I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 449: Dao marks are wiped out, Tianji is invincible



At that moment, a bloody hole suddenly appeared in Zhuge Liancheng's extremely handsome and even charming face.

The white bones inside were shattered at this moment, and blood and flesh flowed out.

At this time, Zhuge Liancheng, how could he be as high-spirited as before?

Instead, he was like a embarrassed clown who was still talking nonsense before, trying to let Su Li know what heaven is.

As a result, Su Li just raised his sword and slapped him in the face with the back of the sword in a very humiliating manner. Not only did he let him know what the sky was, but he also let him know what the Tianling Gai was!

With that sword, Su Li was impartial, not only smashing Zhuge Liancheng's skull, but also cutting off Zhuge Liancheng's skull with one sword!

Moreover, the strength Su Li used in this attack did not exceed 30%!

So, this is the so-called son of peerless destiny, the son of destiny favored by heaven?

After Su Li took action, he realized how powerful he was as an Earth Immortal with huge merits!

This kind of power, at least in the eyes and hearts of many practitioners in the Infant Transformation Realm or even the Divine Transformation Realm, is crushingly strong, even hopelessly strong!


Zhuge Liancheng screamed repeatedly, as if he was crazy.

He wanted to maintain his grace, but he couldn't.

Because, in his eyes, the looks that everyone at the scene looked at him seemed so dazzling and so mocking.

In the end, the clown turned out to be himself?

This, this is absolutely impossible to accept!

Zhuge Liancheng roared, blood suddenly flowed from his eyes, and the breath he exhaled even contained the breath of terrifying demon souls, soul poisons and evil spirits.

This kind of breath is not purely the breath of evil spirits, but it is also related to it.

As soon as this breath came out, not far away, Su Li's sword that he raised and retracted trembled slightly.

Then, Su Li frowned slightly, and then looked at Zhuge Qianlan with a hint of sneer.

Zhuge Qianlan's face also became a little ugly at this time.

However, she did not respond to Su Li immediately. Instead, she calmed down and seemed to be having some kind of communication.

But soon, while Zhuge Qianlan was relieved, there was a hint of worry in his eyes - this hint of worry was not directed at Zhuge Liancheng, but at Su Li.

Su Li also felt this immediately.

Seeing you screaming makes me feel better. This just makes up for the regret of leaving me.

Su Li suddenly said.

His voice was very soft, but it could be heard clearly by everyone present.

Little bastard, it looks like you really don't know how to live or die!

At this time, Zhuge Liancheng seemed to have been blinded by anger and shouted angrily.

Then, he recovered from the injuries on his face that had been forcibly broken by Su Li, and walked over step by step with his waist hunched over.

At this time, his figure appeared even thinner, and his whole person became colder and full of strange aura.

However, as he walked, faint red clouds continued to escape from his body.

This red cloud resembles some kind of poisonous miasma, or the kind of flaming soul poison that existed before.

In this moment, the bowed figure suddenly lengthened, and then fiercely attacked Su Li.

That blow also changed the color of the sky and the earth, making the sun and moon lose their light.

Because at this moment, all the rays of light between heaven and earth seemed to be attracted by such a blow, and they gathered into one body, forming a devastating heavenly attack.

This is a power similar to the obliteration of heaven and earth, a power of rules, and a power of Dao marks.

At this critical moment, Zhuge Liancheng actually used the power of the laws of heaven and earth to target Su Li.

As if Su Li didn't notice it, he paused for a moment before being hit directly between the eyebrows by such an attack, and his body was torn apart at the Gate of Moment.

It was as if Su Li was instantly killed by such a blow.

This scene looks slow, but is actually very fast.

From the shattered cheekbones on Zhuge Liancheng's face, to his recovery from the injury, and his roar.

Back and forth, it even happened in less than a breath.

The next moment, a bloody mist and powder exploded where Su Li was.

After Su Li's figure turned into blood mist, Ancestral Witch Emperor Jiang's figure suddenly collapsed and disappeared at this time, as if it collapsed with Su Li's life and death.

The scene suddenly fell into dead silence.

Many people had a look of deep disbelief in their eyes.

But what's more, it's unbelievable - Su Li, such an extraordinary fortune teller, died like this?

Just like this, he was killed by the extreme murderous intention gathered by the traces of heaven and earth?

All of this is filled with deep disbelief.

However, at this time, no one stood up.

That's all! I thought it was really powerful, but it turns out that it's just a stronger ant! A stronger ant is just an ant!

Zhuge Liancheng looked around and immediately became arrogant again after finding no trace of Su Li.

Then, Zhuge Liancheng looked at the void in the distance, where there seemed to be an independent ripple aura in the forbidden memory area.

It seems that when Su Li dies, his corresponding memory restricted area will be truly revealed.

You're going to die now? Isn't it too unbearable?

At this time, not far away, a woman in green clothes and gauze skirt walked out of the place where she appeared before.

This woman is none other than Mu Qingluan, who was with Zhuge Liancheng before.

At this time, she asked, looking at the ripples in the distance.

On the other side, the Human Emperor and Nuwa just watched quietly.

Nuwa seemed to be unable to understand, but the Human Emperor's eyes were very deep.

When Daohen manifested before, Nuwa actually thought about intervening, but was stopped by the Human Emperor.

At this time, Nuwa seemed to have gradually seen a clue.

The Human Emperor noticed something, nodded slightly, and said: Wait a moment, and then we can move towards a new beginning.

Nuwa received the Human Emperor's response, and her uneasy heart gradually calmed down.

Next to Nuwa, Zhuge Jiufeng was extremely entangled several times. He wanted to ask about the situation of Meier, Mu Yuxi and Su Li, but he was still unable to speak.

However, after seeing Empress Nuwa's performance at this time, she gradually became more settled - with Su Li's ability, everything will be fine, right?

After all, at such a critical moment, Su Wangchen didn't show up. This means that Su Li will be fine, right?

When Zhuge Jiufeng was thinking this, on the other side, where the blood mist rippled after Su Li was killed, a black-robed figure appeared.

Black robe, mask.

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