I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 806: Reversing the path of creation and tearing apart the eight hexagrams

At this time, Qian Luoshui was completely unable to calm down.

She has never discovered that a person can be so hateful!

It can even be so shameless and despicable!

How can such a person deserve to be the Emperor of Humanity? How do you deserve to be elected as the so-called Human Emperor of the Chinese Ancestral Land by the people of the Chinese Ancestral Land?

How could such a person deserve to be called the hope of the Chinese ancestral land by her adoptive father and stepmother?

How could she be recognized as the true legitimate emperor by her adoptive father and adoptive mother? !

How can this be? !

Qian Luoshui's mentality has been completely distorted.

The hatred in her heart had penetrated into her bones, and even penetrated into the depths of her soul again.

So much so that her whole body reached an unprecedented state of calm amid extreme anger!

She finally calmed down.

After calming down, it is like a state on the eve of a storm about to break out violently.

At this time, the hatred deep in her heart was completely filled, even as if it had come naturally.

The consummation of hatred also puts her in an extremely dangerous state that is like an avalanche at any time. At the same time, it seems that because of the extreme anger and hatred, it triggers a wonderful state of things must turn against each other!

In this state, she stared at Su Li with extremely cold eyes, staring at Su Li in the gossip picture that was locked by her!

You are very good. You succeeded in irritating me! No one has ever been able to do this. You did it! You will be honored!

What Qian Luoshui said was a bit strange.

But these words made Su Li feel that this kind of person was crazy.

Because she probably didn't think about it when she said these words.

Well, I am indeed honored. I am honored that you have sacrificed so much for me, even driving yourself crazy.

Su Li sneered.

He didn't care at all whether Qian Luoshui was in a state of endless madness.

As for the situation like a violent flash flood - Su Li could only say, let the storm come more violently!

You don't need to use your words. You have obtained many benefits with such foul and despicable means. Therefore, you are just a kind of opportunistic person. You can't get into the elegant hall. After all, you are just like a snake and a rat, unable to see the light!

He has been just a sneaky person all his life!

Qian Luoshui's words were starting to fail, but he still tried hard to belittle and attack based on the reasons.

Su Li sneered when he heard this: I'm sorry, I am the source of hope, I am electricity, I am light, I am the only myth!

Not only that, I have always been very elegant. After all, my reputation for immortal poetry is also very high.

Whether it is the past life or this life.

Qian Luoshui sneered: Just you? Returning the Immortal Ci? Did you copy it?!

Su Li said: Copy? No need at all! For example, if there are lyrics to a song, you can't deny the value of its existence——

The world of mortals and the dry bones of the road are gone, and the dragon soul of the emperor's blood is born in the spring and autumn; how miserable is the fate of the common people, and how sad it is to be supreme every time.

Su Li said, and then said: Come, translate it for me, or you can look through all the ancient books in the Chinese ancestral land and see if you can find it.

Qian Luoshui was stunned for a while, then said with a sullen face: Shameless, did you create this?

Su Li said: This is really my creation.

Qian Luoshui groaned: I still don't believe it!

Su Li said: So I need to have a caesarean section to prove how many bowls of noodles I have eaten, to prove whether I really have talent or virtue?

Qian Luoshui pondered: That's not necessary - I have always admired people with talent and virtue, but if you really have it, maybe we can change the way we get along with each other.

Su Li said: Not to mention changing the method, I don't even want to change the posture.

Qian Luoshui said: Don't worry, I don't need you to prove anything, and I won't ask you questions about inheritance. This time I discovered an ancient ruins in the ancient mythical world, and obtained a broken Nine-Nine Dragon from the ruins. A stone statue.

There are some secrets hidden up there.

As long as you can show some decent performance, I will recognize you and I can apologize to you.

Su Li sneered and said: You can't bear the hardness. Do you want something soft? Sorry, I've always been very stubborn! Even if you want to be soft now, I won't accept it.

Qian Luoshui frowned slightly and said: I know what I am going through now. I will know it when I calm down to the extreme. It is not as unbearable as you think. If you don't understand, forget it. There are some things that are hard to say.

Su Li said: Really? What do you want to say? It can only be said that I know more than you think. If you don't want others to know, don't do anything except yourself.

Qian Luoshui said: That's just what you think. You can tell at a glance at this nine-aperture stone fetus. I need you to prove a little bit of your ability, not by means of compromise or copying or tampering. Earned by means.”

Su Li said: Copying, tampering? Originality? Does it mean plagiarism if the structure and sentence pattern are the same? Does it count as plagiarism if the meter is the same?

Qian Luoshui said: No.

Su Li said: Let me see what tricks you want to play!

Qian Luoshui said: There is hatred in my heart, but it is not something I can control. Some of this resentment can be cut off by myself, so it looks particularly beautiful, but its dark side is not non-existent, but has been cut off. .

But I am different. I will continue to accumulate the dark side and then pour it out.

Since the darkness is also my own, what's not to accept?

I am very cruel and unkind, and I already understand this.

But it doesn’t matter, since it’s all my own, it’s completely acceptable.

In a world like this, it would be better if my mother Feng Jinxiu died, so as not to be harvested and exploited all the time.

As for the Human Emperor Fuxi and the Empress Nuwa, since they do not want to accept me as their adopted daughter, this relationship has been discontinued from now on.

Because they actually expected that such a cause and effect would be terminated very neatly at some point in the future.

Right now, it is such an opportunity.

Qian Luoshui's words were very calm.

Su Li was so calm that his heart couldn't help but sink.

The most terrible thing happened.

Qian Luoshui has made progress!

Hatred and extreme anger seemed to have finally led to qualitative changes from endless quantitative changes - in other words, Qian Luoshui, who had always been a 'sparing partner', had also made progress due to Su Li's huge progress.

It's like two people sparring. When one person makes terrible progress, the other person will never be indifferent, let alone make no progress.

Su Li has been accumulating the realm of knowledge and Tao.

Qian Luoshui, on the other hand, has been accumulating anger and hatred, so that these two emotions have undergone a real qualitative change and achieved a 'qualitative leap'.

Is this normal?

This is indeed very normal, because under such crazy 'sharpening' and 'stimulation', it would be strange if she could not make progress.

Su Li also knew that under extreme stimulation, this person would probably become more distorted or even collapse, causing an internal explosion like an avalanche.

This kind of explosion is destructive!

But Su Li never expected that Qian Luoshui could withstand such a catastrophe and undergo an inexplicable transformation.

This step of transformation can be described as very brutal and extremely extreme.

Qian Luoshui at this time - or Qian Luoshui from now on will never be angry.

Because after the endless hatred and anger turn back to the extreme, this will be an unprecedented terror, ruthlessness, or sentimental person.

Su Li had been exposed to such a situation before, and it was like his own nirvana. After the layers of transformation, it would be extremely terrifying.

This is exactly what is going on today.

Su Li's expression became much heavier.

At this time, Qian Luoshui did not mention the mutual use - yes, mutual use.

In other words, Su Li was using Qianluo Water to temper him at the beginning, but Qianluo Water seemed to be not only a crazy attack, but also had some thoughts.

But she also hid it well.

Of course, it is also possible that he, Su Li, was overthinking, and that the other party was so angry that he lost his mind, and then suddenly had a chance in his extreme state.

No matter what the situation is, Qian Luoshui has reached another level now.

Su Li remained silent.

Qian Luoshui said coldly: Don't worry, you will leave a very profound memory next - if you don't understand this nine-aperture stone fetus, you will regret it for the rest of your life.

Qian Luoshui said, raising his hands to gather an ancient statue.

When this statue appeared, it showed an extremely mysterious aura of Taoism.

This breath makes this statue particularly vivid and lifelike.

Not only that, the Taoist aura contained in this statue is very strong.

The statue itself has nothing in common with Mu Qingyan, nor does it have any similarity with the nine-aperture stone body that Su Li saw at Ji's house.

In short, such a so-called Nine Aperture Stone Body is actually more powerful and mysterious.

After the appearance of the nine-aperture stone statue, Qian Luoshui's aura became much deeper and colder.

At this time, she looked more like a real fairy.

Su Li vaguely felt that at this time, 'Xiao Qian' had begun to get rid of Li Juan's control.

Although this feeling is not very obvious, Su Li knows that based on his ability, once he has such a feeling, it will probably not be far worse.

At this time, Qian Luoshui's aura seemed like that of a real glacier fairy, with an icy temperament carrying an almost immortal aura of extremely cold Taoism.

And all her movements were exceptionally natural and casual, as if she had truly understood the natural way of Taoism!

This is the first time Su Li has seen this situation where negative emotions such as hatred, malice, and even jealousy and anger are transformed into Tao and reach the natural state of Tao.

But he also understands that there are three thousand paths leading to the same destination.

One dharma is accessible and all dharma are accessible.

While this Qian Luoshui made him Su Li, he also received feedback - just like the effects of force are mutual.

This result made Su Li sick again, but for now, he could only accept it silently.

He also thought of another result - Xiaoqian being 'used' by Li Juan might not be a special method of reverse harvesting.

Just like he used Xiaoqian, Qian Luoshui, as a 'whetstone' before, it may not be that Xiaoqian is not sharpening the knife in the opposite direction.

Now it seems that its effect is indescribably good.

Su Li's heart stirred - could this be some kind of terrifying special talent of Xiao Qian?

It can't be deduced without showing it, but various benefits can be obtained in a similar way?

Su Li couldn't help but feel thoughtful.

At this time, Qian Luoshui, who manifested the natural way of Taoism, looked at Su Li calmly and directly transformed Taoism into Taoism with his movements casually and naturally.

With such random movements, she clearly interpreted Taoism to its extreme.

A kind of charm and agility exist along with it, making people's hearts attracted by it and forgetting other things.

Damn, no wonder this thing can reach such a terrifying level of combat power. It really has a lot of brushes. Although it's disgusting, I have to admit - this woman is amazing!

Su Li withdrew his gaze, took a deep breath, and gradually regained his composure.

At the same time, his mysterious state of vision still existed, but it was a bit more nihilistic.

Looking at the nine-aperture stone statue with such a field of vision, he did see many extraordinary causes and effects.

At this time, Qian Luoshui pondered a little, and said in a cold and confident voice: The nine-aperture stone body contains immortal traces, like a spirit that travels across the sky, swaying the mountains and rivers, and swallowing the sun, moon, heaven and earth.

There is a way to break the sky, and there is a way to mess up the universe.

There are the mysteries of the stars and the divine principles of the sword.

There is the sword of inanimateness, and there is the way of true love.

It has the energy of dragon veins and the essence of blood.

There is the vastness of Cangshan Mountain, and there is the source city of the earth.

If the mountain is not high, there will be a dragon if it has power; if the stone is not spiritual, it will have its orifice.

It hides the essence of the original source, refines the energy of the sun and the moon, cultivates the way of the vast universe, and demonstrates the method of thunder.

The method of thunder means fate calamity. If the calamity of life cannot be accomplished, the sword will be useless.

Therefore, this is the calamity of life, the way of swordsmanship without life, and the way of swordsmanship with sentient beings.

Qian Luoshui was wearing a snow-white gauze skirt with flying sleeves. She put her hands on her back and watched the nine-aperture stone statue, like the words of pearls and jade fairy flowers, hanging down for nine days.

Its charm is extremely agile, and its temperament like a peerless fairy can shock the ages. From this small world, fragments of spiritual laws fall, the shadows of flying dragons and phoenixes evolve into endless colorful clouds, and the vast heavenly palace reappears like ancient myths, with various visions. In her words, it is as if the words follow the law.

Su Li saw another side of Qian Luoshui.

With this side, he obviously wants to compete with Su Li!

Moreover, she made the first move, and if Su Li didn't respond, he would lose.

Similar to discussing Taoism, once you lose, it will be very miserable!

Back then, nothing could be hidden!

Awesome. He was so good before, but suddenly he became a king!

Is this to show weakness to the enemy first, or to try to gain my advantage first?

Or was it because she was pulled by Li Juan at first, but then her talent exploded and she broke free?

Su Li was shocked. This woman was extraordinary and truly frightening.

While he was deep in thought, he looked at the void in all directions with his mysterious vision of six realms of reincarnation.

But he saw that the void formed a mysterious area like a cage, completely blocking all the secrets of heaven.

This situation is exactly the pattern of ‘not within the Three Realms and not within the Five Elements’.

In other words - Li Juan couldn't peep into this situation.

Interesting, fighting each other.

It's a good thing, but it turns out that dog bites dog? This Xiaoqian wants to do the opposite to Li Juan???

Or is it that Xiaoqian was hit by Li Juan, was picked up by the ancient mythical world, and then counterattacked for a round, but ended up being dragged away by me?

That's right, it's impossible for me to increase my strength by 4.2 billion times, but they are indifferent.

This is to give me sweetness first, and then let me give Qianluo water as a gift.

Such a method... extremely bizarre and completely unpreventable.

Because Qian Luoshui's previous hatred and perversion were also true.

If you act... you won't have such superb acting skills, right??

I'm still not sure... I can't see clearly. It would be better if I use Zhenxu Taoism.

But Zhenxu Taoism may not be effective for such a high-level person - Jiang Tianyi and I were in trouble before...

It's so difficult to deal with. I thought he was a bronze, but turned out to be a master or even a king...

It's outrageous that Xiaoqian could reach this point.

Su Li's mood was also quite complicated.

However, after noticing the emergence of the realm of 'not within the Three Realms and not within the Five Elements', Su Li was sure that Xiaoqian probably wanted to mess with Li Juan!

For Su Li, this is a good thing!

As for the nine-aperture stone statue - it comes from Su Yan.

This is a stone statue with nine orifices carved by Su Yan, but it is not the carved Mu Qingyan, nor is it the one with a broken arm and a blind eye.

It was a being that Su Li had never seen or recognized - Su Li highly suspected that that person was Kunlun Fairy Qin Ruyu.

However, Su Li has never seen the true face of Kunlun Fairy Qin Ruyu - as for the appearance of this world, most of it may be causal rather than real.

So it’s hard to be sure about this.

As for the nine-aperture stone statue, Su Li also knew that it contained the special 'Nine Swords of Fate Tribulation' and a series of inheritances - even if he and Su Yan cut off all the cause and effect, it actually doesn't matter.

Because he once understood.

Su Li was deep in thought when he saw Qian Luoshui's cold and clear eyes looking over calmly.

Obviously waiting for Su Li's response.

Su Li did not use the results seen by the 'Six Paths of Reincarnation Sight', but only used his own basic judgment to say: This so-called nine-aperture stone statue actually resembles an emperor in appearance.

The stone fetus controls the seven orifices and has two levels of protection, plus 29% and 25%.

This is a kind of supreme imperial power.

This is enough to show that if the nine-aperture stone embryo is cultivated for thousands of years in the ancient ruins you have experienced, after the stone embryo is channeled, it will definitely become the most powerful person at the immortal creation level.

The blood essence contains ancient meanings, and the sun and moon nourish the soul.

The heaven and earth condense the destiny, and the vast universe maintains no life.

The sword without life gives birth to the sword, and the soul of the soul is the soul of the soul.

The sword of Wu Xin is Wu Xin, and the ten thousand swords of the world are crippled.

A wisp of divine mechanism without self, a ten thousand-year rule of life and death.

The Tao leads to the three caves with nine bends, and the method can overcome all difficulties.

The corresponding map is the Road to Immortality map in ancient ruins.

To open the ancient path of immortality, one needs to condense the imperial power of the Nine Apertures, become the merits of the Nine Heavens, look for the Life Qi of the Nine Heavens, fall the tribulation thunder of the Nine Heavens, and sprinkle the Imperial Blood of the Nine Heavens.


Su Li stared at the stone fetus with his eyes, holding his hands behind his back as in the Bagua diagram, speaking calmly and casually.

Su Li is also dressed in white like snow, with black hair like a waterfall, and he also has the same laws.

His words revealed that there seemed to be infinite energy between heaven and earth, which evolved into the profound and unpredictable mysteries of swordsmanship, the method of condensing swordsmanship, and the map of the direction of the immortal road to ancient ruins.

After Su Li finished speaking, Qian Luoshui pondered: This is just the basis. It can actually be seen by using some special mystical arts, sky-observing techniques and other means.

Su Li thought for a moment and said: In that case, let's go deeper. Women, they always like men to be deeper before they feel satisfied.

Hearing this, Qian Luoshui snorted coldly and did not respond.

Su Li muttered: The nine-aperture spirit of the Heavenly Emperor is destined to be the Earth Emperor. The seven orifices are at the top of the two orifices of the body. The yin and yang blood of the destiny is used to refine the spirit, and the immortal creation is derived from the three pure beings.

This time, the passage is actually simpler.

But it is very not simple!

Because these twenty-eight characters have actually revealed all the secret situations.

The Nine Aperture Spiritual Stone, the Way of the Life Tribulation Sword, the map guide, the method of refining the Life Tribulation Sword, etc. are all contained in the words of this paragraph.

At this time, Qian Luoshui couldn't help but be startled. Then she suddenly raised her hand and grabbed the nine-aperture stone fetus in her hand. Then she carefully destroyed the power of her bloodline, sacrificed her own soul, and then used the soul that was refined from the sacrifice. Force penetrated into the nine-aperture stone statue.

The next moment, above the head of the nine-aperture stone statue, two acupoints that were not abnormal at first were surrounded by each other like yin and yang fish eyes, as if there was an endless aura of immortal Taoism.


At this time, Qian Luoshui's expression changed greatly after watching.

After a while, she said: Yes, you have indeed proved that you are great.

Su Li said: Do you need to continue to explain?

Qian Luoshui did not respond.

Su Li continued: This nine-aperture stone statue itself originates from the spiritual stone of heaven and earth. It is born from the destiny of heaven and gathers the essence of the sun and the moon. It will naturally contain a special immortal charm.

And everyone who lives the same life as heaven and earth is bound to the Nine-Nine Great Dao.

However, this object is only formed after acquisition. Although it has nine orifices, because there are special Dao marks engraved on it, it is unlikely that it will become a special life and be enlightened.

This point must first be explained by the heritage of swordsmanship carried on it.

This stone statue carries part of the process of a peerless strong man understanding the way of the sword. Under some opportunity of the energy of heaven and earth, it records the 'enlightenment' experience of the peerless strong man during a certain period of time...

Although the ancient earth later collapsed, due to the back and forth of this experience, the stone body had the ability to swallow the essence of the world and the sun and the moon.

Only through the accumulation of time can the spiritual stones exist today.

And the strong man discovered such a spiritual stone due to a cause and effect, and simply carved it into a stone statue to help it grow up as quickly as possible, so he took the initiative to leave a powerful sword inheritance for it...

The way of swordsmanship is called ‘Sword Way of Mingjie’, also known as ‘Nine Swords of Mingjie’.

The Nine Swords of Fate Tribulation does not have fixed moves, but only nine types of swordsmanship, namely: Selfless swordsmanship, Wuxin swordsmanship, Wuxin swordsmanship, Soulless swordsmanship, Wusheng swordsmanship, Wudei swordsmanship, Wutian swordsmanship, Wudao swordsmanship, Wutian swordsmanship and Wushu swordsmanship. Nine types of swordsmanship.

Each kind of swordsmanship is a powerful and immortal realm of sword art. Choosing any kind of enlightenment has great benefits.


Su Li did not explain the technique of the Nine Swords of Fate Tribulation in depth. He only gave a general introduction to the realm of the sword's artistic conception corresponding to each type of swordsmanship. Even so, Qian Luoshui was extremely shocked.

She thought Su Li only saw the surface.

But it's obvious that Su Li has seen the inheritance and even seen everything!

What's even more frightening is that Su Li is very likely to have obtained the inheritance!

At this moment, Su Li continued: Not only that, it also contains the method of tempering.

The tempering of the Life Tribulation Sword must be tempered by blood, and the heart and soul must be fused together.

Well, the specific method is-

Sorry, I know the specific method, but I don't want to say it.

I know you seem to be very demanding about perfection, right?

You still want it but can't get it.

Isn't this painful?

Su Li restrained all his aura, returned to the six realms of reincarnation, and after integrating into his body, he raised his hand and tore it into the void.


The top treasure belonging to Qian Luoshui, the Bagua Diagram, was torn into pieces by Su Li on the spot as if the heaven and earth were being torn apart.

Then, Su Li's clothes fluttered and made a sound, and he walked out of the Bagua Diagram step by step.

His hair was dancing wildly, his eyes were as cold as a divine flower, and his aura was like the descending emperor, completely crushing Qian Luoshui.

[Today’s third update is here~ I’m asking for full subscriptions, monthly tickets, and recommended tickets~ I bow and say thank you~]

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