I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 798: Ancient Yin Thunder, Destruction Update

The order chain of thunder flames formed by the combination of thunder divine flames and immortal phoenix thunder flames was condensed by Su Li into the formation of twelve heavenly gods and demons. It has outstanding abilities and extraordinary effects.

Chains of thunderous order lingered around the six people present, forming a reincarnation cycle like six reincarnations. It was an incomparable fit and incomparable perfection.

Under such a situation, even Feng Yuwei, who had always felt insecure, was stunned for a long time, and then sighed a little.

She indeed felt an unprecedented sense of security, which made her extremely satisfied and fulfilled.

She couldn't help but feel excited - how wonderful it would be if she could stay with Su Renhuang in such a sense of security.

However... such thoughts can only be thought about, whether it is Tan Suli or Tan Suli's body, they can only be thought about.

The reality was cruel, because she clearly sensed that Su Renhuang didn't seem to be very close to her.

This is the so-called falling flowers intentionally and flowing water ruthless.

Feng Yuwei wasn't sad either, just a little disappointed.

She silently glanced at Lu Yifan again - Lu Yifan's face looked more like a pig's head under the light of thunder.

She couldn't help but want Lu Yifan to think of a solution.

Seeing that the goddess in his heart was so entangled, Lu Yifan glanced at Su Li helplessly. He wanted to give some advice, but he didn't know where to start.

Because he really couldn't interfere with any of Su Li's decisions.


After the Thunder Divine Flame Order Chain and the Immortal Phoenix Thunder Flame Order Chain formed a perfect closed loop, Su Li vaguely sensed some very strange scenes.

The scene was as if he and Feng Xiyan had done something, which was a bit strange.

Su Li glanced at Feng Xiyan inexplicably, and saw that Feng Xiyan's pretty face could not help but blush, and her delicate body was trembling slightly.

It doesn’t matter what the situation is like, everyone understands.

This is really outrageous. A martial art can have its own will, and then it goes to join other martial arts on its own?

Are you going to be so exaggerated?

Su Li had heard similar jokes before - the technique, you are already a mature technique, it's time to practice it by yourself.

As a result, his technique really evolved on its own now?

Are you still looking for a Taoist partner to join forces with you?

This should be due to inertial pull, or a causal entanglement with Feng Xiyan.

Furthermore, Feng Xiyan's name itself has a special meaning. What's more important is that it is a path of cause and effect similar to Mu Qingyan's in the Immortal Mountain.

Let's see and then talk.

Su Li decided to continue taking a look and not act rashly for the time being.

Although the combination of the skills and reincarnation made Su Li feel a little dizzy, and it was still hard to control, he still endured it.

For some things, since you know there are some problems, you can't be too stubborn to deal with them, as that would be meaningless.

Okay, now this thunder has evolved into the formation of twelve gods and demons. This formation is enough to protect us from being invaded by illusions.

No matter what happens next, you can just watch and don't make a fuss.

Well, that's it, let's go.

Su Li said.

He didn't go to see Feng Yuwei. Feng Yuwei was too easily moved. Although she was extremely pure, Su Li still didn't want to get involved.

Although if such a strange woman was encountered in the previous life, it would be a lifetime blessing to gain a little favor, but this time is different from the past.

Lu Yifan still mustered up the courage to walk up to Su Li and was about to speak.

Just stop talking and heal the injury on your face. From now on, you won't speak for the next six hours.

Su Li said directly.

Lu Yifan was stunned for a moment, and then showed doubts.

Su Li said: This is a reminder from Master Tianji. It doesn't matter whether you listen or not, but I suggest you listen.

When Lu Yifan heard this, he couldn't help but feel nervous, and suddenly realized that something bad might happen.

For a moment, his thoughts of saying good things to Feng Yuwei and persuading Su Li to love Feng Yuwei suddenly disappeared, and all his thoughts were focused on the 'catastrophe' that he was about to encounter.

Under such circumstances, Feng Yuwei was extremely helpless, and there was a hint of disappointment in her beautiful eyes.

Oh, God is really unfavorable. In fact, based on my ability, Su Renhuang is a match made in heaven. I am a perfect match. I can do everything I want to do with him, and I can do anything for him.

it is too hard to love someone.

Feng Yuwei was a little sad. She felt that she was lovelorn and needed someone to comfort her.

Jiang Yuqi couldn't help but roll her eyes at Feng Yuwei: Aren't you afraid of scaring Su Renhuang away if you are so hungry? You should learn more from me, see how well I perform, be close but not affectionate, and do it step by step.

Jiang Yuqi thought to herself, and then she was about to move closer, but found that Su Li calmly distanced herself from her.

Jiang Yuqi: ...

Jiang Yuqi then comforted herself: It's probably because of my surname 'Jiang', and it has nothing to do with my own charm. Well, that's it.

Jiang Yuqi thought about it and couldn't help but sigh in the same way - I am probably also broken in love and need someone to comfort me.

Qing Yaoguang's eyes fell on the dark mist in the distance. The mist was not there at first, but it soon appeared, and it became more and more dense.

This situation also indicates that the road ahead will not be peaceful.

However, the effect of the current Order Chain of Thunder God Fire and Thunder seems to be extremely good, just like a sea of ​​fire hitting the heaven and earth, sweeping the netherworld demonic energy in all directions, forming a sweeping sweep.

While the effect is superb, it is also very reassuring.

But can this effect really last long?

Qing Yaoguang didn't think about emotional matters. Although she also wanted to do so, she was more reserved.

Su Renhuang, look at the mist over there.

Qing Yaoguang pointed forward.

Su Li nodded and said: Yes, I noticed it, it's no big deal, just follow it. In addition, try not to use any abilities randomly, so as not to affect the effect of the Twelve Heavenly Gods and Demons Formation.

After Su Li reminded him, the other five people at the scene immediately agreed.

Next, under the leadership of Su Li, the five people present quickly entered the mysterious Netherworld Fog area.

After entering the Mist Area, sure enough, the abnormal changes between heaven and earth suddenly became extremely intense.

At that moment, the world seemed to be distorted.

Suddenly, Su Li's figure paused slightly.



The next moment, the sky road ahead suddenly collapsed.

Then, signs of rupture appeared in the world.

It was as if there was an unknown existence fighting in the void of the Heavenly Road, directly cracking the Heavenly Road, causing all traces of the Dao between heaven and earth to be shattered and obliterated.

Not only that, what's even more terrifying is that after the collapse of the heavenly road, the heaven and earth also began to break.

Wisps of aura containing the immortal Taoist rhyme shattered and impacted the heaven and earth at this moment. The terrifying light ravaged the void, forming ripples of death like a savage beast, impacting in all directions.

Clusters of voids exploded like fireworks, forming terrifying mushroom clouds, which also began to attack the area where Su Li and others were.

When Feng Xiyan and others saw this scene, their expressions suddenly became solemn, and their faces became extremely ugly.

At the same time, they shivered almost instinctively, and couldn't help but feel great fear.

Fake, let's go.

Su Li spoke calmly, and then took a step towards the broken void.


Void is emptiness.

Manifesting such a 'true and false' method in front of Su Li's eyes is just a real trick.

However, Su Li thought it was fake, but Feng Xiyan and others were still extremely fearful. It was indeed extremely terrifying in their hearts.

The feeling of numbness on the scalp and even chills on the spine is too real - is this actually a fake?

This is simply beyond imagination.

Although Su Li had warned him before, but now that he had experienced this in person, Feng Xiyan and the other five people were still extremely shocked and shocked.

Such falsehood has far exceeded the truth.

And such an impact, just that kind of artistic conception can actually shatter their souls and make them worse than dead!

Under such circumstances, who dares to truly ignore it?

But Su Li just ignored it, and when he took a step forward, there was no defense at all.

This is really too strong and confident.

What's even more frightening is that Su Li walked with his back to the five of them, but he showed no defense at all. This is the ultimate level of trust!

At this time, Feng Xiyan and the other five people were actually even more shocked and admired in their hearts. Such a Su Renhuang would really make everyone very fond of him, because his courage was really extraordinary.

Even though the relationship between the five of them was very good, Feng Xiyan did not dare to walk in front alone without any defense to support herself.

Because once you are attacked by a sneak attack, you will be killed instantly - because a sneak attack and a normal attack are completely different levels of attacks.

Even basic defense is difficult to defend against.

After all, the five people present were all among the top 100 people in Babel Tower, and there were no real weaklings.

Especially some of their specializations are extremely powerful.

So, does Su Li know about this situation?

Obviously he knew it, and yet he dared to do it even though he knew it. On the one hand, it was of course trust, and on the other hand, it was indeed courage.

Of course, Su Li was extremely confident because of it, but the other two reasons were more important.

This alone was enough to make a group of people admire Su Li even more.

Su Li looked at the shattered void and said calmly: The more you are afraid or jealous, the more real this kind of thing will become. I have said before that if you can't bear it, then just treat it like this. Just watch an immersive real projection.

Well, if he is strong, let him be strong, and the breeze will blow on the hills; if he is allowed to be horizontal, the bright moon will shine on the river.

Just deal with it with this mentality, can you do it?

Even if you can't do it, do your best and don't hold back.

Su Li was a little rude when he spoke.

Feng Xiyan and the other five people were immediately ashamed when they heard this.

After all, he is still the son and goddess of the great plane, and he is still one of the top ten or one hundred top beings in Babel Tower. He is really an embarrassment to the geniuses.

Because they are indeed holding back at the moment.

As their feelings of fear and fear grew, the illusory scene of the void collapsing became more real, and the atmosphere became more dangerous.

That peerless terrifying shock aura made them go one step further, as if they were about to fall into a state of near-death. It was too real and too impactful.

But this time, Feng Xiyan and the others were quite capable. They completely listened to Su Li's guidance, put down all their fears, and really didn't respond to anything.

Sure enough, after such a violent and abnormal situation appeared for a moment, it was like a violent wind, blowing over Feng Xiyan and the other five people, and there was no follow-up.

Later, Feng Xiyan and the other five people gradually discovered that the layer of lightning on their bodies became even more brilliant after such an impact, and at the same time, the fear immediately dissipated a lot.

A kind of pure state of mind, like being washed after the rain, suddenly emerged.

With such a mentality, the broken Nether Heaven Road seemed to become crystal clear at this time.

Then, in the void in all directions on the Netherworld Road, mirrors began to reflect the rest of the series of scenes.

Those scenes were also scenes on the Netherworld Road, but those scenes did not happen in front of them.

After Su Li walked all the way, he dealt with every dangerous change directly with illusions, and every time it seemed extremely dangerous, in fact it was still an illusion.

However, Su Li was not careless, because once he got used to illusions, he would easily fall into the trap if real dangers were involved.

Su Li always used the Great Destiny Technique as a kind of detection and induction, and only moved forward after confirming that there was no problem.

Behind the seemingly easy progress, there is actually absolute certainty.

Otherwise, Su Li wouldn't do this.

On such a Nether Sky Road, after the dangers gradually no longer contain impact, the starry sky of the Void Sky Road has all become crystal clear, as if it were a magnificent canopy made of endless glazed jade.

After these were presented, the scenes on the other Netherworld Heaven Roads immediately appeared.

It is also unclear whether these scenes are the current projection scene or projection scene records belonging to other time points.

In short, after this scene appeared, Su Li saw a series of huge disasters occur.

In those scenes, first there was the same dark mist, and secondly the sky road collapsed, so that the geniuses on the road were all frightened and reacted in horror.

After dealing with it, it was like admitting its existence, so the more terrifying side of heaven and earth appeared next.

The collapse of heaven and earth is just the beginning.

Among those projections, what follows is endless hell fire, impacting the heaven and earth.

Then all kinds of terrifying hellfire sources descended from the sky, burning everything in the world.

After the Nether Fire, there is a devastating ancient Yin Thunder between heaven and earth. The Ancient Yin Thunder contains Nether Demonic Qi, and its power is very astonishing.

Groups of geniuses were stunned by such ancient Yin thunder in one blow, and were then swallowed by the giant grimace-like ghost monsters on the void sky.

This process is shocking and extremely cruel.

After all, those cultivators who can step onto the Netherworld Heavenly Road are definitely the most talented among the most talented.

But in such an encounter, everything was harvested, and there was almost no ability to struggle.

In terms of the strength of these geniuses...

Su Li made a judgment and found that almost all of them were between the blue robe and the purple robe, and some were even at the top of the purple robe.

Such an existence can never be an unknown person.

All in all, this scene was extremely cruel.

Even when Su Li saw it, his pupils could not help but shrink slightly, and his expression became a little more solemn.

But he still didn't take it seriously - because if he took it seriously, then most of the other practitioners on the heavenly road would really experience this situation!

What's the point?

In fact, it's very simple - if you don't recognize it yourself, but most of the other beings in the same camp or category recognize it, then it's equivalent to still being recognized.

Therefore, at this time, if Feng Xiyan and the other five people all believe that these projections are the cause and effect of what is happening on the rest of the Netherworld Road, then based on the status of the five people, such a crisis can almost be determined.

Then the remaining dangers on the Netherworld Road will most likely occur in this way.

On the other side, if the other geniuses on the Netherworld Road are blessed with enough status, they also believe that Su Li and his party are in similar dangers. Then even if Su Li and his party don't recognize it, they will still encounter this kind of thing. danger.

After hesitating, Su Li immediately opened his mouth to remind him of this situation - although he could not remind him and let Feng Xiyan and the others secretly and unintentionally harm the other geniuses.

But Su Li still didn't do this.

Because everyone is sealing the demonic energy of the netherworld, this is a concerted effort. No matter how many internal entities are involved in the cause and effect on this road, at the core, Su Li does not want civil strife.

As for dealing with those geniuses, with Su Li's current ability, he can definitely deal with them one by one with an axe, so why use such methods to deceive people?

After Su Li reminded them, Feng Xiyan and the other five people immediately calmed down and looked solemn at the same time.

The next moment, the five people still passed the message through a special method.

Su Li didn't say anything when he saw this scene - but he knew that it would be better not to pass on the message, but if it was passed on, it would probably be more dangerous.

Because not everyone would be like him, Su Li. Most of the other talented people would like to secretly use various means to kill others.

These targeted attitudes will also fall on him, Su Li.

Sure enough, in less than a hundred breaths, Su Li discovered that the sky fire that suddenly descended from the Netherworld starry sky turned into reality - people in this world are so shameless.

If you can do something similar, if you have the hope of killing Su Li, you will definitely do it.

Moreover - even if Feng Xiyan and the other five were present, their lives and deaths were abandoned in an instant.

As for the identities of Feng Xiyan and Su Li, there is no absolute weight and identity, and it is impossible to define it in reverse and make this illusory danger become real.

The result is that most of the geniuses from other directions may have directly recognized that the risks encountered by Su Li and others are real.

Isn't this ironic?

But that's exactly what happened.

Su Li actually thought of such a result when he said it, but he still reminded him that this is the pattern.

Because even if there is real danger, he actually doesn't care.

But Feng Xiyan and the other five...

Su Li thought of it as a free lesson for them. This group of people had not been targeted or severely beaten by their own people, and sometimes they still had some hope for their world.

In Su Li's opinion, this was ignorance and stubborn hope, which would be shattered with just one poke.

At this time, Su Li used such a simple method to mercilessly smash the first layer of windows.


Suddenly, Su Li raised his hand and struck out with the axe.

Boom Ka——

In the void, when a conglomeration of yin thunder and lightning fiercely bombarded Su Li, it exploded directly in the void and turned into thunder flame mist.

Su Li used the system space to directly absorb it without fail.

In an instant, the ball of thunder and fire was annihilated.

Feng Xiyan and others were startled, and then they realized that this thing suddenly turned from virtual to real.

And the five of them obviously listened to Su Li's guidance without any 'approval'. How could the result be like this?

After a moment of doubt, Feng Xiyan and the others immediately thought of something, and their eyes immediately fell on Su Li's back.

For a moment, the five people's faces turned pale, and their hearts were filled with anger and shame.

The anger was naturally because the five of them were suddenly abandoned, abandoned by their own world, and became burial objects.

They were ashamed because of Su Li's reminder before, and they did not hesitate to convey such information. They thought this was a way to reduce the casualties of the other monks on the Netherworld Road, and seal away the Netherworld Demonic Qi as quickly as possible. town.

As a result, after such a secret was revealed, it was immediately 'recognized' in the opposite direction.

And if they want the dangerous refining here to be true, then the rest must be recognized by at least the practitioners on the three heavenly roads!

There are only four heavenly roads in total!

As a result, the other three are trying to trick them?

Feng Xiyan's pretty face had a hint of anger, and her heart was even more indignant.

Jiang Yuqi pursed her lips and said nothing, her expression a little gloomy.

Qing Yaoguang's expression was calm, as if she had long been accustomed to everything like this - she was the only one among the five who had not been summoned, because she had already thought of the outcome.

But she did not prevent the other four from being summoned, because from a general point of view, this summons was actually necessary.

However, Qing Yaoguang also seriously thought that Su Li, the Su Renhuang, may not be unaware of the danger that will occur, but still summons the message out of righteousness, so he will naturally be prepared.

Now that he saw Su Li smashing the flaming thunder with an axe, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

In this way, many things will become much easier to handle.


Qing Yaoguang sighed inexplicably. For such a situation to happen, she, as the proud goddess in the world of Babel Tower, also felt very shameless - such shameless behavior made her feel like a thief. , like a villain.

At this moment, Qing Yaoguang felt a little ashamed of herself.

This is a very helpless and humble mentality - it is precisely in contrast to Su Li's righteousness and courageous broad mind that their shameless, villainous behavior and other ugly faces will become clearer and more obvious.

I am afraid of comparison in everything.

What's more important is that along the way, Su Li almost always repaid evil with kindness.

Like this... Qing Yaoguang felt very embarrassed and embarrassed, so she felt even more ashamed.

She really wanted to say a few words to comfort Su Li, or express some goodwill, or help cover up or explain a few words.

But she didn't do it after all.

Because this will appear more hypocritical and more hateful.

Qing Yaoguang was like this, so Feng Yuwei and Lu Yifan's moods were not much better.

The two of them were almost the first to send the message - they didn't think too much at the time, they just hoped that all the ghostly demonic energy on the heavenly road would be sealed as soon as possible, so that fewer geniuses would die.

After all, they themselves are also geniuses, and they don't want other geniuses to die so tragically.

As a result, they reminded them one second, and the next second others united together, gave up on them, and let them be buried with Su Li!

He doesn’t even care whether he can seal the ghostly evil energy at all!

This is simply...

Feng Yuwei and Lu Yifan's expressions were also very cold. At the same time, they felt that they had once again brought disaster to Su Li, so their moods were a little low.


In the void, more thunder and thunder fire bombarded down, almost all-round bombardment.

However, Su Li directly evolved the Pangu Ax to deal with the murderous intention. It was still a ball of axe, and it was still swallowed by the system space.

There was no difference in the process, but as the number increased, it became more difficult for Su Li to deal with it.

But in the process of responding like this, Su Li gradually discovered that the system space had also begun to study the transformation direction of this Yin Lei.

Soon, the system re-improved this method of swallowing, evolving from the Emperor Qi Transformation Dragon Swallowing Heaven Technique into a method in which extreme yang generates cathode and yin generates yang, and then reversed the effect of Su Li's Thunder Divine Flame into The extremely yin effect reverses the effect of the Phoenix Thunder Flame to the extremely yang effect.

After such a reversal, Su Li felt that the method used by Tianmai to judge the sinful realm and destroy the divine way had also changed.

Among them, the power of thunder of judgment is directly integrated into the power of Yin Lei.

Not only that, the power that Su Li had gathered before was similar to the source of merit, but some of these sources of merit could still be condensed.

Not as exaggerated as before, but not impossible.

The system directly integrates the source of merit and virtue with Yin and Thunder, performs the reversal of Yin and Yang, and also manifests the changes of extreme Yin producing Yang and extreme Yang producing Yin.

In short, Su Li clearly discovered that he also updated it in real time.

Yes, the system has gained such ability!

Haven't you already grasped the time gap point?

Obtaining such a time fault point, and then using similar means, also sent certain clones back to 20,000 years ago to ponder and spend endless time to specialize in research.

As for the system's ability to split 'clones', Su Li had never doubted it.

After the system contained the ability of 'real-time update', Su Li kept killing, and suddenly raised his hand to grab, the formation of the twelve gods and demons suddenly gathered together, directly reversed and transformed into the twelve ancestral witches, and rushed out one after another. , one mouthful of ancient Yin thunder.

Among them, especially the mysterious vision of Dijiang, it really swallowed up a whole world.

Originally, there were seas of fire and thunder falling from the sky, ancient Yin thunder, endless wind, and miasma of destruction.

As a result, after being transformed into the Twelve Ancestral Witches by the Twelve Capitals of Gods and Demons, and attracted by the 'real-time update' effect reversed by Su Li, all the strange phenomena were transformed by the Twelve Capitals of Gods and Demons. Devouring all the twelve ancestral witches.

Suddenly, the vision in the void seemed to have encountered the most terrifying fright, and ran away immediately.


The next moment, the starry sky became quiet, and there was no turmoil in all directions. The extremely clear and normal Nether Sky Road made Feng Xiyan and the others completely dumbfounded.

Of course, it was not only Feng Xiyan's group who were dumbfounded, but also the geniuses on the other three Netherworld Roads.

Originally, he wanted to kill Su Li, but Su Li couldn't bear it anymore and suddenly used the twelve gods and demons to directly transform into mysterious beasts and swallowed everything in the world?


Or is it the blessing of heaven's will?

Did you make a mistake? It's so outrageous? Is this okay?

Isn't that too fake? Is this way of heaven opened by the Su royal family?

Is Tiandao his son? Do you need such obvious help?

The geniuses on the entire Netherworld Heaven Road were all boiling - although it was only because of the method provided by Su Li that they locked the passage under the dry fields and opened the Netherworld Heaven Road.

But no one remembered this good thing. Instead, they thought Su Li was too shameless and crazy for manifesting such a method.

Some people even thought that it was Heaven's extra blessing that gave Su Li benefits and forced Su Li to perform meritorious deeds.

Anyway, this identification is not just for one genius, but almost all geniuses feel this way - this is definitely cheating!

The so-called cheating under the law of heaven means being forcibly given various benefits and favored by heaven!


How could this be?

What's so disgusting? Tiandao is his biological son? Do you really dare to say that you really dare to think that in this chaotic place, the will of Tiandao can reach out?

Yes, this is the Soul Refining Devil's Cave. Once the will of heaven appears here and is swallowed up, the consequences can be imagined! This is a place of chaotic laws. There is no will of heaven in any world at all. Do you understand!

The Su Renhuang cheated? He said it as if you had discovered the Nether Heavenly Road! He said it as if you had discovered the previous illusion of refining the void and the real illusion. Since the Su Renhuang dares to summon people for the sake of justice, he is not afraid at all. You plot against him.

They are so sincere, what are you, you are bullshit, you are beasts!

You dare to make noise even if you are an ant in the small world of Shushan! You are seeking death!

Bah, the Su Renhuang is the leader of my Shushan swordsmanship, and the chief of Hua Jiuli. Are you worthy of being an enemy of such a peerless talent? Die? Do you think we will be afraid? Come and try, grandpa frowned I will recognize you as my grandson!”

A bunch of shameless despicable people!

It turns out that the original identity of Chief Senior Brother Hua Jiuli is the Su Renhuang. This is right!

Senior Brother Hua Jiuli is so handsome. It would be great if he had such a Taoist companion.

Wake up, stop dreaming. Is it outrageous for a man to say such things?!

What happened to the man? Did the man dig up your family's ancestral grave? Maybe Chief Hua Jiuli likes the strange man!

On the Netherworld Road, various disputes continued due to Su Li's series of performances.

And these, however, did not continue to appear.

So Su Li didn't know.

Of course, even if he knew, he would never care.

As for cheating…

It's really not needed anymore.

The system has mastered the time fault point and can erode and encroach secretly, so it can secretly split the clones to do it.

As for who this clone is, the meaning of its existence, etc...

Su Li thought of the saying Yu Xi Yu Xi Nai Ruo, and suddenly he had some ideas in his mind.

Something similar to this actually happened in the fantasy world in the past.

However, they are all very one-sided causes and effects that cannot be combined.

Now, under the constant attack of the ancient Yin Thunder, combined with Feng Xiyan's Immortal Phoenix Thunder Flame Combination Method, the system has finally taken the big step of 'real-time update'.

But even after taking such a big step, Su Li knew that he was only one person after all, and it was difficult for him to defeat four hands with just two fists.

It can only be said that he still needs to perform some necessary pressure in reality, and then secretly update it in real time and make appropriate enhancements.

Just use the coping methods you thought of before to the limit.

In this way, Su Li's mood also improved a lot.

As for the changes in the twelve ancestral witches, they were also caused by the real-time update and the further understanding of the formation of the twelve heavenly gods and demons.

It was also the result of Su Liyi ruthlessly smashing 10,000 points of creation on the 'Twelve Heavenly Gods and Demons Array'.

This was not Su Li's random use, but there was so much Netherworldly Demonic Qi that Su Li felt that only methods similar to the Twelve Ancestral Witches could deal with it.

In this way, he made such an attempt, and as a result, after the appearance of the twelve ancestral witches, there were extremely shocking changes.

All crises are eliminated in an instant!

Not only that, the sea of ​​thunder, fire, etc. that were swallowed up by ancestral witches like Di Jiang also all converged into the corresponding original essence soul.

Then, when Su Li's system function for using Heaven's Secret to Defy Fate was reduced, more than 30,000 creation points were immediately available.

This is a direct blood gain of 20,000 points!

Moreover, we can continue to use this method to reduce the demonic energy of the underworld in the future!

This was so exciting.

Haha, this is the terrifying effect of the Great Destiny Technique and the Great Causality Technique after the 'sky veil' has been removed.

As long as there is a flash of an idea, you can immediately catch it and use it, and directly turn it into endless opportunities.

This is the 'good fortune' brought out.

So, what does it matter to me whether the Nether Demonic Qi is sealed or not? Or - I can find the Netherworld Demonic Qi, rush into the Netherworld and devour it, and get millions, tens of millions, hundreds of millions of points. Good fortune points, then the system will be up.

If it's true if you practice again, just take off!

As for whether there will be any danger, in the worst case, just destroy the world and escape from the real world to realize reality. Anyway, the core tasks this time have been successfully completed!

Su Li pondered in his heart, and at the same time, an extremely bold idea came to him.

At this time, Feng Xiyan couldn't help but said: How come the formation of the Twelve Heavenly Gods and Demons suddenly improved so quickly... It can actually inspire the spirit and evolve into the Twelve Ancestral Witches... This is too... too exaggerated. Alright?

Feng Xiyan couldn't help but become suspicious - who the hell is updating in real time!

Could this Su Renhuang be the ancestor of real-time updates?

Is it really good to be so fast?

Feng Xiyan asked out of doubt, which showed that she actually had no objections.

Su Li calmed down and said calmly: Isn't this a very simple thing? Extreme yin produces yang, and extreme yang produces yin. Originally, this so-called netherworld demonic energy is the most yin thing, and the power of the most yang can be restrained, but other It has metamorphosed to the level where everything must be reversed when it reaches its extreme, so we are not very effective in dealing with it.

But wasn’t our Lei Yan confident before?

If this is the case, wouldn't it be perfect once our Lei Yan undergoes the same transformation?

There is no need to join the Tao. You can transform your yin and yang by yourself, which will naturally make you more perfect. This can be regarded as a different kind of yin and yang that joins the Tao.

In fact, this is the same as solving your own needs.

Happiness is so short-lived anyway, and the process is not that important.

Su Li's metaphor is really outrageous.

Feng Xiyan's pretty face turned hot when she heard this - this Su Renhuang!

Both Jiang Yuqi and Feng Yuwei couldn't help but blush, but Qing Yaoguang didn't feel anything unusual and listened carefully to the truth contained in it.

Qing Yaoguang thought that Su Li needed the thunder flame power of Zhiyin or Zhiyang, but he didn't think wrongly.

At this time, when she saw the blushing faces of Feng Xiyan and others, she was still a little strange - could it be that she was feeling romantic again?

But soon, Qing Yaoguang realized something, and suddenly became very shy, her heart trembled slightly, and her heart felt like a deer.

Su Li said: From this point of view, isn't it very simple? Based on this understanding, the transformation of the Twelve Capitals' Formation of Gods and Demons turned out to be another transformation. So at present, my understanding of the Twelve Capitals' Formation of Gods and Demons Comprehension, reaching the level of gong ginseng creation, you will soon be able to achieve perfection.

I thought about it, and based on this progress, it would be very slow in the future. It would take about three days to transform and break through.

Moreover, the Twelve Heavenly Gods and Demons Formation you provided still has many flaws.

Su Li said, regardless of everyone's mood of wanting to die, he pointed out the so-called 'flaws'.

The purpose of providing it to them is to update it in real time.

As long as the other party studies it and he continues to discuss it with the other party, his side will evolve faster.

When this kind of evolution reaches a deep level - for example, after being fifty generations ahead of the enemy in updates, the opponent will no longer be able to take action.

This is what Su Li is doing now.

Catalytic real-time updates!

Just like a technology, if you take today's 3-nanometer chip technology back to fifty years ago, then anyone who had this technology fifty years ago would be stunned and completely confused within twenty years or so. .

Because even if it is theoretically possible, the technology is still lagging behind and the instruments cannot be built.

The bottom line is that even if all the information is given to you, you won’t be able to research it.

This is a version that is too advanced.

It's like taking today's firewall software and installing it on a computer from thirty years ago. Then the top hackers at that time would be desperate - because all the loopholes that can be considered have been filled.

I can't find a place to start.

This is the benefit of infinitely advanced versions.

After the system also gained the ability of ‘real-time update’, the solution came out.

Therefore, Su Li will impart various abilities without limit in Zhenxu.

As for whether this would make him take advantage of Feng Xiyan and others...

Su Li didn't think so much.

On the one hand, his teachings are also true, and his discussions are also true.

On the other hand, such unscrupulous methods will be erased after the truth, so there will be no cause and effect between the two parties.

If the other group of people were really 'worthy', then Su Li wouldn't mind repaying some karmic benefits to them in reality, which would be considered as compensation.

In other respects, Su Li really didn't feel any pressure.

After all, compared with a series of inappropriate practices in the world of the Tower of Babel, what he did was already quite merciful, wasn't it?

After gaining the benefit of more than 30,000 creation points, Su Li had a sudden thought and canceled the protective effect of the Twelve Heavenly Gods and Demons Formation.

Feng Xiyan and others were a little surprised, but they didn't ask any more questions.

They were also shocked by Su Li's series of statements, and their whole bodies became numb.

Three days to improve such a formation to perfection?

This ability...

Feng Xiyan and the others felt that they were probably the stupidest trash in the world - compared with Human Emperor Su Lisu.

This kind of blow is still huge. After all, Feng Xiyan and others were still very confident, but now they are very autistic.

After Su Li's narration, Feng Xiyan and the other five people were enlightened and enlightened, and then they also started to 'recover their memories' and mentioned other things.

From the perspective of the beings behind Feng Xiyan and others, this was the clue to Zao Kuangsu Li's understanding of the formation of gods and demons in the Twelve Capitals.

And it’s rare for Su Li to teach so carefully, so if you don’t brush it now, when will you brush it?

Su Li thought the same way.

So the two sides started to discuss it like discussing Taoism on the Netherworld Heavenly Road.

Real-time updates are constantly being updated.

And Su Li's understanding of the Twelve Heavenly Gods and Demons Formation gradually deepened.

Gradually, it was not that the Twelve Ancestral Witches were completely condensed, nor that the Twelve Heavenly Gods and Demons Formation reached a superb level, but that Su Li reversely deduced the killing method of the Twelve Ancestral Thunder God Light, and deduced The method of metamagnetic killing field was discovered.

This is a method of division similar to the formation of gods and demons in the Twelve Capitals.

Then Su Li provided this idea, and used this wireless update method to refresh the Yuan Magnetic Killing Field.

Combined with the creation points, Su Li instantly accumulated them to the level of gongshen creation.

These causes and effects also made the Nether Sky Road extremely excited, because it also gained great benefits and began to prepare to devour Su Li and others.

As a result, the dark demonic energy that had been restrained secretly rushed out through the entrance of the Earth Vein Altar.

After Su Li vaguely sensed this scene, he was in a good mood and wanted to celebrate with a thunderbolt, lightning, ghost and animal dance right away.

Everything is completely under his traction and control.

This time, I actually got a huge amount of the other party’s real-time updated content. This is a huge profit!

Of course - Su Li also knew that in Zhenxu Realization, the other party also made money with blood, and made more money than him.

But this is Zhenxu's realization after all. After leaving, Su Li's realization will not disappear because the memory is still there.

But all the benefits gained by the other party did not actually happen in reality - just like that, Su Li was directly ahead of the other party by more than fifty versions!

More importantly, Su Li will not provide them with the direction of transformation or any guidance - how could Su Li tell them how to deal with this in reality?

Therefore, it is difficult to say what kind of resources they need to evolve and update these fifty versions.

When the span is too large, the real-time updates will also be scrapped because the 'versions' are too different.

When there is already a huge gap, it is really difficult to fill it.

Because this has formed a real 'technical barrier'.

After Su Li dealt with it like this, he felt quite happy.

Next, the forces behind Nether Heavenly Road really did not give up.

And the reason why Su Li revoked the protection of the Twelve Heavenly Gods and Demons Formation was because he hunted more Netherworld Demon Qi and refined it into creation points!

Therefore, when the starry sky on the Nether Sky Road once again turned into a mirror, but the many dangers on the rest of the sky road once again appeared in the mirror, Su Li couldn't wait.


This time, it wasn't the sky and the earth collapsing into seas of fire, nor the ancient Yin thunder and Xuanyin fire falling from the sky, but blood rain began to fall.

It was a rain of blood that contained the aura of creation.

Yes, the breath of creation, the breath of creation that 'evolved' from the breath of the netherworld.

And this kind of blood rain is called 'creation blood'.

Once such a rain of blood falls, the Nether Demon Qi will condense into the Ultimate Nether Demon, becoming extremely violent and ferocious.

At the same time, after such a rain of blood is touched by a practitioner, the practitioner will also go crazy and turn into a ghost demon that is more terrifying than the giant bone demon.

Not only that, after the blood rain of creation fell, a wheel-turning beam of light appeared in the void like the formation of the twelve heavenly gods and demons.

From time to time, those light pillars will emit the power of polar magnetism that is similar to the Yuanmai killing field. These powers of magnetism are also transformed and evolved from the power of Netherworld. It seems that the dark forces corresponding to Netherworld Heavenly Road are also updating in real time. Likewise, Carrying out targeted transformation and killing intent.

And once hit by the power of magnetism ejected from the wheel of light, the person hit will definitely die tragically on the spot, just like being stabbed by the magnetism evil-slaying sword, and the end will be extremely miserable.

Su Li saw the tragic deaths of the other geniuses on the Netherworld Road through the projection on the Netherworld Road, and felt a little pity in his heart.

It would be great if he was there - so much ghostly evil energy overflowing and collapsing, what a blessing this is.

Su Li felt a little regretful.

After this scene appeared, Su Li immediately discovered that the blood rain of creation and the terrifying wheel of light began to gather above the void where he was.

When these two things existed, the rain of blood began to fall.

After the blood rain fell, the wheel of light gathered the power of the Netherworld's magnetism like an electric arc, and soon turned into a bolt of lightning-like magnetism murderous intent, slashing towards Su Li fiercely.


Su Li pretended to dodge with difficulty.

However, Feng Xiyan and the other five people did not react so quickly. After being stunned for a moment, they were almost hit by this wheel of light.

If they hadn't deployed the Twelve Heavenly Gods and Demons Formation to defend themselves at the critical moment, they would have been hit instantly.

Once hit, the consequences would be extremely tragic - because most of the practitioners who were hit in the projection died directly.

Only a few practitioners managed to survive.

And even the few cultivators who survived still suffered heavy injuries, were worse than dead, and were in great pain.

Su Li watched this scene silently. When the ghostly demonic energy and blood rain became more intense, and when the secret of the Wheel of Light became more powerful, Su Li suddenly derived the twelve ancestral witch totems again.

[The first update of 12,000 words is here~ Please subscribe, monthly, and recommend votes~ Thank you very much~]

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