I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 849: The Spirit of the Great Dao, the Ancestral Dragon Cleanses the Soul

When Su Li looked over, the woman on the mural even began to reveal some of her own secrets.

This made Su Li even more speechless.

It's not like he has never seen such a real scene before.

That's it? Is it too low?

Su Li originally wanted Fairy Jing to come out and take care of it, but after thinking about it, he decided not to do it.

Also, Fairy Mirror has long since broken off the relationship with Li Juan, and Fairy Mirror has even completely broken off the relationship with Su Xia. She is already an extremely pure woman.

This situation...

Su Li stopped thinking about it.

Therefore, there is really no problem if Li Juan or Ying does this - but Su Li still feels that his IQ is being rubbed on the ground, because the statue is as if he is afraid that Su Li will not recognize that it is Li Juan. Li Juan's corresponding 'shadow' was projected onto it.

The two statue women were vividly doing some weird things, as if they were trying to attract him, Su Li, to do some unsightly things.

Is Su Li such a person?

How could he look at such pictures and do something to comfort himself?

Although he did do such things in China, but a hero does not mention his bravery in the past... No, he, Su Li, has always lived in the present. What does the past have to do with him, Su Li?

It is impossible to rush, not even in this life, so I can only find help from fairies so that I can barely feel comfortable.

As for the matter of being comfortable, you have to leave it to a more powerful beauty.

What kind of person are they really, and what kind of trap are they setting up? This trap is really too low-end. Is it really effective?

Su Li also felt a little strange in his heart.

Therefore, he subconsciously called up the Great Cause and Effect Technique and took a look at the Eye of Six Paths of Reincarnation of the Three Thousand Avenues.

At this glance, what Su Li saw was neither the door nor the two women.

But on these two women - or in other words, these two statue women are not real women, but are made up of countless bubbles.

And what are these bubbles?

In each bubble, there is a corresponding scene like a small world. That scene is - there are beings comforting themselves in it, and their eyes are staring at the bubbles, just like the bubbles in their eyes 'This is exactly what Li Juan looks like without clothes.

Or maybe it's the scene of Li Juan crossing her legs and making some unusual movements.

In short, when these geniuses or other beings looked at such a picture, they fell into some kind of fantasy, or they were comforting themselves because they were feeling empty and sad inside.

In short, this scene is very bizarre and very scary.

It contains extremely powerful power of desire, as well as powerful power of essence and soul.

After generating various assumptions about the vision in such a 'bubble' and taking certain 'actions', the light and shadow of existence were imprinted into the bubble, and a harvest was completed.

But such bubbles are densely packed and have spread to endless areas, and have turned into statues of various beauties, statues of handsome men, various real projections, various wonderful experiences, and so on.

Then another round of harvesting was completed.

Even such harvesting has already appeared in various eras and eras in the Chinese ancestral land.

What cannons and oars were turned into ashes...

This is actually one such way of harvesting.

So it seems that in the Chinese ancestral land, I once watched some variety shows and couldn't hold back... was I harvested?

Good guy, you are really hard to guard against.

This is a... mentality.

But it doesn't matter. The past is the past after all, and it doesn't matter if I am harvested. But now I am living in the present and will not be affected.

Not to mention that now I am truly independent of cause and effect. With the Chaos Destiny Sutra, I can avoid being sucked in souls and lives. What are I afraid of?

But you can't offer it up for sucking.

So... young people really want to have their limbs amputated... No, they have to exercise restraint and not be too impulsive.

Su Li felt sad, but in this matter - he was also powerless.

All I can say is that this Chao and even Li Juan understand people's hearts and human nature too deeply.

Because no matter how regretful and frustrated a person is afterwards, he will definitely continue next time.

It's like being addicted and it's impossible to quit.

What I originally thought was a very low-level method is actually extremely useful. Maybe if I hadn't been seduced by the charm, and had been flanked by Yu Xi and Mei'er before, and even by the Goddess of Time... I might have been unable to bear it.

It is said that this kind of charm is just an instinctive pull, but in fact the effect is extremely amazing, indeed very powerful.

Su Li thought about it from another perspective and felt that it was still a bit shocking.

Only when he looked at these two murals from another angle did he see their benefits.

This is like some bad movies that make people want to vomit, but they don't prevent others from selling billions at the box office.

In terms of comparison, Chao and Li Juan have never disappointed.

Su Li retracted that special look, and then in his eyes, the mural seemed to be completely alive. It was very beautiful and moving, as if it was going from illusion to reality, and then into the depths of his dream.

It's just a dream, let yourself go, let's be happy together in Wushan Yunyu.

In my ears, there seemed to be such a sound coming out.

Su Li sneered in his heart - is this coming?

If it were anyone else, they would indeed be tempted immediately.

It's just a dream, and it's also an illusion. What's the point of having an illusion in a dream?

Who doesn’t have any charming thoughts?

But - if you really do this, you will be harvested instantly.

It's different from others - other harvests can't harvest much, but if Su Li really joins the path with such a 'virtual soul', it will be really dangerous.

All I can say is - you can't kill him.

This is a real deal delivered by myself.

It's like a person who is sure that he can live a long life without illness or pain, but because he is so sure, he jumps off a cliff?

Isn’t this going to kill you?

Who will die if you don’t die?

That’s not how Zuo did it!

Therefore, Su Li felt a little more fearful at this time.

The method he despised had already attracted his heart, making it almost difficult for him to refuse - and as long as the thought agreed and gave birth to a longing, it would be over.

Su Li smiled and said: Okay——

Then, Su Li fantasized about gathering together with this beautiful woman who had evolved from a ghost.

The next moment, Su Li seemed to transform into the King of Thunder and Lightning, with lightning all over his body.

The thunder and lightning gathered together and turned into a thunderous lightning whip, which struck the ghost's body hard.

At this moment, Su Li seemed to have transformed into Master Ma, and he directly launched five consecutive whips of thunder, lightning, lightning, and a ghostly dance.

Pah, pah, pah, pah—

The electric light exploded, and the terrifying mural projection suddenly let out a shrill scream.

The screams were truly heart-breaking for those who heard them, and tears for those who heard them. It was extremely miserable.

After a while, the voice gradually became silent, and Su Li looked like a king returning, with a confident sneer on his face.

That's it? I thought it was so amazing, Su Li showed a very unruly sneer.

Then, he strode to the two giant dark doors, raised his hand, and the Pangu ax suddenly appeared in his hand.


Su Li gathered the power of the Chaos Destiny Sutra to derive the law of chaos, and struck out with an axe.


Five consecutive whips of thunder, thunder and lightning...oh no, five consecutive strikes were struck directly, and the thunder punishment aura containing the power of thunder struck the statue hard.

The female carving on the statue was immediately chipped away.

It's not completely cut off, or the two key advantageous areas have been flattened, like a giant mosaic.

Then its secret place was also flattened, as if it were blocked by a giant mosaic.

In other places, the flesh and blood on its beautiful face were shaved off, revealing a terrifying skeleton.

So at this time, those geniuses who were doing some strange things in the bubble suddenly saw a skull face suddenly sticking out of the camera and appearing on the bubble.

As for whether it will scare people to death and whether it will create many great buddies, that has nothing to do with Su Li.

After all, Su Li always did good deeds anonymously.

After cutting it, Su Li did not use the Eye of Six Paths of Reincarnation to see the result.

Well, it's just a matter of brushing off your clothes and hiding your merit and fame.

Everything here is different from the aura of the Emperor Soul Mother Insect, so Su Li's ability is very useful.

Especially the thunder aura of Thunder Punishment Orthodoxy is invincible in such a dark place.

Therefore, it is difficult to deal with the Emperor Soul Mother Insect, but it is not difficult to deal with these netherworld things.

Coupled with the power of the Chaos Destiny Sutra and the fact that the Three Thousand Avenues are now working harder, Su Li feels a lot more relaxed.

Su Li didn't know if Chao would vomit blood. After all, the 'devouring' effect of the Soul-Eating Dark Door should have given him great profits.

But being ruined by Su Li...

Most likely you will have to vomit several liters of blood.

For Su Li, eighteen liters is not too much, and one liter is not too little.

After destroying the relief, Su Li used the Chaos Destiny Sutra and used the ability of Heavenly Vein Judgment to break the Dragon Shackles derived from the relief.

At this time, Su Li truly broke the biggest restraint here.

Therefore, the two doors of darkness naturally opened automatically.


The heavy sound seemed to open the door to hell, eliciting a powerful echo.

The deep, quiet, and cold environment makes everything here seem even weirder.

But to Su Li, these were nothing at all.

Because he didn't care about it at all.

After the door opened, Su Li saw a real abyss.

What is the real abyss? It is extremely deep and unfathomable.

Then there is depth and darkness, resentment and mystery.

The dark abyss winds into endless depths, with no end in sight and no void.

Zu Longyuan.

This is the real Ancestral Dragon Black Abyss.

There is no up or down here, no left or right.

There is no such thing as true light and darkness.

Because the darkness here will even swallow up all the light.

The lightning evolved by Su Li will be swallowed up by the darkness here and fall into complete darkness.

When Su Li saw such a place at first glance, he was indeed quite shocked, and even felt a shock that touched his soul.

The Ancestral Dragon Black Abyss is indeed the Ancestral Dragon Black Abyss. The suppressive aura is too strong, and it is layer after layer, just like the Heavenly Vein Domain in my restricted memory area.

However, my memory restricted area of ​​Tianmai is only on the ninth level, but here it contains the aura of the eighteenth level.

Su Li pondered, and then his figure moved and stepped into such a dark void.


There is only darkness.

It seems that there is nothing else in this world, only this darkness.

In such a dark void, Su Li didn't know whether he was moving forward, backward, left, right, or up or down.

Because in such a dark void, the only thing that could pull him was the breath of Mu Yuxi's heavenly soul.

At the same time, there is also a wisp of inspiration derived from the Chaos Destiny Sutra.

Su Li can open the Eye of Six Paths of Reincarnation at this time, so that he can see the situation here clearly.

But Su Li didn't turn it on, because the pull of Chaos Destiny Sutra made him feel very stable, and he also had a certain judgment about the surrounding environment.

This is the first level of the Ancestral Dragon Black Abyss.

There are eighteen floors in total.

On this road, no matter whether you move or not, whether you can or cannot, you will naturally go to the eighteenth floor.

When you reach the eighteenth floor, you can see a faint light, and then you can see Mu Yuxi's heavenly soul.

Su Li already had such a judgment in his mind.

So he just waited quietly.

If he doesn't act, Ancestral Dragon Heiyuan will act on his own.

So Su Li will still go to the eighteenth floor.

Sure enough, after such dark changes lasted for almost half an hour, Su Li felt the turbulence in the aura between heaven and earth, and saw wisps of faint dawn approaching.

Su Li was like standing on a shooting star passing through the dark universe. Gradually, the faint dawn was getting closer and closer.

Soon, Su Li saw the outline outlined by the dawn—that was exactly what a beautiful and strange woman looked like.

Wearing a light red gauze skirt, she looks particularly beautiful and cute, but she also has a spirituality that is as detached as reality.

This——is none other than Mu Yuxi.

It was hard for Su Li to imagine meeting Mu Yuxi in such a place.

Moreover, Mu Yuxi was still in Heavenly Soul state.

At this time, Mu Yuxi was not blocked. Instead, she was just floating quietly in the void, as if she was exiled in the long river of time.

She seemed to have no sense or feeling, and was in a state of confusion.

But even in this state, she is still full of spirituality, making people want to hold her in their arms, comfort, care and cherish her.

At this time, Su Li directly called up the Eye of Six Paths of Reincarnation and at the same time ran the Chaos Destiny Sutra.

The next moment, the darkness of this dark world dissipated - or rather it was not that the darkness dissipated, but that Su Li's eyes could see everything clearly in the darkness.

There were no shackles around Mu Yuxi's heavenly soul. On the contrary, there was a dark fog like gray mist, forming a huge black coffin-like state, holding Mu Yuxi's heavenly soul tightly. blocked in it.

The sealing atmosphere contained in such a huge black coffin is extremely powerful, but it is also extremely mysterious.

This kind of sealing atmosphere is no longer as simple as Fulong Shackles, but another kind of sealing. Some are like the magnetic cage sealing corresponding to the Twelve Heavenly Gods and Demons Array, but it is completely different.

This is a kind of blockade that Su Li has never seen before and cannot break.

Su Li saw this scene and looked at the void again.

There are many such blocked places in this void, but what is blocked is all void, some broken void, some mysterious void.

From Su Li's perspective, it was impossible to see what was blocked in the void - because it looked transparent and there was nothing there.

But Su Li knew that there must be many causes and effects in the seal. It seemed transparent, just because he couldn't touch those causes and effects for the time being.

While Su Li was deep in thought, he still approached Mu Yuxi.

Mu Yuxi was really beautiful at this time - like a peaceful sleeping beauty.

However, when Su Li approached, a breath of flames gradually emerged from the void where Mu Yuxi was.

Is this coming?

Su Li couldn't help but feel a little funny.

At this time, the existence that contains the aura of fire, and appears very secretly and suddenly, who could it be if it weren't the two special strong men beside Chao?

Ran and Jin!

Once it appears, it is not easy to deal with.

Su Li pondered, but then, he immediately had a brand new idea.

Su Li couldn't help but smile in his heart, but with an obvious look of surprise on his face, he came to this place of 'invisible black coffin' without hesitation.

At this time, Mu Yuxi had appeared next to Su Li, but Su Li could not touch her no matter what, as if she did not exist in the world.

It was clearly right in front of her, but when Su Li stretched out his hand, it penetrated her body and couldn't be touched at all.

Yuxi, is that you?

Su Li called softly.

There was a hint of anxiety in his voice, as well as a hint of scrutiny.

Later, Su Li used Xuanshu Channeling and some of the secret methods of the Master of Secrets.

It's just that these methods are obviously not easy to use here.

Mu Yuxi didn't answer, as if she couldn't listen at all.

Su Li manifested some other methods, but they still had no effect.

Of course, Su Li was just acting.

At this moment, Su Li's mind seemed to be completely attracted to Mu Yuxi.

However, Su Li's 'Eye of Six Paths of Reincarnation' and the induction derived from the Chaos Destiny Sutra could clearly see that the flames formed a flame lotus.

The two grown men hugged each other and began to gather from the depths of the lotus. Then one of them - actually had a little bit of a naughty temperament, that is the so-called 'Ran'.

The other person is the image of a strong man, not only strong but also very cold and cruel.

At first glance, you can tell that this kind of existence is not easy to mess with.

Good guys, these are the two special beings around Chao? This image...is this his mistress?

This super wailing... seems to have some unique hobbies.

Su Li murmured in his heart, but still tried to call Mu Yuxi more diligently.

Su Li didn't care about the other dangers at all.

Just die, just die.

Anyway, it won't be completely worn out.

Complete death wear is just...well, just a continuation of another cause and effect.

And there’s ‘Su Yan’ to tell the truth.

So Su Li's other idea through the Chaos Destiny Sutra is about 'Su Yan' - as long as he dies this time, then Su Yan will come out.

Su Yan's appearance means that King Lei Yan's cause and effect has all returned and will be restarted. That is definitely the most hopeful time, so no one would hope that that scene will happen.

So as long as he doesn't die and is on the verge of death, there will definitely be a group of beings like Chao who are so anxious.

This aspect is Su Li's own decision, and it is also a kind of growth for Su Li.

When he has realized a series of mysteries that are not within the Three Realms and is not within the Five Elements, when he has understood what the 'True Void Taoism' is, when he has clearly understood the essence of the existence of the Chaos Destiny Sutra When it comes to meaning, he has actually grown a lot.

This kind of growth is no longer a growth in strength or upper limit, but a growth in experience, experience and cognition.

Just like he felt that he was not as good as Hua Qidao before, the lack of experience meant that he had a poor foundation.

Today, this gap has been made up too much.

What Hua Taichu and Su Yan gave him was part of the foundation.

And only by consuming the foundation can you accumulate experience.

However, consuming the foundation and accumulating experience itself will bring huge growth, which is actually not good - but it is already the best way.

But Su Li consumed all his foundation in the realization of Zhenxu, in exchange for a massive amount of growth.

Nowadays, this kind of growth cannot be shown in reality. Just as the Chaos Destiny Sutra came out, this kind of growth was gathered in the Chaos Destiny Sutra, and then Su Li obtained it in a silent way like moisturizing things. These 'experiences'.

This is how true growth occurs.

So Su Li was almost certain that someone had taken action.

This should be the 'her' behind Immortal Light Blue.

Compared with Immortal Light Blue, this one understands him better, is more gentle, and is more...

All in all it's better.

But such love made Su Li feel quite sad.

Mu Yuxi, is it really you?

Yu Xi, what's wrong with Yu Xi?

Is this the cause and effect of the past and the answer to the present?

So, if the Chaos Destiny Sutra is given away this time, will there really be a scene like Wu Jiang committing suicide?

So this is my fate, destined?

Or is it also a disaster for you?

Su Li murmured in his heart, but still called out with great sincerity: Yu Xi, my feelings for you are always there as always. I have been waiting for you to come back.

Have you heard me calling you? As long as you wake up, you will be able to turn reality into reality, just like the Moon King, you can also become real.

Yuxi, are you there?

Yu Xi, wake up and answer me. I am your young master, your Taoist companion, and your husband Su Li.

Su Li called out word by word, but it still had no effect.

At this time, Su Li had already begun to use methods similar to summoning spirits - but this method could not be used.

Because this method summoned Mu Yuxi from the Mountains and Rivers State Map as soon as it was used.

Not only will this be summoned, but Mu Yusu from modern times can also be summoned, which makes it even more complicated.

Su Li knows this method of summoning, because Hua Qiudao has used it before, and as the Lord of Reincarnation with 80% of the reincarnation authority, how could Su Li not use such a method?

And Mu Yuxi was someone who had truly had negative contact with Su Li, so she was naturally a completely one of her own.

Su Li did not use such a method, but he wanted to act as if he would use such a method, so doing so also showed that he was fully focused and did not care about his own safety.

This acting is not entirely acting, because this call is sincere.

Because if Mu Yuxi wakes up at this time, it will indeed be a good thing, at least he can escape the lockdown.

As for what will happen after the lockdown is lifted, that is another matter.

Right now, waking up is the most important thing.

Yu Xi - I will wake you up no matter what! Next, I will use methods similar to summoning spirits. Don't be afraid! No matter where you are in the world, I will always be by your side!

Su Li murmured, and then started meditation. In an instant, Su Li gathered the power of the six reincarnations, and created a cause and effect scene similar to the destiny roulette.

It is similar to the false projection of Tianji Chaos, but it is not completely false - because Tianji Chaos itself uses things that have happened in reality or between truth and fiction to lead many causes and effects.

Therefore, this situation is naturally extremely real.

As soon as the Chaos of Heaven manifested the projection trend of six reincarnations, a destructive flame force quickly evolved from the origin of the flame, turned into an extremely sharp spear, and stabbed hard at the back of Su Li's head.

Su Li's hair stood on end, he had indeed sensed a fatal crisis.

But at this time, he was not really unable to deal with it.

It would be too fake if you don’t deal with it!

No matter whether you can handle it or not, you must try your best.

It's nothing more than a little more time to be stunned - this little time must be controlled extremely accurately.

It gives the enemy the feeling that they must have tried their best but were unable to do anything, rather than just being killed without the ability to fight back.

Otherwise, if he dies too easily and his enemies succeed too easily, they will all think that his leek is useless or that the secret has not been discovered.

In short, everything has to be just right.

And how can it be just right?

All of this can be deduced by the powerful Huang Ji Jing Shi Shu, and can be calculated by the powerful Tianji Chaos Tianji exquisite means. If combined with the Chaos Destiny Sutra, you will be truly invincible.

At this time, Su Li directly evolved the Eight-nine Mysterious Skills and used all the methods of Soul Poison Feather Clothes and Linghe Green Lotus Armor.

But he didn't dodge - because Mu Yuxi was in front of him, and he couldn't dodge, otherwise the blow would hit Mu Yuxi.

Regardless of whether he would actually be hit, he couldn't avoid it.

What if it can?

Then wouldn't Mu Yuxi's heavenly soul be directly shattered?

In fact, Su Li also knew that he could not attack Mu Yuxi. This was a tip from the Chaos Destiny Sutra.

But Su Li can't know this right now, so he has to bear it.

But he couldn't die, so he had to fight with all his strength.


After Su Li evolved the Heavenly Vein War Spirit, he directly manifested the Xuanji War Spirit. At the same time, he exploded all the power of the bloodline, instantly evolved the Three Purities and One Qi into Pangu, and other killing methods, and used the Heavenly Veins to judge the sinful realm and destroy the Shinto to kill him. Wuzhishan Taoism.

This blow directly collided with the power of the flame.


The void suddenly exploded, and the breath of destruction hit the world. Su Li was knocked out by the blow. All his attacks were vulnerable to the attack of the flame source.

Not even a match at all.

Not only that, the moment Su Li was knocked out, a flame spear containing the will of flame penetrated the void fiercely, killing out the immortal Dao Mark aura.


That blow suddenly erupted at the moment when Su Li's ability dissipated and connected, stabbing hard at the back of Su Li's head and piercing him with one blow.

Su Li had the illusion that his soul was broken.

Although this was a bit of an act, Su Li still went all out.

At that moment, Su Li opened the vision state of the Eye of Six Paths of Reincarnation, gathered a ray of soul and consciousness into the Eye of Six Paths of Reincarnation, and at the same time absorbed the three thousand avenues and the state of the Chaos Destiny Sutra .

Therefore, Su Li clearly discovered that this state seemed to be the true state of 'Heavenly Meridian Divine Hidden'.

It’s that state of true ‘God’s vision’.

At this moment, Su Li understood why the ability of 'Heavenly Meridian Listening' was extra.

Because this is the real ‘Heavenly Meridian Listening’!

The previous Tianmai Listening was reproduced in advance by the system for him...but the reproduction was a reproduction after all.

What is happening now is the real Tianmai Listening!

It turns out this is true...

Even the many blood eyes I created before... are actually equivalent to copying my own ability...

Su Li pondered, and then he brought up the system panel and took a look. Sure enough, the 'Heavenly Vein Listening' ability on the system began to flash with a faint light blue glow. This was when the system had begun to evolve towards eight stars and level 64. trend.

But this is far from enough.

Because this is just a kind of ability that has been awakened in advance, reaching a state that is similar to a matter of course.

Still far from it!

If all subsequent abilities can reach such a luminous state, reaching a level close to eight stars or even the ultimate eight stars, then it will be profitable to evolve and transform.

at the moment……

If you continue to use your abilities, your evolution will stop for the time being.

Su Li closed the system panel, and the state of God's vision made him very calm and indifferent.

As for the immortal soul and body that were pierced by the blow, Su Li ignored them for the time being.

It has to be said that in this state, Su Li became calmer than ever before, and he was not distracted by any cause and effect.

Even in this state, Sanqian Daodao was completely devoted to Su Li.

Even with a thought, Su Li could truly sense the existence of such elves.

These are clusters of special spirits, like clusters of fur balls, and a bit like lighthouse jellyfish. In short, they are cute, but they have no real entities.

In this regard...

Su Li sensed it carefully and realized that no wonder the light blue babies liked them so much - they were just like a group of little snowball babies. Aren't these dolls?

No wonder this light blue baby is tired of being with them every day. No wonder he is so happy. It turns out there is such a causal influence in it!

Su Li also didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but in this way...it was quite good.

And Su Li is not worried about any unharmonious scenes in the baby light blue elves, because these elves have no gender, that is, there is no concept of male and female, they are real spirits, just like spiritual beings. Like little snowballs.

Three Thousand Avenues?

Su Li sensed it and vaguely heard the response of '嘤嘤嘤'.

This is simply too cute.

Su Li couldn't help but be a little attracted by Sanqiandao's cute temperament, and his mind became much more stable.

Then he no longer sensed these little spirits, but silently looked at himself - the good guy, who was shot dead by the immortal heritage of the flame will spear and strung on the spear.

The spear also contains immortal flames...

Is this going to be a kebab?

Su Li couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed - of course, he only had a ray of will and vision at this time.

As for the severely injured body, it is just in a state of fainting and unconsciousness. It does not have much impact and is not completely dead yet.

Well, he won't die completely.

But it’s almost the kind that’s ‘worn’ by being killed.

Su Li planned to satisfy them and see what tricks they wanted to do.

However, at this time, Su Li's body hanging on the spear opened his eyes very strangely when Su Li was paying attention to it.

This scene also made Su Li slightly stunned - what is going on?

I don't seem to be controlling my body, but my body can still open my eyes on its own? What do I want to do? Or is there some cause and effect?

Su Li showed a bit of curiosity.

But he still decided to take a look quietly.

what's the situation?

At this time, Naran had already spoken.

He - woke up.

At this time, Jin suddenly spoke.


Ran was also stunned for a moment.

Jin nodded and said: Let's try it first and see if we can seize the body. If we can, it will be better. If we can't seize the body, then we will try to wash the ancestor's bones. By the way, Hua Lingshang …By the way, how is Shang’s situation?”

Ran said: I don't know either. I'm with you. How can I know?

Jin said: I didn't ask you, and I don't need you to answer.

Ran was startled and said: Didn't you ask me if there are other existences here?

Jin was speechless and said: Are you blind? I'm standing right in front of you! Isn't this right?

Ran was a little dumbfounded, and then he finally thought of something and said: You mean these void black coffins... the death-suppressing coffins!

Jin said: You really are. Is there something wrong with your mind? Are you trying to please Brother Chao? You show too many parts, it's not necessary.

Ran smiled charmingly and said: Bah, you don't understand the beauty of this. Hehe, if you want to try it, I am willing to do it.

Hearing this, Jin couldn't help but shudder and said, Then let's forget it.

After saying that, Jin asked again: Why don't you speak?

At this time, the black coffins in the void gathered together and turned into a man in black robe with a grimace mask.

The man in black robe sighed and said: I'm afraid it's not easy to seize the body, and it's not easy to wash the ancestor's bones. Our methods are not enough -

Jin said: Didn't we invite a big boss? With the Evil King here, the ancestral bones have not been washed properly!

[The fourth update is here~ I have updated 27,000 words today. I am asking for all subscriptions, monthly tickets and recommendation tickets~ I bow and thank you, I am grateful~]

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