I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 840: Void Heavenly Killer, stubborn and stubborn

This is a special talent derived from the Heavenly Sword Mantis clan.

In this Tower of Babel, since the other party is pulling such a cause and effect, Su Li can use this ability unscrupulously.

The Void Heavenly Slaying Soul-Suppressing Way contains abilities similar to the Great Void Technique. In an instant, Su Li has gathered the power of the void and evolved the Void Nine Refinement Soul-killing Way to kill.


That blow selected a position - that position was precisely the weak point locked by the Great Cause and Effect Technique and the Great Destiny Technique and other three thousand avenues.

Therefore, such a decisive blow immediately penetrated the flesh and blood barrier, broke the lock like a void barrier, and killed directly.


At this time, Yao Qiye screamed, and his body immediately became violent.

The giant Kunpeng it transformed into also ejected and flew out instantly like a balloon being punctured and exploded.

Su Li's figure was on the other side of the void, while Yao Qiye's figure also appeared in a very awkward shape on the corner of one side.

At this moment, Yao Qiye also realized that ordinary methods might be difficult to suppress Su Li.

Regardless of whether he admits it or not, Su Li's combat power has reached a terrifying extreme level. He has no chance of winning in a simple competition like this.

However, if you use blood or special prehistoric talents, you will definitely be restrained by the opponent.

Just like Yao Jiu Shu - Yao Jiu Shu's aura has dissipated.

This means that Yao Jiu Shu was directly killed on the spot by Su Li with the terrifying whip - and although Yao Jiu Shu's female insect aura remained, due to the special situation, the female insect was also killed by Yao Jiu Shu's If the Dao mark is damaged after death, it will definitely take time to cultivate.

At this time, if the female insect instead secretly eats Su Li, it will definitely arouse alarm and make it even more difficult to invade.

Only that kind of silent invasion, like moisturizing things, can be successful.

Therefore, as long as you persist for a moment, everything will succeed.

In fact, Xi Yuxiao almost succeeded before, but unfortunately this person tried to counterattack, but ended up getting herself involved instead.

For now, just delay.

But even though he thought so, Yao Qiye was still very proud.

He felt that Su Li was at the end of his rope now that he was in this situation.

And as long as he doesn't use the abilities of the prehistoric system, he will have a huge advantage.

Under this mentality, Yao Qiye's aura instantly became different.

The aura of soul-eating demonic energy evolved from his aura, and at the same time, the innate magical power derived from the golden-winged roc was immediately abandoned by him.

At this moment, Yao Qiye's long hair flew up, pouring down like a waterfall.

His eyes were shining with cyan light, as bright as the blazing sun.

In the dim light, extremely mysterious rune symbols were revealed. Su Li couldn't understand each symbol at all - but he knew that this was already some of the soul methods of the Emperor Soul Clan.

After such runes gathered together, Yao Qiye formed an invisible field in all four directions of his body, just like a special field, but this was not the kind of immortal field.


All the endless traces in the void in all directions seemed to have been attracted by him and gathered in all four directions of his body.


The next moment, the endless Dao marks also formed a special dojo, and were imprinted into a series of Dao marks, which gathered in all four directions of his body and rotated around him.

This change is very sudden.

But after it appeared, Su Li almost instinctively released the Heavenly Vein Judgment Sin Realm Destroying God Dao.

The suppressive power of Taoism, which evolved like a five-finger mountain, struck down with a single blow.


The void exploded again.

But such an attack did not crush Yao Qiye.

On the contrary, after the symbols in the four directions of Yao Qiye's body circulated, he was able to withstand the attack of the Wuzhishan Taoist system derived from the Heavenly Veins Judgment Sin Realm's Destruction of the Gods - even if Su Li did not actually manifest the Wuzhishan, he could withstand this!

This made Su Li's expression change.

Yes, you do have some abilities, and you can even kill the demon Jiu Shu - I can only say that the magic weapon in your hand is indeed very powerful.

But this thing soon became mine.

From this point of view, I am very grateful to you for helping me cultivate so many top-level magic weapons in Qiye.

How should I thank you?

How about this, I'll give you a good time, let your immortal soul be completely cannibalized and devoured, and then transform into a demon soul state, how about acting as my soul beast?

Yao Qiye revealed information about soul beasts and demon souls word by word without caring at all.

On the one hand, he was fearless because there was no one else present.

Even if there are special beings peeking in, isn't this something tacitly understood?

On the other hand, Yao Qiye was very confident. He was confident that Su Li didn't even know what a soul beast was, let alone what a demon soul was.

The demon soul now is not an ordinary demon soul, but a demon soul derived from the demonic laws of the Emperor Soul Clan, which is different from the demons in this world.

The devil of this world?

In Yao Qiye's eyes, the demons in this world are nothing more than a group of ghosts and ghosts. They are vulnerable and unworthy of being called demons.

And if it is dealt with by means such as thunder and the origin of merit, it may be very effective in restraining the demons in this world, but it is almost completely ineffective against their great demons.

Because the Emperor Soul of the Emperor Soul Clan was born from the thunder of the devil.

And it’s the extremely powerful and invincible Jiuxiao Qinglei!

The only thing that has a restraining effect is that the soul-killing way that the former Lei Yan King Su Yan used to transform the power of the Jidao Lei Yuanmai can be effective.

However, this soul-killing path contains too many traditions, and it is extremely difficult to truly evolve it.

Su Li did use a trace of the soul-killing Dao's Dao Mark aura before, but it was only a trace.

Although the effect is amazing, it is just an ordinary Shura soul-killing way, not a real soul-killing way.

The soul-killing way, also known as the soul-killing divine way, is the real ultimate killer.


It's a pity that Su Yan has been killed by the Emperor Soul Clan's conspiracy - and it is completely over!

Without Su Yan, wouldn't this world be like a so-called public place, where you can come in and out as you please?

As for Su Yan's demon clone Ji Xie - it has been eroded by parasites long ago, and now life is worse than death, being controlled all the time.

If they weren't afraid of existences like Hua Qiudao and Hua Qiuyin, and the power of the living dragon vein in the Chinese ancestral land, I'm afraid the Emperor Soul Clan would have already invaded.

But now, Hua Qiudao has been almost suppressed, and Hua Qiuyin is still unknown.

But soon this series of cause and effect will be drawn out, and everything will be settled by then.

At that time, the mysterious Taotie will definitely manifest. Once it becomes parasitic, it can directly seize reincarnation and completely enslave the world.

At that time, the soul beasts of the Emperor Soul Clan will completely run rampant in this world...

Thoughts flashed through Yao Qiye's mind.

But the moment this thought flashed through his mind, a destructive golden light suddenly burst out from Su Li's body.

At the same time, all the Heavenly Secret Values ​​and Creation Points of Yao Jiu Shu, whom Su Li killed before, were directly transferred by the Great Destiny Technique, the Great Cause and Effect Technique and other three thousand avenues, and were instantly burned!

Su Li's expression changed, but the next moment, Yao Qiye's thoughts were immediately clearly reflected in the light and shadow of reincarnation, which was like the six-path reincarnation system.

In an instant, a projection of the future appeared directly.

Su Li couldn't help but tremble in his heart - Ji Xie was invaded?

Su Yan's end was the conspiracy of the Emperor Soul Clan...

Su Li saw too many causes and effects.

These causes and effects are replaced by the ability of Three Thousand Avenues to actively burn massive amounts of energy.

In other words, except for that extra female insect, Yao Jiu Shu's death was almost in vain.

How much did this burn?

Su Li didn't even calculate it, but he knew that it was worth it.

And even if it is such a burning, there will definitely be a profit, because it is like fighting to support war!

And once such a cause and effect is missed, it will be difficult for him to obtain it again.

Su Li's expression changed slightly, and with the help of the ultimate method of gathering three thousand avenues, he once again developed murderous intent.

This time, he did not hesitate to use the Three Thousand Dao to evolve the thunder-controlling divine flames, and use the extreme method to kill the power of Yuan magnetism and the Shura Soul-Slaying Dao.

Therefore, this blow is even more shocking!

Not only that, Su Li fully unleashed his combat power and evolved Xuanji Fighting Spirit to the extreme.

This is his normal combat power—it is also the normal upper limit after being reduced by tens of millions of times by the system.


Su Li's attack enveloped Yao Qiye.


Yao Qiye's combat power at this time was extremely terrifying. After using the Dao Mark to protect his body with the ultimate method, he looked like a real peerless golden immortal or an immortal king. While his clothes were flying, he formed seals with his hands.

You alone are worthy of fighting with me?!

Emperor Soul Kill!

Infinite Imperial Seal!

This Yao Qiye activated his ultimate attack, his eyes were cold and ruthless, and his voice was sharp and cruel.

All his dao marks gathered together like a peerless immortal king, and merged with him to form a super evolved state.

The blurry figure and the black-robed shadow of the main body merged into one, forming a giant mentality that was as real as a virtual one, occupying half of the entire area of ​​the ancient palace.

Immediately, the mark formed a strange trace of heaven, and the trace evolved into a beam of silence light curtain.

This light curtain was like an aurora of destruction, erupting violently.


The void completely penetrates.

Su Li's decisive attack collided with such murderous intention.


The two murderous intentions did not explode, but penetrated each other.

Su Li's expression changed, and his body exploded on the spot.

The half-section of Yao Qiye's divine body was also penetrated by the Shura Soul-Slaying Way and collapsed on the spot.


He roared like a madman, and after the aura of the peerless immortal king was violent, the endless thunder evolved into arc lightning, which gathered like the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder and fiercely bombarded Su Li.

The cyan lightning penetrated the heaven and earth with an extremely cold momentum.

Not far away, Bai Changsong and Bai Changyi just looked at them coldly.

Su Li's Spirit Lotus Green Lotus Armor bloomed with the Chaos Green Lotus totem, manifesting extremely strong defense. After blocking many thunders, cracks appeared again.

Su Li's energy and blood were frantic, and he spurted blood from his mouth, but he did not activate the upper limit of his combat power.

This upper limit can no longer be opened, this is already the guaranteed ultimate combat power.

It was also him who, like Su Ye, manifested one ten millionth of his combat power.

If it is opened again, the upper limit will be raised.

If you raise the upper limit, you're done, and you'll fall into the infinite climbing trend like the Luoxia world, and then you'll be pulled into the realm of immortality, and you'll be beaten.

Although it is difficult now, it is just the mother-worm effect.

Without this aspect, this group of people wouldn't be enough for him to massacre!

Su Li was not in a hurry, it was normal for him to have difficulty coping at the moment.

As long as you seize the opportunity and use the means of heaven and destiny, it won't be a big deal.

But now, in this moment, Yao Qiye became stagnant after forming the seal.

At this moment, while Su Li was severely injured, he immediately used the Body Holding Technique and the Great Time Technique to freeze Yao Qiye for a moment.

Heaven's secret goes against fate!


The white light flickered, like a ray of light spurting out fiercely, and it also shone fiercely on Yao Qiye.

Yao Qiye couldn't dodge at all - this was exactly Tianji's fate-defying method, and he would definitely hit it after locking it!

Su Li raised his hand to create the creation pen, manifested his own blood, transformed the pages of the book on the other side, and stroked the pen in the void, writing the word death!

God's fate will kill you!

Destiny obliterates!

Forcibly obliterate!


The white light hit Yao Qiye and penetrated most of his body on the spot, leaving him unable to recover at all.

His combat power dropped by more than 30% in an instant.


But one blow has already eliminated 130,000 points of creation and 370,000 fortune points! Earn money with blood!

Su Li glanced at the system panel and silently closed the system prompt while coughing up blood.

After cutting it out, Su Li immediately burned the Tianji value without saying a word, and locked Yao Qiye with the Great Time Technique.

At this moment, Su Li's mind trembled, and he immediately sensed the reminder of the Three Thousand Avenues.

It was a palpitating feeling of fate.


Su Li instantly evolved the Great Time Technique and acted on himself.

Red Soul Body Technique is like flowing light, distorting the void.

The next moment, the place where Su Li was suddenly collapsed.

A ghost appeared, tearing the void with a claw, directly cracking the place where Su Li was.

After the ghost soul manifested, it instantly landed deep in the center of Bai Changsong's eyebrows and was absorbed by his eyebrows.


Bai Changsong felt a little regretful.

After watching such a battle, he could see that Su Li was very strong, but he was still defeated.

Moreover, the mother worm has begun to penetrate into Su Li's blood due to the explosion of Su Li's energy and blood, and will soon eat up all of Su Li's body.

At this time, Su Li was undoubtedly defeated.

Of course, this is also the view of Bai Changsong and the others.

But in fact, all this is just the effect of the system simulation - if Su Li is really attacked by the Emperor Soul Mother Insect, that will indeed be the case.

Unfortunately not.

It's a pity that all the beings in this world, including all the beings of the Emperor Soul Clan, don't know that there is such a thing as a 'system' in this world.

Otherwise, I am afraid that all the targeting and killings will never unfold like this.

It will definitely start from seizing system authority and competing for various evolutions!

And such a scene, in the fantasy world of the past, was derived from the beginning by Su Wangchen at that time and now Hu Chen, giving Su Li a huge crisis reminder.

This kind of reminder seems to be the most appropriate reminder now.

Because if it is just a normal reminder, there will definitely be some negligence.

It can directly evolve the dangerous struggle process of 'seizing power', and even almost succeed in seizing power, so the impression left on Su Li is truly indelible.

Even though he had tried a lot of forget-the-hundred soup and erased a lot of memories, Su Li's memory was particularly profound in this regard.

The truth is - some things must be experienced personally in order to have the best coping methods and experience.

This is also the core reason why Su Li has always wanted to polish and hone himself in the Mountains and Rivers Society.

It's like treating your own child - if you can't bear to beat him, then just wait for him to go out and be beaten by others.

Are you okay?

Qiye, you have to work hard.

At this time, Bai Changsong and Bai Changyi spoke one after another.

Bai Changyi's strength is unfathomable, and he is also Bai Changsong's senior brother.

Among this group of people, the aura of the female insect contained in Go is the strongest.

Therefore, Su Li actually paid the most attention to this person.

You don't have to worry about Ji Xie's situation. Let's put it down for now. The other female insect has completed its parasitism, so it should be three splits. When you killed the demon Qiye just now, there were already some effects through the corresponding cause and effect. judge.

At this time, the immortal light blue voice came from Su Li's heart.

Su Li's heart moved and he knew this scene immediately.

This so-called one female worm turned into three female worms. Isn't this the method of transforming three pure beings into one thing?

This is indeed acceptable—could it be that the Emperor Soul Clan also has this kind of routine?

Su Li had more doubts in his heart - but he knew that he didn't need to consider these doubts for the time being, because this was too high-level.

Even if he encounters such an attack now, it is obvious that if he unlocks some of the upper limits, he can actually solve it relatively easily.

Based on Zhenxu's understanding, the battle is already over.

Su Li could even rely on cheating to win.

But in reality, not only can he not increase the upper limit, but he also has to prevent him from suddenly breaking out of the extreme realm or making some kind of breakthrough in the killing realm and breaking the taboo.

If the upper limit is raised in this way, he will lose blood.

Therefore, even if this battle is extremely dangerous, Su Li has the system data to withstand the fatal crisis, so he is not afraid.

Moreover, the Eight-Nine Mysterious Skills indeed has the ability to withstand life - this is derived from the thirty-six transformations of the Heavenly Gang and the seventy-two transformations of the Earthly Evils.

It is the death-defying ability of the thirty-six transformations and the seventy-two transformations.

This is the recognized Tao - no matter whether it is powerful or not, it is still Dharma, it is still Tao, and it is also destiny!

Combined with Su Li's One Qi, Three Purities technique and External Incarnation technique, etc.

Su Li's health can almost reach more than one hundred - although it has been destroyed and killed many times before.

But what does the system do?

If the body is immortal, it is immortal!

Many of the system's creation points are used to repair these losses.

And this kind of repair almost doesn't require any creation points, only three to five hundred points at most.

Comparing it according to the points of creation that Su Li has achieved now - it's really just a drop in the bucket.

After all, even if the clone is 'killed', it is only when the clone knows that it will die. The clone often condenses the most basic information and allows it to be slaughtered and abandons the soldiers to protect the commander.

So how valuable can it be?

This is because Su Li's current background is so terrifying that after killing the clone, the clone will be worth three to five hundred points of creation. Before Zhenxu realizes this, losing three to five points of creation is not bad.

At this time, after hearing Immortal Light Blue's prompt, Su Li already had the answer in his heart.

In other words, it is still one female worm after all, but its core has spawned three female worms, two of which have been killed, and the remaining one is on Bai Changyi's body.

So if this one is killed, Ji Xie will be temporarily freed, and the female insect on him will fall into a state of silence.

In this regard, for the existence of the Emperor Soul Clan, one does not know whether they are further evolving or whether they have truly succeeded.

As for failure - with the Emperor Soul Clan's unruly heart, they would never think that the female insect would fail.

In fact, no matter how he deduces it, Su Li himself doesn't think there is any chance that the other party will miss - but there is no way, the three thousand avenues and these little guys are also fighting hard.

After all, cartoons are still very good-looking.

If you don't fight, you won't be able to see or tell, and you may be erased - this is too cruel.

If you can happily eat, drink, watch cartoons, and have fun with the light blue elf, then...who wants to be locked up in a dark room, who wants to be erased?

After all, only if Su Li recognized that everything has animism, could they allow themselves to have themselves.

Otherwise, if you don’t even have a self, what else can you talk about?

No matter how highly praised it is, it is nothing more than a dead thing.


Being defeated by such means is absolutely impossible to deduce and calculate.

This is the limitation of layout.

This kind of limiting factor also makes Su Li himself also afraid - not afraid of the Three Thousand Avenues or the system, but because the other party has similar special talents, magical powers or laws, which can avoid certain terrible causes and effects. ?

After all, the Emperor Soul Clan is in the Immortal Realm, which completely does not follow the many causes and effects of the world of Babel Tower, and has nothing to do with the prehistoric mythical world.

So it is extremely normal to have some weird talents or special abilities.

While Su Li was thinking deeply, Bai Changyi and Bai Changsong had already appeared beside Yao Qiye.

Afterwards, Bai Changyi manifested the soul beast aura in front of Su Li, and clusters of dark evil soul imperial soul auras filled the air and poured into Yao Qiye's body.

Yao Qiye, who had half of his body knocked out, completely recovered immediately.

Not only that, his aura was even more powerful and terrifying than before.

Su Li took a deep breath and his expression became much colder.

If you do it this way——

He is indeed no longer an opponent.

Can't beat it.

Su Li responded to Immortal Light Blue in his heart.

Immortal Light Blue was silent for a while.

This scene is indeed hopeless.

The means that Su Li could use before have also been used.

Unless you continue to burn the fortune points.

But such a battle would cause great losses.

And what if these three people were slaughtered?

I'm afraid I'll have to lose a lot of money by then.

The key point is that it will do no good to both parties if they are burned like this.

Su Li has no profit.

In addition to accumulating combat experience, Three Thousand Avenues also suffered from various repeated overdrafts.

Then Immortal Light Blue lost a lot of profit, and had to pay back part of it.

Su Li's own abilities didn't improve much either.

This kind of burning is the true emptiness.

Therefore, Su Li was not willing to fight like this.

When the combat power was similar before, if you burned a little bit to kill the opponent, you could still get more out of it. This was a profit.

But based on the abilities of Bai Changyi and others, even if they have such a foundation, they will probably lose money after they get it out.

Su Li could almost feel that he was going to lose money, so he would definitely lose money.

There is no possibility of an error in judgment, because this is no longer a judgment, but a derivation result presented by the Great Cause and Effect Technique.

Basically, 100% is the final result.

As for the release limit.

He releases the upper limit now, and soon the blue robe and purple robe will come out.

That's just one move to deal with him.

Kill instantly with one move, and can kill through all kinds of backgrounds.

Unless he raises the cap again.

Then the other party's golden robe came out.

No matter how shameless, the other party can definitely go to the limit.

So if the upper limit is opened, it would be better not to open it.

Let's take a look at the situation first, delay it for a while, use the formation to see the situation, and then see if there will be a change in the devouring situation of the mother worm.

If it doesn't work or gets worse, there will be other ways to deal with it.

If it still doesn't work, just update it in real time. If you spend 20,000 years trying to figure it out, there will always be a way!

And the power of Three Thousand Avenues can be further improved.

But no need for now.

Immortal Light Blue reminded.

This time, Su Li could only temporarily interrupt the battle.

At this time, Yao Qiye didn't seem to take action immediately. He was probably trying to figure out Su Li's strength and background.

He could also tell that Su Li had a very terrifying secret that he did not use.

And once this kind of background is used, it may be earth-shattering and difficult to deal with.

It might even tip over!

So as long as he delayed for time and allowed the female worm to eat up Su Li's essence and blood and then completely parasitize him, he would be considered successful.

Before, he was very arrogant and felt that he would win.

But after he was almost beaten to death this time, and after being undermined by the opponent's extremely terrifying destiny-defying methods, he realized that this existence was worthy of being Su Yan's next life - even if all reincarnations of cause and effect were cut off, He is still so powerful and invincible.

Such an existence cannot be allowed to grow.

Or - if it can't be parasitized, just destroy it!

Of course, if the other party is willing to surrender, it may be a different situation.

At this moment, Yao Qiye still had the idea of ​​subduing Su Li.

Maybe it can succeed?

Even if you don't succeed, there's no harm in trying - and besides, it just delays time, doesn't it?

With this mentality, Yao Qiye's mood gradually became better.

And all of this happened in the blink of an eye.

Yao Qiye smiled slightly, smiled at Bai Changsong and Bai Changyi and said: It's okay, it's just a small matter, I need your help.

As Yao Qiye said this, he saw Bai Changsong and Bai Changyi also relaxed slightly.

Obviously, Yao Qiye's smile immediately put the two of them at ease.

In particular, at this time, Su Li's eyebrows seemed to swell again, and the temples on both sides of him also swelled and beat.

This scene was discovered by Yao Qiye and the other three.

Then, the three of them smiled at each other, and their smiles were particularly meaningful.

Su Li also sneered in his heart - Are you laughing at Ma Pi? Do you really think I've been tricked?

If it weren't for Three Thousand Avenues, you would have really been tricked. I can only say that you taught me a good lesson before. Otherwise, these little guys would probably just watch the excitement, and then you would be in such a bad situation now.

In this way, the system permissions may be penetrated - this thing is really intrusive and parasitic, and it is difficult to remove it.

At this time, Immortal Light Blue reminded Su Li.

Su Li was also quite helpless, so he responded in his heart: I know... Shouldn't I be arrogant and give myself a little more confidence? Although it has reduced its strength by tens of millions of times, it is still impossible if the upper limit is not raised. But that's it. And they may not attack with all their strength, seeing that Bai Changyi is really too strong.

This is the white robe level, which is just a little stronger than the guardian. I am completely defeated after suppressing my strength by tens of millions of times... It's hard to lose weight, Shiitake.

The immortal light blue projection in Su Li's heart gave Su Li a look of contempt: If you die a few times, use the art of external incarnation or the art of One Qi and Three Purities to replace your death. This will minimize the loss. If you can't replace it, use Eight Nine Mysteries Gong is a substitute for death. When the realm falls, the good luck point will be directly hit - well, it depends on your efforts, not on the good fortune point, right? Hold on for now, it is already being updated.

Su Li immediately became energetic.

All I can say is that real-time updates are really great.

As for the upper limit?

Don't even mention it, let's see what you guys do!

Su Li personally experienced the horror of the upper level during his true realization, and even the terrifying effect of this step-by-step pulling and forcing. How could the upper limit be increased?

The more you improve, the more blood you lose, because what you mention will never be as powerful as someone else's.

The more you elevate yourself, the easier it is to be defeated from all aspects.

On the contrary, with this kind of reverse 'real-time update', Su Li can not only not increase the upper limit, but also become stronger. Why not?

Su Li responded softly in his heart: Qian Lan, you are so kind, I love you to death.

Immortal Light Blue responded with two words - haha.

Then, there was no news.

Su Li heard the voice from Yao Qiye at this time.

Were you the one who massacred Mo Wendao and others before?

After Yao Qiye's voice appeared, there was a hint of questioning, but he was not angry.

Su Li responded calmly: Yes, it was me who killed him, so what? Not only did he kill him, but he also used the art of heaven and destiny to cut out dozens of pieces of the origin of creation, which made me happy!

Yao Qiye wasn't angry either, he just nodded slightly.

But at this time, Bai Changsong said in a cold voice: Where are our Cangshan Soul Clan's Bai Changyan, Bai Changyen, Bai Changxiao and Bai Changxu?

Su Li said: Oh? Those losers were killed in just one move. They are so incompetent.

Su Li's tone was somewhat contemptuous and joking.

This statement immediately made Bai Changsong's face darken.

But after he glanced at Yao Qiye thoughtfully, he said nothing.

At this time, Bai Changyi suddenly said: Su Li, let's do this. It's not easy for you to practice cultivation. I'll give you a chance. It's actually a very good chance. It depends on whether you have the courage!

Yao Qiye said: Don't worry, we contain the power of the emperor's soul and the aura of the great emperor. We are existences like the sons of the emperor. We will not deceive you, a little humble ant.

Hearing this, Su Li sneered: Opportunity? I, Su Li, need a chance from you guys who are like ants and bugs? I am really shameless!

Yao Qiye didn't think so, and said calmly: You don't have to be stubborn, there is no need - we have already thoroughly understood your series of combat power systems.

You have no hope.

Don't say we look down on you, you probably can't beat any of the three of us!

Not to mention, if the three of us join forces to carry out transformation and evolution in a way similar to combined evolution, you will only be killed instantly!

So you have no chance.

Yao Qiye's words were quite true, with a hint of sincerity.

Bai Changyi glanced at Su Li lightly and said, This is true. You don't have to believe it, but you might as well think about it.

Su Li said: No need to think about it, just take action!

Yao Qiye said: Don't worry, you'd better think about it! After all, the conditions we gave are not bad, and the opportunity is not difficult to obtain.

This opportunity is not difficult - it is very simple for you.

Just kneel down and kill a clone of yourself to show your sincerity.

I don’t want you to sit back and wait for death, but you can kneel down and kowtow. After three kneels and nine kowtows, kill one of your clones. In this way, we will accept your surrender.

At that time, you will have the true inheritance of the emperor, and you will definitely become a great emperor in the future.

Why bother struggling in such a nook and cranny?

This actually means nothing to you!

Yao Qiye said, and when he saw that Su Li's brows were as if there were insects squirming, his heart felt a little more settled, and he felt a little more...satisfied.

Su Li glanced at Yao Qiye indifferently. He also sensed the strange movement between his eyebrows and noticed the 'emergency' of the situation.

However, at this time, there is still no ability to come simultaneously.

This shows that it is extremely difficult to update in real time. It is very likely that Immortal Light Blue will also be stumped this time.

Otherwise, it is impossible that more than ten breaths have passed since the cracking method was mentioned and there has been no simultaneous update.

But Su Li also understood very well - if the Emperor Soul Clan was so easy to figure out how to deal with it, would it still be the Emperor Soul Clan?

Su Li pondered in his heart, but still responded with a sneer: Well, in order to show my sincerity, I will also give you a chance, a chance to surrender to me, Su Li, and my ancient royal family!

Such an opportunity is very rare. This should be the greatest honor and luck in your life!

Now or never!

Hearing this, Yao Qiye frowned and almost couldn't help but burst out with murderous intent.

But he still held back - there was still a little bit to go, just delay it!

Yao Qiye sneered and said: Stubborn - but my demeanor is not bad, so tell me, what kind of opportunity is this? What do we need to do?

Su Li said: It's very simple. Kneel down on the ground, kneel three times and nine times to worship me. Call me 'Human Emperor'. Then, after worshiping devoutly, let go of the guardianship of your soul and let me use the secret of heaven to directly kill you and send you away. Enter the reincarnation of my prehistoric royal family!

Don't worry, you will not really die, but will enter the realm of hungry ghosts and animals, and will be reborn after a fair reincarnation.

After all, based on your behavior, being a beast is indeed the greatest extrajudicial favor given to you!

[The third update of 9,000 words~27,000 words have been updated today~I am asking for full subscription, monthly tickets and recommendation tickets~I hope everyone can support it, bow and thank you~I am very grateful~]

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