I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 825: The whip comes out, and the female corpse is framed

There is no special change in the image of the light blue elf - to say that the change is indeed bigger and more refined.

She just looks like a super little fairy.

If he hadn't been sleeping like this with his arms stretched out and drooling at the same time.

But seeing her so comfortable, Su Li's mood improved a lot.

Su Li looked at his own image through the system's light screen - he was really old and haggard, and I felt pity for him.

Su Li himself felt a little sad when he saw it - he looked like no one was good, he looked like the extremely miserable Hua Taichu, and he looked like the extremely miserable Su Yan.

In short, he just doesn't look like the young and energetic Su Li from before.

Su Li tried to change his image, but found that it was still difficult to modify, so he could only modify it a little bit.

And even if he uses the Eight-nine Mysterious Skills, he can't change his sad white hair and faint crow's feet without changing his identity...

What's going on with this horse riding?

Su Li originally thought Immortal Light Blue was joking, until he tried repeatedly to no avail, and almost spit out a mouthful of old blood - he had changed from a brother to an 'uncle'.

Who the hell wants to be an uncle instead of an elder brother?

Su Liru suffered 10,000 points of critical damage and felt a little depressed.

He was the first to recall it, but at this time Mu Yusu was still waiting to go with him to the Tomb of the Qingyun Tomb to participate in the Babel Tower trial.

However - he has already obtained tens of millions of creation points, so it doesn't matter whether he goes through the Babel Tower trial or not.

But since he had agreed to Feng Yao, he naturally still wanted to go.

It's a pity that Zhenxu Realization didn't advance to that A Chinese Story World this time, otherwise maybe he could go through the plot of A Chinese Story World.


Su Li felt a little regretful, but felt indescribably proud.

By the way, Qian Lan, why are there no evaluations or rewards?

Su Li asked happily in his heart.

Immortal Light Blue's voice was transmitted immediately, clearer and more melodious, as if a lover's hand was touching his... soul.

That voice made Su Li's bones go numb.

At this time, Su Li had turned into Su Li.

Didn't I give you the evaluation? As for the reward, do you want a reward from me selling my blood?

Immortal Qinglan's words are always so sincere, and she has to sell her blood to reward him.

Su Li was so moved that he was in a complete mess.

Su Li immediately said humbly: Ahem, that's not necessary. I feel sorry for you if you sell your blood. Aren't you particularly beautiful now, Qinglan? How about I come in, let's have an in-depth communication, kiss and hug each other high ?”

Immortal Qinglan said: Now the system is in a state of perfect balance, and the background is beyond your knowledge. Are you sure you want to have an in-depth communication? Don't you have a deep understanding of the sect? Do you think it is possible?

Su Li: ...

Su Li was a little helpless and said, Can't you be gentler, or should I act coquettishly for you?

Immortal Qinglan said: Don't you like the Queen's character very much? You have such a very special preference, so this is your favorite, and you won't change it for the time being. From now on, you can call me 'Queen' .”

Su Li said: Queen Eight.

Immortal Light Blue: ...

Immortal Qinglan said: Forget it, I'm making trouble with you, come in.

Su Li said: No, I won't come in because I'm afraid of being beaten.

Immortal Light Blue said speechlessly: Who wants to hit you? Let me come in and repair it a little, and then give you some rewards. You still have some problems.

Su Li said: If you talk about rewards, that's not true.

With that said, Su Li gathered his immortal soul and immediately entered the system panel space.

Then Su Li saw Immortal Qinglan holding a whip like a divine whip.

Su Li was startled, turned around and wanted to run away.

Immortal Qianlan gave Su Li a white look and said, Why are you running away? I won't whip you - this is the magic whip. If you encounter someone you don't like or hate, just whip them. I'll definitely hit them one by one.

Su Li said: Is it suitable for me... to use such a heaven-defying thing?

Immortal Qinglan said: On the one hand, it is compensation, and on the other hand, Tianji is now valuable again, and then this thing can be regarded as something you bought in the Emperor of Heaven's treasury.

There was nothing anyone could say.

Moreover, you have lost some abilities, and your combat power has indeed dropped a lot.

Moreover, the realm has also dropped a bit, and the approximate combat power and upper limit are still at the Guardian Prodigy level, so they are not even gray robes.

So in reality, your current state is slightly worse, with the loneliness almost etched on your face.

is this okay?

Su Li said: This is not good.

Immortal Qinglan said: Don't take advantage of me.

Saying that, Immortal Qinglan added: Originally, we could dig deeper into Lin Xuefei's cause and effect this time, but the prehistoric mythical world sensed something and forcibly closed Li Juan's truth.

Because it involved a big deal, and the system was ready with enough transformation and upgrades, I didn’t force the continuation of Zhenxu.

Lin Xuefei's cause and effect may be a bit big. The situation involving soul within soul is a more terrifying transformation than mutated soul - so Li Juan may have a bigger game than we thought.

So I blindly guess that behind Li Juan is the top layer of the ancient mythical world.

So next, you have to pay attention.

Therefore, don’t act too miserable and obvious this time, just show that you have lost your merits or something.

As for the Babel Tower experience this time, there will be no Luoxia World and Shushan World, and that has nothing to do with you.

Su Li said: Well, I know, so you can start fucking me - do you need me to lie down while you do it?

Immortal Qinglan said: Then you try lying down?

Su Li immediately said seriously: Qing Lan, I will do whatever you need me to do.

Immortal Qinglan said: The various rewards in the past were actually to promise benefits in advance in the form of a reward and encouragement, so that you would be more motivated. This is no longer necessary now, because all the benefits will be directly in Zhenxu. After realizing it, it condenses on its own.

Do you think the Catastrophe Technique has been activated this time? Just think of it as a reward.

Furthermore, didn’t you gain more than 800 creation points?

This is actually considered a reward, although more than nine million creation points are actually deducted.

And this time the value of the creation points has increased.

Because the system is balanced, one creation point is equivalent to one creation origin.

So you are equivalent to being rewarded by the system with the previous 8760 points of creation.

Thinking about it this way, do you feel that you have gained a lot of money?

Su Li said: That's really what happened. I had 31 points of creation before I entered the True Void Realization. Now I have 876 points of creation, which is indeed equivalent to 8760 points of creation. It's a real profit.

Immortal Qinglan said: The key is that the system is still balanced among the seven stars, and A Chinese Story World has been incorporated.

Su Li said: What will be the situation in the world of A Chinese Girl after the integration?

Immortal Qinglan said: It's still sitting still for now, that is, I haven't written it yet. How to write it can be done slowly, and there is no need to rush.

Because your prehistoric world has not yet been completely built, and the world of the Mountains and Rivers Shejitu has not been evolved yet.

Su Li understood clearly and said: This is exactly a good thing. If you rush to build it, I'm afraid the foundation will still be lacking. As long as the origin of creation contained in A Chinese Girl's World is revealed.

It's just an empty shell now, which is a good thing.

As for whether it was swallowed up, it is probably not easy to think about now.

Immortal Qinglan said: First of all, your departure in the Shushan world this time is a kind of protection for you - because if you leave Zhenxu in the A Chinese Girl world or the land of chaos, you will be obliterated.

Secondly, didn’t you realize that you had forgotten something?

Su Li suddenly understood and said: Dragon Vein, Living Dragon Vein, sucking souls and life...

Immortal Light Blue said: Yes, these are all kept on the system page, so I will remove some traction for you first, so that there will be no problems.

Your memory will not be affected at that time, but these causes and effects come from your own dream insights in Zhuang Zhou's Dream of Butterflies, which can also be regarded as a kind of divine master's ability to see the future.

In this case, no matter what kind of bloody eyes are staring at him, there will be no problem.

Immortal Qinglan said, reaching out and gently touching Su Li's face.

Su Li thought something good would happen, but in the end he was only treated slightly.

Then Su Li's appearance improved significantly, and his white hair almost disappeared. Only the temples were silvery white, and he looked a little...well, more attractive.

This way, I don't look haggard. Instead, I have a sense of depth and stability, which is good. Well, I'm more attractive than before.

Immortal Light Blue looked at Su Li, but the look in her beautiful eyes was extremely gentle - obviously the so-called domineering was not actually the real domineering.

Su Li was so moved that he wished he could commit himself to her immediately. Unfortunately, Immortal Qinglan was not willing to bear such sacrifice, and directly condensed an icy chill to restore Su Li's composure.

Afterwards, Immortal Qinglan said: In this realization of Zhenxu, in fact, the greatest ability to protect the truth has become useless.

This time, you cannot copy files from anyone in the world.

As for the existences in the Middle Thousand World and the Small Thousand World, your copying effect will not be good.

Therefore, for this ‘file copy’, I suggest that you accumulate them temporarily or cut them out and store them temporarily.

Su Li said: It may not necessarily be useless. In fact, you can make a copy of Lin Xueyao - although Lin Xuefei and Lin Xueyao are the same person, the core is actually Lin Xueyao.

This should be a special breakthrough point, which can be regarded as a trace of our ability to understand the truth and void.

I chose Lin Xueyao, because she is the only existence that cannot be truly seen through, and the Shushan world is not considered a great world, at best it is just a middle-thousand world, and it has not been truly promoted.

If A Chinese Story World is not promoted, its reputation is not justified and it will naturally not be promoted.

After all, this time Shushan Perfect World and A Chinese Story World are involved, so this cause and effect cannot be separated.

Immortal Qinglan thought for a while and then said: This is indeed possible, but the risk is extremely high, so I don't recommend you copy Lin Xueyao's files.

Su Li said: I just said that I could copy her, but I didn't say that I could copy her immediately.

In terms of the current ability of the system, since the system can temporarily cut out the cause and effect of this scene, the ability to copy files and Lin Xueyao's cause and effect will be sealed together.

Maybe it will come in handy then.

This is a judgment derived from the comprehensive ability of Three Thousand Avenues, and there should be no mistakes.

Immortal Qinglan said: Well, if it is just sealed, then there is really no problem - if Li Juan really used this Lin Xueyao to do huge things, then our file copy just left a huge backdoor.

This can be used to gain control and even access at critical moments.

Su Li said: Going through the back door is always a very interesting thing.

Immortal Qinglan gave Su Li a blank look and said, Okay, you can go out.

Su Li said: Hug me, look how awesome I am this time.

Su Li had no choice but to act coquettishly - this woman was so strong that a man had to be the one to act like a coquettish woman, otherwise how could she deserve to be treated like a spoiled brat?

Sure enough, Immortal Qinglan immediately compromised as soon as Su Li acted coquettishly.

Then, after Su Li had a brief taste, he left the system panel space not very happy.

It's not that he doesn't want to communicate in depth, but...

In short, Su Li is actually very satisfied.

Back to reality, this time no time has passed at all.

Therefore, Su Li's appearance also began to undergo some subtle changes.

After another moment, Mu Yusu was in a trance. Then she glanced at Su Li subconsciously, with a hint of astonishment in her beautiful eyes: Su Li, why... why did your hair suddenly turn white? Part of it has become more handsome and attractive... You are like this...

Mu Yusu said, her pretty face turned red.

Su Li stretched out his hand and pinched Mu Yusu's cheek. Mu Yusu let out a squeak, feeling extremely embarrassed.

Su Li smiled and said: It happened all of a sudden. There must be something wrong... I originally wanted to take you through the Chinese reincarnation system and enter the Babel Tower. Forget it, let's go directly to the Qingyun Tomb of the Great Emperor. Go in that way.

Su Li said, reaching out to hold Mu Yusu's hand.

Su Li did not use the system to check Mu Yusu's cause and effect because there was no need to check.

At this time, Mu Yusu was not the one being blamed, but the real Mu Yusu, so it was no big deal.

Mu Yusu nodded obediently - and then, when Su Li held her hand, she suddenly felt particularly happy and excited.

Fangxin felt a little nervous, her mind was a little blank, she didn't know what she was thinking at all - or maybe she didn't think anything at all, she just smiled shyly.

After Su Li left the Tianmai Domain, which was the mixed area of ​​the first nine levels of the Memory Forbidden Zone, he appeared in a wasteland.

Then Su Li directly sensed the magic whip.

The Divine Whip is a unique artifact used to punish the gods, also known as the Whip of Heavenly Punishment. The whip is surrounded by countless Taoist talismans.

It is the supreme treasure used to punish the gods. It is golden in color and shaped like a wooden whip.

The whip is three feet six inches long and has twenty-one sections. Each section has four seals, for a total of eighty-four seals.

This divine whip is almost completely genuine and extremely cruel.

However, all the auras of the Talisman Avenue above have been infused with the aura of the Three Thousand Avenues by the system, so that this kind of magic whip seems to have some changes.

The same three feet, six inches and five minutes, the same twenty-one sections, and each section also has four talismans, but the talisman among them is the convergence of Yuanci Divine Light and Ancestral Thunder Divine Light, and it seems to contain the power of the Thunder Divine Flame. The powerful aura of thunder and punishment is inexplicably ferocious.

Not only that, this divine whip contains wisps of mysterious aura, which is particularly consistent with Su Li's Three Thousand Dao. It is obviously specially made.

Su Li knew that Immortal Qinglan must have used the many resources this time to refine such a ferocious 'treasure' in some way to provide him with some protection.

After all, Su Li has been forced into nirvana in the real and virtual world. I really don't think the system feels sorry for him!

Therefore, such a thing must not be allowed to happen in reality.

Su Li doesn't have to be strong, but the magic weapon can't be strong.

This magic weapon is originally from the ancient mythical world. It is updated in real time and I dare not copy it too openly.

Not to mention, this is a genuine treasure in the prehistoric mythological world system, and it must be recognized over there.

So this thing really has no cause and effect - because there is no deliberate stipulation of which magic weapon belongs to whose. Su Li founded the ancient royal family, and it is normal to have such orthodox magic weapons.

However, the world of ancient mythology is not as orthodox as Su Li's because it is about refining the void and returning the real to the real.

Therefore, this magic weapon can enhance Su Li's upper limit of extreme strength, but it will not let Su Li escape from the level of 'Guardian'.

It's like a child getting a machine gun, and it's still legal to hold a gun - you can't say that this child is not a child, can you?

He is still at the level of a child, isn't he?

But if an adult comes to bully him, I'm sorry, it's not illegal to kill you.

This is the biggest reward given by cherishing and understanding this time - is the ultimate magic weapon 'God Whip' ferocious or not? Is it fierce?

After Su Li felt the magic whip, he was in a good mood.

The only pity is that this time the six soul flags, the innate five-square flag and other magic weapons are gone.

Although it was a pity, Su Li also knew that these two things exerted great power and had a wide influence, so it was normal for them to disappear.

Instead, it was retained, which wasn’t so good.

While Su Li was thinking, he quickly brought Mu Yusu to the place beside the Chishui River outside the Great Emperor's Tomb.

This time, the journey went very smoothly, and nothing unusual happened.

After arriving here, Su Li saw a large number of practitioners gathered here from a distance.

These are the beings who are all preparing to enter the Babel Tower for trials.

After Su Li came over, there were suddenly rough waves on the Chishui River, and then, a female corpse was floating upstream.

This female corpse was lying on the Dragon Vein River in front of her, her body naked and her eyes dug out.

Her figure is still quite explosive, and her face is as beautiful as ever.

Su Li saw this scene from a distance and was immediately speechless.

This is really the scene. I still don’t miss the opportunity to frame him!

So if a person gets both the stolen goods, will he be immediately suppressed and put into the prison of the crime domain?

In the fantasy world in the past, Su Li also encountered such a situation, and it was really a case of 'taking both the stolen goods and the others', but because at that time he was far from reaching that level, and at the same time, he still had a powerful pen of creation. In his hand, there was Su Wangchen standing in front of him.

So he was not suppressed at that time.

Moreover, there are clones that suddenly appear to take over the cause and effect.

But this time is obviously different.

Once The Way of Tracing Time reveals that Su Li has humiliated the Ice Palace Goddess, he will definitely be punished.

At least that's a suspect, and if he's caught, it won't be wrong.

If he dares to resist, then the same tactics used by An Ruoxuan and the Goddess of Time against Li Juan will definitely be used on him, Su Li.

Su Li's mood was slightly complicated, but he was still relatively calm.

He glanced at the woman carefully, and immediately it was like the scene he saw before. The water of the Chishui River was flowing downward, but the woman above had already had her eyebrows pierced, and she was lying naked on her back in the river, swimming upstream. .

Between her eyebrows, bright red blood continued to flow out. After the blood passed through the seven-colored plum blossom nails, it was dyed into seven colors and flowed into the river.

This woman is undoubtedly Bing Yuying.

Su Li once again saw that exaggerated and beautiful figure - and her black hair still covered most of her face. When her snow-white body was lying on her back, the pair... exposed out of the water were particularly perfect.

In short, this appearance and state, rising and falling with the water flow, seemed to be like something being powerfully exerting force on her body.

Just one glance showed that Su Li's current temperament was actually a little hot.

At this time, Mu Yusu also saw this scene with her beautiful eyes widened, and her pretty face turned red as well, which aroused endless reveries.

It's not that Su Li and Mu Yusu are evil in nature, but - the aura contained in them is something similar to the soul poison of extreme emotion!


Su Li felt helpless - it was really disgusting, even the extreme soul poison was tricked out?

Do you really think that I am so shameless and unscrupulous because I ‘don’t remember’?

In reality, among this group of people, it is Li Juan’s true and false that is naturally false.

But Su Litao's truth is the ultimate truth.

Therefore, the future transformation direction of 'Su Li' that they obtained is naturally all false!

And Su Li's upper limit has not been increased, so the real genius cannot be updated in real time to enter a stronger level.

Not to mention that Su Li now has the Eye of Six Paths of Reincarnation and the ability of the Holy Master of Heaven's Secret, which has temporarily depleted the aura of the Emperor's Blood, Emperor's Qi and Emperor's Life, as well as the aura of Pangu's blood, Qinglong's blood and Suzaku's blood.

So even if others want to harvest him, they can't - because Su Li is like a newly sprouted leek, unable to be harvested at all.

Not only can’t it be harvested, but it also needs to be cultivated.

It's just that Bing Yuying's cause and effect has already been arranged.

On the other hand, since Li Juan was beaten so severely, some beings would naturally use Bing Yuying's incident as an excuse. No matter what, it would be good to suppress Su Li and dampen Su Li's arrogance!

So, this happened just like that.

In order to make the effect outstanding, the charming effect of Extreme Soul Poison was even used.

Isn't this the extreme soul poison in Mu Qingyan's cause and effect?

Qian Luoshui had pulled some of them before, but now they were updated in real time.

Of course, there is nothing else that can be done - Su Li doesn't know whether the Tao of living in the current reality and living in the changes of truth and virtuality has been updated.

However, the difficulty of this is better after the update. It can just give Su Li some reference, and then reversely use his different Tao combination systems to modify it.

In this way, the enemy has worked for him for 20,000 years in vain.

When Su Li saw the female corpse, many people also saw the female corpse.

Suddenly, a group of geniuses also gathered over.

Su Li also saw that this time there were still Zhuge Qianyun and Zhuge Qiyan among them.

Bing Yuying???

Zhuge Qiyan seemed to be very familiar with Bing Yuying, so she couldn't help but exclaimed.

But at this moment, when the body of the Dragon Vein Flowing Water Zhi Sui heard the name 'Bing Yuying', he immediately froze where he was, no longer going upstream or downstream.

She was like a rock fixed in the river. When the water passed through her body, it had already begun to flow.

So her naked body was even more clear and amazing.

On the other side, the 'Bing Yuying' who was with Bing Ling, the owner of the Ice Palace, couldn't help but froze for a moment when she heard this, and then looked at the person she was hugging in her arms, who had also been drained of blood due to the indecent treatment. Bing Yuli, who was covered in blood and flesh below, suddenly seemed to have thought of something, and his body stiffened on the spot.

At that moment, Su Li saw very clearly that her snow-white gauze skirt had a lot of cracks on the spot, and her eyes immediately became hollow.

Her eyes, which were originally smart and full of divinity, originally contained the spirituality of creation derived from the breath of life, but at this time, these spiritualities dried up almost in an instant.

The next moment, her eyes were shattered on the spot, and like the white gauze skirt on her body, they were broken into snow-white particles and disintegrated on the spot.

After the snow-white particles turned into powder and disappeared completely, Bing Yuying's appearance was the same as that of a corpse in the dragon vein river.

Then, her body fell straight into her spiritual veins - at the moment of death, her seemingly simple figure completely returned to its extremely hot and explosive state.

From the discovery of the body to Zhuge Qiyan's exclamation to Bing Yuying's death, it took less than a breath.

Everything happened so unexpectedly.

When he came to his senses, Bing Ling, the owner of the Ice Palace, stared at this scene blankly, and then took a breath of air almost instinctively.

Immediately, she frowned deeply and came to Bing Yuying's body.

As for the Bingyu Li she was holding before, it also fell from the void at this time and hit the water hard. The covering on her body was also shattered, and she was naked again, revealing that she had been 'ruined' A very unbearable scene.

Su Li didn't speak because he knew what would happen next.

Su Renhuang, can you imagine that joining forces with a female killer who practices the Ice Muscle Jade Bone Xuanyuan Gong is like doing evil to a corpse?

Su Li glanced at Bing Ling lightly and said, You want me to think about this? Am I such a perverted person?

Bing Ling said: You are - even if the person in my The Way of Tracing Time is not you, it is a copy of you. Do you need to say clearly what you represent? Not to mention, the person in The Way of Tracing Time is It’s you who is shown in! Do you think you can change everything now that you change your appearance?

If you don't have a guilty conscience, why would you change your appearance or even your temperament?

[The second update is here~ I am asking for full subscription, monthly tickets and recommended tickets~ I bow and thank you~ I am grateful~]

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