I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 827: Divine calculation, invincible blackmail

Yamina, the King of Life, was in a bad mood.

At this time, her blood pressure really rose, and she felt the urge to vomit eighteen liters of blood.

Finally, the scandal was covered up during the process of refining the virtual world, and Bing Yuli and Bing Yuying took the place of cause and effect - the key one was not enough for that beast to harvest...harvest!

So the two pasts were stuffed alive.

What happened?

In reality, was it actually caused by the Sheep Summit?

Where did this peak sheep come from?

This matter is so hidden. During the time when Su Li was harvested, he was obviously stuffed into it for training. How could he become the peak sheep?

Su Li is the peak sheep? ? ?

Life King Yamina repeatedly deduced and even used the life elf's inner eye to peek, but she still had no answer - how could that animal thing in Sheep Peak be Su Li!

I'll catch this beast on horseback and I won't kill him until I kill him!!!

Yamina almost went berserk, but finally couldn't help it and spat out a mouthful of blood in anger.

The key is - it doesn't matter if you spurt blood, as long as the foundation is there.

But when this mouthful of blood was spurted out, 90% of his foundation was eroded by the unknown truth and dried up instantly.


Yamina can't even tell me what I am doing. I have really failed in refining the void.

So much so that if this matter was not immediately determined to be a humiliation for Yangfeng Bing Yuli and Bing Yuying, and if it was forcibly introduced to Su Li, the truth would be revealed in an instant.

It doesn't matter if the truth is revealed, but if the truth is revealed and the real process of Huang Yuqian's picking by Su Li is exposed, then Yamina can really die.

Although she is the King of Life, her power and ability have surpassed that of the Colorful Emperor, and she is still the golden-robed king of the older generation.

Although he is the most qualified one.

If this scene of hers was 'hidden' by her and the truth of 'refining the void to return to reality' was revealed, then the society would be completely dead.

Therefore, Yamina immediately decisively gave up 90% of her background and completely severed all causes and effects from Huang Yuxi.

In this way, she really failed in refining the void, and failed to attract Su Li.

Then, the so-called 'time tracing' effect will naturally fail.

As more details are revealed, it naturally corresponds to everything about Sheep Peak.


At the scene, after Yang Dingfeng disappeared with a strange smile, Bing Ling also completely 'awakened'.

Because at this time, the effect of the 'Extreme Soul Poison' suddenly disappeared.

How can an ordinary practitioner be qualified to lead something like this?

Extremely passionate soul poison, this kind of thing that is difficult to control, let alone ordinary geniuses, even existences such as Feng Xiyan and Zhuge Qianlan may not be able to control it at all.

Therefore, there is no doubt that once the cause and effect of Huang Yuqian, that is, Yamina, the King of Life, is eliminated, the extremely emotional soul poison dissipates, and the scene immediately becomes more 'sane' and 'sober'.

At the same time, many geniuses discovered that they seemed to believe Bingling's words inexplicably and formed a wrong understanding of Human Emperor Su Lisu.

It's strange. Isn't the Su Renhuang particularly cruel, cruel, lustful, and easily possessed by demons?

Yeah, could it be that my memory is wrong?

I seem to remember... Su Li seems to have been possessed by a demon.

He seems to have killed many geniuses? Everything seems familiar.

He must be dead, right?

A chaos broke out in Lihe Village? Or am I remembering it wrong?


Could these really be related to the lost half a day? But I remember that I was flying here before, and now that I am here, it seems that no time was lost in the middle.

What was I doing before? I was also thinking about problems and enlightening, and it seemed like time passed by without even realizing it.

The scene was in an uproar at first, and then everyone became aware of it.

Then many people discovered that Su Li had obviously done nothing, so why did they suddenly feel that Su Li was scary, cruel and easily possessed?

Many monks even felt that Su Li had killed them and refined them to death...

And he seems to be able to vaguely tell some of his experiences.

This scene also caused the scene to be slightly silent for a while.

Then, the sound of Heavenly Dao from Babel Tower resounded in everyone's hearts.

Because the Lord of Reincarnation, Li Juan, leads the reincarnation, he builds a trap in the true and illusory realm in advance, pulling everyone into the true and illusory world and pulling in huge cause and effect...

Those who hereby affect changes in reality and cause the laws of real time to collapse will be severely punished and announced to all heavens and worlds through the Tower of Babel.

After the trial of the World of Babel in the World of Babel is completed, there will be a public trial for Li Juan's heinous crimes.

At that time, those who have done meritorious service will be rewarded according to their merits, and those who have committed crimes will be strictly condemned and tried.

Among them, those who seriously violated the rules include Li Juan, Jiang Yan, Jiang Xinli, Evil King Ji Xie, Ji Family Ji Fa, Ji Chang, Cold-blooded King Zhao Sikong, and Green Bull King Yin Tianshu.

With the announcement of the sound of the Avenue of Babel.

Su Li couldn't help but narrow his eyes slightly at this time.

It was not surprising that Li Juan, Jiang Yan, and Jiang Xinli were severely punished.

The Ji family had openly messed around before and destroyed all the time fault points. It was inevitable that they would be severely punished. It just so happened that the turmoil that caused the timeline this time was probably related to it, so it was normal to be severely punished.

But the cold-blooded king Zhao Sikong and the green bull king Yin Tianshu, aren't they two of the Eight Immortals of China?

Are you going to be put on public trial too?

This is……

This is a double-cut method.

It doesn't matter if you kill Li Juan. We all suffer together. Either we will be saved or we will be destroyed.

This method is to 'exchange injury for injury', which is a bit disgusting.

The key is that except for the upper class, the middle and lower classes don't understand. They feel that even the king has been severely punished. This is what 'Qingtian' does. This is a sign of 'the world is righteous'. They will applaud and praise, and feel that the world has become full of hope again!

Made, the game at the top is really bad.

Just like this, I can backhand two of the Eight Immortals.

Su Li felt a little strange when he heard this.

This method is actually not very clever, but it is definitely very useful.

It can even be said that if he, Su Li, had not known that such a situation might happen this time through the previous cause and effect, he had already laid an ambush in advance, fearing that this time he would be firmly calculated.

Fortunately, in the fantasy world of the past, a similar scene occurred in the Tomb of Emperor Qingyunzhong.

Otherwise, this matter will be difficult to handle.

Su Li thought about the past cause and effect, and couldn't help but look at Xia Xinyan and Que Xinyan beside him again.

In the fantasy world of the past, Que Xinyan also wanted to admire Su Li at first, but as an ugly fat man with a dark face, and he was especially fond of ogling him, Su Li was disgusted and got goosebumps.

Later, after she transformed into Que Xinyan, Su Li was very shy and did not dare to touch her.

On the contrary, it was the other Xia Xinyan who made Su Li more fond of her.

These seem to be the three stages of a person's life.

It's disgusting and perverted at first, but it's also a bit sincere, but it's off-putting.

The second is reluctant recognition, but indifferent to others.

Once again, she was perfect, virtuous and graceful, but she was always tied to a certain cause and effect of death, and Xia Xinning repeatedly begged her to let his sister live.

Su Li didn't understand how to release or kill him at that time.

Then I often saw him holding Xia Xinyan in the ice and snow - the scene where Xia Xinyan was killed by him and died in his arms.

What does such cause and effect mean? Su Li is completely different.

Now, combined with the experience of A Chinese Story, isn't this a complete cause and effect?

Xiaoqian at the beginning was 'Que Xinyan', and while getting close to him, both of them actually felt disgusted.

Then he reluctantly accepted it, and Xiaoqian was reluctantly moved by his self-destruction origin, and became 'Que Xinyan' because of it.

When she finally transformed into Xia Xinyan, Xiaoqian died in nirvana.

In other words - because everything is true or false is controlled by Su Li, and Su Li is the 'mastermind behind the scenes', so in the end Xiaoqian technically died in the hands of Su Li.

But when Su Li promised reincarnation, all cause and effect became complete.

So - if Su Li didn't agree in the end, then back to reality, Xia Xinyan would die unexpectedly and completely die.

Then there will definitely be an unusual and unknown cause and effect. Xia Xinyan fell into his arms, Su Li, and then a scene of ice and snow appeared.

Ice and snow - this scene made Su Li want to vomit. How could he not know that this was the cause and effect of ice and snow similar to Mu Qingyan?

Often when this kind of environment occurs, either a dead woman or a dead woman is killed, it is simply a matter of blood.

Su Li now has a shadow over this environment.

So I can only say that there is no loss in blood this time, and there is really no loss at all.

The only loss - maybe it really is a little realm, and the loss of two top-level magic weapons, and the loss of Jiang Yuning's Yuan Magnetic Slaying Evil Sword, a heaven-defying weapon.

Of course, there may be Lin Xueyao's cause and effect - it is a pity that this cause and effect has not been discovered.

But - because the causal involvement is so great, Su Li doesn't dare to dig deeper rashly.

Zhenxu realizes that he is not invincible - Su Li realized it deeply this time.

Because in the past, even when meditating on the chaos clock to destroy the world, the destruction was similar to the destruction of the small world of the heavens and the worlds, and it was not even the kind of small world.

Now, based on Su Li's background, if he transforms into a state of true and virtual realization, the upper limit will be raised immediately, and then it will be pulled to the level of immortality, and it will be pulled into the cause and effect of the world.

But once you reach the level of the Great Thousand Worlds, you can no longer reach the upper limit of Zhenxu Realization, and it will be very dangerous.

It can only be said that this time, fortunately, he harvested enough and was able to sustain it with war.

Otherwise, it will be another result of hemorrhagic collapse!

It's an extremely lucky thing, but it has a great relationship with some causal pull of the Three Thousand Avenues!

If it weren't for the six great and three thousand avenues - and even the extra catastrophe technique - it would have been a different result.

Because of this, Su Li also valued the Three Thousand Avenues more and more.

Now he has the top six and ninth great catastrophe techniques in the Three Thousand Avenues.

But the seventh Great Space Technique has not been found, the eighth Great Five Elements Technique has not been found, and the tenth Great Merit Technique... has completely disappeared, and there will be no hope in the short term.

Because all his merits were wiped out by Su Yan, and he was killed without being able to gather great merits... This can only be said to be the fault of the blood mother.

But this thing...

Su Li felt a little scary, and it was actually a good thing not to have it with him.

Otherwise, it will always be the law of heaven and earth, and the upper limit will be terrifying.

As for the Great Five Elements Technique, the Innate Five Directions Flag was originally very promising, but it was inexplicably sacrificed this time.

Fortunately, this time he absorbed part of the insights into the Eight Trigrams Formation Diagram and the Mysteries of the Spirit of the Eight Trigrams, so Su Li deepened his understanding of the formations and his own formation of the Twelve Heavenly Gods and Demons.

In reality, he only needs to consult Feng Xiyan and others again to learn it again.

Of course, Su Li wouldn't be able to use this kind of ability in reality for a short time.

Therefore, Su Li felt that there was still hope for the Condensation of the Great Five Elements Technique, but it didn't look like it had much hope.

The large space technique is obviously related to the time and space soul locking tower.

But this cause and effect was disconnected, and the Space-Time Soul Locking Tower disappeared. This big space technique had to be found another way.

And the Three Thousand Avenues from the eleventh to the twentieth...

Su Li couldn't help but call up the system and check it out.

The eleventh is the Great Heart Magic, the twelfth is the Great Origin Magic, the thirteenth is the Great Chaos Magic, the fourteenth is the Great Onmyoji, and the fifteenth is the Great Astrology (Great Star Technique).

The sixteenth is the Great God-Sealing Technique, the seventeenth is the Great Liberation Technique, the eighteenth is the Great Soul-Cleaning Technique (the Great Transformation Technique), the nineteenth is the Great Blood Soul Technique, and the twentieth is the Great Soul Technique.

Su Li focused his attention on the eighteenth Sanqian Daodao.

This is the soul-cleansing eighteenth level of cause and effect.

This horse-riding horse clearly demonstrated the 'transcendence' and 'transformation' effects of eighteen levels of soul washing.

So the eighteenth level of soul cleansing in this world, is it really the ‘generous transformation technique’ in the Three Thousand Avenues?

In other words, the so-called soul washing is the method of salvation that he has used before.

But that's only very superficial.

Now the 'Great Soul Cleansing Technique' in these three thousand avenues has been systematically presented.


Su Li couldn't help but tremble when he saw the great soul-cleansing technique, number 18.

This thing, like the Great Merit Technique, is Wang Zha - he is still somewhat confident in getting it.

But if you get it and your words and deeds lead others to reach a certain level, the upper limit will immediately rise rapidly. This...

This is never a good thing.

You can't touch these two things for the time being... But if I don't touch these two things, it's probably very difficult for anyone to get them.

Let it go first!

After Su Li's mind moved away from the Great Soul Cleansing Technique, he inexplicably placed it on the other three thousand avenues.

It was true that every item was extremely tempting, making him want to pounce on it immediately.

So fucking powerful.

It would be really wonderful if we could get all of these!

Su Li thought about it in his heart, and then he stopped thinking about it - instead, his thoughts returned to reality.

Alas, there is nothing you can do if you are too smart, and your thoughts can easily go astray.

Su Li turned his attention back to Bing Yuying and Bing Yuli, who were transformed by the Goddess of Time.

At this time, judging from such a cause and effect, there is no doubt that the scene of 'Su Li causing trouble' that Bing Ling saw with the Way of Time Tracing in the fantasy world was actually true.

That was a glimpse of part of the scene where Su Li did bad things to Huang Yuqian.

It's just that the cause and effect are entangled... Huang Yuqian replaced them with Bing Yuli and Bing Yuying.

In other words - it was Su Li who did this.

This...is outrageous.

Made, the timeline of this world is really poisonous. Things that clearly happened in the present have become the past or the future in the blink of an eye.

But what happened in the past will appear in the future.

This is typical of me not killing Boren, but Boren died because of me.

It turns out that I did give Bing Yuying and Bing Yuli a good burial. Later, many Bing Yuli and Bing Yuying appeared, which made me feel numb, but I didn't want them all to bear the same name.

Su Li thought to himself, but his expression was very calm and indifferent.

Now, the breath of six reincarnations combined by the three thousand avenues permeates himself, and his abilities and thoughts cannot be peeked into.

Coupled with the fact that Xuanshu Channeling has reached an unprecedented height, and the terrifying background of Tianji Saint Master level, he can instantly kill Feng Zhishui level existence even if he uses a piece of Tianji power.

Such fighting power...

The world is just waiting to cry.

Su Li made an analogy in his mind and found that he seemed to be much stronger, but his upper limit was lowered.

It's probably like converting a water storage pond into a reservoir.

You bastard, don't let me catch you, or you'll look good!

The Goddess of Time scolded in a cold voice, and once again evolved the soul-enchanting order chain, trying to lock on that hair - the hair from the peak of the sheep.

But before the hair was locked, there was a sudden 'buzz' sound and turned into a wisp of thunder fire like thunder flames, which burned itself and turned into nothingness.

This time, the Goddess of Time was really lonely.

With her character, she almost collapsed, and her face turned cold.

It was like someone owed her tens of millions.

Su Li was trembling a little - this woman would be very scary if she got violent.

Well, RBQ can't afford to offend.

Su Li silently withdrew his gaze and decided that he should keep a low profile.

At this time, the Goddess of Time happened to focus on Su Li.

Su Renhuang, this Yang Dingfeng seems to like playing Su Renhuang very much. Could it be that there is some kind of... deal between you two?

The Goddess of Time's words immediately attracted the attention of everyone present.

Zhuge Jiufeng was even more interested in that... transaction, and seemed to want to know if it was the legendary PY transaction.

Of course, she didn't dare to ask or show any corresponding meaning, mainly because she was afraid of being undermined.

Now Su Li is her boss!

Su Li's breath was stagnant, and then his face turned dark.

He glanced at the Goddess of Time: You are a law enforcer and you are amazing!

The Goddess of Time said unhappily: Why, doesn't Su Renhuang want to explain?

Su Li didn't tolerate her this time, and said calmly: Then let's check it out. Why, you don't have the ability to capture the peak of the sheep, so you blame me? My Eight-Nine Mysterious Skills has been almost abolished and I don't even know it. Who did this? My six-soul flag and five-square innate magic weapon disappeared inexplicably, and they were lost inexplicably in half a day.

These are my personal things. I, Su Li, am not within the Three Realms, nor among the Five Elements, and I will not contaminate your karma, but you have privately deducted my things. Can you give me an explanation?

Also, my reincarnation authority was sold before. After you took it away, you gave me a lot of destiny.

As a result, all these resources became air in my hands. Is there such a rogue person?

Now that I have dispelled all these, the original life energy of heaven's creation has become precious again?

There is also an inexplicable feeling that I have lost my lifespan and am getting old inexplicably. Who will compensate me?

Where is my imperial life energy and even the Pangu bloodline, Qinglong bloodline, and Suzaku bloodline in me? Who drained me?

Could this horse riding be done by humans?

I didn't even find anyone to complain to, but they came to suppress me instead?

Is this why the sheep are not allowed to survive even though they are harvesting their wool, and they still want to eat their meat and sleep on their skins?

Is this vicious?

Still want to pin the cause and effect of Sheep Peak on my head?

Su Li sprayed wildly, turning into a super troll.

This also made the Goddess of Time a little stunned.

An Ruoxuan's expression looked even weirder. She was holding back a smile but not laughing, which was outrageous.

But Su Li didn't care whether it was outrageous or not.

Damn, with so many people paying attention now, if he didn't use the topic to his advantage, he wouldn't be Su Li.

Now the ability of fortune-telling has given him a super eloquence. This ability is not fooling, no, when will this ability not be improved?

So Su Li said coldly: As for why this peak sheep chose me to take the lead and take the blame for all kinds of things - isn't the reason even a three-year-old child can understand?

Have you done enough to use me, Su Li, as a source of cause and effect?

I still feel something from each harvest, so I won’t go into details.

After all, after being promoted to Master of Heavenly Secrets this time, I can still see a little bit that all five aggregates are empty, and I can still feel a little bit.

It’s not just you, ask the many geniuses present here, who hasn’t imitated my orthodoxy and learned my methods behind the scenes, and mixed up all kinds of benefits?

Just because I don't say it doesn't mean I don't know!

Besides, why are you pretending to be me?

That's not because I, Su Li, am the source of hope and the embodiment of light. Isn't doing dirty things against the light something the Ji family has always done?

Is it no longer a secret that all the time fault points of 20,000 years have collapsed?

There are evil souls in the Ji family's thunder pool. This is a violation of the law and there is no trial. This is all solid evidence and there is no trial. Now it is found that someone else is pretending to be a false accusation and now it is being pinned on my head?

Are you afraid that the dirt on my body is not enough?

Just keep pouring some sewage, and there's no point in trying to incriminate him, right?

So, everyone, please don't hold on to any source of hope for the bright heart. The world is so dark, and it will force honest people to the point where they have absolutely no way out!

Hua Taichu was forced to death like this before. Could it be that now he has to force me to death like this again to make you happy?

Is it really wrong for me to have the heart to create peace for all generations?

And I just created a prehistoric royal family for the people of the Chinese ancestral land, so what? There are all the heavens and all the tribes in all the worlds, can’t they tolerate me, a prehistoric royal family?

Su Li asked directly, which made the Goddess of Time speechless - wasn't I just a little suspicious?

After all, I would be so involved in cause and effect without asking others, looking for excuses to find faults. It would be easier for me to deal with it if I asked you first.

Is there something wrong with you? You are so angry?

The Goddess of Time originally wanted to say a few words, but thinking about it, Su Li was forced into nirvana in the real and illusory realm, and lost a lot of precious blood.

It’s not that this matter cannot be concealed.

But Su Li had it before departure, but now Su Li is gone!

This is indeed unjustifiable.

At this time, Xuanzhen wanted to die.

Seeing that he has been dragged into this situation, since he has shown himself to be a just person and is being run against by Su Li, good guy, he needs to give him an explanation, otherwise this matter will become a big deal.

There are probably millions of geniuses watching this scene.

In order to let all the geniuses in the world know about the trial of Li Juan, the Babel Tower projected some scenes.

It's precisely because of Su Li's side.

At the same time, it also projected Su Li's scandal - originally this matter should be 'foolproof'.

After all, Su Li didn't have any defense or experience in dealing with it.


Little did he know that the Yang Dingfeng that popped out of the pimple did this, and the projected 'scandal' of Su Li was not revealed, but instead the situation of Su Li being 'harvested' was exposed.

The key is that Su Li questioned him personally in the name of the Human Emperor, which would be difficult to handle.

Everyone knows what the situation is like in this world. First, after doing it too hard this time, it sucked all the royal energy and vitality of others, making others look a lot older!

It seems that it has also deprived a lot of life?

Also drained the blood of Pangu blood, Qinglong blood and Suzaku blood of the ancient holy beasts?

This is really inappropriate!

No one doubted the authenticity of this matter.

Because riding a horse is what the upper class in this world likes to do the most.

But this time, the higher-ups were really unjust - because all ghosts were swallowed up by the True Illusion Realm.

And the true illusion realm also collapsed, causing the Luoxia world to be shattered and annihilated.

Even the upper-level A Chinese Girl world has been revised and now it has become extremely fair.

Otherwise, we won’t be able to open the Tower of Babel.

As for the benefits - the benefits are damn good, this Su Li was burnt after his own nirvana, and let the world of ancient mythology make a lot of money!

So the world of Babel's big plane thinks it's a blood profit from the prehistoric mythical world - after all, the Falling Water Secret Realm has been promoted to an immortal secret realm. Isn't this a blood profit?

But the world of ancient mythology thinks that the big plane world of Babel Tower is too disgusting. Lianxu has really swallowed up all the benefits of Zhenxu. The honest man Li took the opportunity to confront him.

Good guy, when this incident happened like this, the scene was filled with sighs.

Many geniuses are also afraid of themselves - this is indeed too much.

Su Li is powerful, but is it too shameless to harvest him by force?

The atmosphere at the scene immediately became weird.

At this time, Su Li felt a lot more comfortable.

Sure enough, after possessing the ability of 'divine calculation', his ability to talk about cause and effect is extremely strong, and it makes people have to deal with it.

This is beautiful.

This time I won't blackmail you, oh no, I won't ask for a large sum of money for mental damages. Su Li will never give up!

The Goddess of Time hesitated and said: You - you are not involved with Yang Dingfeng, so why are you so excited?

Su Li said: I'm like this and I'm not excited? If I keep silent, you will say it's acquiescence. Or if I don't make this clear again, you will only get worse next time!

I think everyone should stand up and oppose such violent harvesting!

If you don’t stand up this time, the next time you are harvested, no one will stand up again.

One day, if I, Su Li, fall down, it will definitely be your turn—

Su Li said, wishing he could immediately give a speech about the Song of Righteousness and Dead Water.

Fortunately, the Goddess of Time saw something was wrong and immediately stopped her: Okay, okay, in the final analysis, your matter has little to do with the higher-ups. It's because someone knew the law and broke it.

Su Li said: In the final analysis, it was the existence above that caused me heavy losses. I would like to ask - is this more worthy of compensation?

The Goddess of Time glanced at Xuan helplessly and said, Should I pay compensation?

The corner of Xuan's mouth twitched - this is not a good thing, you want me to answer?

Xuan had no choice but to bite the bullet and said: Compensation is indeed necessary - but hasn't Heaven's blessing been secretly given to him, allowing him to be promoted to Master of Heavenly Secrets?

Su Li said: First of all, I have been promoted to the Holy Master of Heavenly Secrets for a long time. With my mystical ability, I have already reached the level of seeing that all five aggregates are empty. I am not qualified to be promoted to the Holy Master of Heavenly Secrets? Is this the favor you are giving me? Benefits given?

Secondly, if you want to talk about this, then I have to talk about another piece of my heritage.

It has been lost at this time, and I am no longer afraid of exposure - may I ask where did you cut off my Tianmai Listening Eye?

What ability is this?

It is Tianmai and Tianshu Divine Eye, and it is the only one in the world! Immortal forever! It can illuminate darkness and extinguish light. It can evolve darkness and ignite light. It can see the three realms and five elements, the six paths of reincarnation, merit and creation, and the origin of cause and effect!

Excuse me, if you just harvest this thing and take it away, will it give me any benefit?

Don't deny that you didn't take it away!

After taking this thing away, if it weren't for my extremely powerful mystical ability, I would be like an idiot now, unable to see or hear anything clearly.

You took this thing away, but instead pressed a filthy charge on me, preparing to suppress me secretly, so that these huge harvested benefits of mine will never see the light of day, so that no one will know about it, right?

In this way, you can hide the truth?

Xuan Gang wanted to sarcastically say - I'm afraid it's not just a whim, do you still have such ability?

But after he glanced at Zhuge Qianyun, he immediately stopped talking.

Because not only did Su Li have such an ability, he had also given Zhuge Qianyun such karma, and the blood eye ability was actually studied and updated in real time by replicating Su Li's 'Heavenly Meridian Listening Eye' ability.

If you deny this, you will immediately be cast aside by countless geniuses.

After all, these secrets are almost not secrets - but what is extremely painful is that they have not harvested any Tianmai Listening Eyes at all!

It was just the Ancient City of Jitian that recycled it on its own!

But this explanation...

Can this be explained?

This involves Zhenxu, and it also involves the Ancient City of Jitian!

When the ancient city of Jitian is involved, Su Yan and Yan Yan are involved, so the cause and effect is even greater.

Then this time the truth is even more unbearable and will be completely exposed.

What's even more frightening is that if the cause and effect of Lei Yan King Su Yan is activated, causing Yan Yan to come out, it will be even worse.

What a shame! You don't know whether to compensate or not, and you want to drag more people out. Do you think the matter is not big enough?

The Goddess of Time scolded Xuan.

An Ruoxuan even said coldly: Are you with him?

Xuan almost vomited blood when he heard this - you are the only one who is with him, and your whole family is with him!

Of course, Xuan didn't dare to scold them. After all, these two women were very cruel and he didn't want to provoke them for the time being.

As for the follower 'Zheng', he was confused and stupid throughout the whole process and had no idea how to deal with it.

He was the one who was shown off from the beginning to the end, either shaken, shocked, or beaten up.

In short, he has been a follower of law enforcement all his life, but there has never been a time that was so exciting, so unforgettable, and so non-existent.

[The fourth update is here~ I have updated 36,000 words today~ I am asking for full subscriptions, monthly tickets, and recommended tickets~ I bow and thank you~ I am grateful~]

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