?

This is the situation - Feng Qingxue thought that once these magic weapons were burned, it would only cost 'two or three thousand' or 'two to thirty thousand'. But as soon as they were burned, they felt great. After they came down, they found that the two or three hundred million were gone. .

Now even a billionaire has to vomit 18 liters of blood!

The key is not whether the loss can be endured, but - what is the truth? Others don't know, but Feng Qingxue knows it.

If this continues like this, she, Feng Qingxue, will really be judged by the superiors as Su Li's accomplice, and she will be in the upper echelons of the acting pit!

How can she afford this responsibility?

If she was really judged to be like that, then death would probably be a complete happiness for her.

Because when the time comes to be punished, it means that you really have no choice but to live or die.

Ah... you... aren't you having a backlash? Actually, it's nothing. You just get used to the backlash. You see, I often vomit blood.

Su Li said and vomited another mouthful of blood.

To be honest, there is no fraud at all.

Feng Qingxue: ...

Feng Qingxue was a little tired, so she sighed: This loss of magic weapon... You are used to it, Su Renhuang, but Qingxue hasn't gotten used to it yet. Moreover, Su Renhuang is more or less supported by members of the Chinese royal family. , which can be regarded as having no worries about eating and drinking.

But every bit of Qingxue needs to be accumulated by oneself...

It's burning like this... I can't afford it.

Su Renhuang should put away magic weapons such as the God-beating Whip Pangu Ax...

The impact of this momentum was too great.

Feng Qingxue said, seeing that Su Li had really manifested all these magic weapons. If she hadn't stopped him immediately, Su Li would have activated every magic weapon...

Feng Qingxue vomited a large mouthful of blood, and her face became even paler.

For now, her situation actually implicitly represents a stable situation in the world.

So first, there was an abnormality in herself, and then there was the turmoil in the world's rules and so on.

In this way, the real world will not be turbulent, but the turmoil in this world means that truth and virtuality will be shattered.

Su Li was very familiar with the 'True and Void Realization', and he wanted to break it but not too much - after all, Su Li also wanted to understand a lot of cause and effect.

So it was just right to put away these magic weapons.

You are wearing the Hope Soul Poison Feathered Clothes, which is full of Hope Soul Poison, but it is not harmful and is very stable at the moment.

I made this by myself when I was extremely frustrated. At that time, I had the desire to destroy the world...

However, its defensive effect is very good, so you can wear it first. Although I have just worn it before and had time to wash it, I don’t care about it.

Su Li said generously.

Feng Qingxue: ...

Feng Qingxue said gratefully: Thank you... Su Renhuang.

As she said that, Feng Qingxue felt vaguely that her body was beginning to feel itchy - and at the same time, she felt a little frightened as if she was wearing a prison.

What is Hope Soul Poison?

Lianxu is really a terrifying thing that really destroyed the Demon Soul Palace.

Now this thing has been made into a magical feather coat? Put it on for her?

Feng Qingxue suddenly felt that Su Li probably had a crush on her, otherwise he wouldn't be so attentive.

Showing courtesy for nothing is either cheating or stealing!

Feng Qingxue was not used to Su Li's enthusiasm, so she took the initiative to distance herself a little.

Su Li said: Thank you, if it weren't for your origin of magnetism, I might not exist anymore, and if it weren't for your comfort and encouragement, I might have sunk.

Not to mention, you risked your life to save me before. With my ability, I can't stop such a sudden murderous intention.

Feng Qingxue said: You must be able to block it. Your Eight-Nine Mysterious Skills will give you at least one hundred and eight chances to die.

Su Li said sadly: The Eighty-nine Mysterious Skills have been abolished a long time ago.

With that said, Su Li performed the useless Eight-Nine Mysterious Technique.

Sure enough, Eight-Nine Mysterious Skills is now at an entry-level level, and Feng Qingxue can see the details at a glance.

Feng Qingxue had almost reached the third level of cultivation, but Su Li retreated to the first level instead?

Looking at the situation now, it may be quite difficult to even get started.

Such a scene also left Feng Qingxue speechless.

Are the restrictions placed on Su Li by the higher-ups... a little too harsh? !

Feng Qingxue felt some sympathy.

Su Li said: You see, so I am really touched that you risked your life to save me - for me, this is nothing more than a feeling that lasts until death.

Feng Qingxue spat lightly and said with a blushing face: The Su Renhuang is talking nonsense...what, that is just an instinctive rescue. After all, you are the Su Renhuang, very popular among the people, and a source of hope. I should save you.

Su Li said: The more instinctive it is, the more important my position in the fairy's heart is - the fairy doesn't need to explain, I know it. The fairy is just reserved and embarrassed to say it, but Su is not an idiot, and can still I understand this daughter’s heart.”

Feng Qingxue: ...

Feng Qingxue complained in her heart: You know what the hell, you're probably just trying to seduce strange women like this, right?

Su Li said gently: Fairy Qingxue, don't worry. Whichever of these magic weapons the fairy likes to use, I will authorize it to be used by the fairy. Once you like it, the loss will not be particularly big.

Moreover, war can be used to support war. These magic weapons can eat away the essence and soul of practitioners...

Su Li introduced it.

Anyway, this is something that has been known to everyone for a long time, and Su Li doesn't care about showing it.

Feng Qingxue nodded and said: The Su Renhuang is interested, but having this Xuanyuan Sword is enough. After all, I also use a sword.

Su Li said: Well, that's good. Don't worry, Fairy Qingxue. Now that Zhou Cangzhou has been killed and scared away, she probably won't dare to come out for a short time. The fairy was quite fond of the mountains and flowing water before, so I let Fu Wan Ling comes out and plays a tune on the harp, letting the fairy cultivate her sentiments.

Feng Qingxue was very tired - you must not let your magic weapon appear again. How many resources will be burned.

But before she could stop him, Su Li directly summoned Fu Yunling.

Then at Su Li's signal, Fu Yunling started playing the piano seriously.

After a song of high mountains and flowing water, there is another song of high mountains and flowing water.

Anyway, Su Li let Fu Yunling play the piano for a full half an hour (more than 30 minutes), which could only be played in a few minutes, so that Feng Qingxue's mentality almost collapsed.

Although this sound is extremely powerful, but...

Is this really good?

Seeing that Feng Qingxue's mentality was about to explode, Su Li took back Fu Yunling and Fu Xiqin at the same time.

After this situation, Feng Qingxue obviously lost her temper completely.

Now she just wants to step on the Dongxu Overpass quickly, pull out some cause and effect, and complete the task.

Otherwise, if this continues, it will be a question of whether Zhenxu can bear it or not.

Have you never seen this Su Renhuang like licking so much before?

Or are you really moved by my previous 'sacrifice of life to save'?

Are you so easy to attack? It doesn't seem right!

But according to his thoughts, he thinks that I am the adopted daughter of the Queen Mother, so I must be a trustworthy person? Plus, because his 'unlucky' caused me to be injured before, he feels guilty?

Unable to obtain the corresponding information, Feng Qingxue could only make up some causes and effects.

And these causes and effects can be 'appropriate' and conform to a certain logic.

Feng Qingxue sensed it carefully, and at the same time silently mobilized some of the causes and effects of the Kunpeng Abyss Flower - as expected, the Kunpeng Abyss Flower that had eroded into the fourth-level memory restricted area conveyed some special information.

In this message, there were some thoughts that Su Li had in mind.

For example, I was a little excited because I saw her beautiful scenery...

In particular, Su Li really likes Dabai very much...

It turns out this is...

Feng Qingxue couldn't help but laugh or cry.

Later, Feng Qingxue discovered clues from the cause and effect of the previous almost 'negative' contact.

This is Su Li being teased!

I came up with a special idea - the so-called standing in a wall without desires leads to strength.

But if you have desire, then you are no longer rigid!

It turns out that I accidentally picked it up when I was twisting my body, and it just rubbed his big head...

Feng Qingxue was also speechless.

So this is the Tao following nature? Doing nothing? But that is indeed a bit of a coincidence... Did he think that I actually wanted to commit myself to him? That must be the case, so he started to say it in front of me. Falling in love.

After Feng Qingxue understood the whole story through secret 'peeping', she felt a lot more comfortable.

A kind of self-confidence comes from a beautiful and strange woman.

The sound of this piano is melodious, and it really has endless meaning... Thank you, Emperor Su, for your help.

After Feng Qingxue was sure, she naturally felt at ease, bowed and said softly.

Su Li's eyes were a little brighter, with a hidden meaning of 'violation', and he said with blazing eyes: It's okay, it's okay, this is what it should be. If the fairy still wants to hear it -

Feng Qingxue sighed, and immediately stopped him: No, when I got here, I felt more and more confused, so I wanted to step on the Dongxu Overpass - Can Su Renhuang help Qingxue?

Feng Qingxue's heart: Still listening... Is it another time to meet a close friend in the mountains and rivers? I almost vomited! How can I still be in the mood to listen to this... If I don't want to hear it anymore, I will be beaten to death, crushed to ashes...

Su Li said: Yes, this is indeed not difficult. I took a look and found that although there are many changes in the gray mist, it is not complicated.

Su Li said, and then added: However, Fairy Qingxue may not be easy to deal with. Let's do this. I will lead you and it will be fine.

Feng Qingxue was startled, her pretty face turned red and she said, Hold...hold...me?

Su Li said: Fairy Qingxue, don't get me wrong. If Su has any intention of offending and Fairy Qingxue's soul poison feather coat is on her body, then Su will be able to spy on everything. But Su will not take advantage of others' danger. Yes, this is the case, then Fairy Qingxue will be able to truly feel it - as for the specific reason, this can be understood but cannot be explained in words, Fairy Qingxue will know it then.

Feng Qingxue was thoughtful, but she still nodded shyly and said shyly: Then...thank you Su Renhuang.

Feng Qingxue was shy on the surface and felt like a deer, but in fact, she was extremely contemptuous in her heart: After all, the old pervert extended his sinful hand to me! And this soul poison feather coat wraps me up... Isn't this bad?

If this is not the next step, what is the next step? !

Su Li didn't know Feng Qingxue's inner psychological activities.

He didn't even think about knowing.

As for the personal protection of the soul poison feather coat, Su Li really didn't think much about it - just because her gauze skirt was broken before, Su Li's first thought was not to let the scenery show up.

Soul Poison Yuyi is in the state of Gathering God. It has no spirituality yet, it just has Su Li's Charm.

Su Li didn't look much at it.

As for the old pervert who was treated as a slave by Feng Qingxue...

Su Li actually didn't care.

This is the persona he wants.

Although he has always been a pure, honest and kind person.

Su Renhuang, what are you thinking about? Can we leave yet?

Feng Qingxue gave Su Li a shy look, with a somewhat charming look.

And the close-fitting gauze skirt that her Soul Poison Yuyi turned into at this time also made her truly alive.

Su Li glanced at it casually, then took Feng Qingxue's hand and stepped onto the Dongxu Overpass.

Feng Qingxue's hands were a little warm, and there were some small traces of sweat on her palms. She didn't know whether it was acting or she was really feeling depressed.

Anyway, the girl's mood is real and strong, and the beauty of the girl is clearly revealed.

[The third update of 12,000 words is here~ 36,000 words have been updated today~ There will be updates in the future~ In addition, please continue to ask for full subscriptions, monthly tickets and recommended tickets~ I still wrote it at three o'clock in the morning until now... I hope everyone can support it. For a moment, bow and thank you~]

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