I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 438 Qing Chen is possessed by the devil, the future has come

Chapter 430 Qing Chen is possessed by the devil, the future has come

When the Twelve Ancestral Witches appeared, the cause and effect caused were extremely huge.

And the cause and effect of this event has actually been determined for a long time.

What does all this come from?

All this stems from the confession Zhuge Qingchen gave to Su Li.

At this time, when all the twelve ancestral witches appeared, Su Li's mood had completely calmed down.

In other words, when the twelve ancestral witches appeared in full, Su Li was finally convinced that the methods he left behind could still be used.

Su Li looked at the Twelve Ancestral Witches quietly, remembering, but couldn't help but return to the scene when he returned to communicate with Zhuge Qingchen.

That was the scene where he fed Zhuge Qingchen the Taiyi elixir.

That was also the scene where he finally formulated this series of plans.

The soul of heaven and man leads you there. This is a trap. The soul of heaven and man has already been infiltrated. The game at the top is not just the god-level powerhouses of the major races, but there are also some more hidden ones. exist.

Including the demonic forces that appeared before.

The forces on the demon side include the ordinary demon clan, the demon royal clan, the Nether clan, the demon clan, the evil spirit clan, the weird clan, etc.

The remaining forces include the Soul Soul Palace outside the light blue star, the ancient forces that rule the major planets.

Such forces as Tianji Pavilion and Netherworld Palace outside Light Blue Star.

For example, the supreme demon lord Kui who appears this time comes from the Netherworld Palace. This is a more powerful force than the Soul-Suppressing Palace, and it is also a special force that controls many planets.

Its form is somewhat like an independent ‘Wangchenhuan’.

In addition, the independent 'Wangchenhuan' is also a very terrifying force, and this force is not under the management of Quede and the others.

It was when the way of heaven was first broken that many planets left the world and became independent privately...

Su Ye died in battle, and Su Taiqing was stripped of the soul of heaven and human, and turned into the soul of Taiqing. It was used as the main material for first-hand research on Horcruxes in Tianji Pavilion outside the Ziwei Star Territory.

Five people came out of the Su family, namely Su Yuqing, Su Yuhuang, Su Yinglong, Su Daji, and Su Xingzhao, but except for Su Yuqing, they all died.

Su Yuqing was stripped of his heavenly soul and turned into Yuqing's soul, which was used as the main material for second-hand research on Horcruxes in Tianji Pavilion outside the Ziwei Star Territory.

And you, Su Li, disappeared, along with the entire prehistoric royal family. But the Qing Emperor Palace was born, the Human Emperor was born, and Nuwa disappeared.

The Human Emperor just said that this world is destined to be catastrophic and turned into hell, so he opened Hangu Pass, went beyond the starry sky, and disappeared.

I have not found the corresponding specific information, but if there is, there should be movement. I existed as a demon at the time, and with a trace of reason, I could live a very nourishing life in this world. This information , it shouldn’t go wrong.”

The Immortal Killing Sword Formation appeared again, and the killing was a bit terrifying. If not for this, the Light Blue Star would have long ago ceased to exist, and it would not just be a ruin.

Brother Li, the first emperor did appear. He did appear as 'Ksitigarbha', and he became extremely powerful. At the same time, he also said some very strange words.

He said, 'This is what will happen to you for being greedy and forcing me! It's your own fault and you will not live!'

He summoned Immortal Light Blue, opened the door to the void, and disappeared without knowing where he went.

“That one was the last one to leave. After he left, the entire Light Blue Star became what it is now.

In other words, not only Light Blue Star, but also the entire Ziwei Star Territory has turned into such a look.

I traveled throughout the Ziwei Star Territory and was greatly affected - not even the Heavenly Demon could avoid this terrifying mutated dark demon soul poison.

However, there was nothing unusual about this dark demon soul poison at first, and by the time it was discovered, it was already too late.

Brother Li, I didn't mention this when you came, not because I was plotting against you, but because the blood of the prehistoric royal family can withstand this kind of soul poison and cannot be eroded.

In other words, as long as they are the true inheritors of the prehistoric royal family, they will definitely not be corroded by this kind of soul poison.

So you don't need to be afraid of this kind of soul poison, so I didn't take the initiative to remind you.

So, after that person left, the entire world's prehistoric royal weapons seemed to gradually begin to lose their corresponding power and effect.

In my opinion, it seems like a kind of rejection and a kind of giving up?

It's like our entire world has been completely abandoned by the prehistoric royal family.

Su Li's memory seemed to return to the scene when he fed Zhuge Qingchen the Taiyi elixir.

Then, he turned to look at Wangchen's demon clone, and suddenly said: Once, someone mentioned two very special people to me, one named Jing and the other named Xiang.

Su Li said, and then asked: What do you think?

When the clone of the Forgotten Demon standing next to the two masked men and women heard this, he couldn't help but trembled, with a look of surprise in his eyes, and said: This, you also discovered this? It seems that I really want to re-examine your ability. .”

Su Li smiled and said: It's rare that you said it in such detail. If I didn't know, how could I still be alive today? However, if I can't reveal your true identity this time, then you won't Do you care about me anymore? Instead, let this plan continue?

The demon clone suddenly said: The most I can do is help you deal with the aftermath. After all, I have paid so many karma and opportunities to stay dormant for this. Especially, if I seize the opportunity and occupy a demon clone of Heavenly Dao, This is quite difficult.

But, you still found it.

Su Li said: But you are not Su Wangchen after all, are you?

The demon clone sighed softly and said, Brother Li, long time no see.

Su Li said lightly: Yes, long time no see.

As Su Li spoke, he saw the Wangchen demon figure in front of him suddenly twist and ripple, and then turned into the demonic state of Zhuge Qingchen, who was full of blood.

There have always been two Zhuge Qingchens.

One person, the road lacks love.

One man was demonic and ferocious, and wanted to die.

The demon clone had obviously become completely independent, and its behavior was almost exactly the same as the demonized Su Wangchen.

Therefore, at first, Su Li thought it was Wangchen's demon clone.

But combined with past cause and effect and experience, Su Li quickly realized the truth.

According to the information Zhuge Qingchen had previously given, there is no doubt that the woman with the ghost face mask is the 'Mirror', and the man with the beast face mask is without a doubt the 'Elephant'.

At that time, he met Zhuge Qingchen after three years there.

But the world three years later was already in ruins.

That's the real future.

The future had become a real ruin. At that time, Su Li knew that the so-called world must be just a small independent world.

At that time, Su Li also explicitly asked Zhuge Qingchen - How is your situation now?

At that time, Zhuge Qingchen responded like this: I am much better now, and because of this Taiyi elixir, not only my life span has been increased, my origin has been transformed, and my life level has also been raised a lot. In this case , I can resist the erosion of this soul poison.

So I was going to look around and continue to investigate the truth of what happened back then. At that time, I was actually close to determining the specific identity of the 'Mirror'. Unfortunately, all my own hidden dangers broke out, so that I had to survive.

Otherwise, I'm afraid I won't even have the chance to convey information to you this time.

Later, Su Li mentioned Feng Yao to him at that time.

But at that time, Zhuge Qingchen didn't remember Feng Yao at all.

Because of this, Zhuge Qingchen mentioned another secret——

The conversation at that time went like this:

Su Li said: It doesn't matter if you can't remember. It must have been wiped out by the law of heaven. The rules of heaven and earth will repair themselves, and naturally they will no longer exist.

Zhuge Qingchen said: No, I thought of another thing - Brother Li, maybe it is a good thing for you.

Su Li said: I probably understand what you mean, but for you, it may be a very cruel thing.

Zhuge Qingchen said: That's not necessarily the case - in fact, no matter what, it's just that in that world, I still have a good brother like you, right?

Su Li said: Yes.

Zhuge Qingchen said: I didn't expect that I would die in this world after all. The one who lives at the end is myself in the mural. I am not contaminated by many causes and effects, but I know that I am a copy of Zhuge Qingchen.

Zhuge Qingchen said, showing a wry smile and some sigh.

Su Li patted Zhuge Qingchen on the shoulder and said: If you copy yourself, you are still yourself after all, right? There is no strict definition of death and life in this world. Some people are dead, but they are still alive, and Some people are alive, but he is dead.”

Zhuge Qingchen said: Yes, brother Li, but I never thought that I was actually a copy of myself, and it was also a copy of the one who entered the soul-suppressing secret realm and left it in the mural when I was at Wanli Holy Land. .

Only in this way can everything I have experienced be independent of the cause and effect of the outside world, and can I truly live until now.

In the future, I cut off many irrelevant memories in order to preserve the causal memory from three years ago, and then merged it into the memory of my clone in the mural.

Only in this way can I persevere.

But this kind of me is actually just a carrier for the real me.

Brother Li, I'm sorry. Maybe I can't survive. I wasted your Taiyi Golden Pill. I'm really ashamed.

Zhuge Qingchen said, bowing deeply and apologizing again.

His tone was very cold and dull.

This is not a regret, but that after all, I have no way to realize my ambitions.

Su Li shook his head and said: Brother Qing, you don't have to be like this. Since we are brothers, why do we need to be so secluded? I actually didn't expect that because of Feng Yao's problem, such a secret would be involved, so that it would break your heart. The background of your life has created such a cage of truth, and it has harmed you because of it.

Zhuge Qingchen said: Brother Li, it has nothing to do with you, and even if you don't mention it, once I continue to inquire about the corresponding secrets, I will find that I still know nothing about everything in this world. At that time, I will You will doubt yourself and even bigger things will happen.

Once I become possessed by that time - Brother Li, then I will be even more ashamed of your cultivation.

Su Li sighed: It seems that your original body had already realized that it was inevitable to escape, so it left such a way out.

Zhuge Qingchen said: It is true that I have no memory of Feng Yao at all, but I can judge that such a being should exist. In addition, if Feng Yao is Feng Cangqiong's son, then Feng Chan is The possibility of 'mirror' needs to be increased by 10%.

Su Li said: Why?

Zhuge Qingchen said: By taking charge of Wangchenhuan, you can master the 'Chenhuan Heavenly Book'. With the 'Chenhuan Heavenly Book', you can - you can -

Zhuge Qingchen said it twice, but at the critical moment he seemed to be silenced and couldn't say it.

Zhuge Qingchen took a serious look at Su Li and said, Brother Li, do you think I have any value and meaning in living now? I am a replica, a replica that exists based on murals. This is true. The existence of the foundation is enough to show that I actually have no future.

Obsession is my future.

Becoming a demon will only allow forces like Kui to acquire more lackeys.

So there's no way I could go that route.

So, why not take advantage of the fact that I have a little bit of value now, tell you a series of causes and effects, and then truly manifest certain characteristics of that existence, so that you can deal with it better.

Brother Li, we are good brothers, so you don’t need to stop me - my body has transformed into Taoism. As a copy, it also contains a ray of memory of the body. In such a place where you forget the world, you Do you think there is any way out?

Your Taiyi elixir was really wasted this time. I have no way to leave this area and find out more truth to repay you. Then I will simulate that 'Kui' so that you can remember it. In this way, when you deal with it in the future, it won't be too abrupt. Brother Li, if you are a brother, don’t stop me, please fulfill me.

Su Li's thoughts returned, and at the same time he looked at the Forgetting Demon clone again, or rather Zhuge Qingchen's demon clone.

Zhuge Qingchen finally embarked on the path of becoming a demon.

Yes, this is what Zhuge Qingchen said himself.

But now, the bloody facts are fully revealed.

The Twelve Ancestral Witches quietly guarded Su Li.

The background of the image and the mirror was completely revealed, and Yi was completely unable to move at this time.

And these two people were completely in disbelief at this time. The lackey beside them turned out to be a traitor from beginning to end, a traitor!

It's over!

At this time, these beings in Nether Palace have realized that the overall situation this time has completely collapsed.

What's even more terrifying is, why did Su Li suddenly summon twelve peerless immortal-level beings?

Is this the beginning of a declaration of war on the world?

So, why did Zhuge Qingchen help Su Li?

What does the side of heaven represented by Zhuge Qingchen mean?

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