I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 360: Stealing merits and casting a deep net

The exchange between Meier and Su Li made An Ruoxuan next to Su Li very confused.

She even didn't know what happened to Mei'er at this time.

She wanted to tell Su Li that Meier had a problem, and it was a big problem, but she didn't know where to start.

Now that things have happened, An Ruoxuan actually knows one thing very well: Su Li is very smart.

This kind of intelligence has even crushed her in all aspects.

And in the current situation, the people around him are all people who can follow Su Li to hell, so in terms of dedication, they have already given to the extreme.

After all, if you are willing to follow Su Li to hell, wouldn't it be ridiculous to talk about conspiracy and calculations?

In other words, at this time, the group of people around him are completely trustworthy.

Just like this, An Ruoxuan was very hesitant and confused.

After hearing Su Li's words, Meier felt even better.

She said with relief: I have actually been looking forward to such a day, but now when such a day suddenly comes, I feel a little unreal.

Zhuge Qingchen smiled and said: After waiting for too long, I almost lost sight of hope, and even no longer had hope, but suddenly one day I suddenly discovered that hope was right in front of me, of course it would create a dream Such a sense of confusion.”

Que Xinyan glanced at Zhuge Qingchen and said, It seems that you have a deep understanding.

Que Xinyan thought for a moment and said, Is this to cover up something?

Zhuge Qingchen paused for a moment and said, What can you hide?

Su Li glanced at Zhuge Qingchen thoughtfully and said, Yes, what can you hide?

Zhuge Ranyue said: If you want to cover it up, you can only cover up illusions like the True Illusion Realm. After all, there is something wrong with the sudden loss of time and the sudden appearance of gaps in time.

Zhuge Ranyue obviously saw this matter more thoroughly.

Zhuge Qingchen said: Whether Zhenxu is Zhenxu is actually very simple. The key is to have enough knowledge of yourself. If you can truly and deeply understand your own existence, then Zhenxu is not Zhenxu.

Que Xinyan said: Wangchenhuan has lost control and has become the power of Nether Palace, and has become a hub of interests, right?

Yao Lan said: Que Xinyan, can you accurately judge this point?

Que Xinyan said: Of course, after all, we once had extremely high control over Wangchenhuan, and we were still aware of some situations in the outside world. But now, haven't you noticed that there are no new evil spirits or demons around? Do you want to add something?

Que Xinyan said: Actually, I gradually realized this when we followed Master Su to save sentient beings, and this time it took a long time, almost a thousand years.

Right now, hell is pretty much empty.

Mu Yuxi said softly at this time: If the hell is not empty, I will not become a Buddha. But now the hell is empty, so the young master has completed his merits and has completely fulfilled his vow.

Meier said: What are you talking about?

Mei'er's question was not hidden, she directly expressed her doubts that she didn't understand.

In fact, this is indeed the case.

As for why this situation occurs at this time?

Su Li saw all of this extremely accurately.

Why do you suddenly owe so much debt?

Why did Meier enter into a marriage contract with him?


It was completely consistent with his previous judgment, because Su Wangchen finally used the Moonlight Box.

If hell is not empty, I will never become a Buddha.

But when hell is empty, that is when you truly become a Buddha.

Therefore, at this time, Su Li has truly perfected his merits and can reach extremely terrifying levels in one fell swoop.

But in fact, not only did Su Li not reach the level of extreme perfection at this time, but his strength was not much different from before. Except for the complete merits and virtues of the listening function, he was even burdened with debts.

What is the reason?

This is the scene before Su Wangchen used the Moonlight Treasure Box to come here, cover him, replace him, and collect all the merits of Hell is emptied and Wangchen becomes a Buddha to nourish Su Wangchen's own system. .

This set of methods can be said to be a show of good fortune!

For this reason, I am afraid that during this period, Su Wangchen also used methods similar to file photocopying to cover up the problem.

Unfortunately, no matter what Su Wangchen did, he never expected that Su Li had already created a layer of Wangchen's world on the outermost layer.

This time, Su Li was replaced by Su Wangchen, and at the same time, Su Wangchen finally regained Su Li's many karmic merits in saving all sentient beings by restoring that replacement. He even did not hesitate to erase the previous engagement and placed it in the present. To form a complete cause and effect cycle.

Once this set of operations is truly completed, Su Li will become a tool man from beginning to end, and Su Wangchen will be a reaper from beginning to end.

Everything in this will become so wonderful.

When the time comes, after the marriage contract is replaced, everything will be turned into 'Su Li' to complete. In this way, if Su Wangchen completely covers Su Li, then there will no longer be Su Wangchen in this world, but only Su Li. .

In other words, there is no Su Li anymore, only Su Wangchen.

As for the bad aspects in the past, they can be turned into cause and effect in Wangchenhuan.

At that time, a dead thing Wangchenhuan will replace all the bad causes and effects, and all the good causes and effects will fall on 'Su Li' or 'Su Wangchen'. Anyway, there will be only one beneficiary in the end. Then It was Su Wangchen.

When the time comes, it won't matter whether Su Wangchen exists as Su Wangchen or as Su Li.

Because the real Su Li had completely disappeared by then.

After Su Li made repeated deductions, the 'Heart of the World' ability in his heart, that is, the ability to listen, has analyzed all the truth.

Just like this, Su Li also knew that at this time, Su Wangchen was ready to finish.

So, how will Su Wangchen end?

The cause and effect of everything lies in this marriage contract.

Once the engagement is completed and Su Li enters into an engagement with Mei'er as Zhuge Chunqiu, then Su Wangchen's cause and effect will definitely be established.

Su Li still doesn't know how it will be established at that time.

But Su Wangchen's plan and purpose were very clear.

As for Meier, I can only say that she was completely used and misled.

This kind of use and misdirection is also because Su Wangchen calculated against Su Li at the beginning, so that Su Li went back to the past and gave Meier the wrong direction, so that Meier was also wrong.

In the final analysis, Su Wangchen plotted against Su Li and asked Su Li to give Meier a wrong order. Meier did this because she believed in Su Li, but in the end, she helped Su Wangchen plot against Su Li. .

Is this Meier's fault?

Meier probably still thinks that Su Li is the one who planned it, but actually Su Wangchen is. But the real fact is that it was Su Li who used his plan to create a world of Wangchen.

If it weren't for the Wangchen World, this time it would have been a complete failure.

The fear of a strong man lies not in the success of the layout, but in the failure of the layout!

Using failure as a layout was something Su Li had never imagined, and Su Wangchen was using failure as a layout.

Su Wangchen used many, many factors to make him fail in front of Su Li, and I'm afraid even being suppressed in hell was all a ploy.

So far, clearing the hell is such a great merit. As a result, because the great wish is that Su Wangchen will suppress the hell forever, and he will never become a Buddha until the hell is empty, so after the hell is emptied, the merit will go to Su Wangchen.

More importantly, why can't Su Li compete for this kind of merit?

Because if you seize merit with the intention of merit, this merit will not exist.

In other words, if you have succeeded in saving all sentient beings, do you think it is your merit?

Once you have such thoughts, sorry, even if the merit is yours, it will become very insignificant.


Because this is purposeful to save all sentient beings, rather than doing something inaction.

Therefore, even if Su Li suffered a loss, he could not fight for it. Su Wangchen did not care at all, because Su Wangchen did not contribute to saving all sentient beings. Strictly speaking, any amount of merit he gained was a huge gain.

In this comparison, Su Wangchen can actually fit in with the way of doing nothing.

If you think about it this way, most normal people will be angry or depressed to death.

But Su Li was very calm and relieved.

Why, because the picture is so hard to see.

Because he has seen a lot of results and a lot of truth.

Why does Meier always stop talking, and why does Meier always make Su Li unable to completely trust her?

Why does Mei'er have some abnormal situations even though she has a deep affection for him?

Because Mei'er herself couldn't determine which of the two real Su Li was the planner!

Yes, two real Su Lis!

Because it was Su Li who went back in time to talk to Meier and asked Meier to make a marriage contract with Zhuge Chunqiu to protect herself.

And now the Su Li who went to hell with Mei'er is also Su Li.

However, the layout methods of both sides are completely different.

This situation is like the three souls and seven souls of the original Wan'er and the original Mei'er mixed together. Who can tell the difference?

At this time, this is the situation.

Que Xinyan has already judged that there is a problem.

Zhuge Ranyue felt that this world was true and false.

Zhuge Qingchen is secretly trying to prove that this world is real.

What are these starting points?

The starting point is actually to help Su Li.

Que Xinyan hoped that Su Li could determine whether this world was a prison set by others, a mural world similar to the situation in Dream Qianqiu, or something else.

Zhuge Ranyue hopes that Su Li can judge whether the world itself is illusory, what kind of existence their existence is, and whether there are real spectators outside the world, a kind of 'spectator' way of looking at them.

Zhuge Qingchen vaguely felt that this world might have been created by Su Li's 'True and Void' method in order to find out some truth, so once such an abnormal situation occurs, Zhuge Qingchen wants to help Su Li hide something Flaws make people feel that this is a problem with the world and that the world itself is real.

As for Mu Yuxi's judgment and bias, they are more based on the problems that arise in reality, and they fall into the category of helping Su Li analyze.

Although their starting points are different, their goals are the same.

However, whether there is some special purpose in this, it cannot be completely determined. For example, Zhuge Ranyue feels that this world is true and false, and is it to test whether Su Li uses the 'Archival World'?

Of course, Zhuge Ranyue does not know what the archive world is, but what if Zhuge Ranyue is from Su Wangchen's side?

Is there anything wrong with helping to test it out?

Similarly, in Zhuge Qingchen's case, after all, Zhuge Qingchen wants to call Zhuge Chunqiu 'grandpa'.

And if the clone of Zhuge Chunqiu had not been deprived of him, then Zhuge Chunqiu would be Su Wangchen, and then Zhuge Qingchen would be Su Wangchen's descendant.

In fact, does Su Wangchen have a son?

Obviously not.

So it is even less likely that I will have grandchildren.

In addition, when he made great ambitions in hell, Su Li had already made Zhuge Chunqiu completely independent.

The fact that Zhuge Chunqiu can be separated shows that Zhuge Chunqiu is actually just a cage, which originally existed independently.

Only in this way can we exist in this world more rationally.

After all, according to Su Wangchen's careful consideration, seizing the bodies and refining some natives into clones would be more 'hidden'.

After all, if you cultivate your own clone, it is still easy to be exposed, and once it is lost, the loss will be even greater.

Based on these considerations, Su Li did not directly summarize his judgments as the final truth.

However, Su Li has already grasped the cause and effect of all this.

Therefore, whoever ends the ‘truth’ first will be able to see more of the truth.

However, Su Li believed that since it was Wangchen's world and everything he had written, it didn't matter what the outcome was.

Therefore, Su Li was prepared to continue on this path, even if he failed miserably, he still wanted to see what Su Wangchen wanted to do.

This time, he has decided to peep into all the secrets, and then carry out a deep blow to draw out the firepower.

As long as he can seize a fatal point, then he will not look back and directly defeat everything.

At this moment, even if Wangchen's world was to be ended immediately, Su Li was actually more than 70% sure of these outcomes.

This certainty is to destroy Su Wangchen and a group of associated forces!

However, because he didn't see it through completely, Su Li decided to continue taking a look.

He was not in a hurry to close the net. This time, he wanted to cast the net deeper.

Therefore, in the face of everyone's objections and persuasion, Su Li just pondered for a long time, and then said with great determination: Mei'er, I am who I am, and this time I am serious about signing a marriage contract with you, and I am sincere. So, It doesn't matter what anyone says!

Because, no matter what changes happen in the outside world, we finally come together.

When Meier heard this, hazy afterimage scenes suddenly flashed through her mind.

Those scenes were very blurry, but the scenes seemed to have experienced everything from birth, old age, illness and death, to strange scenes such as the Qing Emperor Palace, murals and poems.

Inexplicably, Meier's nose felt sour, but she still held back the tears that wanted to flow from her eyes. There was tenderness in her beautiful eyes, and she said, How about Qingxuan and I sign a marriage contract with you.

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