I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 400: Su Ye breaks the catastrophe and the Kunlun Mirror is completed

Su Ye noticed the terrible cause and effect of this scene and almost immediately thought of the painting Su Li drew for him when he went to Ziwei Tianhe.

Unfortunately, even though he figured it all out at this time, it was still too late.

call out--

Suddenly, a clear black and white yin and yang curve appeared between the sky and the earth.

This curve contains the breath of the ultimate law and the destructive murderous intention of the dark evil spirit.

As soon as it appeared, it had already locked onto Su Ye's eyebrows.

As a result, Su Ye was about to be wiped out almost immediately.


At this moment, in the memory forbidden area between Su Ye's eyebrows, a painting suddenly bloomed with unparalleled golden light.

In the golden light, the scroll unfolded, and in the scroll, Taiqing, who had been disappearing all this time, suddenly appeared, and instantly turned into a three-purple purple energy, condensing a vast purple light.

The vast purple light turned into the kind of purple energy that appeared after the beginning of chaos, and suddenly manifested the mysterious artistic conception of purple energy coming from the east.

In the artistic conception, the ruins existing in the unknown mysterious world suddenly shook.

The cabin inside also shook violently.

The old man with white hair and childish face in the cabin seemed to be swept away by the purple energy, and his whole body began to tremble violently.

The old man with white hair and childish face seemed to have noticed the most terrifying thing in the world, and his eyes showed an extremely horrifying look.





At this moment, deep in Su Ye's memory restricted area, a bloody overpass seemed to suddenly appear.

On the overpass, the figure of Su Li, who had been betrayed, seemed to appear on the overpass.

Besides Su Li, there was a special figure on the overpass, and that was Taiqing.

I can't be sure that every move I make is going to be correct.

I can't guarantee where I will grow in the future, or what kind of person I will become.

However, every time I make a fortune, I go against my fate, against your fate, and against my own fate.

I will cut off a piece of my origin and turn it into a prison, and evolve the three pure energies, leaving you with a glimmer of hope to realize the opportunity of the ultimate realm. This is your reward for my disobedience.

Leaving a ray of hope for others may also be a ray of hope for my own future!

In an instant, Su Ye discovered a special cage mark left by Su Li deep in the third layer of his memory restricted area.

At this moment, Su Ye was also completely stunned!





Good guy, you have descended into the restricted area of ​​​​my memory. Is he so powerful?

But at this time, Su Ye was actually a little touched in his heart, or rather moved.

After all, this time he encountered such a fatal crisis, and it was because of the painting that Su Li had given him that he was able to avoid a fatal blow!

Su Ye looked at the reincarnation realm in his hand.

At this time, the mysterious ruined world in the mirror, the small wooden house and the old man with white hair and childish face were all wrapped in the purple energy.

The purple energy gradually turned into flames and burned fiercely.


Suddenly, the small wooden house, along with the old man wrapped in blazing purple flames, exploded directly, turning into a dark and twisted cloud of light and shadow, and quickly dissipated into the void of the ruins.

The scene in the reincarnation realm suddenly turned into a white snowflake state, with nothing in it no longer existing.

At this time, in front of Su Ye's eyebrows, rising clouds gathered again.

After these clouds and mist gathered, a black-robed figure wearing a skull grimace mask quietly appeared in front of Su Ye.

At that moment, Su Ye was extremely moved.


Su Ye immediately knelt down and was about to kowtow to the black-robed figure, but was stopped by the black-robed figure.


Su Ye called in a trembling voice.

At this time, he was almost trembling with excitement, almost unable to control his emotions.

Little Ye Zi, in just a blink of an eye, he disappeared for more than 23,000 years.

The black-robed figure sighed softly.

When Su Ye heard this, he was shocked and said: More than twenty-three thousand years? Master, do you mean that it has lasted an additional three thousand years?

The black-robed figure nodded slightly and said, Some things have happened, and they can never be treated as if they didn't happen.

Su Ye quickly said: Master, but the recent time has passed, hasn't it only been two months?

The figure in black robe said: There is a kind of highly venomous snake. Once it bites an ordinary person, the ordinary person will die in a very short time.

One day, I thought that an ordinary practitioner was bitten by this poisonous snake. The ordinary practitioner thought that he was a practitioner, so he didn't take it seriously.

He simply removed the spot where the poisonous snake had bitten him.

The bite was on his toe, so he shaved off a small piece of flesh on it.

The poisonous blood flowed out, and then he recovered from his injuries and felt that he was fine.

Unfortunately, half a day later, his entire foot was poisoned, and it began to spread.

This time, he gritted his teeth and chopped off the entire foot, and also amputated half of the calf to prevent the poison from spreading further.

This time again he thought he was okay.

As a result, the toxin spread to his upper thigh.

Then, he became cruel and cut off the entire lower body.

In the end... just like this step by step, the toxin finally invaded his brain and even the depths of his soul, so that he was completely poisoned and died.

As the black-robed figure spoke, he glanced at Su Ye and said, Little Ye Zi, do you think this story sounds good?

Su Ye let out a long sigh and said: Master, are you talking about the purpose of Ziwei Universe? The first one to be chopped off was the Fierce Sun Star? So what Master means is...

The black-robed figure nodded slightly and said: Now, if I sacrifice something to help you completely perfect the Soul Slave Son of God plan, then are you willing to seize the opportunity?

Su Ye said: If the master hopes that the disciple will seize it, then the disciple will seize this opportunity. If he does not want the disciple to seize it, then the disciple will give up this opportunity.

Su Ye directly said what he was thinking.

The black-robed figure breathed a sigh of relief and said: Little Ye Zi, it's you as expected! If that's the case, there is actually another chance this time.

Su Ye said: Will you be bitten by a poisonous snake again this time?

The black-robed figure said: Being bitten by a poisonous snake is currently unavoidable.

Su Ye said: So, if your toe is bitten by a poisonous snake, just cut off the entire leg!

The figure in black robe said: Okay, that's really courageous. Let's wait for the results. I think the cause and effect of this time will be completely settled soon.

After the black robe finished speaking, the figure turned into purple energy and flew deep into the starry sky again.

This time, the black-robed figure quickly disappeared.

On the other side, Su Li had arrived in front of the mysterious cliff.

The scale and scene of the mysterious huge cliff and the huge roulette wheel in the void that he faced during the lottery were almost exactly the same.

The difference is that when he draws the lottery, this mysterious starry sky roulette and this world are unique to him.

Learn about the perverted private servers created in imitation official mode.

At this time, Su Li looked at the special treasure in his hand, and his mood couldn't calm down for a long time.

What is this thing?

This thing is a mirror.

It was the soul-killing mirror that had appeared and even been used by Su Ho and Zhuge Qianlan!

Moreover, the soul-suppressing mirror drawn out in this lottery is actually the real thing and not any imitation.

This is very invincible.

The moment this thing appeared, Su Li did not take it out and use it immediately, but carefully understood the function of this soul-suppressing mirror.

However, after understanding it, Su Li mastered some new and special vision methods.

After this incident, Su Li secretly refined the Soul Suppressing Mirror while following Fang Yuening to the huge starry sky roulette gate.

At this time, a certain brand-new information suddenly appeared on the system panel.

Soon, Su Li discovered that the system had suddenly undergone some inexplicable transformation.

The secret value, causality value, etc. are obviously reduced a lot.

However, in terms of system capabilities, the Zhenxu Realization function was actually illuminated!

This is bizarre.

While Su Li was deep in thought, he still did not consider the issue of the independent chaotic space he had separated. Instead, he called up the light blue elf and asked about the related reasons.

Light Blue, what happened this time? Why did the system suddenly transform?

Master, this time, a Taiqing clone of the master broke through the huge cage of cause and effect and returned, so it broke many cause and effect cages. And all of this was due to Su Ye's mistake.

This was an unexpected bonus and allowed for a huge layout.

Of course, this may also be an implicit compromise of Ziwei Universe's will of heaven.

Qianlan responded immediately.

Su Li thought thoughtfully and said, So, what has been enhanced by the system?

The light blue elf immediately responded: The system enhancement is also somewhat special. The owner can record the current system information so that the system can transform and grow in this direction in the future.

Su Li said: Qing Lan, what do you mean?

The light blue elf said: The master once left some means, but now Nuwa has helped the master, so the Mountains and Rivers Sheji Map was swallowed and refined by the Kunlun Mirror.

When Su Li heard this, his heart trembled, and he was about to speak out. At this time, two special beings suddenly appeared in front of him.

Hua Ziyan and Xi Junshang.

The relationship between Hua Ziyan and Xi Junshang seems to have become closer inexplicably?

Su Li's pupils shrank slightly - is this, the two of them are getting along?

While Su Li was deep in thought, he silently opened the system panel information.

Level: 42

Secret value: 19, 6631, 2653.

Causal value: 1,9443.

Function 1: Divine Calculation ☆☆☆☆☆: Through the use of Heavenly Meridian Laws, Heavenly Secret Values ​​or Causal Values, most of the past, present and future life files of a living body can be viewed. This file can block true and false, The influence of the world of murals and the world inside and outside can block the forgery of information in the memory forbidden area for practitioners whose memory forbidden level is lower than level 18, and can see through the taboo secrets hidden by most living things. Use this function to deduce a living body. If the intelligence level of the living body is lower than ten Hidden Dragon Pills, it will not be able to notice that it is being deduced.

Function 2: Heaven's Secret Reverses Fate☆☆☆: Loss a certain amount of Heaven's Secret, Cause and Effect, Merit, and the power of one's own bloodline origin, open the life body file locked by the Heaven's Secret Divine Calculation function, and modify it

Function 3: Tianji Mall: Every time Tianji is conceived or transformed, awakened, or mutated, the mall will randomly refresh a Tianji item, which can be purchased with Tianji value and causality value. The Tianji item can be refreshed six times. Each refresh will consume an additional amount. The destiny value and causal value.

The number of additional refreshes can be combined into one super refresh or super large refresh, and the refresh can be specified.

The gestation time of Tianji Mall: ten days and ten nights.

Function 4: Realization of truth and emptiness☆☆☆☆☆: Consume a large amount of destiny value and causality value to create an archive world that replicates the real world based on one's own merits, and deduce everything that may happen in reality in the archive world .

In the archive world, you can speed up the passage of time at any time. The archive world can last for ten days.

During the ‘realization of reality’, all system functions can be used, covering all virtual worlds and murals, file worlds, and internal and external worlds.

Ancillary function bonus - file copying.

Archive Copy: You can copy any life form participating in the archive world and make a perfect copy. Within ten days, you can possess all the abilities of the character and completely replace the life form! During the period when the life form's files are replaced, the life form will experience the cause and effect of being closed down, permanently trapped in the Lost Realm and lose all self. At the same time, it will not be able to produce any memory of everything during the period of being copied.

After recovery, it is completely covered and completely substituted by the experience within ten days.

Function 7: Tianji Star Transformation: Star level improvement, function transformation, and you can choose to actively evolve the corresponding system functions. A single system function cannot exceed the system star rating.

Function 8: Destiny Roulette: The hope that comes from true love can definitely create miracles; the Roulette that comes from destiny can definitely change your destiny against the will of heaven.

Number of uses: 0.

Note: Each time it is used, it consumes 10 million Tianji points and 2 causal points. Turn on the Destiny Roulette and get the corresponding Destiny rewards. It can be refreshed 10 days after each use. The refresh time is synchronized with the refresh time of Tianji Mall.

Have its own realm: Earth Immortal;

Possess special items: Sky-Opening Axe, Sky-shattering Bow, Xuanyuan Tian Evil Sword.

Possess system special abilities:;;.

Possess system special magical powers:;;;;.

Possess the bloodline talent inside and outside the system: Tianmai·Huaiguang.

Possessing the system's ultimate killing skills: Tian Xie breaks the sky and destroys the path of silence, and Panhuang uses the path of life, destruction and killing.

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