I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 392: Su Family Ancestral Temple, Don’t Take Hard or Soft

Su Xinghe's expression remained unchanged, he raised his hand to condense a jade tablet, and said in a calm tone: Although this brocade tablet is only one-time use, it is not difficult to erase the fate of some people.

Su Yuhuang, you are really promising, do you still have the right to yell at me?

act recklessly? you sure?

As Su Xinghe said, his figure moved and approached Su Yuhuang directly.

Su Yuhuang immediately wanted to kill him, but Su Xinghe's eyes were very deep and cold as he stared at him, so that Su Yuhuang's method could not be released at all, and his momentum immediately collapsed.

Su Xinghe glanced at Su Yuhuang with disdain and said, If I hadn't reversed your destiny, how could you, a bunch of losers, dare to peep into the cause and effect of the ancient royal family, and be worthy of your current identity and status?

I, Su Xinghe, have a dog, and that dog also knows what it means to beg for mercy.

And you, Su Yuhuang? Ah.

Su Xinghe sneered, and after approaching Su Yuhuang, he raised his hand and patted Su Yuhuang's face.

Su Xinghe's movements were very slow, but the flickering light and shadow of the Jin Shupai in his hand was very clear.

After the light and shadow of the brocade book card appeared, Su Yuhuang's face suddenly looked as ugly as if his biological father had died.

But facing Su Xinghe's extremely slow hand, he didn't dare to resist at all.

Although, in his heart, he wished he could immediately slap Su Xinghe into flesh and blood.

For Su Xinghe, he was not only very jealous, but also very jealous, because Su Xinghe had mastered too many special abilities but did not give him any benefits at all.

In other words, Su Xinghe could still give him many benefits at first, but gradually, Su Xinghe became self-conscious.

What made his mentality even more unbalanced was that Su Xinghe would rather give benefits to outsiders and let some side families or even some families with foreign surnames rise instead of helping him.

This is simply a typical example of eating everything inside and outside!

At that time, he, Su Yuhuang, happened to be in charge of the Su family. This was almost equivalent to a slap in his face directly. Is this acceptable?

For this kind of person, Su Yuhuang's senses are extremely poor.

He has long been worried about Su Xinghe's downfall. When the time comes, he will kneel down and beg him. Then he will ridicule the other party, but will not provide any help!

He wants to make the other person regret so much that his intestines are blue.

Unfortunately, although the idea was good, it was of no use to Su Xinghe.

Even when Su Xinghe condensed the light and shadow of the Jin Shupai, Su Yuhuang immediately froze on the spot and did not dare to move.

Pah, pah, pah—

It was the sound of a slap.

It's not loud and doesn't hurt much, but it's extremely insulting.

Su Xinghe slapped Su Yuhuang's face three times in a row, making a loud cracking sound.

Su Yuhuang's face immediately turned red, and then the veins on his forehead immediately bulged, as if he was about to go berserk.

Su Xinghe put his head close to Su Yuhuang's ear and whispered: Don't be afraid, this Jin Shupai is fake. Now I have no ability at all. Isn't it a surprise? Isn't it a surprise?

After Su Xinghe finished speaking, he flicked his fingers, and the dark golden light and shadow brocade book card suddenly collapsed and disappeared.

The scene was indeed left lonely.

Su Yuhuang's face was ashen, ferocious and ugly.

But at this time, Su Xinghe stepped back again, then raised his hand and slapped Su Yuhuang on the face, saying in an indifferent tone: Fight back, why don't you fight back? Didn't I tell you that I am in Tianji now? Are you a loser? You don't even dare to fight back?

So you jumped out and ridiculed me, is this the level? I thought you could still put a few more cages for me.

Su Xinghe said, then stretched out his hand to wipe the blood on the collar of Su Yuhuang's white robe, and then said: Okay, come with me to the ancestral temple, don't be excited or angry, you are okay He is also the Jade Emperor of the Su family, don’t lose the face of the Su family.”

After Su Xinghe finished speaking, he ignored Su Yuhuang and instead walked directly towards the void.

After he recovered, his strength had reached the sixth level of the Divine Transformation Realm.

In fact, he reached the realm of divine transformation very early, but the layers of his divine nature were exhausted and his soul was severely damaged. As a result, he fell to the ninth level of the infant transformation realm and has never rebuilt it.

This revival was brought about by Wangchenhuan, and Su Wangchen actually knew the cause and effect.

After being traded by Wangchen Huan and then resurrected by Su Wangchen, his injuries, originally depleted level of divinity, and damage to his soul returned to normal.

However, Su Xinghe actually took these things very lightly. What concerned him the most were methods such as the Heavenly Secret Soul-Reverse Technique and the Heavenly Secret Soul-Reverse Technique.

Among the Heavenly Secrets and Fate Reversing Techniques, there is a special 'Tianji Galaxy Usurping Fate Derivation Technique', which is the core foundation for his promotion to the extraordinary Master of Heavenly Secrets.

This ability has now been stripped away, which is very hurtful to Su Xinghe.

However, since it was lost, it was lost. Apart from regret, Su Xinghe actually didn't have much emotional fluctuations.

This is the case for practitioners. When you have not experienced death, you may feel that there are many things that you cannot face.

But since he had already died, and had been dead for such a long time, some things were completely taken lightly.

This situation is actually very similar to Su Li's situation.

Su Xinghe is really not afraid of death now. He is not afraid of death, so he is not afraid of trouble at all.

That's why Su Xinghe's mentality was very casual and calm no matter when facing Su Yuhuang or Su Pangu.

On the contrary, Su Xinghe's behavior made Su Yuhuang extremely fearful - because in the past, when Su Xinghe was so calm and casual, and seemed so honest and non-competitive, he would often be very ruthless in his attacks.

Because this kind of person may have been chatting and laughing with you just now, but then turns around and sets up a monument for you with a Jin Shupai, erasing your fate.

Then, wait for 'imminent death'.

Su Yuhuang learned from Emperor Jiuyao that Su Xinghe's extraordinary ability as a master of secrets had been stripped away, and he was now nothing more than an iron waste. He immediately came to ridicule and laugh at Su Xinghe.

But when he actually faced Su Xinghe, and was even slapped in the face and humiliated by Su Xinghe, he didn't dare to struggle anymore.

A skinny camel is bigger than a horse, not to mention, Su Xinghe is not a camel, but a real mad dog and vicious wolf, who will tear off a piece of flesh and blood from his enemy even if he dies.

This is good, Su Yuhuang's mentality has obviously changed, and he regrets extremely that he is really confused, like this kind of person who has not yet been determined to be completely abolished and has not yet completely fallen. Why did you jump out in such a hurry?

This is really your own fault!

At the beginning, Su Yuhuang didn't think much about it. But now that he was humiliated and crushed, Su Yuhuang felt that his previous performance was too idiotic.

Su Xinghe is still the same Su Xinghe, still the madman who is dull but can suddenly bite people to death.

Su Xinghe didn't care about Su Yuhuang's emotions at all.

All of his methods are not supported by corresponding strength. In other words, despite his arrogance, many of his abilities are just empty shelves now.

But it doesn't matter. If you succeed, your thoughts will flow freely. If you fail, it doesn't matter if you are beaten to death.

Anyway, it’s a lot of fun, isn’t it?

Su Xinghe came to the Su family's ancestral temple very casually.

This site was also chosen by Su Xinghe when he was searching for the Dragon Point acupoint. It was an excellent place for the intersection of spiritual veins.

This is equivalent to hundreds of rivers returning to the sea, a true treasure land of mountains and rivers.

It is precisely because of this geomantic treasure that the Su family has been able to steadily transform over the years, and now it has become a force that cannot be ignored in the entire Light Blue Star.

The ancestral temple is an ancient antique building. The style of these buildings is very similar to the style of Nine Dragons Holding Ding and Nine Dragons Playing with Pearls. They look majestic.

Su Xinghe glanced at the ancestral temple with complicated eyes, and his eyes showed emotions for a moment.

Seeing the ancestral temple, he thought of a lot of things and some of the past causes and effects, so for a moment, he felt a little heavy and felt a little lost.

The ancestral temple is still the same as before, but the people are no longer the same people.

But soon, Su Xinghe calmed down his emotions and walked into the ancestral temple with a steady pace.

Su Yuhuang has been following Su Xinghe within a hundred meters.

After seeing Su Xinghe enter the ancestral temple with his own eyes, his tense heart relaxed.

Damn you bastard, you finally entered the ancestral temple. If I don't peel off your skin this time, I won't be Su Yuhuang!

Su Yuhuang thought ferociously in the play.


At this time, when Su Yuhuang lost consciousness, a hand suddenly patted his shoulder.

Su Yuhuang was shocked and immediately came back to his senses.

However, he saw that Su Xinghe's hand was casually resting on his shoulder!


Su Yuhuang was full of scheming and panicked inside.

what happened?

What's going on with Su Xinghe? Didn’t I see him enter the ancestral temple with my own eyes?

Why did you suddenly appear next to me again?

Isn't it a surprise? Is it a surprise? After so many years, tsk tsk tsk, according to the classification of Wangchen's little brat, your intelligence is not enough!

Su Xinghe joked.

Su Yuhuang's face turned livid again, but he didn't say anything.

Are you thinking that you are going to skin me and cramp me this time to vent your hatred? Or are you trying to extract my blood to refine my soul, and then peel it off to create a large number of copies?

Su Xinghe put his arms around Su Yuhuang's neck, and the intimate look made Su Yuhuang's face become distorted, and the muscles on his face kept twitching.

At the same time, the horror and palpitations in Su Yuhuang's heart deepened.

This bitch also said that Tianji’s calculation ability is gone?

This guy is already peeking into my heart, right?

Instead of weakening, this dog's ability to listen and see into the mind has been further enhanced!

Su Yuhuang was even more panicked. He vaguely felt that Su Xinghe had become stronger and more terrifying - because although the previous Su Xinghe was powerful, he still had weaknesses.

Mu Qingya and her children are his fatal weakness.

But now, because of the reconciliation with Mu Qingya, because the children have become completely independent, and even because Su Wangchen has become the emperor's son and has a respected status, Su Xinghe really has no weaknesses.

You still can't do it. You thought the Su family had made some progress over the years. As a result, the Su family has become a piece of trash like you. It seems that I was really prescient in abandoning the Su family.

Alas, life is really as lonely as snow.

Su Xinghe sighed, but did not actually enter the ancestral temple.

Before, he only completed a kind of replacement of the main body and the clone while moving forward, allowing the clone to enter the ancestral temple.

As for his true body, when he slapped Su Yuhuang, he turned into particles and landed on Su Yuhuang's shoulders.

Although he doesn't have much ability left now, his brain is still there.

This ancestral temple is a forbidden area of ​​​​the Su family. How can we just enter it?

Although he should indeed go to the ancestral temple to worship the ancestors of the Su family as soon as possible after he recovered.

Su Xinghe, you've had enough!

At this time, Su Pangu's voice came from the void.

Su Xinghe said: Why are you pretending? There is no one else here, come out and talk.

Su Pangu sneered, and his figure condensed out of the void, and then landed in front of the ancestral temple: The extraordinary divine calculation, but now he can't even enter the Su family's ancestral temple, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, it's really ridiculous.

Su Xinghe said: It's ridiculous? If it's ridiculous, just smile more. After all, you look really ugly when you smile. This way I will feel happy when I see you.

Su Pangu's smile faltered and immediately stopped smiling.

At this time, he had also remembered that Su Xinghe was not only an old hacker who liked to engage in blackmail, but he was also a very famous troll.

In the beginning, Su Xinghe was still spraying one or two. After he became an extraordinary Tianji master, he often sprayed one family at a time, which can be said to be full of achievements.

Su Pangu said seriously: Su Xinghe, I am not quarreling with you, and I don't care whether you are willing to worship your ancestors. Anyway, you are already like this. If you give up on yourself, no one can control you.

Su Xinghe said: Didn't you remove me from the Su family tree and the inheritance mark a long time ago? Didn't you expel me from the Su family a long time ago? What are you talking about with these vain things? ? Are you planning to record the projection of our communication and put it out for a show to show how reasonable you, Su Pangu, are?

Su Pangu's face turned dark when he heard this - of course, he was also a little afraid and secretly withdrew the projection.

Obviously, the plan to secretly record the projection was immediately exposed by Su Xinghe.

Therefore, this method is obviously useless.

Su Pangu pondered for a moment and said: Su Xinghe, I don't have much to say. I just want to know about the Su family and the cause and effect of the divine calculation. In any case, the blood of the Su family flows in your body, Su Xinghe, and now The situation is obviously very bad!

In addition, since you have been promoted to extraordinary, you should know that extraordinary means transcendence, and transcendence means transcending a certain level of heaven corresponding to the Ziwei universe. You can peek into a world similar to the murals, or what your son Su Wangchen often mentioned. Cause and effect in the 'parallel' world, so I want to know what this cause and effect is, and how to obtain such a cause and effect.

Su Xinghe glanced at Su Pangu and said: Are you trying to use the Su family's bloodline to peek into Pangu's cause and effect and then replace it? This is equivalent to using a mortal body to peek into the bloodline and inheritance of the gods and take it as your own. The idea is It’s really good.”

Su Pangu said: Since you have come back and it has ended because of this, then everything in the past is the past and can be written off. As long as you -

Su Xinghe interrupted Su Pangu and said: It is impossible to write off everything in one go. It is impossible to write it off in one go in this life. We can only do it slowly one by one.

Su Pangu frowned and said, You still want to settle the matter one by one? What do you mean? Want the Su family to be exterminated?

Su Xinghe said: No, let your Su family be wiped out, not Su Xinghe. As long as I am here and my son is here, the Su family will not be wiped out.

When Su Pangu heard this, his eyes narrowed. He smiled meaningfully and said, That's not necessarily the case. I'm afraid some people won't agree. Well, don't try to escape. You can't escape. Tell me, Tianji. What is the cause and effect calculated by God!

Don't worry, even if Su Yuhuang is here, he won't be able to hear it.

As Su Pangu spoke, a force of divine law gathered together, covering all directions, trying to block the secrets of heaven.

However, Su Wangchen raised his hand to stop him: Normally, I don't really care about things like this.

Su Pangu said: You don't care in the first place, so for you, it's just a sentence. The rest of the cause and effect has little to do with you. We will deal with the rest. Su Xinghe, just say it! Don't worry, the Su family will eventually I won’t treat you badly.”

Su Xinghe sneered and said: Stop talking about this. Have you done enough to kill the donkey? Are you still saying this in front of me?

Su Pangu said: This time is different.

Su Xinghe said: You said the same thing a few times before - but I don't care. To be honest, my ability to calculate the secrets has been lost after I recovered. It's like it was stripped away, and my memory and so on It’s still there, but I can no longer perceive the extraordinary cause and effect.”

After Su Xinghe finished speaking, he added: I've already said it, believe it or not.

When Su Pangu heard this, his face sank slightly and he said, Is it really gone?

Su Xinghe said: Do you think that old guy Jiuyao's message to you was false? The first time I regained consciousness, I passed by the Milky Way. He would have probably noticed it by then.

And his daughter Hua Ziyan didn't know it yet, so she was deceived by me in the guard area.

In addition, when I first came in, that idiot Su Yuhuang was also fooled and teased by me.

Su Xinghe said very casually.

His tone was indifferent and unrestrained, and what he said was true.

However, Su Xinghe didn't care whether Su Pangu and Su Yuhuang believed it or not.

As he said, believe it or not.

After Su Pangu was silent for a while, he said: Since you have even lost the special abilities of my Su family, then why are you coming back? Su Xinghe, I think you still have to understand your status.

Su Xinghe said: I came back just to know the whereabouts of Mu Qingya.

When Su Pangu heard this, he was a little stunned. Then he burst out laughing and said, Mu Qingya? Are you still asking this bitch? This is really ridiculous and stupid!

Su Xinghe said: Oh? Listen to what you said, there are many wonderful stories in it.

Su Pangu said: It's not exciting, but it is indeed quite interesting - after all, you should have guessed that the Netherworld Mu Clan was just using you at the beginning, and after you died, Mu Qingya took the initiative to announce that she would marry you Peace and separation.

In addition, Mu Qingya and the Netherworld Mu Clan have long ceased to have a cooperative relationship with the Su family. What was once a complete unit has now been split apart.

Su Xinghe said: Oh, it's good to be divided. I'm afraid that we haven't separated yet, so when we settle accounts with you, it will be difficult to use all our strength.

When Su Pangu heard this, he seemed to have heard some good jokes and sneered again and again: As expected of Su Xinghe, the talkative and invincible one, he is still showing off at this moment!

Forget it, just do whatever you feel like.

Su Pangu didn't take it seriously and said: Back to your concern - I do know Mu Qingya's whereabouts, and I can tell you.

Su Xinghe said: What other stinking thoughts do you have?

Su Pangu said lightly: Don't say that, I'm just asking you to pay some price - so, didn't you practice the Heavenly Secret Soul-Reverse Technique and the Heavenly Secret Soul-Reverse Technique back then? Advanced these two skills and techniques Write down the core meaning, general outline, outline and your understanding of these two skills. The process should be as detailed as possible.

Su Xinghe said: So, you are not even willing to meet this small request, right?

Su Xinghe's tone was a little solemn.

Su Pangu said: Leave the inheritance and give you the answer you want. I guarantee that what you find is the real Mu Qingya, not a clone or a copy, nor the special eighteenth-level soul-cleansing body. exist.

Su Xinghe said: Although the Heavenly Secret Soul-Reverse Technique and the Heavenly Secret Fate-Reverse Technique are lost, the steps and experience of practice are indeed still there, but I will not transcribe them. Because - you are not worthy of practicing this kind of technique.

Su Pangu said: Are you sure you don't want to copy?! It seems like you really haven't thought about leaving the Tianyao Mountains today.

Su Xinghe said: It seems that he is preparing to stay by force.

Su Pangu said: If you don't eat the toast, you will have to drink wine as a penalty. Some people are born to be humble, so there's nothing you can do about it.

Su Xinghe said: It seems that you have really made no progress at all in these years. Okay, do you want to take action? Let's do it!

Su Pangu said: Su Xinghe, ask again -

Su Xinghe interrupted Su Pangu: Do it.

Su Pangu's face darkened, and then, without any hesitation, he directly used the powerful divine soul foundation layers to develop the divine soul realm, covering Su Xinghe within it.

However, Su Xinghe didn't even fight back and allowed Su Pangu to take action.

It's not that Su Xinghe is too big, but that he has nothing to fight back - he is no opponent.

Su Pangu is very strong.

In addition, the Su family also has a series of extremely powerful people such as Su Yuhuang, Su Yuqing, Su Yinglong and Su Xingzhao.

Not to mention, this is already a forbidden area of ​​the ancestral temple, and there are many various protective formations and killing methods.

Although Su Xinghe did not enter the ancestral temple, he was in the guarding formation.

In that case, I will suppress you first. You are a stubborn thing and you don't know how to seize or cherish the opportunity!

Su Pangu said word for word.

Su Xinghe was just about to say something taunting, when suddenly, he raised his head and looked into the sky.

In the void, nine mysterious ancient phoenixes pulled a chariot and crushed the nebula.

In front of the chariot were Su Taiqing, Zhuge Jiufeng and Su He.

As for who was in the chariot, Su Xinghe didn't know.

Nonsense, what are you doing here? Go back!

Su Xinghe frowned and scolded Su Ho.

(PS: Here comes the first update. I beg for full subscription and monthly pass. Thank you, thank you, and bow to you.)

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