I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 804: Unkind and Unkind, Nine Transformations of Nirvana

Regarding this situation, Su Li's mood gradually calmed down.

Whether Feng Jinxiu's approach was appropriate or not, Su Li didn't want to care.

Just as Feng Jinxiu said - this is a matter between mother and daughter and has nothing to do with Su Li.

If Su Li interferes forcefully and is involved in the cause and effect, it will only cause trouble for Su Li himself.

Is this a psychological attack?

Yes and no.

But Su Li believed - believed that the word of mouth coming from the Wind Clan royal family was not wrong.

I believe that Human Emperor Fuxi and Empress Nuwa are not wrong in their recognition of the Wind Clan’s ‘Emperor Mother’!

It can even be said that the reason why Emperor Fuxi and Empress Nuwa accepted Qian Luoshui as their adopted daughter was probably not because of Qian Luoshui's greatness, but because Feng Jinxiu had earned it through a lifetime of merit.

However, she may not know that the reason why she gave so much was because she fell into Li Juan's reincarnation attack and other methods, so she devoted herself to her daughter until her death.

But this daughter never recognized a mother like her from beginning to end.

Su Li contains three thousand avenues including the Great Cause and Effect Technique, the Great Reincarnation Technique and the Great Creation Technique.

When some things do not show results, it may be that the corresponding cause and effect cannot be fully obtained due to insufficient information, and a series of truths are not known.

But when the result appears, then the cause and effect itself will appear as a part.

It is often quite easy to search for the cause from the result, let alone the Three Thousand Great Ways of the Great Cause and Effect Technique?

Coupled with the top-ranked Great Destiny Technique and the fusion abilities of all three thousand avenues ranked in the top six, Su Li immediately got the answer.

Or maybe this is the cause and effect of Su Li's ability - Feng Jinxiu was a great mother who gave birth to a child, but the child was replaced by Xiaoqian.

This is probably a kind of reward for Li Juan's dedication to Xiaoqian, enjoying the greatest and happiest maternal love in the world.

But she still treated Su Li as before - Su Li gave her opportunities and benefits.

Even though she was acting, Su Li was sincere - as long as she really put her heart into it, the result would definitely be good.

Just like Su Hongjun and Su Pangu, now they have fallen into the system of the ancient royal family. Will it be worse in the future?

It will definitely be better than them being tools for the big world of Babel Tower.

Where is Xiaoqian?

If Xiaoqian hadn't been so insistent, if she hadn't always been so cold-hearted, then even if he knew she was Xiaoqian this time, as long as Qian Luoshui performed extremely well and was sincere, Su Li wouldn't care about anything. .

Of course, if Qian Luoshui is really sincere, then does the Human Emperor Nuwa need to remind her?

At that time, maybe the Human Emperor and Nuwa said - although my adopted daughter has some things wrong with her and has a narrow past, people always have to look forward. If you stay with her well, she will definitely She is your true helpmate.

Even if this is not the case, it is certainly not much different.

But what did the Human Emperor and Nuwa say?

From what they said, Su Li knew that Xiaoqian was Xiaoqian. Even if she transformed into the Goddess of Luoshui, she was still Xiaoqian. It was still difficult to change the nature of a country, and it was still impossible for a dog to change and eat shit.

At this time, Su Li quietly watched Feng Jinxiu kill himself, feeling somewhat sad in his heart - in this world, such bright people are often persecuted to death.

But no one really cares about this kind of death remonstrance approach.

Su Li was concerned, but he was really powerless.

He can't change anything.

In such an 'upper-level' force, Su Li personally experienced the deep feeling of powerlessness.

It's the kind of powerlessness that makes it impossible to shake the opponent even by using all the cards.

This is the result of not being limited by rules.

Similarly, this is also the result of Qian Luoshui not recognizing his status as the 'Human Emperor'.

Unlike evil-minded Mu Qingyan, after accepting Su Li's way, he would be tricked by Su Li if he lowered his strength.

In this regard, Mu Qingyan really behaves himself and pays attention to virtues such as benevolence, justice, etiquette, wisdom and trust.

But Xiaoqian, who is also Qian Luoshui, doesn't talk about it at all - the first step is to belittle Su Li's human emperor tradition as an ant.

Then she recognized her adoptive father, Emperor Fuxi, as the legitimate emperor.

In this way, Su Li would not be able to suppress her in terms of orthodoxy.

Instead, she could use this system of the ancient mythical world to suppress Su Li.

Because she is a being above the Golden Immortal level, and her strength is incomparable.

And if Su Li uses the techniques from the big plane world of Babel Tower, etc., he will naturally be even less likely to be Xiao Qian's opponent.

Because her background comes from the world of the Babel Tower, she is an existence that can give birth to the World of Chinese Women in a Thousand Worlds level.

This does not represent the spirit of heaven, nor is it under the influence of those rules, but the true origin of the world, the true heaven.

It's really normal that Su Li can't defeat such a being.

Just like Hu Chen's strength was almost the same as that of Su Li and Su Wangchen after he went down to the lower realm, but he could easily kill Baipao in the big plane world of Babel Tower.

Just like before when he was carrying a mountain on his back and his head was covered by the sky. Although walking was difficult and he felt difficult about the world, it was also a kind of protection.

Just like the atmosphere outside the earth, it looks gray.

But without such a layer of atmosphere, ordinary people on Earth might be sunk to death and killed by ultraviolet rays in just a few days.

this is the truth.

Su Li's current situation is also the same.

No longer suppressed by the mountains, no longer covered by the dark sky, he was now directly in front of Qian Luoshui.

A high-ranking person like Qian Luoshui could suppress him with just a thought.

This is the unequal ability, just like a dimensionality reduction attack, there is no way to do it.

This is also the core reason why Immortal Qinglan repeatedly asked Su Li not to use Zhenxu Taoism.

That is, don't attract a lot of attention from the top, be stubborn, and be steady.

Now, when Su Li was in such a situation, his mood was not that complicated, but rather calm.

In his heart, he silently bid farewell to Fairy Jinxiu.

This is the only thing he can do.

Just like when Su Yan was forced to kill himself, there were probably some beings who silently saw him off.

But such existences are, after all, extremely rare.

Hey, are you still trying to save her, reciting Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva's Original Vow Sutra and Dongxuan Lingbao's Wonderful Sutra for Saving Suffering? It's useless, she has already died, and her soul is gone.

Qian Luoshui sneered, his words full of sarcasm.

It seemed to be satirizing Su Li's hypocrisy.

Su Li calmly said: I am reciting the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva's Original Vow Sutra and the Dongxuan Lingbao's Wonderful Sutra for Saving Suffering. It doesn't matter whether it's useful or not. What's important is that you have the intention.

Qian Luoshui sneered: So you think you are very caring?

Su Li said: This is not what I think. If you have it, you have it, if you don't have it, you don't have it. I'm just saying goodbye to such a great maternal love and responsibility.

As for you? There is no need to be weird, because no matter what you say, to my ears, it is just nonsense and will not be taken into my heart at all.

Qian Luoshui said: Really? But it seems that if I humiliate this Fairy Fairy, you will be very angry?

Su Li said: You can do whatever you want.

When Qian Luoshui heard this, he actually kept yelling at Fairy Jinxiu.

Of course, the scolding is a very strange scolding.

For example, sometimes it is clear that there is some wisdom that is known, but it is kept withheld and not passed on to her.

For example, even though she was so highly regarded by the emperor Nuwa, she was always unwilling to ask for benefits or magic weapons for her.

In short, these are all kinds of similar resentments.

The accumulation of these resentments is really countless.

Qian Luoshui angrily scolded him for nearly half an hour!

He didn't even finish his rant for half an hour!

But everything sounded like this to Su Li - rice rising, kindness fighting rice and hatred!

This really can no longer be described as a white-eyed wolf, this is simply the ultimate in heartlessness and unkindness.

Su Li couldn't even imagine why Qian Luoshui took it for granted that Feng Jinxiu must pay for her?

Why is this?

Does her mother have to give everything for her?

Such a performance would indeed make people extremely angry.

But Su Li was not particularly angry.

Because he didn't know Qian Luoshui's temper right now.

But since he was Xiaoqian, Su Li knew that this person had such a twisted character.

Therefore, Li Juan's method of dealing with this person is very clever - always giving a little sweetness to Xiaoqian when she feels that things are very difficult, and then letting Xiaoqian suffer huge losses.

In this way, Xiaoqian will know that that thing is particularly rare, so she will be extremely grateful.

But if you give too much, Xiaoqian will think that you give me half of so much.

There will be a mentality of taking it for granted.

Li Juan would never do such a thing.

But except for Li Juan, even Su Li couldn't control the weight of the 'benefits' given.

Therefore, even though Su Li's acting was so sincere and sincere, he even cut off the origin of creation and gave it to Xiao Qian.

As a result, Qian Luoshui is doing this to him now!

How the hell can this be a human being?

I probably made a lifetime of misfortunes in my previous life before encountering such a disgusting thing.

The key is that I still can't get rid of it!

When Su Li thought about the series of experiences in Zhenxu's realization, he felt very disgusted and almost felt sick.

Xiaoqian can forget it and at least give it a try.

But this Qian Luoshui, if he doesn't hide anything and gets worse, it's really hard to resist.

At this time, the more Qian Luoshui yelled and scolded, the more she became filled with hatred. This kind of hatred was actually hatred for her mother who was so good to her!

Even while scolding, she had begun to be very dissatisfied with the Human Emperor and Nuwa. She felt that the Human Emperor and Nuwa did not care about her or value her at all, and would not pass the inheritance to a despicable foreign ant like Su Li. give her!

All in all, as good as she is, the Human Emperor Nuwa is the kind of person who is blind and ignorant of good and evil.

Although she didn't curse them completely, the resentment was still clearly displayed.

This allowed Su Li to see clearly.

But in fact, for people like Qian Luoshuiye or Xiaoqian, it is definitely gay.

Such an existence is hopeless - Su Li even casts a shadow on the world of A Chinese Girl because of this.

In the future, when creating a world or incorporating the so-called A Chinese Story World, it is better to redefine it according to the model of film and television or the Shushan Perfect World. Such a stinky place is simply more disgusting than the small world under the big plane world of Babel. .

Qian Luoshui spent a lot of time hating and complaining, but Su Li was already looking at his nose and heart. He was already in a meditative state, his heart was as empty as a mirror, and he didn't think about anything. Didn't even think about it.

Just like what he said before - let him be strong when he is strong, the breeze blows on the hills; let him be horizontal when he is horizontal, and the bright moon shines on the river.

Qian Luoshui at this time, in Su Li's opinion, was like this - she should blame her, and I was empty-hearted, so I shouldn't ignore him.

Sure enough, after scolding him fiercely, Qian Luoshui probably noticed that Su Li had no emotional changes at all. Looking carefully, Su Li seemed to be asleep!

This scene made her blood pressure soar instantly, and the anger in her heart suddenly became extremely violent!

Despicable thing, you really deserve to die!


The extremely powerful force of destruction suppressed Su Li fiercely.


Su Li's suppressed divine body suddenly exploded.

However, Su Li directly transformed the three pure qi into particles and purple qi that were like a bridge in the underworld, and could barely withstand such an extreme crushing murderous intention.

Combined with the ability of Eight-nine Mysterious Skills, Su Li was able to withstand the killing blow.

Even so, the Eight-Nine Mysterious Gong technique was abruptly downgraded by less than half.

This is equivalent to Eight-Nine Mysterious Skills taking away one's life.

However, Su Li also knew that this was the case and had thought about such a bad outcome, so he didn't panic at all.

Don't worry, you will be repaid for being bullied this time - at least Su Li doesn't think that under such circumstances, beings such as Immortal Light Blue will let this happen.

This is not the right time, so just bear with it.

Even Su Li thought about it - if he didn't want to bear it, Immortal Qing Lan would appear and kill Qian Luoshui with one palm.

But if that's the case, I'm afraid that Li Juan can't get it.

Or, the immortal light blue manifests to destroy the world, and this pull of the world to destroy will have some kind of intersection and collision with Li Juan's true and false, and there is a certain possibility of alerting the enemy.

These are things Su Li had never thought about before, but now that there is no 'canopy of sky', Su Li can also judge some cause and effect.

In fact, everything is relative - when the powerful people at the upper level are targeting him, Su Li, it also means that Su Li has a certain ability to peek into the cause and effect of the upper level.

Therefore, Su Li didn't know anything about the upper-level game.

As for Xiaoqian or Qian Luoshui, this situation is simple, but equally complex. It depends on how to deal with it.

If Su Li calmed down and dealt with it, the enemy would not get much benefit from this round.

But if he flips the table because he is afraid of suffering or being wronged, the enemy will only make a lot of money.

Therefore, Su Li did not even look at the system panel space for this kind of thing at the moment, and did not try to lead Immortal Light Blue, in order to successfully carry on this round.

How long has it been since you were truly suppressed?

On the contrary, Su Li really wanted to see how powerful these so-called 'upper classes' were.

This Xiaoqian was not strong when she was the spirit of heaven, but when she turned into Qian Luoshui, she showed almost 10% of her own background - according to her, it was 10% of her own strength.

That Yicheng is so strong now is very telling.

Probably because they are from the 'upper level', they look down upon people like Su Li.

Let's see how many times you can carry it!

Hmph, you want to hide? I will kill all of your Eight-Nine Mysterious Techniques today!

Qian Luoshui said bitterly.

Su Li said calmly: Keep killing! I don't want it!

Su Li said, but this time he was so single that he couldn't even use the Eight-nine Mysterious Techniques and allowed Qian Luoshui's murderous intent to kill him.


This time, Su Li was severely hit on the head by the extremely terrifying immortal power.


At that moment, the crisis of ultimate death suddenly emerged.

At the same time, Su Li seemed to suddenly realize the special secret of 'seeing the future'.

At the same time, his unique six major and three thousand avenues seem to have formed a mysterious cycle of avenues at this moment, and the six avenues operate perfectly!

That is a real magic of great destiny, great cause and effect, great time, great reincarnation, great aspirations and great fortune!

In this way, the three thousand avenues ranked first to sixth seemed to form a whole at this time, and suddenly part of Su Li's immortal soul and immortal consciousness (that is, divine consciousness) entered such a mysterious six-path reincarnation area. .

Then Su Li saw with his own eyes that his immortal body and soul were shattered one after another by Qian Luoshui.

But he possessed a mysterious state that was not impaired by it.

But when such a mysterious state like God's vision appeared again, Su Li vaguely seemed to have truly realized the Taoist essence of immortality.

That is a mysterious understanding and is not comprehensive.

But in this kind of understanding, Su Li completely realized the many flaws of the Bagua diagram in Qianluo Sailor.

Originally, Su Li could discover these flaws through the Bagua Spirit.

But now Su Li sees more flaws, which even the Bagua Spirit cannot find.

This means that there are some mysteries added to this Bagua diagram that are not in line with the spirit of Bagua.

In other words, this thing may not only be Qian Luoshui's magic weapon, but also a prison cage.

Besides Li Juan, Su Li couldn't think of anyone else who could plant a cage in this.

In such a third vision state that is almost ‘detached’.

Su Li even vaguely felt that this ability to 'see the future' was terrifying, because this ability originated from a single avenue of reincarnation formed by the opening of the six great three thousand avenues of reincarnation!

Su Li actually didn't want to use such an ability in such a virtual reality, but in the near-death state, this ability automatically turned on and protected himself.

Although such six major and three thousand avenues have constructed the cycle of avenues, they will not be peeked and discovered, and even the system may not know his current status.

But Su Li still felt that it was best not to show such ability.

Even if it can't be peeked, don't use it - so, if you face a death crisis again, even if you lose the Heavenly Vein clone, you have to let the clone die, and you can't do it like this anymore.

This ability should be well hidden, at least not used in combat situations.

But in your own dojo, you can try to combine the three thousand avenues to form a series of spells, formations and weapon refining methods.

This seems to be a completely new direction.

Su Li was deep in thought.

His broken essence, soul, immortal body, flesh and blood, confidently gathered together, and re-fused and gathered on their own due to the powerful power of Pangu bloodline, the power of Suzaku bloodline, the power of Qinglong bloodline and other four holy beast bloodlines.

After the previous system transformation, Su Li's ancient talent was——

Possess prehistoric talents: Pangu Bloodline (Enter the Hall) (73/100); Kunpeng Bloodline → Suzaku Bloodline of the Four Sacred Beasts (Enter the Hall) (1/100); Blue Dragon Bloodline of the Four Sacred Beasts (First Peep) (1/100).

This Suzaku bloodline, whose orthodoxy has been integrated with the Western phoenix, contains the ability of Nirvana.

Not to mention, Su Li in the Nine Transformations of Nirvana was in the fantasy world of the past.

Among them, the Art of Returning Butterflies and Transforming into Cocoons and The Art of Nirvana and Rebirth are combined.

Su Li also has these two abilities.

The previous Nine Transformations of Nirvana by Zhuge Jiufeng and Jiang Luan was exactly the same way.

Su Li has a system, and this ability has long been handy.

Therefore, after being 'killed' by Qian Luoshui, his thunder-controlling divine flames burned on their own, and the fire of merit and karma contained in him was extremely powerful and invincible.

In such a flame, Su Li's Pangu bloodline, Bagua Spirit, Bagua Formation, Four Sacred Beasts' Suzaku Bloodline, and Four Sacred Beasts' Green Dragon Bloodline, all achieved Nirvana level due to this huge growth and transformation. of transformation.

Among them, the inheritance of form and meaning from Hua Qiudao still accounts for a large factor.

Among them, only the two-fold profound meaning of form and meaning and the realm of Tao remain.

It's just that it's not usually shown, but it's actually contained in Hua Qiudao's sermons.

Su Li now understood clearly, and after realizing this, he suddenly 'awakened' from his bloodline.

Isn’t this the case of ‘bloodline recovery’ and ‘memory recovery’?

So it turns out that Hua Qiudao put the inheritance into my bloodline brand?

Su Li couldn't help but feel a little surprised.

So Hua Qiudao was afraid that I would die, so he was given the 'immortality mark' of Nirvana and rebirth?

This mark was not triggered in reality, but in reality, because I had the intention to let Qian Luo die underwater, it was triggered instead?

So I actually have more background than I thought.

This time, I have always had a vague feeling that I am going to die. What did I think it was? It turns out it is this time!

Sure enough, with her killing me like this, the catastrophe of my inevitable death was gone.

Su Li murmured in his heart, and at the same time sensed the secret of nirvana.

That nirvana contains the profound meaning of Hua Qiudao's Xingyi dragon shape and Xingyi chicken shape.

The so-called chicken shape has actually transformed and risen to the level of Suzaku.

Xingyi takes the shape of a dragon, lightning escapes the dragon, and the dragon dances to the sky!

The form and meaning are in the shape of a chicken, the phoenix is ​​in nirvana, and the fire is rising from the sky!

What these two forms and meanings present now are not inheritance, but methods of understanding.

What Hua Qiudao taught was not the fish, nor the wealth such as the realm of Tao, but only the method of perceiving the realm of Tao, the so-called 'Tao Yun', that Su Li was taught.

And it is also a method that goes directly from shallow to deep, from simple to complex.

And all of this evolves in blood and nirvana.

This way of evolution is precisely related to some basic techniques that Hua Qiudao taught Su Li before, and it is precisely related to some of the extremely deep mysteries in the Bagua formation, and even more precisely to the spirit of the Bagua. Relevant to the revelation of deep mysteries.

In other words, the Bagua Array, the Spirit of Bagua, Su Li’s Nirvana Secret, Qinglong Bloodline, Suzaku Bloodline, and Su Li’s own Pangu Bloodline, Panhuang’s Fate Qi, Emperor Qi...

If any of these are lacking, the realization of the realm of Tao will not be successful. So although Su Li will achieve nirvana, he will not realize such a realm of laws and will not understand what the real Tao is. field.

But now, in this kind of nirvana, Su Li has fully realized everything.

It was at this moment that Su Li instantly understood the Bagua Array and obtained a true innate Bagua Diagram!

The Bagua spirit in the Bagua diagram has completely turned into a weapon spirit.

Who is the weapon spirit?

The weapon spirit is Fu Yunling, and it was also the weapon spirit of Fu Xiqin.

Or rather - this is the protector given to Su Li by the Emperor, the so-called right-hand man, and the so-called true 'good wife'!

Among them, Nuwa can be regarded as supporting Meier.

As for the Human Emperor, he supported a weapon spirit—Fu Yunling!

Taking Fu Xi's surname as Fu.

This shows that this may be the true righteous daughter recognized by the Human Emperor and Nuwa.

Xiaoqian, or Qian Luoshui in this case, had obviously blocked Fu Yunling's cause and effect, and had succeeded.

Therefore, Fu Yunling could only follow Su Li as a weapon spirit.

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