I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 812 Immortal Su Li detains Li Juan

The depths of endless void.

Li Juan's figure gradually emerged, and an identical Xiaoqian gathered around her again.

A brand new spirit of heaven.

A brand new Xiaoqian.

But before that, Li Juan directly used the endless truth and soul-washing methods to stuff away all Xiaoqian's memories.

At the same time, he used that reincarnation-like method to pull back the will of another Xiaoqian.

Therefore, Xiaoqian, who was detained in the prison cage of the sin domain, has been replaced by the re-condensed spirit of heaven, Xiaoqian.

Therefore, the original Xiaoqian was also replaced again.

Li Daitao and Li Juan used this move to a superb level.

grown ups.

Xiaoqian was extremely excited, and at the same time her beautiful eyes were filled with tears, and she was extremely moved.

She, Xiaoqian, is back again.


Li Juan smiled.

It seemed that this time she was completely sure of victory.

Xiaoqian immediately lowered her eyebrows and looked particularly pious.

You did a good job of self-destructing this time. Through the observation of the reincarnation system, he has lost the Eye of Heavenly Meridian Listening.

Once this surveillance eye is solved, he is actually no longer a big threat.

This way, everyone can be satisfied.

As for the 20% of the authority - since the ability of the Tianmai Listening Eye has been solved this time, there is actually no problem in giving up 20% of the authority.

Anyway, Lao Liutou can't escape.

Therefore, it is actually a good thing that the big plane world of Babel Tower has 20% of the authority.

Li Juan spoke with great confidence.

Xiaoqian thought thoughtfully and sighed: This Su Li is really difficult to deal with.

Li Juan said: Of course, do you think a being who has 50% of reincarnation authority will be a waste? Obviously he has many methods. And he is a being that is always being harvested. Beings that are always being harvested will have one characteristic, that is, they are special. Be resilient.

You did a great job of self-declaring this time, and it was very appropriate.

Xiaoqian said: Actually, Xiaoqian did have some selfish intentions at that time, but she couldn't escape the eyes of adults.

Li Juan said: Follow me, I can allow you to have selfish motives. It's not a big problem. In principle, you won't make any mistakes. I will always protect you - just like this time.

In addition, I can tell you clearly that there are some of our people in the Sin Domain Cage.

So this time when the Goddess of Time and Enforcer An Ruoxuan put you into the prison of the criminal realm, our beings took over and you immediately had the opportunity to 'visit the prison'.

As long as there is a chance to visit the prison, it will be very simple to reverse the situation.

This kind of thing is just a matter of turning a blind eye.

So, actually you can keep doing it.

Li Juan hinted.

Xiaoqian's beautiful eyes lit up and she said, Qian Luoshui?

Li Juan smiled and said: That's right, didn't Qian Luoshui, who is responsible for the cause and effect, happen to come out? Go in again, and this time I will give you yourself, so give it a good performance.

First of all, he felt that everything was peaceful after this time.

You were suppressed, so even if Qian Luoshui appeared, he wouldn't think it was you.

After all, you were suppressed into the prison of the sin domain.

Secondly, he may provide some evidence - because since he knows that I exist, most of my evidence falls into his hands.

But it doesn't matter, I handed over 20% of my reincarnation authority - since I couldn't get back these 20%, it naturally fell into the hands of the big plane world of Babel Tower.

As for the Sin Domain Cage guarding one side, I said there are our people.

At that time, the merits and demerits of a lack of evidence, the master of reincarnation merit, and the future karma of arresting Su Meng will be offset in part.

The rest of them were convicted of meritorious service, released on bail pending trial, and went out directly.

When the time comes, you'll pay some of the origin of creation - but that's it... you get the idea.

Anyway, after raising so many demon souls, using the means of salvation to save them will naturally bring many sources of merit.

As for salvation, just lead Kong Lindao there, and the merits will be one after another.

When the time comes, we won’t take away the merit, we will just contribute it directly.

As for whose origin the merits belong to, does it matter?

The important thing is that the pure source of merit we contribute is enough, which can prove that it is the merit we draw.

Li Juan said and sneered: You want to kill me with this little evidence? Do you think I don't have any backup plans?

Although it was indeed a setback this time, it was not a loss.

It can only be said that if the prehistoric mythical world is involved in this matter, then we need to be wary.

However, since there are interests involved, it is nothing more than a bargaining chip. As long as I am willing to give, they will definitely respond.

Li Juan's tone was indifferent, but her words were particularly powerful.

When Xiaoqian heard this, her beautiful eyes suddenly became brighter.

In her opinion, in all of this, Li Juan was completely victorious and Su Li was completely defeated.

And knocking out Su Li's eye - Xiaoqian didn't know about this.

But the source of Li Juan's news comes from internal information in the timeline area, so it should be absolutely correct!

Therefore, Xiaoqian was very excited and excited.

The key is that her loss, which previously would have caused instability in the world, was made up for.

The lost source or something was replaced by an unrelated 'Xiao Qian' who had all the similar memories.

Li Juan had already mastered the method of karma, which was similar to using a clone to kill someone.

This effect...

As long as she behaves differently from the previous 'Xiaoqian', then who knows who is who?

So what if she knew it, as long as she didn't admit it, or washed her memory - this was irrefutable evidence and could be overturned.

Unless you control the complete reincarnation system and lock the basic cause and effect, it will be useless.

No one can find out.

This incident made Xiaoqian even more ready to act.

Seeing this, Li Juan smiled and said: Don't get excited, you should have a great advantage this time, so play the new 'role' of Qian Luoshui well.

Seduce when it's time, exploit when it's time, and kill when it's time to kill.

How did you get the idea?

Xiao Qian said: At present, the method of attacking the heart through reincarnation is not very easy to use, but what about the method of sincerity?

Li Juan said: You go and pay homage to Feng Jinxiu first, and be a 'filial daughter', and then the things you save will be easier to deal with! I don't believe you can't defeat him with this trick!

Xiao Qian said: Without the Heavenly Meridian Listening Eye, what is this bastard? It's just a special cheating method - good guy, I don't even know how to open the Heavenly Eye in this world!

Li Juan said: If you know that you can control the timeline, this is Tianmai Listening! It represents the 'Emperor Heaven's Eye', and you think it's a carrot and cabbage! I don't even have this thing! And haven’t you seen that the countless blood eyes in many small worlds in the heavens are trying to condense such heavenly eyes and are not orthodox?

He... because his status as Emperor is indeed orthodox at present, so this Heavenly Eye is also orthodox.

The effect is natural and powerful.

In this regard, whether you are a being under the imperial power or a Tiandao born in the world of Tiandao in the illusory film and television world, you are naturally within his jurisdiction.

Therefore, in this world, it is quite reasonable that he contains this kind of heavenly eye and can even use it.

It's just that this ability is indeed too strong.

Xiao Qian said: There is no doubt that this is the result of a lot of merit, and some people hope that Su Yan will revive, so they add many, many benefits to him.

Li Juan groaned: That's true.

Okay, you can start doing this without any worries.

As for your other clone, the spirit of heaven, just let it be miserable.

Xiaoqian said: Xiaoqian understands that this is 'to serve as a warning'. Of course, the worse, the better. Anyway, it's not the real me, it's just 10% of the original body. Since the real will is with me, Then she is just a humble slave-like existence, and life and death are not a concern.

Li Juan nodded and said: That's good, but you will have some feelings - after all, we can't completely cut off the cause and effect for the time being, otherwise she won't be able to represent you.

Xiaoqian said: Well, this Xiaoqian knows, it's no problem, come as you like, what's the point of having to suffer a little? It's just less than one ten thousandth of the painful experience, it's almost negligible.

In addition, Xiaoqian has also tested the hell punishment for adults before, so it doesn't matter, just come.

Li Juan smiled and said: Not bad, not bad. You are getting more and more aware of what you should do. Are you sure about it this time?

Xiaoqian pondered for a moment and said: Although he no longer has the ability of the Eye of Heavenly Meridian Listening, there is no doubt that the defensive instinct has been developed, and although this person was deprived of his core ability, he was recycled by the Ancient City of Heaven. Although he has special abilities, he has experienced six Nirvana transformations...

It is estimated that Xiaoqian will still not go well.

When Li Juan heard this, there was a look of relief in her eyes, and she said: You are really good. I thought you would be extremely confident. It seems that you have made progress.

Well, with this understanding, even if you fail, the failure will not be ugly.

Next, really invest in it, just like self-destruction in the end, and you will take a step further in the method of reincarnation and attacking the mind.

Xiaoqian said: Xiaoqian understands, Xiaoqian will do it now.

Li Juan said: Do you know what to do in the prison of the sin domain?

Xiaoqian said: This is natural. There will never be any mistakes. If there is, Xiaoqian will bear everything.

Li Juan said: Well, you go - eh? It's amazing, there is so much evidence? But... this is not enough.

Li Juan smiled and said, A set of information just came from 'Xuan'. Do you want to take a look? It's very interesting.

Xiaoqian said: This is Xiaoqian's honor.

Li Juan said: Then let you take a look together.

Then, Xiaoqian and Li Juan enjoyed the projection of ‘The Secret of Heaven’ together.

After the projection appeared, especially Su Li's huge illusory 'blood eye', it appeared in the void. Looking at the exchange between Xiao Qian and Li Juan in the void, as well as some of the two people's Little moves...

This is indeed what is happening.

After the two of them read it, Xiaoqian's face also showed a very obvious look of horror. It seemed that she never expected to be discovered in the first place.

This, this, this - this is such a slap in the face.

So, his so-called self-destruction is also false, and is it a way to attack my heart?

Xiaoqian's face showed an extremely ferocious look, and her whole person seemed to be in a state of madness.

This is definitely not something she can endure!

Because at that moment, she was really moved. She even had the idea of ​​giving birth to a monkey for Su Li, and she also had ardent thoughts such as wanting to have a crazy union with Su Li.

As a result, it seems that Su Li's series of methods are very likely to know her purpose and act there, and then attack her.

Xiaoqian was furious to death!

Even though she knew that Su Li had the ability of the Heavenly Meridian Listening Eye, Xiaoqian still never thought that this ability was so powerful that it could catch all her tricks.

That means that all her performances are like a clown in the eyes of the other party!

Xiaoqian felt a little excited.

But Li Juan didn't care, and instead said calmly: No, it is actually true that he killed himself at the origin of creation, and she was indeed attracted by your sincerity.

Because I am behind everything, right?

He always thought that I controlled you and that you were more or less innocent.

So the emotional investment is real.

Because I have verified this.

In fact, things involving emotions are very complicated.

Because if you love someone, you will subconsciously ignore some basic information. This is a very powerful logic.

When he loves you, he will ignore some of your shortcomings.

He will even consider some shortcomings as strengths, and will even find reasons to help you cover up the shortcomings.

And that reason is me.

So it's true.

So this time you go there, you can start with another image, which will be more beneficial.

Li Juan said confidently.

Xiaoqian hesitated and said: Sir, when these many projections appear, wouldn't it be——

Xiaoqian looked at the bloody eyes in the void and always felt that the bloody eyes were in the projection. Can she still see the cause and effect in reality beyond the projection?

Did you see them communicating again?

Once this thought occurs, I can't stop it.

At this time, Xiaoqian immediately stopped talking, and then became a little afraid.

When Li Juan saw this, she burst into laughter and said, Just these bloody eyes?

As Li Juan spoke, she poked her finger into the projection, and the so-called 'bloody eye' was immediately shattered.

Have you seen it? This is just the cause and effect of the past, just like the light and shadow of the past. How can you continue to peek at our communication now?

But your caution is very good.

But it's completely unnecessary.

It's impossible to reach this level.

If so, wouldn't everyone be able to master the blood eye?

Just make a projection of the past and put it on any small world in the heavens, and you can form a perfect surveillance?

The real blood eye, which is the Tianmai Listening Eye, has been taken back by the 'original owner' of Jitian Ancient City.

That Jiang Yuning plotted against us. Although he was dragged away, he almost died in Jitian Ancient City.

This proves that Su Li is not capable of playing Zhenxu.

That's right. In his previous life, he was the real master of truth and virtuality. How could a being who controlled the timeline commit crimes?

In fact, there is no need to be too afraid of this kind of person.

It's just that they think too much.

Li Juan said, and then added: You don't need to care about such cause and effect, because there is no need. As for these projections, what if you catch them? They are similar in nature to before. At most, they will deprive me of the control of reincarnation.

But before that, I made an agreement with them that I would ‘donate’ it in this way. Wouldn’t it be more justifiable?

It looks like recycling, but in fact I actively contribute, and the effect is different.

So I won't have any problem.

In addition, the three lost layers in Zhenxu Zhong will only be temporarily frozen. I can't take them without taking them. As for Su Li's side, there is no need to think about it.

He has lost everything, and many of the causes and effects here will be cut off by me when he returns to reality.

Maybe even I won’t know what’s going on here, let alone him.

Therefore, when a certain time comes in the future, those 30% of authority will naturally fall back into my hands. Who is he?

He still couldn't control anything at that time.

And this time his abilities have been exposed. In reality, although nothing will be updated in advance, he can be completely restrained.

And as long as he dares to raise the upper limit, he will be useless soon.

Based on his caution, in reality, without the protection of many benefits, he actually won't be able to survive for long.

And if many related causal connections can be cut off, it means that the superior has found a better way to harvest him. As for methods such as soul-washing and life-sucking, they can be further hidden in advance.

What else was he dealing with at that time?

He couldn't even see all the killings.

Li Juan's tone was particularly confident.

After hearing these words, Xiaoqian was completely relieved.

Immediately, he looked at the projection and could no longer see the 'bloody eyes', and felt completely at ease in his heart.

It seems that Xiaoqian's charm is still there. This is great.

Xiaoqian breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time she felt a sense of accomplishment - if Su Li cut himself off from the origin of creation, which made her extremely proud and proud, it was also an act, then it would be equivalent to her being a loser and Su Li being a winner. This is She couldn't accept it no matter what.

She was indeed moved by this before, and at that moment she really wanted to commit herself to her and have a passionate relationship with Su Li.

But now, although this thought has disappeared, she still feels slightly excited when she thinks of this scene.

But other than that, there is still all kinds of hatred.

Now, I feel much better knowing that she has actually succeeded in attacking a lot before, but it was her failure to seize the opportunity that led to her defeat.

Li Juan affirmed: Of course, Xiaoqian's charm has always been very sufficient, otherwise where would the world of A Chinese Girl be? This is the connotation!

Xiaoqian said: Xiaoqian understands. Xiaoqian is too confused. She always fails in doing things and causes trouble for adults.

Li Juan said: It's okay, as long as you grow up, you will always have such experiences. In fact, it is not a bad thing.

As she spoke, Li Juan gradually became solemn.

Go ahead. The suppressors are here. Although... this kind of trouble can be solved, I do have to pay a price this time. This evidence is indeed very powerful.

Li Juan was silent for a long time and said.

Upon hearing this, Xiaoqian immediately bowed and saluted, and then disappeared immediately.

The next moment, the figures of the Goddess of Time and An Ruoxuan still gathered together, and then the void seemed to open a door of time, and the two people walked out of the void.

Are you going to go on your own, or are we going to take you into custody?

The Goddess of Time spoke calmly, but with an unquestionable aura.

Detain me? Just you? Let Xuan come! Before he comes, I will never accept any karma from you. Because everything is caused by someone taking my karma, and I don't recognize it either.

You dare not do it by force.

Because you are the real hammer and cannot completely beat me to death.

In this case, if you touch me easily, you are violating the law!

Li Juan spoke calmly, as if she was very familiar with the 'laws' set by the timeline.

This opening is like a veteran.

The Goddess of Time frowned slightly and said in a deep voice: We have solid evidence in our hands, but you still don't admit it? I am detaining you now. If you dare to resist, I will kill you on the spot! Then I will accuse you of trying to counterattack and escape!

Li Juan's face darkened slightly and she said, You know the law and break it!

The Goddess of Time said: There are only you and us here, what do you think? So are you going to obey or not?! You don't recognize the ironclad evidence I have given you? You still want to use this ironclad evidence for appraisal? Combined with Xiaoqian's cause and effect before, You're in big trouble this time! I advise you to be honest, that's all, you have to be honest when I detain you!

Li Juan said in a deep voice: Then I'll go by myself!

The Goddess of Time said: I'm sorry, you seriously provoked the authority of the timeline law enforcer before, now I have the right to detain you!

As she spoke, the Goddess of Time raised her hand to gather the chains of time order and slapped Li Juan hard on the neck.

Just as Li Juan was about to resist, the Goddess of Time immediately showed blazing murderous intent in her eyes.

Suddenly, Li Juan gave in, her face turned dark.

There's something wrong with this guy! Target it at me!

Li Juan felt like a bright mirror in her heart, her face was dark and smelly, but she didn't resist.

Because now she had to be beaten head-on.

An Ruoxuan watched silently, sighed, and said: Why don't you resist? You are Li Juan. She likes to self-destruct the most. I am ready to do it with you. This thing seems to be extremely fun. .”

Li Juan was filled with hatred—another one targeting her!


At this moment, a man covered in flame armor suddenly appeared.

He glanced lightly at Li Juan, whose face was already blue and blue as the order chain was wrapped around her neck, and said coldly: Let her go.

The Goddess of Time stopped, locked her eyes on the man in flame armor, and said: The Sky Eye of Jitian Ancient City may have locked the timeline. You'd better make sure you didn't do anything unclean, otherwise you will continue to interfere. If you do that - your hard-earned status as a law enforcer will not only be wiped out, but it is even more likely that you will be truly doomed and all the masters behind you will be dragged down.

Are you sure you really want me to let her go?

An Ruoxuan said: Look at the chain, does it look like it's lassoing a bitch?

When the flaming man heard this, his expression suddenly turned ugly.

Li Juan said word by word: So what if I'm a bitch? Sooner or later I'll go crazy and bite you all to death——

An Ruoxuan said: You are scolding, don't be incompetent and bark if you don't have the ability, you know? If you fall into my hands, it is natural for me to scold you, because I stand on the moral high ground.

But you are different. Why don't you try insulting me? See if I don't knock out one of your teeth.

Isn't your dazzle here?

You ask him if I can do this?

He has done this to many prisoners before. If he says he can't do it, then I'm sorry, he set the precedent and did it many times, suppressing him directly.

The face of the man in flame armor suddenly became gloomy, and then he glanced at Li Juan and said: I feel aggrieved for a moment, someone will bail you out later, don't worry.

If our people make no mistakes, no one can do anything to us, and no one can distort right and wrong and confuse right and wrong!

What he said was really tough.


An Ruoxuan laughed, as if she had heard the best joke in the world.

The Goddess of Time did not say anything.

She pulled the chain of order fiercely and heard a cracking sound from Li Juan's neck.

The Goddess of Time said coldly: Go faster, don't dawdle! If you delay any longer, I will lock you to death!

Li Juan was so angry that she vomited blood, and Xuan's face was extremely ugly.

But the two of them were also powerful and tolerated it completely.

The Goddess of Time used her authority to make things difficult for Li Juan from time to time, which made Li Juan deeply disgusted.

She also seemed to understand the situation of The King of Hell is so troublesome to the little devil. She was so angry that her teeth chattered, but there was nothing she could do.

Therefore, she wished she could be suppressed into the prison of the criminal realm immediately and then released on bail, but she was unwilling to stay on this journey any longer.

But the Goddess of Time didn't want to be so fast. Sometimes she would pull the chain so hard that she almost pulled her head off, and would angrily yell: Are you trying to escape in such a hurry? Do you want to rush there? Reincarnation?

Li Juan couldn't answer any of the questions asked, so she could only knock out her teeth and swallow blood, and endured it again and again.

And Xuan followed the whole process, staring at the Goddess of Time, fearing that the two of them would become arrogant and kill her directly.

The same is true, Xuan can't interfere in some small things - because he usually does more excessive things, and it is well known to everyone.

If you really want to care about the methods of the Goddess of Time and An Ruoxuan, then the methods of Xuan are really countless.

This scene continued until a group of people left such a void.

After all these people left, everything in the broken bloody eyes of the void returned to calm.

At the same time, Su Li couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief after passing on the 'Exquisite Secret' method to Jiang Yuning.

That's all.

Su Li sighed.

It seemed that he had lost a lot by projecting this scene.

This is indeed a lot of loss.

After all, Tianji Chaos Tianji Linglong consumes Tianji points of merit.

What is sinful is that now the machine value has been devalued by the outside world, and his data here are all 0 points.

So where does this consumption come from?

Naturally, the essence was extracted from Su Li's body.

Therefore, after all the projection, especially when there was no 'Eye of Listening' and the 'Eye of Listening' had to be created, Su Li felt that his body had been hollowed out.

Su Li even felt that this was definitely intentional by Immortal Qinglan, and she was afraid that he and Jiang Yu would merge together!

Su Li felt that Immortal Qinglan must have misunderstood him!

He is definitely not this kind of person!

The key is - Jiang Yuning must be willing!

In terms of Jiang Yuning's temperament, not even giving up a kiss or a hug was unprecedented, so if she was thinking about breaking up with someone else, forget about it.

Even if he wanted to, Su Li couldn't break it. The strength between the two sides was not equal, so it was difficult to enter this door.

This is also the sect's view that Su Li deeply understood.

Even if a man's realm is strong and a woman's realm is weak, she will die in harmony with the Tao.

Similarly, if a man's realm is weak and a woman's realm is strong, it will not work either. There will be situations where she cannot enter because she cannot break through that layer of 'canopy' protection.

Therefore, the realms of both parties are probably not far apart from the three major realm levels, and basically the problem will not be too big.

Just like there is no barrier between the golden elixir and the Yuanying Yingbian.

But there is no need to think about the golden elixir and the transformed god.

This is also Su Li's experience.

As for how this experience was gained...

There is no need to go into details about the cause and effect.

In short, Su Li was still very pure at this time, but Immortal Light Blue did not know the truth, so that this time Su Li used his own secrets to perform Tianji Chaos Exquisite and the modification of Huangji Jingshi Shu.

After one session, Su Li felt that his feet were sore and his hands were soft, and the goddess seemed to no longer smell good in front of him.

Su Li's weak look made Jiang Yuning extremely distressed.

Immediately, the immortal origin was gathered and passed over.

And because she was afraid that the energy would not match, she kept concentrating and tempering this immortal source into a pure energy source without any aura, so that Su Li's absorption would be purer.

After a while, Su Li got out of that inexplicable weak and boring state and returned to normal.

No need to think about it - Su Li knew that he probably had thick dark circles under his eyes before, just like Zhuge Qingchen had a haggard look on his face when he lost all his fortune points.

Now, after his condition recovered, Su Li took out a breath and took the initiative to hug Jiang Yuning to comfort himself.

Jiang Yuning didn't refuse. Anyway, she had already hugged her twice, so just keep hugging her. As long as he liked it.

This is actually a kind of progress.

This is also a special method. It only needs a little benefit at first, and then slowly attack, and you will be able to get everything.

Of course, you only have to have a chance of winning at the beginning, and then you have to grasp a certain size.

In short, Su Li is actually quite right.

After Su Li let go, he sighed and said: I didn't know it when I had this ability. Now that I have re-concentrated the projection, it almost sucked me dry. This is too scary!

Jiang Yuning said softly: Even if such an ability is just a projection, it is still very powerful. If you want to condense such a complete projection, you must have that kind of meaning. If you have that kind of ability before, you can naturally easily do this kind of meaning. Present.

But that is not the appearance of yourself, but the appearance of the Tianmai Listening Eye, which is equivalent to someone carrying the load for you. Of course you are not tired.

Although it is just a projection now, it is just a reappearance of memory, but it is presented by yourself, and of course it will suck yourself out...

You can only show this if you have made such huge progress this time.

If you hadn't gone through several Nirvana transformations before this, you would probably have exploded before your blood eyes appeared.

If one dies in this way, it is unlikely that nirvana will take effect.

Because that is not nirvana under pressure, but it is eating yourself to death.

Jiang Yuning explained.

Su Li said: That's it. I'm just telling you why I suddenly feel so weak as if someone had taken a tonic.

Su Li said and glanced at Jiang Yuning inexplicably.

Jiang Yuning blushed and said: I am really irresponsible for this matter. On the one hand, I never thought that the reappearance of the Heavenly Meridian Listening Eye would be so powerful - and secondly, I didn't expect that your projections would be all these manifestations. .

So you are indeed a little reckless.

Su Li said: It doesn't matter if you are reckless, and I instinctively felt that there was not much danger, so I did it. If there was danger, I wouldn't do it. This is an instinctive sense of crisis, and it won't make much mistakes.

And presented like this, as long as it can hit Li Juan, it is worth it.

Even if you can't hit her, it's worth it if you can disgust her!

Jiang Yuning said: Maybe the effect is not as good as you think, so you should be mentally prepared.

Su Li said: I know, there is no doubt that there should be their people over there. This is the dark world, what else can we do? The so-called rules are just to deal with us, a group of people who abide by the rules.

If we have something like this, let alone irrefutable evidence, if it is just a minor incident, we will be caught and tortured to death.

Jiang Yuning sighed: This... is indeed the case, but I will try my best. I have already submitted it. By this time, the Goddess of Time and Law Enforcer An Ruoxuan have probably detained Li Juan.

Su Li said: I'm very curious whether a person like Li Juan, who is so arrogant and confident, will resist when detained.

Jiang Yuning smiled and said: It would be better if you resist, that would be really fun, but Li Juan will probably be very honest. Because although she is crazy, she is not stupid.

Su Li said: She will probably struggle.

Jiang Yuning said: Then suffer more, absolutely - as long as there is a chance, with the fiery temperament of the Goddess of Time and An Ruoxuan's hatred for her, she will definitely be killed.

Su Li asked curiously: An Ruoxuan hates her...?

Jiang Yuning said: You don't know, right? An Ruoxuan was thrown into reincarnation by her, and she almost didn't crawl out. It was the Goddess of Time who brought An Ruoxuan out. Otherwise... she would have died long ago.

This reincarnation is not something you can come up after going down. Many immortals - even emperor-level immortals, were suppressed inside and unable to struggle, let alone those at the law enforcer level.

When Su Li heard this, he couldn't help but take a breath of cold air and said: This, this, this... there are still divisions in immortality!

Jiang Yuning smiled with her beautiful eyes and said: Of course there is. In fact, the so-called immortality is immortality, and the level of immortality is the source of mastering the rules.

The Tao is like this. If you master a copy of the origin, you can almost become immortal.

You... must have mastered the origin of Qi before, so you can be immortal, so you have reached the level of 'immortality'.

Su Li suddenly realized, I'm actually immortal, I don't even know it.

Jiang Yuning didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and said: Do you think that a being like Qian Luoshui can't kill you because she is weak? It's because your background is up to the mark. Your nirvana has increased by more than four billion times, right? This will almost make the entire The secret realm of Luoshui was swallowed up.

If this is not immortal, then this 'immortal secret realm' will be in vain.

Before this, you have already reached the golden robe foundation level, and your combat power is comparable to that of the Colorful Emperor.

If the threshold of immortality cannot be reached even if it is increased by more than four billion times... then who can achieve this immortality?

When Su Li heard this, he was also dumbfounded.

It turns out that this is immortality.

So the foundation is indeed achieved.


Since we are both immortal, how the hell am I so different from you?

Su Li couldn't help but feel weird when he looked at Jiang Yuning.

Jiang Yuning said: You have reached such a level, so I am telling you this, otherwise I will never tell you. Even if you don't remember it, you won't. But now you are, you have reached it, you You were targeted. After I told you, you left here and all cause and effect were interrupted, but your experience was still there.

So you feel intimidated - like you're telling me you remember the look in my eyes and my voice.

I just feel special... special touching and happy, you know?

Su Li said: Hey, don't do this, I will drift off if you do this.

Jiang Yuning said softly: Then go ahead.

Su Li said: This is what you said——

As Su Li said this, he suddenly leaned over and kissed Jiang Yuning directly on her lips (please do not use voice reading here, as it will affect the experience).

At this moment, Jiang Yuning couldn't help but be startled.

Then, Su Li said: Okay, I'm done floating.

Su Li's serious look made Jiang Yuning blush slightly. Then she glanced at Su Li affectionately, then lowered her head slightly and sighed: Actually, this should be an experience that I have had before. , but all is not there.

I am not me, and you are not him.

But this is just like starting over. Even though...it seems a little wrong, it still seems to be very sweet.

Su Li said: It seems you like this very much. I also particularly like your beautiful lips.

Jiang Yuning said softly: Okay, you can play now.

Su Li said: The word piao doesn't sound very good, especially when my girlfriend says this to me - because girlfriends are called 'girls' in my ancestral land, and the combination of these words means... …”

Jiang Yuning said speechlessly: Why, you're not happy with prostitution for free? You really do it when you get an advantage. No wonder the Goddess of Time always wants to slap you.

Su Li: ...

Su Li said: You know all this?

Jiang Yuning said: Well, close friend - is there a scene you want to see? It's very interesting. It was just transmitted by the Goddess of Time.

Su Li said: Look.

Jiang Yuning then presented the scene where the Goddess of Time humiliated Li Juan.

At this time, the system panel also appeared, filling in the previous scene of Li Juan and Xiaoqian communicating.

After Su Li finished reading, he suddenly felt happy. At the same time, when he saw Xiaoqian coming again, he almost exploded.

Good guy, this is a series of tricks, can't you handle this?

Oh, it looks like they escaped again. That Xiaoqian's aura is still there - that Xiaoqian's aura, I knew it was Xiaoqian as soon as I saw it.

Su Li sighed.

Although it feels good, it is also really disgusting and frustrating.

Su Li only wanted to say one word - grass!

Jiang Yuning said: There is no way, this is the reality. After all, at least the rules can be properly restrained. It would be really sad if the rules cannot even be restrained.

Moreover, Li Juan is definitely going to be unlucky this time and will not be let go so easily.

Some things are truly irrefutable.

Su Li nodded and said: What about Xiaoqian? Although Xiaoqian was not there when the Goddess of Time and An Ruoxuan passed by, I could tell by just looking at the stench, it must be Xiaoqian without a doubt!

Jiang Yuning said: It is powerful, indeed, but this method is even more powerful - the spirit of heaven re-created Xiaoqian, washed away all the memories of Xiaoqian's soul, and Li Juan used the method of reincarnation to wash it again.

Besides you who have the ability to listen, who do you think can tell the difference?

There is no other way but to take the blame for nothing.

If you hadn't convinced her this time, then she would have been able to drag a random causal person over to take the blame on you.

Not to mention, this time Xiaoqian is the real Xiaoqian, and she is also a part of the spirit of heaven. It is washed out like this...

There's no way to tell.

And if you're not sure, I don't even know.

But if you confirm it, I know she must have such a method.

But this method can't be used to detect it. After all, soul-washing is not a sin.

Su Li: ...

Su Li said: You are really good at playing. I can't even kill you! Can I do the same?

Jiang Yuning said: You'd better not - if you do this, others will be able to criticize you! And such methods will definitely appear. If you go out this time, you should be careful. Such methods of forcing you to confess will definitely happen. some.

Because you already have the opportunity for immortality, you must be suppressed.

This kind of thing may happen in Qingyun Tomb.

Su Li said: Most likely.

Su Li thought about the matter of 'Bing Yuying' being defiled, and suddenly his mood became bad.

Although he already had a way to deal with it and would definitely make arrangements, he did not expect that the cause and effect came from such a reason. It turned out that it was related to Su Yan and even the timeline.

How many secrets did he get this time?

Not to mention the system is also very powerful.


It's really terrible.

With all the tricks Li Juan played, in reality, even if he thought about it, Su Li would never have imagined that he could play like this.

If Jiang Yuning didn't remind her before, and the system didn't remind her either - or if he hadn't provided evidence to prove Li Juan's case, and the blood-eye projection had happened to produce a scene of projection, and he had just seen it, the cause and effect would have been missed.

It's not terrible to miss it.

The scary thing is that once the ability of 'Tianmai Listening' is temporarily recovered, Xiaoqian will appear again as a filial daughter of Qian Luoshui.

Su Li really might fall into the trap.

Don't forget that Xiaoqian is a very good mind attack master.

And when Qian Luoshui 'died' before, Su Li would regard Qian Luoshui as another Qian Luoshui when he appeared again, and he would be regarded as the existence that Xiaoqian was responsible for.

In the end, this is still Xiaoqian?

This is a reverse cause and effect routine using 'name'.

Do you think the person under this name has changed?

Do you think the Diao Chan player in the previous round is not the Diao Chan player in this round?

Sorry, it was the same player both times!

This reverse move made use of 'inertia', and it would indeed catch Su Li off guard!

And the reason why they peeked into such a secret this time is that Tianji Chaos and Tianji Linglong harvested the Tianji points, merit points and fortune points!

Yes, when this method was used, nothing was harvested from Jiang Yuning, and nothing was harvested from the Goddess of Time and An Ruoxuan.

However, the information displayed on the system panel shows that the fortune points, merit points and fortune points have been harvested from ‘Xuan’, as well as from ‘Li Juan’ and ‘Xiao Qian’.

When this ability is used, what is projected is the secret of heaven, chaos, and exquisiteness!

It's the cause and effect of killing the game.

If these people agree, they will naturally fall into the trap.

Being tricked, the bloody eyes in Tianji Linglong naturally have the ability to monitor.

So Xiaoqian is right to worry.

Li Juan was overconfident, but something went wrong again and she was tricked.

These are secondary.

The key is that if it weren't for this method - it is estimated that Su Li would have been tricked by Li Juan's rescue this time.

Su Li was also in a bad mood.

His expression was also quite complicated.

Jiang Yuning sighed: So, don't step into the upper level easily, there are too many places you need to transform.

If there is only one direction of transformation, it will really be completely crushed.

Where are these methods now?

Su Li pondered: Since we are both 'immortal', why do I think there is such a big gap between you and me? I even think that if we join forces, you might be able to kill me in one go.

Jiang Yuning's pretty face turned red and she spat softly: No dirty words are allowed.

After saying that, Jiang Yuning said softly: This is the distinction of immortality, which actually corresponds to a distinction of immortality.

I've said it before.

At the level of immortality, that is, the level of immortality, there are about nine levels of division.

They are: immortality of opening the sky, immortality of breaking the path, immortality of cutting the sky, immortality of reflecting light, immortality of turning the wheel, immortality of creation, immortality of destiny, immortality of eternity, and immortality of nothingness.

The corresponding ones are the nine directions.

It's not that one side is necessarily stronger than the other, but the one further back is definitely stronger.

And if one of these directions can be condensed, it itself means that its foundation has reached the extreme.

Not to mention one direction, it can also develop in many directions.

And what you call the qi of understanding should be roughly attributed to the level of immortality of light or immortality of nothingness, but what level does it reach at this level?

This is probably one ten thousandth of the progress of getting a first glimpse of the door.

This is a barely accessible introduction, but the gap is far.

And after the progress of first glimpse of the door, there will be the level of entering the hall, reaching perfection, reaching the pinnacle, participating in creation, reaching the level of perfection, and even seeing that all five aggregates are empty. If you think about it, after reaching the ecstasy, you can further step into the emptiness of all five aggregates, then you can condense the immortal law and enter the nine levels of immortality.

This can be called 'immortality'.

Before the immortality principle is condensed, everything is quasi-immortal.

Jiang Yuning explained it in quite detail.

After listening to Jiang Yuning's story, Su Li realized that for him to step into such a level hastily, he was really like a longevity guy who hanged himself because he thought his life was too long!

[The second update of 12,000 words~ Today I have updated 27,000 words. I am begging for subscription, monthly tickets and recommendation votes~ I bow and thank you, I am grateful~ The third update will be after 12 o'clock~ I beg for support~]

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