I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 853: Cleanse the Soul and Calm the Soul, the Key to Creation and Life

Su Li already knew that Princess Yun Ji must be related to the ancient temple of death.

However, he still felt a little strange when he heard Chao say this.

But now, since there is no immortality value anymore, Su Li will let him go - no matter how big the cause and effect is, he is completely unconcerned about it.

After being reminded by Immortal Qinglan, Su Li realized that he wanted to peek into the cause and effect through the two existences of Chao and Evil King, but it was obviously a complete mistake - no matter whether he was not involved in the cause or effect, he really had to touch too much. The opponent can definitely pull him into the ditch.

It's only a matter of time before it overturns.

In this case, the more disbelief in evil, the more tragic it will be.

Thinking of the saying 'not believing in evil', Su Li gave the Evil King a strange look - this Evil King...

Su Li always felt that this guy looked a bit like Hu Chen.

But does Hu Chen have this ability?

I can't think about these things anymore. These guys are so deceitful. Whether it's the familiar, déjà vu appearance that suddenly appeared, or the familiar aura of this evil king, they're all just fishing.

This is a group of real old capitalists. If you listen to their deceit, you will be brainwashed soon.

At this time, they are the upper class, and I am the middle and lower class - at least at the level of life consciousness. How can I compete with them!

To put it bluntly, this is really a bit like 'ants looking at the sky' - with their strength, there is really nothing I can do if they want to kill me now.

Even though he is not tainted by these causes and effects, he still involves these two guys. This evil king is also capable of causing trouble.

Su Li muttered in his heart, and then meditated on the Chaos Destiny Sutra.

Suddenly, the feeling of palpitations and uneasiness immediately settled down.

After his condition returned to normal, Su Li vaguely sensed that the previous series of heart palpitations had meant that the remaining immortality value would be gone.

Good guy, this kind of traction is too powerful - I won't listen to their communication now, but inertial traction also consumes that kind of immortality?

If that's the case, then I'll take the initiative to cause trouble.

After Su Li thought for a while, he meditated on the Chaos Destiny Sutra. Suddenly, under the causal pull of the Three Thousand Avenues, Su Li took the initiative to shatter the immortal value from the evil king without hesitation.

According to the system's explanation, one point of immortality is almost equivalent to a thousand copies of the source of immortality.

The corresponding units are actually similar to those of the original creation.

In other words, for such a quasi-immortal level, its immortal origin is as valuable as the creation origin for ordinary practitioners.

In this way, when one point of immortality is detonated, it is equivalent to the detonation of a thousand copies of the immortal source, which is still very powerful.


At that moment, Su Li's Tao injury exploded directly.

With a shock, the Emperor Soul Mother Insect Aura gathered by Su Li also exploded directly at this time, taking on a part like a centipede. It rushed out a wisp of insect aura, and then rushed towards Ran's eyebrows were hit hard before.


Ran immediately trembled, and then let out a harsh, high-decibel scream.

The frequency of this sound is really extremely high, almost scarier than the sound of dolphins, and its height is several points higher than the highest note of Left Finger Moon.

As a result, the Imperial Soul Mother Insect that rushed over was startled and suddenly turned into a stream of light, returning to Su Li's eyebrows.

In Su Li's opinion, this change meant that the Emperor Soul Mother Insect was instantly killed by Ran's high-pitched voice and completely defeated - this was a sissy that it could not afford to offend.

No, this is no longer considered sissy, because even sissies cannot scream at such high decibels.


Before Ran could stand still, the Evil King suddenly raised his hand and clapped it.

Then Ran's head exploded, white and red spraying everywhere in the air.

Then, the scene became quiet.

Well, it's finally quiet.

The Evil King sighed and said, What are your hobbies?

Chao didn't take it seriously and said: This man is quite capable - but if you like to beat him, Evil King, just beat him to death. He has a tendency to be abused. The more you beat him, the worse he will be. Excited - of course, don't beat him to death, this little kid is pretty good.

Chao said, raising his hand to shoot out a large area of ​​immortal origin that shrouded Na Ran.

Suddenly, as if he had been given a shot of blood, his face was immediately radiant, and he once again approached the Evil King, and looked at the Evil King with extremely excited and admiring eyes.

Ji Xie: ...

Ji Xie glanced at Jin and said, Take this guy aside.

Ji Xie said, and then stopped looking at Ran - he didn't want to beat him. If he really beat him to death, he wouldn't give Chao face.

Super seems to be pretty good after all.

If he doesn't beat him to death, no matter how badly he is beaten, Nachao will still give him the source of immortality to make him grow faster.

In this way, the other party will still shamelessly think that the evil king is tempering the opponent in this way, and will become even more shameless.

This is even more disgusting.

Simply - let it go away, out of sight.

Jin hesitated for a moment, but didn't go to see Ran, but - he still had a mission and couldn't leave for the time being.

You go down first.

Chao glanced at Ran and ordered.

Ran immediately bowed and saluted a little disappointed, a little lonely, and then turned around and left feeling quite disappointed.

I have to say that the extent of the waist twist puts some female models to shame.

This is a twist of the waist that creates a brand new and elegant temperament.

Su Li was completely stunned in his current state.

Ji Xie took a deep breath and focused his eyes on Su Li again. Then after pondering for a while, he gathered his immortal source of blessing again.

The Emperor Soul Mother Insect sensed that we were trying to seize the body, so it actually accelerated its pace to gnaw away at his Dao Wounds, so much so that it burst apart. According to me, this Ran really failed to succeed but failed more than it failed.

Ji Xie spoke in a deep voice, with a slightly unhappy look on his face.

Chao came over, gathered a ball of flames and sensed it, and then muttered: Lianxu Huozhen's aura does exist, but it is the aura left by Li Juan, and it is normal.

The rest of its origin is indeed somewhat depleted, which shows that it was indeed depleted in the previous battle.

It was unexpected that he could fight like this with the Emperor Soul Mother Insect Messenger.

This is exactly in line with our judgment.

Moreover, I arranged the murderous intention this time. It is guaranteed to be fatal but not fatal. I have actually calculated this many times.

But I really didn't expect it would cause damage.

This should be related to his previous nirvana in Zhenxu - if his Pangu bloodline and Suzaku bloodline were still there, he would still be able to transform and progress after only one nirvana, but the body's 'inertia' has been developed, but The various causes and effects on the body are not completed.

So this happened.

This was his own fault - but this time it was my plan, and I bear the responsibility.

Chao is very generous.

As he spoke, he calculated and said: So, you have spent almost 400,000 immortal sources to repair his broken Dao injury, right? Here is 30 million, you take it.

The evil king looked at Chao and handed him a ball of light condensed like gray mist, and said a little strangely: Are you so rich?

Chaodao: I mainly build the perfect world in Shushan. Do you think I will lack the source of immortality? And there were several places in my hands before, but I didn't take it and gave it away - this is also the price of loyalty. .”

Hearing this, the Evil King narrowed his eyes and said, Based on this, this immortal origin is meaningless. No matter how much you ask for, it's useless. With our ability, we can understand the profound meaning of the immortal origin and condense ourselves in about a day. Let’s gather around 100,000 to 1 million.

In the final analysis, what is being eaten away is the origin of the laws of heaven in the small world.

Chaodao: But these can indeed save a lot of time, and can be used to deduce the origin of immortality, can't they? In fact, the value of this thing is exactly the same as the value of the origin of creation. It feels... not very easy to use.

The Evil King said: It's not that it's not easy to use. In fact, it should be a matter of definition. If measured in one thousand parts as a whole, it can better represent the foundation of immortality. One thousand is actually a watershed in the Three Thousand Avenues.

Chaodao: Look again, in this case, I can only give you 30,000 yuan. I really can't afford to give you the 30,000,000 yuan.

The Evil King smiled and said: I only spent 400,000 yuan and got 30 million yuan. Isn't this immortal origin so easy to earn?

Chaodao: No, actually it can't be calculated that way. The rest is the benefit of helping you wash the ancestral bones, and then there is the matter of the clone - I will give this clone to you now, as long as you can understand it.

The Evil King said: If you say so, I will accept it.

While speaking, the Evil King took the gray mist-like thing and patted it directly between his eyebrows without caring about it.

Suddenly, the light ball disappeared immediately.

The Evil King pondered for a moment, then gathered a ball of thunder and punishment fire, swept towards the man in a black robe with a ghostly mask condensed beside him, and then struck directly.


The clone was killed on the spot, without the slightest ability to struggle.

The moment his body was penetrated, a large amount of golden soul energy flowed out from all directions of the body - this was a golden robe, and it had no power to fight back, and it was annihilated by a burst of flame.

This is the golden robe - in the eyes of a superior like the Evil King, he is completely like an ant.

There is no upper limit in this place, so even if the projection is manifested here, the strength is extremely unfathomable.

The same reason why Su Li couldn't avoid the blow from the burning flame spear before - the gap was really too big, as big as a dimensionality reduction blow. How could there be any room for resistance?

Qin Zulong's eyes shrank and he became completely honest.

In the previous exchange between Ji Xie and Chao, he blocked the six senses throughout the whole process, and very wisely did not participate in such cause and effect.

I didn't even look at it, and it didn't show any trace or breath of existence - this is the basic prerequisite for survival, and I have long been familiar with it.

Now that the exchange was completed, Qin Zulong returned to normal.

As for Ran - he had already been pushed to the corner, drawing circles sadly.

Jhin did not avoid anything, because he was qualified and needed to perform part of the cause and effect, and there was no need to avoid these.

Now, there is only a copy of myself. As for the cause and effect of those Yin soldiers... What do you think, Evil King?

Chao asked.

The Evil King said: It's not bad. Now that he's injured, I'll suppress it a little more to prevent the Emperor Soul Mother Insect from messing around and causing more damage.

The evil king said, raising his hand to gather some immortal sources in the past.

The Immortal Origin on Su Li's system panel rose sharply, from the restored 250 points to 14,250 points.

All of a sudden, there are more than 14,000 immortal points!

Su Li didn't care about the previous data of 231 points and 213 points.

Next, when his Immortality Points were almost empty, Su Li burst out Dao Mark Dao Injury, and then when the Evil King used a ray of Immortality Source to suppress the Dao Injury, no more, no less, it happened to reach 250 points of Immortality Points!

If this isn't obvious yet, the immortality value for stabilizing so-called Tao damage has reached 14,250.

One four - two hundred and five...

You are two hundred and five.

Isn't this a curse?

Or was it intentional?

The previous 231 points refer to the butterfly heart of Hongmeng Research Base, which is the first generation Zero, and its IQ is 231 points.

The subsequent 213 points refer to Li Juan, whose IQ is 213 points - at the same time, Li Juan's other identity shadow also has an IQ of 231 points.

The next 250 is a secret curse.

Then 14250 is even more outrageous.

But Su Li didn't respond.

This data control is too precise. What is the evil king trying to test? Or is it really Hu Chen who is making waves?

Seeing that there were many attributes, Su Li still wanted to ask Qing Lan, but after thinking about it - the previous immortality value had been used up, and if the immortality value was lost now, problems might arise.

What if this is the evil king's second temptation or fishing?

Su Li thought about it, and meditated on the Chaos Destiny Sutra, maintaining the ethereal listening state of the heavenly veins, not pulling anything, and not asking Qing Lan.

In fact, Su Li still maintained a state of emptiness and no desire.

The sea that accepts hundreds of rivers is great when it has tolerance, and the one who stands thousands of feet high on the wall without desires is strong.

As long as you have no desires or desires, you will be fine.

This time - the origin of this injury... is not a problem.

The Evil King suddenly spoke, and then silently withdrew his immortal aura and the inexplicable gray mist aura.

Chao breathed a sigh of relief and said: Is there really cause and effect without practicing Xu?

The Evil King said: No more. Moreover, I used special methods to simulate the changes and energy supply methods of some Tianshu crystals, and even tested them according to a series of humiliating methods that I had experienced before. There was indeed nothing unusual.

He's in a bit of a bad shape, too.

Super Dao: I don't have the bloodline of Nirvana, but my body draws the cause and effect of Nirvana, so it's normal for me to have cracked Dao injuries.

In this case, it can only be said that the previous explosion was too harsh, and my blow was indeed a bit excessive - I misjudged his strength.

The Evil King said: Well, after various deductions and calculations combined with the magic circle, there is no problem. The matter of Dao Shang has restrained the Emperor Soul Mother Insect. It is better to let Qin Zulong seize the body and try it.

Chaodao: Thank you for your hard work. You even used your ability to sense cause and effect.

The Evil King said: Actually, I hope I can find some cause and effect, but unfortunately he was hit a bit hard - well, this time he lost more than 10 million copies of the immortal origin, but he earned almost 20 million, indeed It’s worth it.”

Super Dao: Can the immortal source be integrated with some Dao injuries?

The Evil King said: The Emperor Soul Mother Insect nibbled away some, and his Dao Injury merged a little, but the Emperor Soul Mother Insect was a little too eager, so it pulled the Dao Injury and collapsed.

The occurrence of such a situation in my special ability to communicate with others can only mean that it is a bit too early to steal the source or draw the cause and effect. It is still a little too early.

The change of this female insect is exactly a sign of cause and effect.

Chao pondered for a while, then paced back and forth for a while before saying: It's difficult, this guy has too much background - you have also seen the cause and effect in Zhenxu Realization, the growth is too cruel, so I can't give benefits.

Fortunately, this experience seems to have had a considerable impact on him. Without the ability of Nirvana and the bloodline of two of the four holy beasts, as well as the Royal Qi fate and the origin of merit, it is impossible for him to grow up in a short period of time.

We don't have enough time, so we have to act quickly.

We can also get some information by doing it.

But once they are harvested by the existence of the Emperor Soul Clan, they really can't earn anything.

The twisted melon is not sweet, but at least it can quench your thirst.

But if we don't twist it, if the melon is twisted by the existence of the Emperor Soul Clan, then there will be nothing.

The Evil King said: This is just the sense of urgency you feel, but in fact it is not that serious.

Chao pondered for a moment and did not answer.

The evil king said: Let's take a look at the situation of the seizure before we make a conclusion.

The soul torture level of washing the ancestral bones has been passed. It is not difficult. The next step is to pull the soul-suppressing monument.

After the evil king arranged a series of formations, he dug out all the black coffins and colorful crystal coffins in the tomb.

At this time, the blood in the black coffin continued to seep out, and it was extremely red, exuding an extremely terrifying and powerful aura of violence.

Su Li's body has begun to contain a powerful demon soul aura.

It was as if the real demon soul was about to revive and the real demon was about to descend.

This is a sign that the devil is coming to the world.

In the sky above such a black coffin, the aura of destruction and destruction at the level of Taichu Soul Control Heavenly Tribulation that appeared again filled the air.

However, even if these things appeared, neither Xie Wang nor Chao took a second look.

Not only that, even Jhin didn't take this disaster seriously.

After seeing these things appear, Jin suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed it, directly grabbing and destroying the Taichu Soul Controlling Heavenly Tribulation.


You bastard, you don't have eyesight, and you dare to manifest the heavenly calamity in front of Brother Chao and the Evil King? Panmen Cave!

Jin scolded coldly!

It's just a trick!

The evil king twitched the corners of his mouth and corrected himself.

Well, Banmen Nongfu...Jin understands. Thank you Evil King for your guidance on the mystery.

Jhin immediately bowed and saluted.

Then he found that Chao seemed a little thoughtful, as if he was nagging in his heart, and he remembered these two words carefully so that he could say them on a certain occasion to show that he was very capable.

Ji Xie understood it instantly, and the muscles on his face twitched, but he still didn't point it out.

See through but don’t tell…

never mind……

Ji Xie actually understands the ignorance of modern people.

Except for Mirror Fairy Su Li and a few others who had some knowledge, the rest were really... extremely unbearable.

It’s just...but I’m uneducated, so I can go all over the world with just one word of shit

For someone like Ji Xie who came from ancient times, this was something to be severely criticized for.

So when he couldn't bear to specify it, Ji Xie's obsessive-compulsive disorder made him very uncomfortable.

However, he slowly adjusted his mentality and got rid of this inexplicable unsmooth thought.

The Evil King was like this, and Su Li was extremely speechless at this time.

But Su Li paid more attention to his body in the black coffin.

Did this body develop into a true supreme demonic body after being suppressed by the black coffin?

This foundation... This is really a rapid improvement.

But is it really good to be so strong?

Su Li looked at the massive Nether Demons around him again and felt that everything here was full of 'opportunities'.

This is the mentality. Next, we just need to clean the spirit spring, and then there will be a special burial method.

The evil king began to form seals, leading to many causal changes.

At this time, Jin was also responsible for digging another part of the earth vein.

At that place, a powerful ice-like aura filled the air.

When Jin silently dug open the seven-colored crystal coffin, it was also filled with bright red blood.

However, Mu Yuxi was lying quietly in the blood.

This scene is quite similar to the scene that happened during Luoxia Barren Mountain.

Moreover, the person buried in the black coffin in that scene was Su Wangchen, and the person lying in the blood and water in the colorful crystal coffin was Mu Qingya.

At this time, the cause and effect are very similar, but the people sealed in the coffin are different.

Is this the cause and effect?

Or do you want to bring out something else?

Su Li watched quietly, still showing no change in emotion.

The evil king had been trying to super-manifest the clones before, and Li Juan was not among them, but the rest were revealed and all were solved.

After Chao paid a price of 30 million, the evil king never mentioned Li Juan's cause and effect again.

It seemed that there was a tacit understanding between the two parties, and they had forgotten about Li Juan's clone.

This kind of karma fishing really makes the fishermen feel itchy.

I clearly know that I want Li Juan to die immediately.

I hope Mu Yuxi won't fall for the trick - won't be dragged away...

Su Li himself wasn't too worried. As long as he wouldn't be killed, he would be qualified to play the game.

But Mu Yuxi didn't know this.

So if he was in any danger, Tianhun Mu Yuxi would most likely be awakened.

In the past, Su Li took the initiative to wake up, which could transmit information instantly, but now there is no chance.

If this is awakened by the other party, the result may be very bad.

Su Li was just worried about this aspect, when the colorful crystal coffin suddenly started to vibrate.


In the void, a giant soul-crushing monument appeared.

What the soul-suppressing monument suppresses is the immortal evil soul, resurrecting the demon soul but suppressing it again.

There are a series of things in this that Su Li still can't understand.

But Su Li was not in the mood to figure it out at this time - because Mu Yuxi had already opened her eyes from the crystal coffin.

They were a pair of extremely beautiful seven-colored plum blossom eyes that could be seen through the crystal coffin. They were very deep and very powerful.

And when such eyes appeared, Su Li clearly knew that Mu Yuxi had discovered the existence of his vision.

But Mu Yuxi did not look at him, but said in her heart: Young Master, leave quickly, don't stay here anymore, leave quickly and go to Yueming City, Karma is in Yueming City!

This is a test for your soul-suppressing life key, and it will definitely draw out your special heavenly soul, young master, and refine it into a soul-suppressing life key.

This thing is the key to opening the door of creation.

The young master can just leave in the visual field form later - and the young master should pay attention to the fact that the young master's visual field form is void, but it can definitely be seen by the colorful plum blossom eyes.

That is the real eye of hope. There are people who can condense such eyes, so the young master may still be exposed.

But there should be... no problem at the moment. Yu Xi has always been awake before, but he is weighing the changes in the environment.

Master... I can't say too many words in my heart. Master should be able to hear me, right?

At this time, Su Li's Tianmai Listening ability heard Mu Yuxi's inner voice.


At the same time, the entire colorful crystal coffin shook violently at this time.

Su Li heard Mu Yuxi's voice at this time. This voice was exactly the same as the way Su Li heard Mu Yuxi's voice when he was in the fantasy world!

The only difference is that the content is basically completely different.

But it does lead to corresponding similar cause and effect.

Mu Yuxi also said this in her heart at that time - and when these inner words appeared in Su Li's heart, Su Li was really shocked. She couldn't believe it at all, but also didn't dare not believe it...

He was indeed very, very confused at that time.

But he chose to believe in Mu Yuxi at that time.

And now - is this Mu Yuxi's heavenly soul worthy of belief?

If you believe it, then once this Heavenly Soul is replaced by a replica or is planted with some kind of causal existence similar to the colorful plum blossom eyes, Su Li will be completely exposed.

If you don't believe it, then what you are about to face is very likely to be truly refined into a soul-suppressing life key, and then used as a key to open the door of creation.

At this time, Su Li didn't even open the system.

Therefore, after weighing it for a moment, Su Li decided -


The colorful crystal coffin suddenly shook violently, and then the coffin lid suddenly popped open.

Wisps of colorful light gathered on Mu Yuxi's body, so that she looked as if she was wearing a colorful colorful feather coat, looking extremely beautiful.

Her pupils were full of spirituality, but their pupils were much dilated, as if she was a living dead person - not really dead just because of the obsession to protect her.

She flew out of the bright red blood, but her whole body was not stained with any blood. She was as clean and pure as ever, so graceful and beautiful.

Her long hair was flowing like a waterfall, flying gently in the wind.

The light red gauze skirt and the colorful light made her indescribably transcendent.

Even though he is obviously a dead person who relies on obsession or belief, he is more temperamental and more heart-stopping than all living people.

Tsk, tsk, tsk.

Ji Xie took a deep look at Mu Yuxi and said, How can you, a dead person, still have such a strong obsession? If you are dead, just lie down properly!

After Evil King Ji Xie said these words, the scene suddenly shook.

Then, Mu Yuxi's eyes seemed confused for a moment.

Then her obsession seemed to be wiped out by such a sentence.

Once the obsession is gone, Mu Yuxi will immediately fall down, lie back in the colorful crystal coffin, and be truly suppressed again.

[Today’s eighth update ~ A total of 58,000 words have been updated ~ I wrote for 17 hours from 4 a.m. to 9 p.m. I am now taking a shower and sleeping, and will continue to work hard tomorrow. I hope that everyone who has the ability can support it with a full subscription and monthly pass. I bow and thank you~]

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