I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 369: Wangchen kneels to death, the system undergoes drastic changes

Chapter 369: Wangchen kneels to death, the system undergoes drastic changes

Su Li's words were quite rude and disrespectful to Mu Qingya!

Mu Qingya is obviously a very face-conscious person. Once such a person is so harshly criticized in person, his mentality will be unbalanced.

More importantly, Su Li was her nominal son, and he was a very humble soul slave in her opinion!

This made her stunned for a moment. She was so stunned that she never thought that Su Li would treat her like this!

After a moment of astonishment, Mu Qingya looked at Su Li with a hint of gloom and a hint of ferocious hatred.

However, these emotional changes naturally converged in an instant.

Then, Mu Qingya smiled instead, but this smile was both playful and cold.

Su Li glanced at Mu Qingya indifferently, his expression did not change at all, and he was even indifferent to Mu Qingya's series of emotional changes.

Some things, once experienced and understood, can be let go.

Su Wangchen can let go when Wangchen's world ends, so what else can he, Su Li, not let go of at this time?

After experiencing a world of forgetfulness, Su Li also understood a real death.

And a person who has clearly understood the real death will never have too much persistence or obsession.

This is true doing without doing anything.

Tianhun did not resist and allowed himself to be killed by Su Li. When the realm of the One Qi and Three Purities technique suddenly rose, and when the entire system was in a new state of transformation and settlement, Su Li had already turned to this side. There is a deeper understanding of heaven and earth.

In other words, now, in his eyes, the series of behaviors of Mu Qingya and others are like a younger brother.

Su Li, you are very good. You are making a difference.

Mu Qingya's voice was still a little cold, but there was a sourness in her words, and the yin and yang flavor was obvious.

Su Li said: I am here today, don't I owe it to you?

Mu Qingya sneered and said: That's right. In this way, the Emperor is really filial to me, filial to me.

Su Li said: Could all of this be your use of Su Xinghe? Moreover, what is the relationship between me, Su Xinghe and Su Wangchen? Is it a father-son relationship? Do you need me to tell you this answer?

When Mu Qingya heard this, her face suddenly darkened, and her expression was very uncertain.

Su Li said lightly: So, don't do it anymore. I don't want to deal with you now, but it's not that I can't deal with you! In addition, your management of Wangchenhuan is really bad. Go back to Netherworld Temple and Heavenly Demon Palace to make a clean slate. Make it.

Don’t you know that if you make one wrong step, you will make mistakes every step of the way?

As Su Li spoke, the Sky-Opening Ax in his hand shook, and an extremely ferocious aura violently penetrated the void and struck into the distance.


The void in the distance was violently distorted, and then, a burst of black holes suddenly spread like cracks in all directions, suddenly tearing apart the already distorted void.


The purple thunder and lightning that originally existed in all directions were suddenly swallowed up by the torn and twisted void. At the same time, the Nether Sky Bridge under the feet of Mu Qingya and the others suddenly collapsed, as if it had been exploded.

That change happened so suddenly that even Mu Qingya and the others didn't notice it.

Mu Qingya's face turned even more ugly.

Mu Qingyan looked at Su Li with a look of surprise and suspicion. At the same time, wisps of blue light filled the air behind her, lifting her enchanting and graceful body and floating in the void.

Under such circumstances, she was obviously not affected by the explosion of the Netherworld Overpass, and she did not look very embarrassed.

Mu Qingya was caught off guard and looked a little embarrassed, so she felt even more embarrassed. Under the black veil she was wearing, there was obviously a bit of dark red.

The gauze did not completely cover her appearance, so her appearance only appeared a little blurry under the gauze, but it was not completely invisible.

Su Li has strong vision ability, so he can clearly see the changes in Mu Qingya's face.

Beside Su Li, Mu Yuxi and others were guarding with some vigilance, paying attention to everything that happened here, but did not interfere with the cause and effect at will.

Because, for Su Li, Mu Qingya is indeed his mother at present.

As for what happened between Su Xinghe and Mu Qingya that led to the birth of Su Wangchen and Su Li, Su Li already had the answer in his heart.

But he doesn't want to expose it yet, and he can't expose it.

What do you mean!

Mu Qingya's face was so gloomy that she was about to drip.

Su Li raised his hand and grabbed it, and the sky-opening ax flew back.

Then, he stepped out step by step.

At this time, Meier instinctively grabbed Su Li's arm.

Su Li even suddenly felt Meier's softness on his arm.

Very soft and comfortable.

But at this time, he didn't think too much, and instead responded to Mei'er with a very gentle and sunny smile.

Meier's pretty face was full of worry, regret and guilt.

But after seeing Su Li's look and smile, the sadness, worry, regret, guilt and other expressions on her face suddenly disappeared.

The next moment, Meier also smiled, and that smile was as beautiful as the plum blossoms blooming in the cold winter.

Meier has bright eyes and white teeth, and her beautiful eyes are smiling.

At this moment, in this glance, she let go of everything, because at this moment, Su Li's eyes seemed to see the depths of her soul, and she also saw the depths of Su Li's soul.

Deep in the hearts of both parties, there is the most beautiful, handsome and unrestrained figure standing in them.

Therefore, Meier smiled and gently let go of her hand.

Su Li, on the other hand, also held Mei'er's soft and cold hand when he was about to let go, covering it in his palm for a moment before gently letting go.

Then, Su Li turned around and walked towards Mu Qingya step by step.

Qi, who was next to Su Li, immediately felt a great sense of fear, so she immediately stood aside obediently, suppressed all the demonic aura, and acted like the most ordinary ordinary person. , I dare not have any thoughts.

Just now, she was actually thinking about whether to use some tricks, double-dealing, or even secretly pass on some information to the Netherworld Palace, etc., but now she immediately gave up all her thoughts. His uncle, why is the Prince of Heaven acting like this now? horrible?

This is even more terrifying than the Emperor's fate when he used the Heavenly Mystery to Reverse Fate Technique to defeat Kui!

What's more important is that at this time, Kui is still in a state of being betrayed by Su Li, and it has not been lifted yet!

In other words, at this time, Kui, the leader of Kuihunmeng Hall, has not been killed yet!

Qi instinctively looked at 'Kui' who was standing next to Su Taiqing, standing quietly like a statue, and he became even more uneasy.

Mu Qingya looked at Su Li who was approaching and felt a little flustered for no reason, but with her unruly and stubbornness there was no way she could retreat.

Su Li approached Mu Qingya, and the distance was so close that he was almost pressing on Mu Qingya's body, and then he stopped.

The distance between the two was less than a centimeter, and in some places, they were already touching.

Mu Qingya still didn't retreat. Su Li was almost 20 centimeters taller than Mu Qingya. At this time, the height of the two of them did not appear to be at the level of gods, but the normal heights of about 1.9 meters and 1.7 meters.

Su Li looked down and locked onto Mu Qingya's face.

At this time, Mu Qingya instinctively looked at Su Li's face, which was as sharp and angular as a knife. The extremely handsome face carried a majestic aura originating from a superior person in the royal family.

At the same time, both the sword eyebrows and the starry eyes are particularly exciting.

Mu Qingya was lost for a moment, but she soon came back to her senses, her heart filled with shame and disgust at her unsatisfactory performance.

What do you want?

Mu Qingya spoke in a trembling voice.

Su Li said calmly: Put away your thoughts of covering reality with your small world, there is no chance! I have seen through all your methods. Since some dangerous things have not happened, this time, I will just let you remember.

Su Li said, suddenly stretched out his hand and slapped it out fiercely.

His speed may seem slow, but it's actually very fast.

So when he did it, Mu Qingya actually didn't react.

But Mu Qingya's movement skills are very good and she can escape from this attack.

But Su Li directly destroyed the Nether Sky Bridge before, destroying the core foundation of her technique, making it impossible for her to construct the ability of void displacement in the first place.

Therefore, Su Li's slap was so direct that Mu Qingya's head twisted three times, which was a thousand and eighty degrees!


The slap was loud and harsh.


Mu Qingya received a slap, and at the same time she twisted her neck, and her head rotated 1,080 degrees in the opposite direction and returned to normal. Her eyes locked onto Su Li's eyes with a fierce murderous intent.

Su Li looked at each other calmly and said: I see that your brows are filled with brilliance, and your beauty is level with the purple river. Therefore, your realm is about to break through, but on the day of breakthrough, there will be a catastrophe of destruction and a catastrophe of fate. When they break out together, your soul will be shattered and you will be completely annihilated.

When Mu Qingya heard this, her pupils shrank sharply, and then she said in a deep voice: Then, I dare to ask Master Su, is such a fate catastrophic possible?

Su Li said: Whether it can be solved depends on whether you are willing to solve it.

Mu Qingya suddenly chuckled and said: Awesome, awesome, all of us have really underestimated you! We have underestimated you, the Emperor! Okay, the mountains are high and the rivers are long. See you in the future!

Su Li said calmly: You can leave, Mu Qingyan and Su Ho, leave one behind and follow me to hell.

Mu Qingya's delicate body trembled and she said coldly: Why?!

Su Li said: Since I have the heart of Jiuyao Glaze, does this count?!

Mu Qingya's face darkened and she said, You can't have the heart of Jiuyao Liuli. You don't even know what Jiuyao Liuli is!

Su Li said: Jiuyao Glazed Glass is the Soul Origin Bead.

When Mu Qingya heard this, she was obviously as disgusted as if she had eaten a bite of a fly.

Mu Qingya took a deep breath and tried to keep her mind calm. Then she stared at Su Li sharply and said, Prince, you should know that sometimes knowing too much is never a good thing!

Su Li said: It's really a pity for you. Su Wangchen has already awakened, but you are still going all the way to the end. If you gave yourself a chance, how could this be the result? Okay, Not much to say, you decide.”

Mu Qingyan took a deep look at Su Li, her voice softened a bit, and said, Little guy, let Su Ho stay. I'll leave with her.

Su Li said: Now, I have interrupted Su Wangchen's lifeline, so you will definitely not be in peace. You can figure out the next disaster by yourself.

Mu Qingya said: You care whether I live or die!

Su Li said: I don't care if you live or die, but if you die now, then all your management will fall into the hands of Netherworld Palace, and all the results will be swallowed up by Netherworld Palace, and the result will only be more tragic. Of course, for me, it’s just more troublesome!

Now, in this situation, do you think I will be afraid of trouble? I just hate trouble.

Su Li's words made Mu Qingya silent for a long time.

After a while, her expression dimmed, and then she gave Mu Qingyan a cold look and said, I will investigate this matter clearly. I hope you didn't interfere with it, otherwise this matter will not end like this!

Mu Qingyan said softly: I think the best outcome is for this matter to end like this! Of course, it doesn't matter if you want to investigate, you can do it anytime!

As Mu Qingyan spoke, she released the dark netherworld particles again, forming a netherworld overpass, and then swept herself and Mu Qingya at the same time.

Mu Qingya clapped it away with her palm, gathered on the Nether Sky Bridge, and carried her away alone.

Mu Qingyan smiled inexplicably at Su Li. This smile was very meaningful.

Then, Mu Qingyan also destroyed the Nether Sky Bridge, turning into a stream of light and leaving in an instant.

There was still no one speaking at the scene, but almost everyone's eyes were focused on Su Ho.

Su Ho looked at Su Li, his eyes as complex as ever.

Su Li glanced at Su Ho and said, Still working as a dog for the Su family? The Su family, which can never be full, wants to exploit you and you will pay?

Su Ho snorted and sneered: What do you know? You only know your own pleasure, you don't know anything at all.

Su Li said: What does it mean to know and what does it mean to not know? Do you know that I am your father?

Su Ho was startled when he heard this, and then he said, Are you worthy? You are just Brother Su Ye's soul slave! You are just Brother Wangchen's heavenly soul!

As Su Ho spoke, he suddenly said with great affection and concentration: Brother, you once said that if a person dies, call his name three times and tell him to go home.

This is Wangchenhuan, a place named after you, and I will call you back here.

Brother, are you still there? Come back!

Su Ho's voice was mournful, but it also contained unspeakable horror.

When this emotion suddenly burst out, at that moment, the whole world turned dark.

This shout does not matter, but when the emotion is contained in it, this shout seems to wake up the three realms and six realms, shouting out life, death and reincarnation.

Brother, are you still there? Come back!

Su Wangchen, you promised me that you would grow old together with me. Where are you?

I'm back, are you still there?

Su Ho called out three times, but his voice matched the mysterious female voice in the thunder.

I am still here.

I'm back.

At this moment, in the void in all directions, the voice of the Human Emperor suddenly appeared.

Then there was a terrifying sound of thunder exploding in the void in all directions.

However, when the terrifying thunder exploded in the void in all directions, Kui, who had always been like a statue, suddenly held the sky-opening ax and slashed fiercely in all directions.

The sky-opening ax slashed through the sky and the earth, directly breaking all the thunder in all directions.

Four black holes appeared in the void in all directions.

Come out if you're still here, I've been waiting for you for a long time!

Su Li spoke calmly.

He had experienced this scene before and was no longer surprised, let alone moved.

In fact, Su Li left Su Ho behind and was waiting for this scene.

Su Ho looked horrified, as if he didn't expect that Su Li even controlled Kui to smash the mysterious thunder, and once again cut off the lifeline of Su Wangchen's recovery.

There was a deep uneasiness in her eyes, and at the same time she was obviously very guilty and guilty for not being able to complete some of Su Wangchen's instructions.

Su Li glanced at Kui lightly and said, Go to hell, replace Su Wangchen, and save all sentient beings.

Kui said nothing and sank directly into hell.

At the same time, a lantern-like bubble containing blood-colored light suddenly flew out of the void.

In the bubble, Su Wangchen was sitting cross-legged, clasping his hands together, and murmuring something.

Behind him, there is actually a light and shadow manifestation of the Buddha's wheel that is also like the Buddha.

When Su Li looked at the bubble, it exploded on its own with a 'pop' sound.

Later, Su Wangchen's figure became completely independent from the bubble, but he was still sitting cross-legged, his body seemed to be floating in the void, sitting cross-legged in the void.

He still clasped his hands, but his muttering was interrupted.

At the same time, his closed eyes also opened at this time.

At this time, Su Li said calmly: Have you figured it out?

Su Wangchen said: Obviously I constructed the Zhenxu in advance, so why did I lose to your Zhenxu methods? Why?

Su Li said: Because I have no desire to win, only a source of hope. And you are just the opposite.

Su Wangchen said: No, because I am an abandoned pawn, and you are the real chess piece, the one who is truly used.

Su Li said: You can make any judgment at will without any problem.

Su Wangchen said: Although I can't grasp the changes in reality and reality, there will be a sense in the dark, and in this sense, I have glimpsed many secrets.

At this time, I actually still want to help you, but I know you won’t believe it and are unwilling to listen.

It doesn't matter, sooner or later you will know who is right and who is wrong.

Su Li said: Do you also want to create a demon in your heart? You also want to give birth to a demon in me. You think too highly of yourself and underestimate me.

Su Wangchen said: I have never thought so, but it doesn't matter if you think so, but these are not the key. The key is that I have not seen Ling, or in other words, Ling has never used me.

Su Li said: It's meaningless to say this.

Su Wangchen said: Yeah, it's meaningless! After all, losers have no value at all! Losers will never be truly remembered, and winners, no matter how wrong the process is, will definitely be the most correct. Yes, because the result is correct.

Su Wangchen said, and then added: In the future, Zero will definitely appear. When the time comes, you will know what kind of cause and effect this is.

Su Li said: Let's talk about the future things later, now is the present after all! In addition, you should know how you recovered this time, so I will give you a chance to face Su Ho.

Su Wangchen was silent for a long time and said: Relatively speaking, I actually prefer the me before that thing happened, because when you are in glory, you will not lack relatives and friends around you; but when you are not If there is any more glory, then everything will be completely different.

In fact, we have all heard and seen a lot of this truth before, but if it doesn't happen to us, we won't have any feelings after all.

Su Li said: This only shows that you are blind, doesn't it? Didn't you know all this when you were in glory?

When Su Wangchen heard this, he smiled and did not explain.

Su Li didn't speak either.

Su Wangchen glanced at everyone present, and finally, his eyes fell on An Ruoxuan and others not far from Su Li.

An Ruoxuan, Yao Lan and even Que Xinyan, all of them avoided Su Wangchen's gaze very directly and looked very fearful!

This is an evasive attitude, and it is shown without reservation.

Even Mei'er was obviously very scared.

However, among these people, only Su Ho did not avoid it, but directly faced Su Wangchen's deep and cold gaze.

Brother, you

Su Ho's voice was choked with sobs, but after saying two words, Su Wangchen stopped him with a wave of his hand.

Su Wangchen's tone was cold and firm: Su Ho, I have never been your brother, and I will never admit any cause and effect between us. From the beginning when we were cutting flesh and bones, all this has come to an end!

As for you waking me up and reviving me this time, this is indeed an opportunity I gave you to express yourself, but it was once, and now is now.

You did it, but I also keep this cause and effect in mind, so I will give you a reward!

When Mu Qingya left, she left behind the baby's immortal bones. I will refine them and make them into immortal elixirs. There should be more than five elixirs of this elixir.

Su Wangchen said this, looked at Su Li again, and said, To make this elixir, I need your original blood essence, but I know you won't give it, so I'll make a deal with you.

Su Li said: I don't agree.

Su Wangchen said: I erase the cause and effect of the past engagement, and at the same time burn the books of heaven, earth, and people in my hand. You should know how huge you will be if I burn the three books of heaven, earth, and people next to you in a place like this. the benefits of.

Su Li said: I don't agree.

Su Wangchen glanced at Su Ho, and crystal tears welled up in Su Ho's eyes.

Su Wangchen was silent for a long time, then took out a mask, and suddenly raised his hand to create a true illusion in the air: Come in.

Su Li hesitated slightly and was about to step in. This time, Que Xinyan and Que Xinyan tried to stop him almost at the same time.

Su Li raised his hand to stop him and said, No need to worry.

With that said, Su Li followed Su Wangchen into the illusionary realm.

Su Ho wanted to follow in, but was blocked by a mysterious force and couldn't enter.

Just wait outside, I'll be out soon.

Su Wangchen's tone was obviously gentler.

After saying these words, Su Ho immediately calmed down and became extremely well-behaved.

Su Wangchen said no more.

But everyone at the scene could see that he was by no means an emotionless person. It was obvious that he had feelings for Su Ho.

It's just that he has been suppressing it and not showing it.

Of course, Su Wangchen was too smart and his intelligence was unparalleled, so he might have done this on purpose. Therefore, except for Su Ho who believed in him wholeheartedly, no one at the scene would care about his situation.

I know what you want to say, but I won't agree to it.

Su Li said, and then added: They can't bear my blood.

Su Wangchen said calmly: What I want is the origin of Pangu's essence and blood.

Su Li said: That's even more impossible.

Su Wangchen said: Ling has been eroded by the way of heaven, you have to save her.

Su Li's heart froze, then he shook his head and said, Still gathering wool? Seizing the original life energy of creation?

Su Wangchen said: Why do you think you can create Wangchen's world? I am tired of this world and gave you a chance. Do you know?

Su Li didn't take it seriously and said, Do you think you can make me compromise just by saying this?

Su Wangchen said: I know you won't believe anything I say, and you will even continue to be the bastard of this world. How about this, let's make another deduction for the future together.

Su Li said: Your biggest mistake is to extrapolate this world against the background of this world, so you can't jump out no matter what.

Su Wangchen said: That's why it is necessary to create a memory forbidden area, because the memory forbidden area actually does not belong to this world at all! However, you should not be able to understand it now.

But since we have joined forces to create the world of Wangchen, you should have seen the final result, so why hide it?

Even if you cut off your memory, you should have revived your memory and awakened when I mentioned this!

Su Li, my understanding and control of this world far exceeds all existences in this world, but I can't find the final way out.

So I deduced it many times.

I have also tested the system upgrade method many times.

So, that's why you have a star system from the beginning.

Do you know what exactly happened on the first day? Your first day is my last day, because on the last day, I discovered a lot of truth.

Everything I say is true. It doesn’t matter whether you believe it or not, as long as you have this understanding in your heart.

Because the truth may be obscured, it may be late, but it will come one day.

Su Wangchen changed his past personality and suddenly spoke his heartfelt words.

Su Li didn't listen to even a single word of these words, even though he knew most of them were true.

But these cannot be believed, let alone taken to heart.

Su Wangchen felt a little disappointed when he saw Su Li's performance.

But he still spoke again: You have reached a dead end. Even if you become stronger in various ways, you are still just a lackey of heaven and a tool of this world. You will not have any good results!

I was doubting Zero before, but now, Zero is actually helping us. This was my mistake.

But otherwise, I wouldn't have been able to detect that Zero was in danger.

Now, you should no longer work solely for this world, but should work hard for your own roots and origins.

On the one hand, it is to establish the ancient orthodoxy in Guixu!

On the one hand, it is to allow the 1.7 billion Chinese bloodline inheritors behind us to revive, return, and repopulate the world.

This is what you should do.

As for life and death in this world, you don't need to care at all, because they are just a bunch of damn natives!

Su Li said: Have you finished? I thought you would change slightly, but I do think highly of you.

Su Wangchen said: It seems that you can't even listen to half of the words.

Su Li said: No, I actually heard a few truths, and I also know which ones you are telling the truth and which ones are lies. So, I am still very grateful to you for providing me with some truths, otherwise I would have to make inferences. Yan, I’m afraid it will take a long time and energy.”

Su Wangchen said: Su Ho has a great relationship with Ling. Moreover, she is actually your and my daughter. You almost know the identity of her mother.

Su Li said lightly: So?

Su Wangchen said: So, train her and save her. Only the stronger her self-will can she resist the influence of the Seven Souls Rebellion, so that Zero will not have a big problem.

Otherwise, things will become very serious.

Su Li said: So what, I don't care about her life or death at all. You have cut off all the cause and effect with her, let alone me?

Su Wangchen said: She is your daughter!

Su Li said: Maura is still my son, do you think I care?

Su Wangchen hesitated for a moment and said, I'll kneel down for you. Please save her.

As Su Wangchen said, he actually knelt down towards Su Li.

Su Li's mood didn't change much and said, What's wrong with you? A being like you is actually willing to kneel down for Su Ho? Am I dreaming?

Su Wangchen said: I know, you must be very proud now, or you still think that I am using some tricks, but I still say the same thing, I don't want to be a dog in this world, even though I have become a lost dog in my life, I am still special. Embarrassed.

But I finally saw some truths from Wangchen’s world

Su Ho is innocent, and Zero is innocent too!

In addition, it is true that I am too pretentious and too self-righteous, so the only person I am sorry for is Zero!

Furthermore, it is basically certain that once Zero is completely invaded, the authority of the system will be taken away by God. Therefore, I kneel down to you and give up all dignity as a final exhortation to stop being a dog of Heaven. Got it!

Su Li sighed: Su Wangchen, you really disappoint me. You are still attacking your mind and using cause and effect and Wang Chenhuan to change everything to be a dog? Who is a dog? Don't you have some ideas in your heart? ?

Do you think you are no longer a dog because you kill like crazy?

It is precisely because you acted like a dog too much that you eventually became a mad dog biting people everywhere, and even killed your master!

If you really want to save Su Ho, fine, give me the immortal bone and I will refine it!

No, I don’t even need to refine it. If I take back the immortal bone and cut off all the cause and effect, I will definitely get a lot of cause and effect and heavenly secrets. In this way, I can buy the Immortal Creation Pill from the Tianji Mall and save Su Ho in minutes. matter.

But are you willing to pay?

Even if you can give more sincerely, then you can kill yourself and become a Taoist!

Once you are completely dead, my system will be free again, my injuries will be completely restored, my permissions will be completely unlocked, and my abilities will be completely transformed.

When the time comes, my system will be stronger and my abilities will be more sufficient, so I can naturally purchase a more powerful Immortal Pill, which will benefit Suho even more!

Since you have seen through and through the world of mortals, and since you are willing to kneel down to me for Suho, you can naturally do this, right?

Su Wangchen obviously didn't expect Su Li to answer like this.

After he pondered for a moment, he said: You make an oath that if I commit suicide, you will immediately buy the Immortal Pill to solve Su Ho's hidden dangers!

In this regard, please don't cheat. You know exactly what I mean, so if you cheat, I will be able to detect it as soon as possible.

Su Li said: Don't worry, I, Su Li, am not you, Su Wangchen. I will definitely do what I promise! Moreover, I don't need a directional refresh to know that as long as you die, as long as Su Ho really has a problem, Then the first product in Tianji Mall must be the Immortal Pill of Creation! And it is a very high-quality Immortal Pill of Creation!

Of course, if you don’t believe it, there’s nothing you can do.

Su Wangchen said: In that case, then, I agree!

Su Wangchen said, looking into the void, as if he was leaving his last words: Su Ho, you must live happily. In addition, my father wants to say something to you that has been hidden in my heart for nearly a hundred thousand years. I'm sorry for the new year...

Su Wangchen said, decisively activating the power of the flames of destruction.

After the power of the destructive flames was activated, waves of karma filled the air and instantly penetrated this illusory little world, and soon it burned blazingly.

At this time, Su Li and Su Wangchen both appeared in reality at the same time.

And Su Wangchen's body began to burn with blazing fire of karma.

In the fire of karma, Su Wangchen actually put his hands together, sat cross-legged in the sky and began to recite Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva's Original Vow Sutra and Dongxuan Lingbao's Wonderful Sutra for Saving Suffering.

He looked majestic, his whole body was burned with flames, as if he was starting to build a Buddhist golden body, which was very shocking.

At this time, a small ghost figure appeared above his head.

The soul phantom looked at Su Ho who was not far away with gentle eyes and a very sincere love. He said kindly and gently: Su Ho, you must live happily. In addition, father wants to I'm sorry to tell you something that has been hidden in my heart for nearly a hundred thousand years...

Su Ho, my father is gone and my brother is gone too, but my father and brother are actually still there.

Next, the Emperor will take good care of you. He is the new manifestation of the will of father and brother!

If I don’t want my father to die in peace, then I must be well-behaved and listen to his words.

Su Wangchen's ghost said, and then sighed softly, saying: Ten years of life and death are vast, without thinking, and unforgettable. Thousands of miles of lonely tomb, no place to talk about desolation. Even if we meet, we may not know each other, our face is covered with dust, and our temples are like frost.

At night, I suddenly returned to my hometown with a deep dream. I was dressing up outside the small window. They looked at each other without words, only a thousand lines of tears. It is expected that the broken part of the intestines will be cut off every year, on a bright moonlit night, there will be short pines.

After saying that, his body, which was burning with flames, suddenly shook, and a mouthful of blood spurted out from his mouth.

The blood dripped down drop by drop, but he sighed again: There are fifty strings on the brocade harp for no reason, and each string and one column reminds me of my good years. Zhuang Sheng dreamed of butterflies at dawn, and looked forward to the emperor's spring heart with cuckoos.

The moon in the sea sheds tears, and the warm sun in Lantian produces smoke. Can this feeling be remembered? But at that time... I was at a loss.


When he said the last sentence, his breath was interrupted and blood dripped drop by drop, but he finally completed the last three words.

Then, his body fell from the flames, and he suddenly knelt on the ground, kneeling in front of Su Li.

His entire face had been burned by the karma fire until his cheekbones were exposed, and he looked dark and ferocious.

And all his life breath also collapsed at this time.

The karma fire was extinguished, and a blue bone jade flew out and fell into Su Li's hand.

Among this bone jade is the immortal bone of that baby.

elder brother

Su Ho screamed sadly, tears flowing out along with blood from his eyes.


The dark void suddenly gave birth to thunder again.

Boom Ka

Lightning struck out, tearing apart the heaven and the earth.

Exploding thunder raged in the void.

Lightning lights up this dark void.

In the void, Su Wangchen knelt in front of Su Li, but closed his eyes in great peace.

Su Wangchen is dead.

The system suddenly sounded the prompt sound of [End].

Later, Su Li saw some brand new changes in his system.

On the system panel, countless dense cracks appeared on the originally empty light and shadow.

Those cracks were like tiny earthworms, like old dead vines, tightly wrapped around the system panel.

【Acquire a lot of merit, do you want to repair the system? whether? 】

Su Li thought for a moment and said, Yes.

[Repairing the system will reduce some system permissions, and at the same time consume a large amount of divine value, causality value and merit. At the same time, the system star rating and permissions will be reduced to a certain extent. 】

Su Li looked at Su Wangchen, who was disintegrating little by little, and then looked at Su Ho, who was also kneeling in the void, crying with blood and tears, his voice hoarse and sad, and fell into silence for a moment.

[Repairing the system will reduce some system permissions, and at the same time consume a large amount of divine value, causality value and merit. At the same time, the system star rating and permissions will be reduced to a certain extent. Do you want to confirm the repair? whether? 】

This time, such a prompt popped up again on the system panel.

At the same time, a ten-second countdown option appeared on the system panel.

Obviously, this countdown determines the next direction of the system.

If it is repaired, the system may undergo huge changes, and at the same time, unknown drastic changes may occur, and it may even fall into Su Wangchen's trap.

But it's also possible that there really is a huge problem with the system that needs to be fixed.

And if it is not repaired, it is very likely that you will miss a unique opportunity for the system to truly transform!

This point has never appeared in the archive world or the Wangchen world!

(PS: The first update of 10,000 words is here~ I beg for full subscription and guaranteed monthly pass. I bow and thank you all~)

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