I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 810 Bloodthirsty Altar, Heavenly Meridian Emperor’s Fate

On the ancient altar, mummies covered in red hair all exuded a terrifying aura of immortality.

Before entering the Real Realm, Su Li wouldn't even know what these mummies were, let alone think that these things were terrifying immortal mummies.

Because Su Li could not identify the true immortal aura before this.

But since he brushed Qian Luoshui's Nirvana creation six times, the Three Thousand Avenues formed the creation vision of six reincarnations, and he has been able to clearly identify immortality.

And he himself, during the transformation of his foundation by a factor of 4.2 billion, completely realized the immortal foundation of the 'Tao Yun of Qi' through the fusion of the Bagua Diagram and the Spirit of the Bagua.

In other words, after transforming himself into the state of 'qi', Su Li knew that he had come into contact with immortality.

What is immortality.

Immortality is immortality.

In the final analysis, it is an immortal foundation.

In other words, if the creation point is transformed to another extreme level, an 'immortality point' will be formed.

This is similar to the difference between gray robe and gold robe.

Here, in contrast, the creation point can be compared to a gray robe or a white robe.

And this kind of immortal foundation is also the immortal foundation, which is the level of golden robe or colorful robe.

That's the difference.

If you don't understand this difference, you really don't understand it.

Just like when you play with mud beads, you feel that playing with glass beads is very advanced.

But for those who play with jade beads or diamond beads, glass beads... what are they?

Probably, the creation point of creation can be compared to a glass bead.

And now, what Su Li comes into contact with is jade beads or diamond beads.

Therefore, after being exposed to it, he will no longer regard jade as glass, and will know that jade is a very precious thing.

But people who have never been exposed to jade but have always been exposed to glass will never recognize jade and will only regard it as higher quality glass.

At this time, Su Li recognized these mummies as immortals at a glance.

Moreover, these immortals, even the blood of the corpses, and everything else were exhausted, but it was just a breath - a force of depleted energy and blood after death, which weighed more than ten thousand, making it extremely difficult for Su Li to walk.

At this time, Su Li was extremely sure that as long as Jiang Yuning let go and the ice power on his body dissipated, he would be crushed to death by such a breath.

It's like an ordinary person on earth suddenly appears on a neutron star - putting aside any other issues such as the air environment, the terrifying gravity alone will crush him to death in an instant.

It will collapse directly into a pile of flesh and blood!

This is the level.

This is the real upper level.

Indescribable fear arose in Su Li's heart - this fear was not his fear, but the instinctive fear originating from the depths of his blood and soul, the fear of such a 'higher plane'.

In comparison, this should be at the top level.

This is at least a place above the twenty-seventh level of life enlightenment!

In a place like this, it's obvious that the system can no longer survive.

So this is beyond the scope of true and virtual realization.

But Su Li didn't care - the rest had probably been out of the realm of true and virtual realization since Li Juan obtained reincarnation authority.

But it doesn't matter, because the cause and effect can always be connected.

In addition - Su Li also has another consideration, that is, this place is still within the realm of true and virtual realization.

The system still flushed out this part.

As long as he, Su Li, doesn't pull the cause and effect, these 'silver pewter spear heads' won't really explode.

Then it's not a big problem.

And when he sees these, or locks in on these, most of them are exactly the means of caesarean section fans.

That is to say, if you want to determine whether it is Zhenxu Enlightenment, just take a walk here and you will know.

If real and virtual means are used to change the timeline, then there will definitely be abnormalities as soon as this place appears.

If not, then this terrifying place will appear normally, but because it is extremely terrifying, Jiang Yuning will not be able to lead him for a round.

Su Li was in an ethereal state and indeed didn't think about anything.

But here, his first six abilities of the Three Thousand Avenues have recovered somewhat, so they are running on their own, and some possibilities have emerged on their own initiative.

It's like a computer running automatically, calculating some possibilities but not complete answers.

Because there is no answer, everything is 'empty'.

Su Li didn't take the initiative to pull him, so the cause and effect were all empty.

In this state, Su Li's mind was particularly calm.

Seeing many immortal mummies, his body trembled spontaneously - this was completely an instinctive feedback reaction of the lower life system to the higher life system.

In this situation, not to mention Su Li, even Jiang Yuning's hands trembled slightly, obviously feeling great pressure.

This is a dead area, extremely cruel and terrifying.

After Jiang Yuning walked all the way, when she looked at the mummies, her eyes became a little complicated, and then she nodded slightly, as if she was greeting these existences.

The mummies stood upright, like groups of living terracotta warriors and horses.

These existences stood in a square shape, occupying a large area on the Potian Altar.

Jiang Yuning took Su Li up the ancient bluestone stairs and walked up to the ancient ancient city of worshiping the sky.

Along the road, there are mummy guardians guarding everywhere.

Lifelike, but devoid of any life.

But the dark spears in their hands contain the artistic conception of the ultimate spear. It seems that with one strike, it can pierce through the void and obliterate the avenues.

Every time Jiang Yuning passed by, she would murmur softly: All living beings should get out of the way and take advantage of the passage.

Every time Jiang Yuning stopped, the air suddenly contained a terrifying and chilling aura.

But she would pause for a moment, and then say such a sentence, and then the chilling aura gradually dissipated.

Next, after walking up the stairs, almost half an hour later, Su Li followed Jiang Yuning to the huge altar.

Since it is a huge ring, like a huge oval, the overall look is like the Temple of Heaven in the Forbidden City.

But there are some differences.

The biggest difference is that looking from under the altar, you can see a large number of mysterious runes.

Every rune contains ancient secrets.

The mottled atmosphere of time in it is shocking to people's hearts and soul at the same time.

After Su Li arrived here, he looked at the ladders leading to the highest altar, and had an illusion like a 'ladder to heaven' in his heart.

It seems that this is the real ladder to heaven. After climbing the ladder to heaven, you can directly reach the real immortality.

And the Heaven-Breaking Altar is actually the Heaven-Breaking Secret Way.

It is the passage that opens the door to immortal creation.

The altar itself is like an oval door.

However, Su Li still only had scattered thoughts and did not form a conclusion - because there was no way a conclusion could be formed here.

Whether true or false.

If this was a test, and Su Li answered the question of cause and effect, this would be a mistake.

But if it is a test, it is obviously impossible in the eyes of others - because no test can produce such cause and effect.

So this is not a test, it also proves that Su Li or the existence behind Su Li did not use any means to change the timeline!

If not, then this is the real thing.

If this is true, then if Su Li agrees to the cause and effect, the boat will capsize, and everyone will suffer accordingly.

The most terrifying thing is that Su Li fulfilled the cause and effect here. Once Su Yan is resurrected, something even more out of control will happen.

Under such circumstances, this is probably why Jiang Yuning held Su Li and released the power of ice to protect him.

Because they don’t dare to play big games.

Of course, this series of judgments are only Su Li's own judgments and will not form a conclusion.

But true and false, false and true, it is probably about the same.

After Su Li's thoughts flashed through his mind, he continued to collapse before he could reach a conclusion.

This is also derived from the benefits of the three thousand avenues such as the Great Cause and Effect and the Great Destiny.

If we say it is not contaminated by cause and effect, then it certainly will not be contaminated by cause and effect.

At this time, Jiang Yuning had already led Su Li up the ladder.

Su Li naturally did not resist.

Everything here is a bit out of control.

Soon, Su Li climbed up the stairs step by step.

The stairs are about ninety-nine meters wide, and the top and bottom are exactly the same width.

The height of each staircase is also exactly the same, about nine meters high.

Nine meters is relatively high.

But here - Jiang Yuning's height is probably close to 18 meters, while Su Li's height is almost 19 meters.

If calculated this way, the height of this staircase is actually equivalent to a normal eighty centimeters. It is indeed a bit high, but for practitioners, that is not a problem.

After walking up the stairs one by one, a total of nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine steps later, Su Li followed Jiang Yuning to the Breaking Heaven Altar.

Standing on the altar, Su Li realized that the altar was really, really big.

The altar is like a huge square.

In the center of the square, there is an extremely huge ancient tripod.

All around the square were standing mummies.

I have seen these before, but they are not as shocking as what I see now.

But these are secondary.

In its core area, the huge ancient cauldron was emitting a powerful bloodthirsty aura.

When this breath filled the air, Jiang Yuning suddenly snorted, and a bloody hole suddenly exploded between his eyebrows.


At that moment, after Jiang Yuning's eyebrows broke open, there was a sound of broken bones.

Her whole body was shaken, and Su Li even sensed an aura of destruction rippling out at the same time.

At that moment, it seemed as if there was a force peeking at something and attacking between his eyebrows.

Su Li frowned and suddenly felt an indescribable anger.

It was as if as the emperor of the Eternal Realm and the Lord of Lei Yan, his majesty had been challenged.


Suddenly, Su Li couldn't hold back and shouted angrily.


The void shook, and endless thunder exploded. The origin of the destructive thunder was as vast as the sea, rolling and rippling.

The immortal Tao Yun that destroys the world will immediately annihilate all of this.

However, Su Li didn't care and just watched everything calmly.

Jiang Yuning's delicate body was frozen, unable to move.

On the contrary, Su Li's expression was calm, and the Six Paths of Reincarnation vision opened for an instant, as if the secret of Nirvana was born.

It seems that as long as these immortal traces of destruction want to crush him, he dares to achieve ultimate nirvana three times without resisting.

As long as he dares to let him swipe it, no matter it is true or false, he can obtain the immortal foundation in one step.

There are six realms of reincarnation vision, and Su Li knows how to deal with some causes and effects.

As for whether she doubts Jiang Yuning, that doesn't matter.

Just like Jiang Tianyi, it doesn't matter whether there is malice or not, whether it leads to cause and effect.

Because, Su Li's coping methods have also evolved at this time.

This is a way to surround Wei and save Zhao.

If you show cause and effect, I will show stronger cause and effect. If you dare to do something, I will dare to do something bigger.

Anyway, in the end I have no cause and effect, but you may not have cause and effect.

What method is this?

It's just a way to brag.

Regardless of whether Su Li is Su Yan or not, if this is the place where Su Yan died, it is the place where Su Yan was suppressed.

As Su Yan's next life - even if he no longer has this cause and effect, he has the authority to judge everything here!

Even if not - but as the Human Emperor, he can still have the authority to judge everything here.

So that go away is his authority!

Su Li's use of authority was also a humiliation to this immortal realm.

Because Su Li was sure of one thing.

So he dared to do it.

And you have to do it well.

This is the connection between him and the immortal light blue.

Sure enough, this terrifying aura suffocated Jiang Yuning.

However, the terrifying aura did not gather, but suddenly dissipated.

Regardless of the immortal origin of Thunder, all of them have disappeared.

Later, Jiang Yuning's eyebrows gradually returned to normal.

Su Li pointed his finger between his eyebrows, and a blood-colored bead suddenly flew out.

This bead actually didn’t exist before.

But when Jiang Yuning's eyebrows were opened, Su Li's eyebrows had one more bead like this.

This is a sudden gift from the system.

This bead is called the 'Bloodthirsty Bead', but it is made up of the eyes of Tianshu.

These eyes are the huge bloody eyes that Su Li painted before.

Countless resources were consumed.

This time, it was completely condensed by the system and turned into a bloodthirsty bead, which was refreshed directly between Su Li's eyebrows.

At this time, Su Li completely condensed such a bead, and flew out from between his eyebrows in one fell swoop.


A huge blood-colored eyeball broke out from between Su Li's eyebrows. After flying out, it flew into the huge ancient cauldron area, entered the altar in full bloom in the ancient cauldron, and disappeared.

The next moment, Su Li let go of Jiang Yuning's hand, his figure moved, flew directly into the sky, and suddenly landed on the huge ancient tripod.

Then, he lowered his head and looked at the ancient tripod.

Among the ancient tripod, there is a statue of Su Yan placed on the altar.

But this statue seems to have been pierced by ten thousand swords.

The statue on the altar was surrounded by bloody flame runes.

Those that looked like real flames were burning, but were actually like statues, just carved with the same runes.

However, after Su Li took a look, he suddenly flew down to the altar, and then kicked the ancient cauldron.

Jiang Yuning looked horrified and her face changed wildly.

But she didn't stop after hesitating.

At this time, she suffered from unknown pressure, so that her ability could not be fully released.

On the contrary, Su Li was not greatly affected here and could move freely.


The altar was knocked over.

Massive fire runes poured out.

Those runes were like pieces of flame toy models, falling out in piles and pouring down, and soon they all flowed out from the stairs like quicksand.


Suddenly, the entire ancient city of Temple of Heaven shook.

Then, soon a blazing flame appeared in the distance.

After the flames burned, the entire ancient city of the altar seemed to suddenly float.

Then it was seen that all around the ancient city of Jitian were extremely terrifying bloody rivers.

In other words, it is not a bloody river, but blood flowing into a river of blood!

The blood river quickly flooded the ancient city in all directions and enveloped the ancient city, as if forming a square bloody cage, sealing the entire ancient city to worship the gods.

Su Li took a quiet look and then suddenly said: Rest in peace.

After he finished speaking, he moved and returned to where Jiang Yuning was.

Then he reached out and took Jiang Yuning's hand.

The huge pressure that Jiang Yuning was under immediately reduced a lot.

Then everything seemed a lot easier.

At this time, Su Li suddenly said: Open the door - I am the Human Emperor. Now I want to leave after seeing this ancient city of sacrifice to the sky. Who can stop me? Who dares to stop me?!

When Su Li said these words, a door to the void suddenly opened in front of him.

This gate to the void is the secret door to the Luoshui secret realm.

Su Li pulled Jiang Yuning, who looked dull and confused, and stepped into the door of such a secret realm.

The next moment, Su Li returned to Luoshui Secret Realm.

At this time, the Luoshui Secret Realm had already exhausted its energy and its foundation.

It's like a ruined world at the end of the world.

After returning here, everything returned to normal.

Jiang Yuning's palms were already sweating, and she seemed a little unsure of what happened before.

What happened before, why are you responsible...

Jiang Yuning still didn't understand it after all.

Su Li said heartily - What I want is that you don't understand.

You see it clearly, how do you know that the immortal light blue pocket of the ancient city of worshiping the sky cannot be held? If I don't do something weird, wouldn't it be obvious that I'm not true?

But Su Li would not say that.

He said calmly: You died because of no reason. You didn't know what you were hiding in your eyebrows at that time, right?

Jiang Yuning had a dull look on her face: There's really nothing hidden between my eyebrows... Could it be that I... was trapped in the cage without knowing it and was brought there?

Su Li didn't explain - because he didn't know whether Jiang Yuning had eyebrows or not.

Anyway, the depths between the eyebrows are extremely magical and strange places, with endless secrets and privacy.

It is wrong to frame someone casually, but it will never be wrong.

It's like a sentence - there is great cause and effect hidden in your eyebrows.

This is 100% true for anyone.

But it depends on what people say.

What ordinary people say is nonsense.

But Su Li is different.

Su Li is not an ordinary person.

Therefore, Su Li would not make any nonsense, but would say nothing.

On this point, you just have to know it in your mind. If you don't understand it, there is no need to think about it deeply, because your temporary ability will probably not be able to lead the cause and effect.

When your ability reaches your limit, the results will come naturally.

What I responded to this time was the cause and effect of the Bloodthirsty Bead.

The Bloodthirsty Bead is a Tianshu Eye that can see the six paths of reincarnation, also known as the Listening Eye.

Ever heard of it?

The listening eye of Tianmai can listen to the truth and emptiness of all things in the world.

This thing was harvested this time, probably to test the truth.

Su Li said lightly.

Jiang Yuning fell silent.

She couldn't tell what was right or wrong.

But - the Heavenly Meridian Listening Eye...

There was no way she didn't know what this thing was.

This is the true Eye of Six Paths of Reincarnation in the legend - you must know that Wangchenhuan's Heart of the World, or the ability of Wangxiangtai, are just simplified versions of this ability, and can even be said to be copycat versions!

This shows how extraordinary this thing is.

And since Su Li mentioned and condensed this kind of thing, it must be... related to it!

Could it be that I was also pulled, so that I became a pawn to verify whether you were able to pull 'Zhenxu'?

If that's the case - that blow is actually meant to penetrate me to destroy you and peek into the foundation of my immortal soul.

This is like trying to kill my soul to prove my innocence. Although it is a very effective method, it will definitely lead to death!

Jiang Yuning thought deeply, then sighed a little, and said gratefully: Su Li, thank you for saving your life.

Su Li glanced at Jiang Yuning indifferently and said, You are quite good. You didn't suspect that I was telling nonsense, let alone that I was boasting. I said that I had the ability to listen with the Heavenly Veins, and you actually believed it.

Su Li said and smiled: Actually, I lied to you.

Jiang Yuning sighed: Your special Heavenly Meridian Listening ability has long been suspected by the higher-ups. Especially this time, you used this ability to peek into Xiaoqian's background and discover Li Juan's cause and effect, right?

But this time, the encounter in Tianji Ancient City caused you to lose the ability of Tianmai Listening. It was obviously harvested by the upper level.

But this is also a kind of verification.

This is a special thunder source eye, the eye of judgment, that Su Yan, King Lei Yan, had as the Lord of Thunder Punishment.

If you give it back directly, you can form the depressing strength I mentioned before, and then let the upper management stop trying to snatch it.

As long as they have the ability, they can go to Jitian Ancient City to seize the Eye of Thunder Source by force.

But they don't have the ability.

Moreover, while you have proved your identity, you have also confirmed that you are the inheritor of Tianmai but not Su Yan - at least there is no cause and effect, which is equivalent to showing your identity.

This way, you can take me out.

Otherwise, we would have been left there before.

So this life-saving grace is real.

Jiang Yuning analyzed each word carefully.

Her beautiful eyes showed an extremely intelligent light.

Su Li was very pleased, and there was a bit of 'admiration' in his eyes.

After all, his series of methods were all staged, and he and Immortal Qinglan were still acting as true and false, dealing with the 'inspection'.

But Su Li was worried that there was too much hidden 'truth' for Jiang Yuning to understand.

As a result, Jiang Yuning was pretty good and she understood everything.

Su Li was naturally extremely pleased.

[The 7th update ~ The 46,000-word update is completed today ~ I am asking for full subscriptions, monthly tickets, and recommended tickets, bow and thank you~]

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